名词性从句 (2)_第1页
名词性从句 (2)_第2页
名词性从句 (2)_第3页




1、名词性从句一、解密高考:名词性从句是英语中比较复杂的结构,既涉及词汇的用法,也涉及句法结构,是历年高考的必考语法项目,考点主要集中在名词性从句的引导词上。在学习名词性从句时,应注意从以下几个方面入手:(1)掌握名词性从句的连接词的分类及用法(注意that, if, whether的用法区别);(2)注意名词性从句中的特殊情况(that的省略、语序、时态和语气问题);(3)注意疑问连接词what, when, where等引导名词性从句不表示疑问的情况;(4)注意it作形式主语、形式宾语时的从句结构。二、自学检测 学生自学优化方案P243246,然后完成以下练习:1.主语从句(1)that引导的

2、主语从句That Anne recovered from her loneliness comforted us.(2)whether / if引导的主语从句 a. It is not clear whether / if Anne will give in to the German Nazis.(3)wh一类疑问词引导的主语从句a.Which kind of transport do you prefer to select depends on the weather.2、宾语从句(1)宾语从句的连接词有从属连词if, ,that;连接代词有what, ,whose, which, wh

3、atever等;连接副词有when, , , how等。a. Remember what life tells you. b. Dont let opportunities pass you by. You never know if youll get that chance again.(2)介词后的宾语从句 a. Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow.b. In spite of the fact that Tangshan was destroyed, Chinese people showed bravery and u

4、nity.(3)可以用形式宾语it替代的宾语从句。如果宾语从句后跟有补足语,常用it作形式宾语,而把宾语从句置于补足语之后。a. I think it necessary that we should make use of a wider vocabulary we have learnt.有些动词如hate, , take, own, have等后跟宾语从句时,需在宾语从句前加it。a. I hated it when I couldnt speak fluent English.b. When you take over a new class, you must see to it t

5、hat youll he popular with the students. 3、表语从句 表语从句的连接词主要有从属连词whether, that;连接代词what, who, which等连接副词when, where等;还可以用as if. a. It seemed as if the world was at an end.b. The fact is I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance. c. We know youre handworking. Tha

6、ts why weve given you the letter.4、同位语从句 a. Information has been put forward that more middle school graduates will be admitted to / into universities. b. A warm thought suddenly came to me that I could lose weight by eating raw vegetables served in vinegar, fruit and water.三、巩固与提高1. What the coach

7、really doubts is the serious disease soon. (recover) 教练真正怀疑的是这位运动员是否会尽快从严重的疾病中康复。2. A great sense of balance is to stand on a Swiss Ball. (take) 站在瑞士球上需要很好的平衡感。3. is to do good all ones life and never do anything bad. (what) 难的是一辈子做好事,不做坏事。4. As a policeman I find drugs are always behind it. (violen

8、ce) 作为一名警察我发现,哪里有暴力,后面总是有毒品。5. Stop dreaming up getting and get down to your work. (belong) 不要幻想得到不属于你的东西,赶紧开始干活吧。6. sounds right to Helen. Thats why she has made up her mind to leave the matter to him. (whatever) 对Helen来说,无论David说什么听起来都是对的。这就是为什么她决定把这事留给她。7. Could you tell me that you found the mis

9、sing photo? (where) 你能告诉我你在哪儿找到了这张丢失的相片吗?8. is clear to us. (land) . 我们很清楚是谁第一个登上月球的。9. Nobody knows before the Chinese football team enters the final stage of the World Cup. (be)没有人知道要过多少年中国足球队将进入世界杯的决赛舞台。10. You can hardly imagine he has made in such a short time! (progress) 你简直难以想象他在这么短的时间内取得了多么大

10、的进步! 11. The reason why people carry umbrellas in hot summer days is the hot sun may be harmful to the skin. (expose)在炎热的夏天,人们带伞是因为暴露在烈日下可能对皮肤有害。12. What my father often tells me is a girl shine is not her looks but her personality. (make) 我父亲经常告诉我:让一个女孩耀眼的不是她的外表而是她的个性。13. Smart phones enable worker

11、s to keep in contact in impractical before. (think) 智能手机让上班族们以更多他们以前认为是不现实的方式保持联系。14. Regulations are already in place school buses in accordance with qualified vehicle types to ensure safety. (purchase) 法规已经颁布,所有学校应该按照合格的车辆类型购买学校巴士,以确保安全。15. The experience of the Chinese nation proves a truth in ti

12、mes of disaster will be made up for by her progress. (lose) 中华民族的经历证明:一个民族在灾难中失去的,必将从民族进步中得到补偿。16. To get a full appreciation of we must turn first to some recent human inventions. (mean) 要透彻理解这句话的意义,我们应先回顾一下人类最近的几项发明。17. this new policy will act as a brake on inflation we are faced with? (possibili

