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1、液力传动钻机驱动分析摘要液力传动钻机采用液力机械变速箱, 传动,以适应变化的负载能力,可实现连续可变扭矩和反转制动。 现场试验表明,钻机功率利用率,高吊装速度; 相反的制动性能,减少刹车带负荷; 时刻变化的特点,加强事件处理能力。 通过变矩器驱动钻井泵可同时保护原动机和工作; 保持额定转速柴油机的条件下,泵压可以控制整个过程。热反应,倒挡离合器和过滤器等方面暴露的问题提出了改进。 使用了2000米深的钻井液力传动钻机。台钻机部分由美国纽约内燃发动机和英国石油厂研制的电源设备,传输设备和系统平台。目前,已通过测试,并使用这种钻机表现出了良好的性能, 特别是在电力驱动时更加突出的特点,但也暴露出一

2、些问题。据笔者驱动程式和现场试验结果,分析了驱动钻机的特点, 并针对这些问题提出改进意见。 驱动程序目前, 使用中型钻机(可钻深1500 2500 )用交流电动机或柴油机为原动机由一个单独变速机械变速箱,而拨号驱动绞车。钻井泵用的是单发动机直接驱动。钻机液压传动普通机械变速箱设定变矩器,液压机械传动耦合于一体的液压机械变速箱,钻井泵是通过驱动的变矩器。岩芯组成的液压变速箱, 这是一个类似加拿大钾650钻机和美国威尔逊钻机65b。对艾里逊变速箱, 其结构及工作原理如图1 。图1液压变速箱图1激活液力变矩器; 2-泵; 3,6-泵; 4输入轴; 5反向齿轮摩擦离合器; 7冷却风扇; 8块高速耦合;

3、 9 -输出轴; 10 , 中速座液力偶合器液压变速箱有3座水力机械及反向齿轮. 各档的电力线如下. 挡:输入轴z1z2启动液力变矩器z6z5输出轴; 挡:输入轴z1z2中速挡液力偶合器z6z5输出轴; 挡:输入轴z1z3高速挡液力偶合器z7z5输出轴; 倒挡:输入轴z9z10z11倒挡摩擦离合器z7z5输出轴。操作特征1 . 泵及驱动特性如图2所示,泵档的操作特性, 柴油和变矩器,其输出特性的联合工作(涡轮轴力矩mw、泵轮轴力矩mb、变矩器效率与涡轮轴转速nw的关系)的内容。其优势主要表现在三个方面:第一,根据负载的变化,自动和无级变速扭矩。从主体开始钻探,可提高功率效率 从而提高钻机的工效

4、。第二,无论怎样的负荷变化,柴油机在最佳的营运状态, 这是规模较大的负荷变化泵i组表现更为突出。第三,是变矩器能力改变适应机组负荷变化的能力大大加强, 起重事故,并承载能力强。图2柴油变矩器联合工作的输出特性2 . 二档和三档的操作性图3所示,在二档和三档驱动的特性,即柴油和耦合联合工作输出特性(涡轮轴力矩mw、偶合器效率与涡轮轴转速nw的关系)。理论上,涡轮,可任意转速运行,甚至停转, 泵轮的速度取决于柴油发动机转速允许范围内。但这个速度,以扩大有关的功率损耗为代价, 为确保传动效率高,一般不应作为耦合限速装置。图3柴油耦合联合工作输出特性3 .钻机的提升特性根据柴油机和柴油耦合的联合工作特

5、性曲线, 以及钻机的具体性能参数。可以得到液力传动钻机性能提升特性(见图4 )。整个提升曲线abcdef。理论上, 挡、挡和挡的工作范围分别为ef段、cde段和abc段。事实上,为了保证高耦合效率的工作, 最佳工作状态, 实际上,为了保证偶合器有较高的工作效率,最好让挡工作在def段,挡工作在bcd段,挡工作在ab段。图4钻机性能提升特性4 . 液力变矩器逆向制动性能在下钻和套管过程中, 钻机挂合液力挡,此时变矩器处于反转制动工况,柴油机带动泵轮正转,钻具或套管柱带动涡轮反转。变矩器内的液体作用于涡轮的力矩方向与涡轮转向相反,这种力矩起阻止涡轮反转的作用。这样利用变矩器的反转制动特性就起到了等

