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1、Unit 1 Dream homesUnit 1 Dream homesGrammarGrammarCardinal numbersand Ordinal numbersDo you know these numbers? How many restaurants are there in town? How many rooms are there in Stephens home? How many students are there in our class? What class and grade are you in?0zeroonetwothreefourfivesixseve

2、neightninetenCardinal numbers(基数词)(基数词)eleventwelve11121314151617181920nineteenthirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteentwenty123456 7891030405060708090twenty-one twenty-two2122232425twenty-three twenty-four twenty-fivethirty fortyfiftysixty seventyeightyninetyRead the phone number:Miss Wang 8

3、433,2901Me 5775,0562 eight,four,three,three;two,nine,o/zero,onefive,seven,seven,five; o/zero,five,six, twoyou double threedouble sevenRed packets100one hundred10,000ten thousand100,000one hundred thousand1,000,000one million1,000one thousandX10=X10=X10=500,000five hundred thousand5,678five thousand,

4、six hundred and seventy-eight4,886,103銉佰捌拾捌万陆千壹佰零叁元整亿 千 百 十万 千 百 十 元 角分¥4 8 8 6 1 0 3 0 0four million, eight hundred and eighty-six thousand , one hundred and three9,156,018nine million, one hundred and fifty-six thousand and eighteen10 , 120ten thousand, one hundred and twenty 549 , 390, 090five hu

5、ndred and forty-nine million , three hundred and ninety thousand and ninety People from about 180 countries and areas live in a New York. 地区地区area n. There are about 8,000,000 people living in London.there be sb. doing sth有某人正做某事有某人正做某事The CN Tower is 1,815 feet tall.Read the number:=The CN Tower is

6、 1815 feet in height.long =in lengthin 在在.方面方面在尺寸上在尺寸上在面积上在面积上in sizein areaRed Square in Moscow is about 91,000 square metres in size.n.正方形正方形广场广场Adj.平方的平方的方形的方形的 France has an area of over 260,000 square miles.n. 面积面积有有.面积面积area have an area of.Tokyo, the capital of Japan , has over 13,000,000 peo

7、ple. over prep. =more than超过超过Language points 180 countries and areas: 180个国家和地区个国家和地区 1,815 feet tall=1,815 feet in height: 1815英尺高英尺高 数词数词+量词(单复数)量词(单复数)+形容词形容词 1英尺(英尺(foot)=0.3048米米 40米长米长 40 metres long square metres 平方米平方米 square miles 平方英里平方英里 in size: 在尺寸上,在大小上在尺寸上,在大小上我的房间在尺寸上大约我的房间在尺寸上大约10平

8、方米。平方米。My room is about 10 square metres in size. have an area of 有多大的面积。有多大的面积。 中国有中国有960万平方公里的国土面积。万平方公里的国土面积。 China has an area of 9,600,000 square kilometres. over= more than 多于,大于多于,大于 we have over 20 classrooms. we have more than 20 classrooms. There be sb. doing sth:有某人正做某事有某人正做某事 操场上正有一些男孩踢足

9、球。操场上正有一些男孩踢足球。 There are some boys playing football on the playground.How much have you learned?零零百百千千百万百万英尺英尺平方的平方的米米/公尺公尺面积面积超过超过平方公里平方公里有有的面积的面积在尺寸上在尺寸上zerohundredthousandmillionsquaremeter/metreareaover square meter/metrehave an area ofin size另意:地区另意:地区=more thanHow do we say it?4, 056 four tho

10、usand and fifty-six23, 813 twenty-three thousand eight hundred and thirteen567,110 five hundred and sixty-seven thousand one hundred and ten6, 425, 200 six million four hundred and twenty-five thousand two hundred126 one hundred and twenty-six1,026 one thousand and twenty-six12,206 twelve thousand t

11、wo hundred and six 100,260 one hundred thousand two hundred and sixty110,006 one hundred and ten thousand and six1,200,026 one million two hundred thousand and twenty-six 1.hundred, thousand, million, billion.(1)这些词前如有表示具体的数字的词,这些词前如有表示具体的数字的词, 它们不能加它们不能加“S”;(2)这些词前如没有表示具体数字的词,)这些词前如没有表示具体数字的词,则它们需加

12、则它们需加“S”,与,与of连用;连用;三百人三百人成千上万人成千上万人three hundred people thousands of people 2. _(4) of them went to the factory.I want _(2).My classmate is _(18). Fourtwoeighteen3. Today we are going to study Lesson _(5).He lives _.(801房间)。房间)。4. The accident took place _ 年份用基数词,日期用序数词,年份用基数词,日期用序数词,(2006年年7月月1日)日