13、ty) 这项新的政策有可能会抑制我们面临的通货膨胀吗?18. I am proud of what I did. But I was just helping to do . (do) 我为我所做的而感到自豪。但是我只是帮助做了他本应该做的。四、真题体验 1.Knowing_reduces the risks and it works like an insurance policy for your own ability.(do)知道你在干什么,能降低失败的风险,这就像给自己的能力买了份保险。2._in the movie was the fathers deep love for his

14、 son.(strike)这部电影最能打动我的是这位父亲对他儿子深深的爱。3._will have to pay for it.(break).4.As a new graduate,he doesnt know_to start a business here.(take) 作为一名应届毕业生,他不知道需要神麽才能在这里开始做生意。5.How much one enjoys himself traveling depends largely on_,whether his friends or relatives.(go)一个人旅游享受的程度很大程度上取决于他和谁去,无论是他的朋友还是亲戚。

15、6.I am afraid hes more of a talker than a doer,which is_anything.(finish)恐怕与其说他是个实干家不如说他是个空谈家。这就是为神麽他从来不会完成任何事情的原因。7.The fact has worried many scientists_warmer and warmer these days.(become)近年来全球气候不断变暖,这一事实使得许多科学家感到担忧。8.You have no idea_these days. 你不知道这些日子我多么忙。(be) 9. _ was that the young player p

16、erformed extremely well in the table tennis tournament. (delight) 令球迷们欣喜的是,那个年轻选手在网球锦标赛中的表现非常好。10. that he had an important conference to attend the next morning. (occur) 他突然想起第二天上午他要参加一个重要的会议。11. is sure to change as one puts it into practice. (whatever) 任何计划好了的事在付诸实践时肯定会有所变动。12. We promise a chanc

17、e to have a photo taken with the movie star. (attend) 我们承诺无论谁参加晚会,都有一次机会与这位电影明星合影。13. Mr. Johnson insisted that the problem worthy of attention at the meeting. (discuss) 约翰逊先生坚持认为值得注意的问题应该在会议上讨论。14. As a new graduate, he doesnt know to start a business here. (take) 作为一名应届毕业生,他不知道需要什么才能在这里开始做生意。15. H

18、ave you finished the book? -No. Ive read up to . (discover) 你读完那本书了吗? 没有,我已经读到孩子们发现秘密山洞的地方了。16. Things arent always . (appear) 事情往往不是它们看上去的那样。17. The notice came around two in the afternoon . (postpone推迟) 下午两点前后,会议延后的消息传来。18. The news has caused many people to sell their houses at lower prices. (fal

19、l) 房价要跌的消息致使许多人低价出售他们的房子。五.高考佳句欣赏1. Previous studies have linked high exposure to environmental pollution to an increased risk of heart problems, but two analyses now show that poor air quality can lead to heart attack or stroke within as little as a few hours after exposure. 【2012陕西高考】 赏析:该句结构较为复杂,

20、从整体上看是一个由but引导的一个表示转折关系的并列句,第二个分句还包含了一个that引导的宾语从句。 译文:以前的研究表明,长期接触环境污染会增加得心脏病的风险,但现在两项分析表明,接触质量不好的空气后几个小时之内就可能导致心脏病发作或中风。2. I thought it would be fun for me to get involved in making time to do something because sometimes its all work and no play. 【2012江西高考】 赏析:整体上看I thought后是一个省略了引导词that的宾语从句,从句中i

21、t是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式:to get involved in。 译文:我认为对于我来说腾出一些时间参加一些活动挺有趣的,因为有时候全是工作都没有休息。3. As I searched the name of this fellow, it became evident that there were two people bearing the same name who looked completely different! 【2012湖北高考】 赏析:as引导的时间状语从句;it形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的主语从句;that引导的主语从句为there be句型

22、,其主语people有两个定语,一个是现在分词短语bearing the same name,另一个是who引导的定语从句。 译文:当我搜这个家伙的名字时,很显然有两个人的名字一样,而这两个人看起来是完全不一样的。4. It does mean, however, that we should care enough about our friends to find out how they are doing from time to time. 【2012湖南高考】 赏析:句中的does起强调作用,that在句中引导一个宾语从句,不定式短语to find out 在句中作目的状语,how

23、 they are doing from time to time作find out的宾语。 译文:然而,这的确意味着为了及时了解朋友们的处境我们应该充分关心他们。5. We may succeed in raising test scores, but we will fail to teach them that reading can be transformative and that it belongs to them.【2012江苏高考】 赏析:but连接的两个表示转折关系的分句,在第二个分句中用了that (and) that 连接的两个并列的宾语从句。 译文:我们也许能够成功地提高学生的考试成绩,但是我们不能使学生明白阅读具有改造作用,阅读属于他们。6. Some social scientists suggest that Westerners should take adva


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