6、同于钻机辅助刹车(如水刹车)的作用,减小了带刹车的载荷。反转制动力的大小与充油量成正比,通过控制进入挡变矩器的充油量,可以控制制动力的大小。适当提高柴油机的转速,使泵轮的转速提高,也可使反转制动力增大。再辅以带刹车,即可根据钩载的大小,随意调节制动力的大小,从而获得满意的下放速度。 总之,液压传动的三个钻机是全液压传动的电力传输, 可以吸收和降低发动机和工作机的振动,冲击,驱动等。提高柴油发动机,传动部分机器的效率和寿命。现场试验结果液力传动钻机现场试验现场测试深度1950m试验井。现场试验表明,钻机液压驱动钻机有以下优点。( 1 )起升一档的无级变速特性,功率利用率将提高到90% ,确保更高

7、的启动速度. 比传统的机械传动钻机时间减少在20%23% 。( 2 )钻头变矩器用反向制动的特点,在钻井中未经任何处理的制动能充分实现速度控制,操作简单, 减少制动轮制动摩擦片的磨损。( 3 )作为一个大变矩器有着较大的变矩系数,在处理钻井事故电力设备有充足的电力, 传输设备驱动力矩大。( 4 )消除猫头,井口,以加强利用机械化设备,运行安全情况已经有所改善。( 5 )变速传动装置的噪音,在一定程度上降低了,可以操作的过程中的转向. 简化换挡操作。 钻机在试验过程中也暴露出以下几个问题。( 1 )用一档传输变矩器,液压齿轮箱传动油温度上升较快, 一般温度迅速达到90,然后冷却装置,以保持恒温.

8、 这表明变矩器效率不高,部分动能变成热能。( 2 ) 传动油的散热装置设计不合理,造成液力传动箱体积过于庞大,而且风扇及电动机不便于现场维修更换。 ( 3 ) 机械式倒挡离合器不能满足处理井下事故或复杂的工艺要求,摩擦片极易变形而失效。( 4 )变速器的过滤器的位置不太合理, 尤其是泵和过滤器清洗拆装现场是很难的。 ( 5 )液压齿轮箱,齿轮反向运动之间的相互干扰的问题,也就是, 他们座之间缺乏联锁装置。2 . 液压泵测在整个钻井过程中,通过变矩器泵机组进行了现场测试。钻井深718.36米,在发动机转速一直稳定在1200r/min , 泵时间约为106分钟1 ,随着钻井深度,泵5 mpa的压力

9、逐渐上升,至12兆帕之后,以较低的发动机转速,泵压稳定在10, 20。在157小时连续运行,除在第一轴变矩器漏油,其他一切正常。 测试结果显示,液压传动泵集团,具有以下的优点。( 1 ) 可有效保护原动机。与泵及变矩器配套使用的12v190柴油机,在通过调节充油阀给其加载时,其载荷是缓慢均匀地增加的,避免了柴油机突然增加或减去很大载荷。据现场观察,在使用调压阀调节泵压时,柴油机的转速、声音及排烟情况均无明显的变化。这样可杜绝柴油机的“飞车”现象,延长柴油机的使用寿命。( 2 )建立有效的保障机制. 转换后,输出速度也逐渐增加,从零达到所需的速度(泵压) , 避免工作,为钻井泵的转速突然上升速度

10、的原始动机转速。( 3 )避免了气胎儿离合器装置,提高了水泵工作的可靠性。气轮胎摩擦系数,摩擦轮传动皮带和水泵工作是一个薄弱环节, 容易发生故障和损坏,特殊气体或冬季结冰时气球往往造成事故的影响,钻井, 生产连续性。采用液力变矩器来解决这个问题。据该变矩器传动特性, 我们可以摆脱胶带轮采用直接传输,而且易于自动化。( 4 ) 速柴油机为了保持额定转的条件下,泵压可以控制整个过程, 钻井技术,以满足复杂的要求下。液压泵驱动的使用中也暴露出以下几个问题。( 1 )由于增加了变矩器,水泵和整体质量的传输过程也相应的增加了能耗。( 2 ) 在现场环境恶劣,水泵,柴油驱动的安装调试更加困难,从而影响整个