13、)5.Its _(2点钟)点钟)6._is three.(1+2=3)_is thirty.(5X6=30)7._percent of them is water. (30%)8._of the books are mine.(五分之二)五分之二)9._girl is behind me.(一位一位21岁的女孩)岁的女孩)10.在在19世纪世纪70年代年代_11.在某人在某人30多岁时多岁时_Fivein Room 801on July 1st, 2006twoOne plus two Five times six ThirtyTwo-fifthsA twenty-one-year-oldin

14、 the 1870sin ones thirtiesOrdinal numbers (序数词序数词)We can use ordinal numbers to order things and events. We use them to talk about dates, floors, positions, etc.Womens day is on the eighth of March.Its birthday is on the fifth of June.The flat is on the seventh floor. He is always the first to come

15、to school in our class.I am the second child of my family.Yesterday was his fourteenth birthday.-th Ordinal numbers(序数词)(序数词)hundredthfour _ hundred _five _ twelve_eight _nine _ twenty _ forty _fourthfifth eighthninthtwelfthtwentiethfortieththirdone _two_three _firstsecondHow do you write it? Ordina

16、l numbers 1st = first 10th = 2nd = second 11th =eleventh 3rd = third 12th =twelfth 4th = fourth 13th= 5th = fifth 20th =twentieth 6th = 21st=twenty-first 7th =22nd= 8th =23rd= 9th = ninth30th= 10th=100th=sixthseventheighthtenththirteenthtwenty-secondtwenty-thirdthirtiethtenth a hundredth 基数词变序数词的规律基

17、数词变序数词的规律1 1 基变序,有规律,末尾加上基变序,有规律,末尾加上 th thfour - fourthfourteen - fourteenth2 2 一二三,特殊记,末尾字母一二三,特殊记,末尾字母 t,d,dt,d,done-firsttwo -secondthree -third3 3 八减八减t t,九去,九去e e,f f要把要把veve替替eight - eighthnine - ninthfive - fifth; twelve-twelfth4 4 TyTy把把y y变为变为i i,莫忘,莫忘th th前有个前有个e etwenty-twentiethforty-fo

18、rtiethninety-ninetieth5 5 如果遇到几十几,只变个位就可以如果遇到几十几,只变个位就可以twenty-one-twenty-firstthirty-three-thirty-thirdPeterRickyElsaMaryWilsonChildrens Day is on _.June 1st/firstLanguage points:1. 序数词的运用:序数词的运用:表示日期:表示日期:e.g. 6月月1日日 on the first of June/ on June (the) first表示编号:表示编号:e.g. lesson 5 the fifth lesson

19、起副词作用,前无起副词作用,前无“the” e.g. Simon came first in the English exam.序数词前有限定词修饰时,不加序数词前有限定词修饰时,不加“the”. e.g. This is my first lesson. 1.the+序数词;基数词不加序数词;基数词不加the2.a/an+序数词序数词 ,表示,表示“又一、再一又一、再一”;3.of the+基数词,表示范围;基数词,表示范围;三个女孩中三个女孩中of the three girls4.序数词表达名次时,不加序数词表达名次时,不加the;排第二排第二come second5.序数词前有了限定词

20、,则不再加序数词前有了限定词,则不再加the;我的第一台电脑我的第一台电脑my first computer1111,11111,111111,1111,111,11111,111,111111,111,111one hundred and elevenone thousand one hundred and eleveneleven thousand one hundred and elevenone hundred and eleven thousand one hundred and elevenone million one hundred and eleven thousand on

21、e hundred and eleveneleven million one hundred and eleven thousand one hundred and elevenone hundred and eleven million one hundred and eleven thousand one hundred and elevenExercises:1.Kangkang is a school boy. He got a good gift on his_birthday.A. fourteenth B.fortieth C.the fortieth D.the fourtee

22、nth2.Tom will sell_stamps to help the poor children in the west of China. A.thousand of B.two thousand of C.two thousand D. two thousands of 3. When is your mothers birthday , Tina?Its on July the _. A.twenty B.ninth C.five D. the fifth A B C D4.Have you seen the CCTV news on TV?Yes,_children had a

23、good festival onthe _Childrens Day.A.millions of ;sixty B.ten millions; sixtiethC.millions of ;sixtiethD.ten million;the sixty5. More than two_years ago, people knew little about the universe.A.thousands B.thousand C.thousand of D.thousands of 6.There are _months in a year. October is the _month. A.twelve;ten B.twelfth;tenthC.twelve;tenth D.twelfth;ten7.Look at the numbers 2,5,11,23, 47 and 95. What


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