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1、Translation of Business Letters, Notices, and NotesI. Business lettersII. NoticesIII. NotesII. Business letters & Private lettersII. Business letters & Private lettersContents贸易书信开头语常用表达: 贵公司月日来函收悉。 你方月日来函及附件均收悉。 承惠寄已收悉,特此函谢。 谢谢贵社月日函询。 按照你方月日来函指示 兹确认我公司月日函。II. Business letters & Private lettersII. B

2、usiness letters & Private lettersI. Business letters 贸易书信结尾语常用表达: 请即赐复为盼。 特此奉闻,并候回音。 特此函复,并致谢意。 特此函告。 特此通知。 抱歉之至,尚请原谅。 不能满足贵方要求,尚祈鉴谅。II. Business letters & Private lettersII. Business letters & Private lettersI. Business letters 特此奉告:特此奉告:1. We are pleased /are honored /wish to inform you that2. We

3、take the liberty of announcing to you that3. We have to advise you of (that)4. We think it advisable to inform you that (of)5. We are pleased to have this opportunity of reminding you that (of)6. Permit us to remind you that (of)7. May we ask your attention toII. Business letters & Private lettersII

4、. Business letters & Private lettersI. Business letters 惠请告知某某事项:惠请告知某某事项:1. Please/Kindly inform me that (of)2. I should be obliged/glad if you would inform me that (of)3. I should esteem it a favor if you would inform me that (of)4. I will thank you to inform me that (of)5. We shall be pleased to

5、have your information regarding (on, as to; about)6. We shall deem it a favor if you will advise/inform us ofII. Business letters & Private lettersII. Business letters & Private lettersI. Business letters 特确认,本公司某月某日函件等特确认,本公司某月某日函件等1. We confirm our letter of the l0th of this month2. We confirm our

6、 last letter of the l0th of June3. We had the pleasure of writing you last on the l0th of this month4. We confirm the remarks made in our respects of July 105. In confirming our telegram of this morning, -6. Confirming our respects of May 10 -II. Business letters & Private lettersII. Business letter

7、s & Private lettersI. Business letters 贵公司某月某日函电,敬悉等贵公司某月某日函电,敬悉等1. We are pleased to acknowledge receipt of your favor of June 12. Your letter of May 5 was very welcome3. Your letter of April 10 gave me much pleasure4. Your favor of the l0th is to (at) hand5. We have duly received your favor of Mar

8、ch 5 6. We thank you/are obliged for your favor of May 5 8. Many thanks for your letter of June 5 9. In acknowledging receipt of your letter of June 5 .II. Business letters & Private lettersII. Business letters & Private lettersI. Business letters 特回答贵公司某月某日函所叙述有关事项等特回答贵公司某月某日函所叙述有关事项等1. I have the

9、pleasure of stating, in answer to your inquiry of the 4th that2. In reply to your letter of the 5th of May, I have to inform you that (of)3. We are in receipt of yours of June 5 in reply to which we are pleased to state that4. In reply to yours of May 10, relative to., I would say that5. In response

10、 to your letter of May 10 I wish to say that6. Answering your letter of the 8th of February ., I would say that7. In reply to your letter of February 8, I inform you that (of)8. Replying to yours of the 8th of February regarding., I would say thatII. Business letters & Private lettersII. Business le

11、tters & Private lettersI. Business letters 非常遗憾,我们奉告您关于,等。非常遗憾,我们奉告您关于,等。l. We regret to inform/advise/announce you that (of)2. It is with our greatest regret that we must inform you that (of)3. To our greatest regret we must herewith inform you that (of)4. It is a matter for regret that I have to i

12、nform you that (of)当我们得悉当我们得悉甚为遗憾等。甚为遗憾等。1. We are very sorry to hear (know) that2. We very much regret to hear that3. We regret to hear of (that)4. It is with great regret that we just learn that我们对于您某月某日来函的询价,深表谢意等。我们对于您某月某日来函的询价,深表谢意等。1. We thank you very much for your inquiry of the l0th of May2

13、. I thank you for your inquiry of the 10th May3. We are very much obliged by your inquiry dated the 10th of MayII. Business letters & Private lettersII. Business letters & Private lettersI. Business letters 兹函附某某,请查收,等。兹函附某某,请查收,等。1. Enclosed please find2. Enclosed we hand you3. We enclose herewith4

14、. Herewith we have the pleasure to hand you5. We have pleasure/are pleased/take the liberty in enclosing herewithII. Business letters & Private lettersII. Business letters & Private lettersI. Business letters I. Business lettersSample 1 May 10, 2003Your Excellency, The various subjects we discussed

15、yesterday were all matters of very great importance. To avoid possible misunderstanding in our talk, I have composed a memorandum of the subjects we covered. I beg to send it herewith to Your Excellency and to ask you to examine it and to see if there are any mistakes therein. I hope you will favor