11、钻机的使用。( 3 )推广使用的钻机,但配件供应更加紧张。4.变矩器的反转制动特性在下钻和下套管过程中,钻机挂合液力挡,此时变矩器处于反转制动工况,柴油机带动泵轮正转,钻具或套管柱带动涡轮反转。变矩器内的液体作用于涡轮的力矩方向与涡轮转向相反,这种力矩起阻止涡轮反转的作用。这样利用变矩器的反转制动特性就起到了等同于钻机辅助刹车(如水刹车)的作用,减小了带刹车的载荷。反转制动力的大小与充油量成正比,通过控制进入挡变矩器的充油量,可以控制制动力的大小。适当提高柴油机的转速,使泵轮的转速提高,也可使反转制动力增大。再辅以带刹车,即可根据钩载的大小,随意调节制动力的大小,从而获得满意的下放速度。综上所

12、述,液力传动钻机的3个正挡都以液力传动方式传递动力,能吸收并减小来自发动机和工作机的振动和冲击,使传动系统传动柔和,提高了柴油机、传动零部件以及工作机的使用寿命。 现场试验结果 1.液力传动钻机现场试验 试验井井深1950m。现场试验表明,dqzj20y型液力传动钻机具有如下优点。(1)起升挡的无级变速特性,将功率利用率提高到90%左右,保证较高的起升速度,比传统的机械传动钻机节省起升时间20%30%。(2)下钻时利用液力变矩器的反转制动特性,下钻均匀,且不用刹把就可实现全程速度控制,操作简单,减小了刹车毂和刹带摩擦块的磨损。(3)由于变矩器有较大的变矩系数,在处理钻井事故时动力设备功率足,传

13、动设备传动力矩大。(4)甩掉猫头,强化井口机械化装置的使用,使操作安全性得到提高。(5)变速和传动装置的噪音有一定程度的降低,且可以在运转过程中换挡,简化了换挡操作。 该型钻机在试验过程中也暴露出如下问题。(1)使用挡变矩器传动时,液力传动箱的传动油温度上升较快,一般温升很快达到90c,然后散热装置保持温度基本恒定。这说明变矩器的使用效率不高,有部分动能转化为热能。 (2)传动油的散热装置设计不合理,造成液力传动箱体积过于庞大,而且风扇及电动机不便于现场维修更换。 (3)机械式倒挡离合器不能满足处理井下事故或复杂的工艺要求,摩擦片极易变形而失效。 (4)传动油过滤器位置及过滤方式不太合理,尤其

14、是离心泵和过滤器的现场拆装清洗十分困难。 (5)液力传动箱的正、倒挡之间存在运动的相互干扰问题,在正、倒挡之间缺乏互锁装置。2.液力传动泵组试验 在整个钻井过程中对通过液力变矩器传动的机泵组进行了现场试验。钻井深度在718.36m之前柴油机转速一直稳定在1200r/min,泵的冲次约为106min-1,随着钻井深度增加,泵压从5mpa逐渐上升至12mpa。之后采取降低柴油机转速的方法,使泵压稳定在1011mpa。在157h的连续运转中,除液力变矩器轴头发生漏油外,其它一切正常。试验表明,液力传动机泵组具有如下优点。 (1)可有效保护原动机。与泵及变矩器配套使用的12v190柴油机,在通过调节充

15、油阀给其加载时,其载荷是缓慢均匀地增加的,避免了柴油机突然增加或减去很大载荷。据现场观察,在使用调压阀调节泵压时,柴油机的转速、声音及排烟情况均无明显的变化。这样可杜绝柴油机的“飞车”现象,延长柴油机的使用寿命。 (2)可有效保护工作机。经过变矩器输出的转速是从零开始逐步升高而达到工作需要的转速(泵压)的,避免了工作机钻井泵的转速突然增加到原动机的转速。 (3)省去了气胎离合器装置,提高了泵组工作的可靠性。气胎、摩擦片、摩擦毂和传动胶带是泵组工作的薄弱环节,容易发生故障和损坏,特别是冬季气路结冰常引起气囊烧坏事故,影响钻井生产的连续性。使用液力变矩器解决了这一问题。 (4)在保持柴油机的额定转

16、速条件下,可实现泵压的全过程控制,满足钻井工艺在各种复杂情况下的要求,在复杂区块将更能显示其优越性。 液力传动泵组在试验及现场使用过程中也暴露出如下问题。 (1)由于增加了液力变矩器,泵组的整体质量及传动过程中的能耗也相应增加。(2)在现场条件较差时,泵、柴油机传动装置的安装和校正较为困难,影响钻机整拖时效。 (3)钻机尚未推广使用,配件供应较为紧张。 附录b1control by jack l. johnson, p. e.pump control vs valve control:efficiency or performance?dqzj - 20y hydrodynamic drive

