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1、英语抒情散文篇一:浅谈英语散文朗读的技巧 浅谈英语散文朗读的技巧 摘要朗读是一项口头语言艺术,而针对于散文,如何将其朗读好,关键在于传神达意。并要注意朗读散文的要领,认真阅读,理解文意。更要注意记叙性散文、论说式散文、抒情散文在朗读时应掌握的技巧,把握好英文阅读的韵律,节奏,达到和谐的统一美感。 关键词英语散文 朗读 声调 节奏 众所周知,朗读是一项口头语言艺术,需要创造性地还原语气,使无声的书面语言变成活生生的有声语言。如果写文章是一种创造,朗读即便是再创造。针对散文而言可分为广义和狭义的散文两种。广义的散文,是指诗歌、小说、戏剧以外的所有具有文学性的散行文章。狭义的散文是指文艺性散文,它是

2、一种以记叙或抒情为主,所论述的范围广泛、行文自由,随意、内容不多、抒情与整篇文章之中。散文其篇幅短小,形式自由,题材广泛。要把一篇散文朗读好,关键在于传神达意。散文朗读需要注意下列几点: 一、认真阅读,咀嚼消化,理解文意 从理性上把握作品的思想内容和精神实质,只有透彻地理解,才有深刻的感受,才能准确地掌握作品的情调与节奏。散文的特点是“形散而神不散”。所谓“形散”,主要是指散文取材广泛,上下纵横,天南地北的人和事,无所不谈,不受时空的限制;所谓“神不散”是指主题明确。哪怕散文自由多变,但万变不离其宗,都是为了表达好一个主题。鉴于散文的特点,朗读首先要抓理解。要通读全文,分析难句的结构,词意,文

3、章思想的发展,还要了解作者的生平和文章的时代背景。了解背景,透视创作历程。作品是.的折射,内容是背景的产物。带着创作意图和思想感情朗读能更好地表达作者的意图,使读者和听众产生共鸣。 例如:“Histories make men wise; poets witty; mathematics subtle”_Bacon 这个句子中有不少省略成分,读第一遍时,如果不仔细,很容易误认为“历史使人变得聪明,诗人灵秀,数学周密。”但历史怎么能使人变得聪明,诗人灵秀,数学周密。但历史怎么能使诗人变得灵秀,更不可能使数学变周密的。我们把省略的成分加上,整句的意思就清楚了。”Histories make men

4、 wise, poets make men witty, the mathematics makes men subtle” 又如:“Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation.” Martin Luther King, Jr. 译文:“一百年前,一位美国巨人签署了解放宣言,今天我们在他的象征性的庇护下站着。”篇二:英文写作,如何写散文 Chapter 6 Composing Essays 6.2 Typ

5、es of Writing There are four types of writing: description, narration, exposition and argumentation. 1. Description Generally, description is concerned with people, places and things. It is the art of translating the mental image (意象)of some object , person, place, or scene into words. It is a way o

6、f painting images in a certain logical pattern. The writer intends to tell how something looks like, sounds like, smells like, tastes like, or how one feels. 2. Basic Elements of Description All descriptions involve two elements: the object that which is seen or heard, and the observer he who also s

7、ees or hears it. 描写性文章有两大要素 描写对象和观察主体。 3. Basic Types of DescriptionDescriptions can be divided into two basic types: the objective and the subjective. Objective description attempts to report accurately the appearance of the object as a thing in itself, independent of the observers perception of it

8、 or feeling about it. (描写文可以分为两种:客观描写和主观描写。前者客观真实地记录描写的对象不夹杂作者个人的态度和观点。) My Bedroom My bedroom is on the second floor, facing the north. It is small, crowded, but neat. As you enter the room you are stopped short by four bunks(铺位) which occupy much space of the room. On your left, against the wall,

9、there are two bunks, one for two students, the other served as a closet for suitcases and handbags. Close to the door, pushed into a corner, there is a large bookcase that is packed with papers and books. A map of the world is on this side of the wall. At the center stand two big writing desks,with

10、not a speck of dust but many odds and ends on them. They, in fact, serve as dinner tables as well. On your right, there are two bunks for four students; while near the door is a stand for basins. The old wooden floor has lost its luster(光泽) but it is clean. Every corner, even every crack, has been c

11、arefully swept. This is the place that has been home to me and will continue to be all through my college life. Analysis: This is a piece of objective description of a layout of my bedroom. It is well organized, e.g. from general to particular, from the front to the back, from the left to the right,

12、 etc. the reader is offered a clear picture in his mind of what is being described. Tips for objective description: 1). Mention the main features of the objects or places: shape, size, color, locations of parts and condition2). Arrange these features in a logical or associated pattern: General- part

13、icular More important less important Front- back Top- bottom 3). Use the following words for arrangement: above, below, over, at the front, at the back, to the left , to the right, in the middle, close to, on the top of, Subjective description (主观描写) Subjective description does not seek to inform bu

14、t to arouse emotion. Communication of feeling is the primary purpose of subjective description. And it may be achieved in two ways: directly and indirectly. The direct method is to describe the feeling itself, while the indirect method is to project (投射) the emotion back onto the object and to infus

15、e it with feeling in such a way that it will arouse the reader to respond in the way the writer intends. Of the two methods, the indirect oneis more effective. In practice, however, subjective description uses both methods, often adopting direct statement of mood plus more details of indirect descri

16、ption. (We can use these two methods to describe the same idea. When describing human life, for instance, we can say it is just like climbing a mountain, full of ups and downs, while in the later case we say life is just like a cup of wine tasting sweet and bitter.) (主观描写不苛求对外在细节的“形似”描述,而是求得一种氛围,一种情

17、绪,一种意境的表达。描述时通常采用直接或间接两种方法 直接表达情感或者借景抒情。间接表达方式一般更为有效。主观描写多同时采用这两种方法。例如描写生活,我们既可以把人生比作爬山,喻其路程崎岖;我们还可以将人生比作品酒,有苦也有甜。) A walk on the seashore Not very far from my house lies the seashore in the south. We can go there on foot in about ten minutes. In summer evenings when the sun篇三:英美散文经典 目录 英美散文经典 时间:20

18、21-12-21 17:23来源:未知 作者:汪婷 点击: 英美散文经典 定 价:¥29.80 库 存:有货,可送至部分区域作 者:(英)培根 等著,陆钰明 等译 出 版 社:学林出版社 出版时间:2021-4-1 开 本:16开 I S B N:9787807307778 内容简介 本书选译从培根至伍尔芙,三百年间25位英美作家的散文名篇 英美散文经典 定 价:¥29.80 库 存:有货,可送至部分区域作 者:(英)培根 等著,陆钰明 等译 出 版 社:学林出版社 出版时间:2021-4-1 开 本:16开 I S B N:9787807307778 内容简介 本书选译从培根至伍尔芙,三百年间25位英美作家的散文名篇,以作者生年为序,不分国别,混合编目,便于读者比较英语散文的总体趋向,及美国散文从英国散文脱胎而出,逐步独立分离的轨迹。本书收录了论妒忌、一个小小的建议、不满足自己命运的愚蠢、自传等三十余篇英美散文经典! 优秀的文学作品,总是能激发读者丰富的联想,常令作者也会困惑。阅读就像蛋的孵化,想像力一旦破壳而出,就会冲霄而去,不知所终。同样道理,一个好的文学选


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