16、me with a reply at your earliest convenience. I avail myself of this opportunity to express to you my best wishes. (Signed, in full name) Charged Affaires ad. Interim of the Embassy of the U.S.A.外交大臣阁下:外交大臣阁下: 昨日与阁下所谈各项事务都极为重要。为避免言语之间可能昨日与阁下所谈各项事务都极为重要。为避免言语之间可能有误会之处,兹将所商各事拟成备忘录一份呈上。请阁下查有误会之处,兹将所商各事

17、拟成备忘录一份呈上。请阁下查阅其间有无错误,并希早日答复为盼。阅其间有无错误,并希早日答复为盼。 顺致顺致敬意敬意 美利坚合众国大使馆临时代办美利坚合众国大使馆临时代办 (签署全名)(签署全名) 2003年年5月月10日日 I. Business lettersSample 2Dear sir, We wish to draw your attention to the result of inspection made by CCIB Shanghai of the consignment of sulphur under Contract No.OXHJ73091 MC Shipped p

18、er s.s.“Sanming” and discharged at Shanghai: purity:99.81% which is 0.09% lower than 99.9% as stipulated in the contract; acidity:0.066% which is 0.056% higher than the contracted0.01%; hydrocarbon: 0.101% which is higher by 0.031% than 0.07% as stipulated in the contract. 先生:先生: OXHJ73091 MC 合同项目下的

19、硫磺由合同项目下的硫磺由SANMING 轮运卸上轮运卸上海,希望贵方能对中国上海进出口商品检验局检验的结果予以海,希望贵方能对中国上海进出口商品检验局检验的结果予以重视。检验发现该批货物的重视。检验发现该批货物的纯度:纯度:99.81%,比合同规定的,比合同规定的99.9%低低0.09%;酸度:酸度:0.066%,比合同规定的,比合同规定的0.01%高高0.056%;碳水化合物:碳水化合物:0.101%,比合同规定的,比合同规定的0.07高高0.031%。I. Business lettersSample 3 On the strength of the Inspection Certific

20、ate No.221003 in one original and the Freight Account enclosed herewith we file a claim against you for the following amounts: 1.goods value on FOB basis:US$ 2046.00 2.freight: 805.78 3.insurance premium: 9.15 4.inspection fee: 2720.60 total US$ 5581.53 If you do not challenge the claim after your v

21、erification, please credit by remittance the said total amount in compensation to our account at the Bank of China, Beijing.Yours faithfully (signature)随函寄去商检证书第随函寄去商检证书第221003号正本一份和运费帐单,现向贵方提出号正本一份和运费帐单,现向贵方提出如下索赔:如下索赔:1、FOB 货值货值 2046.00美元美元 2、运费、运费 805.78美元美元3、保险费、保险费 9.15美元美元4、商检费、商检费 2720.60美元美元

22、 总计:总计: 5581.53美元美元 若审核无误,请将索赔款项汇付北京中国银行我公司帐户上。若审核无误,请将索赔款项汇付北京中国银行我公司帐户上。 您忠实的您忠实的 (签名)(签名) Sample 4 Although we have too many commitments at present to allow us to take on new orders, we are glad to make you the above special offer to show our good will in order to establish business relations wit

23、h you. If you think our offer meets your requirements, please let us have your order at an early date. Yours faithfully, (Signature) 目前,合同量虽然很大,难以再接受新定单,但我方仍高兴目前,合同量虽然很大,难以再接受新定单,但我方仍高兴 地特向贵方提出上述报盘,以示同贵方建立业务关系的良好地特向贵方提出上述报盘,以示同贵方建立业务关系的良好愿望。如贵方认为我方的报盘适合要求,请及早订购为盼。愿望。如贵方认为我方的报盘适合要求,请及早订购为盼。 顺致顺致 敬礼敬礼

24、 ( 签名)签名)I. Business lettersI. Business letters Sample 5 Dear Sir: We thank you for your inquiry of April 2 and are pleased to offer as follows, subject to our final confirmation: Commodity: Torch Brand Mens Shirts Specifications: White, long sleeves, made of 80% Dacron Polyester and 20% Cotton Size

25、s: Large 20%, Medium 50% , Small 30% Packing: Each in a poly-bag ,half dozen to a carton and 10dozen to a wooden case Quantity: 1500 dozen Price:each dozen CIF Shipment: May/June 1981 Payment: By confirmed irrevocable L/C payable at sight 收到了贵方四月二日询价信,谢谢。兹报盘如下,以收到了贵方四月二日询价信,谢谢。兹报盘如下,以我方最后确认为准:我方最后确认

26、为准:品名:火炬牌男衬衫规格:白色,长袖,涤纶80%,棉20%尺码:大号20%,中号50%,小号30%包装:每件用塑料薄膜袋,每六件一纸盒,二十盒一木箱数量:1500打价格:到岸价格,每打英磅装运:一九八一年五月或六月付款:需(保兑的)不可撤销的即期汇票信用证 Sample 6 Dear Sir : It is in November, 1996 that we signed our contract. As every businessman knows, in international trade price naturally fluctuates at different time.

27、 Under the present circumstances that goods are in short supply while many inquiries keep coming in, we can not accept your request for a reduction of price. We would appreciate it very much if you could immediately establish the covering L/C at the contracted price. Otherwise, we must cancel the co

28、ntract. Yours sincerely, (Signature)I. Business letters亲爱的先生们:亲爱的先生们: 我们的合同是我们的合同是1996年年11月份鉴订的。众所周知,月份鉴订的。众所周知,在国际贸易中,时间不同,价格自然有变动。在目在国际贸易中,时间不同,价格自然有变动。在目前货源紧张,询盘较多的情况下,我们难以接受贵方前货源紧张,询盘较多的情况下,我们难以接受贵方的降价要求。盼望贵方立即按合同价开证。否则,的降价要求。盼望贵方立即按合同价开证。否则,我们不得不撤销合同。我们不得不撤销合同。 致礼致礼 (签名)(签名)Sample 7综合贸易公司综合贸易公司


30、必要性。我们希望您会理解此次价格上涨的必要性。您的真诚的您的真诚的林涛林涛林涛林涛对外建筑材料设备公司经理对外建筑材料设备公司经理2002年年10月月2日日I. Business letters Oct. 2, 2002Comprehensive Trading Company398 Huaihai RoadShanghaiP.R. ChinaAttention: Mr. Yang LiguoRE: Inform Raising PricesDear Sir,Due to the increase in raw material costs, we must unfortunately rai

31、se the cost of our merchandise to you. We have avoided raising our prices for as long as possible, but we can no longer prolong the inevitable. We have enclosed our new price list for your review which goes into effect on 22nd of Oct. Any orders placed between now and 22nd of Oct. will be honored at

32、 the lower prices.We wish to know that you will understand the necessity for this price increase.Very truly yours,Lin TaoLin TaoManager of Overseas Building Materials and Equipment Corporation西安杨森制药有限公司西安杨森制药有限公司 朴天一朴天一 业务开发总监业务开发总监 北京办事处北京办事处地址地址: 中国北京朝阳区白广路中国北京朝阳区白广路44号号 海昌大厦海昌大厦5层层邮政编码邮政编码:100016

33、 电话电话:64621155-532 传真传真:64621375 I. Business lettersBusiness CardsXIAN-JANSSEN PHARMA CEUTICAL LTD. Piao Tianyi Business Development Director Beijing OfficeAddress: 5thFloor,Ocean Building No.44 Baiguang Road, Chaoyang Dist.Beijing,ChinaZip Code: 100061 Tel: 64621155-532 Fax: 64621375 教授教授 副教授副教授 系主

34、任系主任 校长校长董事长董事长总经理总经理经理助理经理助理总工程师总工程师高级工程师高级工程师秘书长秘书长 处长处长局长局长会计师会计师公务员公务员II. Business letters & Private lettersII. Business letters & Private lettersI. Business letters Business Cards Professor associate professor dean president director general manager assistant manager ; chief engineer senior eng

35、ineer secretary-general; section chief; head of the bureau; accountant official 单位名称: CO.LTD 有限公司 Corp. (corporation) 集团 bureau 局 section 处, 科 institute 所 office 室 agency 社II. Business letters & Private lettersII. Business letters & Private lettersI. Business letters Business Cards Notice A meeting

36、will be held at 2 oclock on Friday, July 7th in the conference room in the office building to discuss the financial program of the company. All the department heads are required to attend it on time and every one present must prepare a copy of suggestions for the program. Administrative Office June

37、30th, 2001 II. Business letters & Private lettersII. Business letters & Private lettersII. Notices and Notes Notices 通知 明天是植树节,天气暖和。学生停课去公园植树。早晨七点整在学校门口集合,步行去。中午在那里吃饭,请带好水和食物。 校长办公室 2002年3月11日 II. Business letters & Private lettersII. Business letters & Private lettersII. Notices and NotesNoticesNot

38、ice Tomorrow is Tree Planting DayIt is warmThe students will have no classesWe shall plant trees in the park instead. We will meet at the school gate at 7:00 sharp in the morning and go there on footWe will have lunch therePlease bring some water and food with you Mar11,2002 病假条病假条 孙老师:孙老师: 我耳朵痛并且咳嗽

39、得厉害,不能到校,我耳朵痛并且咳嗽得厉害,不能到校,特请病假一天。特请病假一天。 附:医生病假证明附:医生病假证明 您的学生:李海您的学生:李海 4月月15日日II. Business letters & Private lettersII. Business letters & Private lettersII. Notices and NotesNotes Asking for Sick Leave April 15 Dear Mr. Sun, I have got an earache and coughed badly so I cant go to schoolIm writing to ask for a sick leave of one day. Encl: Doctors Certificate for Sick Leave Your student, Li Hai 事假条事假条系办陈秘书,系办陈秘书,因奶奶病危,我打算回家探望,欲请假三因奶奶病危,我打算回家探望,欲请假三天,从天,从7日到日到9日。请准假。日。请准假。 此致此致敬礼敬礼 张严张严 六月六日六月六日 II. Business letters & Private lettersII. Business


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