17、 rig driven analysisabstract papers dqzj - 20y hydrodynamic drive rigs used hydraulic mechanical gearbox, transmission soft, adapt to the changes in the load capacity can be achieved continuously variable torque and braking inversion. field test showed that the rig power utilization, and high hoisti

18、ng speed; conversely braking characteristics reduce the belt brake load; moments change the characteristics of strengthening the ability to handle incidents. through the torque converter drive drilling pump can simultaneously protecting the original motivation and work; maintain the rated speed of t

19、he diesel engine conditions, pump pressure can be controlled throughout the entire process. thermal response, reverse gear clutch and filters, etc. exposed to the issues raised improvements. the use of a 2000 m deep drilling of new dqzj - 20y hydrodynamic drive rig, taiwan drilling rigs in part by t

20、he united states diesel plant new york institute of the ministry of internal combustion engines and british petroleum plant developed by the power equipment, transmission equipment and rig system. currently, through testing, and use of this rig shown a good performance, particularly in the power dri

21、ven more prominent characteristics, but also exposed some problems. according to the author-driven programs and on-site test results, analysis of the rig driven characteristics, and to address the problems and propose improvements. driver program at present, the use of medium-sized rig (available dr

22、illing deep 1500 2500) the use of ac motors or diesel engine as the original motivated by a separate variable speed mechanical gearbox, and dial-driven winch. drilling pump is used single-engine direct drive. dqzj - 20y rig hydraulic transmission of ordinary mechanical gearbox to set torque converte

23、r, hydraulic and mechanical coupling drive in the integrated hydraulic mechanical gearbox, drilling pump is driven through the torque converter. drill core components of the hydraulic gearbox, it is similar to the canadian k-650 rigs and the united states wilson-65b rig on the allison transmission,

24、its structure and working principle as shown in figure 1.figure 1 hydraulic gearbox map 1-activated hydraulic torque converter; 2-pump; 3,6-pumps; 4-input shaft; 5-reverse gear friction clutch; 7-cooling fans; 8-block high-speed fluid coupling; 9-output shaft; 10-, medium-speed block hydraulic coupl

25、er hydraulic gearbox with three block hydraulic machinery and a reverse gear. block the transmission of the power line is as follows. i block : input axis z1 z2 start torque converter possible di output shaft; ii block : input shaft z1 z2 medium speed hydraulic coupling block possible di output shaf

26、t; block : input shaft z1 z3 block high-speed fluid coupling portrait di output shaft;reverse gear : input shaft z3 z10 screening of resistance reverse gear friction clutch portrait di output shaft. driving characteristics 1. i block pumps and the driving characteristics is shown in figure 2 and pum

27、p block the driving characteristics, diesel is actually torque converter and the output characteristics of the joint work (mw turbine shaft torque, torque pump axle mb, converter efficiency turbine shaft speed and the relationship between j). its main advantages of performance in three areas : first

28、, according to the load changes automatically and continuously variable torque. i used to block the main starting drilling, which can increase the power efficiency, thereby enhancing the rig with or ergonomics. second, regardless of how the load changes, the diesel engine has the best operating poin

29、t operations, this is of the larger load changes pump group i show more prominent. three of the torque converter is the ability to change pitch adaptation unit load change capacity greatly strengthened, lifting accident and started carrying capacity. figure 2 diesel-converter output characteristics

30、of the joint working 2. block ii and iii block driving characteristics figure 3 is shown in block ii and iii block-driven characteristics, that is, diesel and coupling joint work output characteristics (mw turbine shaft torque. coupling efficiency turbine shaft speed and the relationship between j).

31、 its main advantage is the speed turbine pump round scope than a lot of the expansion. in theory, the turbine can be arbitrary speed operation, or even halt, pump round depends on the speed of the diesel engine speed range allowed. but this speed to expand the scope of the power loss at the cost, to

32、 ensure a higher transmission efficiency, general should not be coupling as a speed device. figure 3 diesel-coupling joint work output characteristics 3. characteristics of the rig upgrade according diesel-converter and diesel-coupling of the joint working characteristic curve, and the rig specific

33、performance parameters. can be dqzj - 20y hydrodynamic drive drilling rig upgrade properties (shown in figure 4). upgrade the entire curve abcdef. theoretically, the block i, ii and iii block retaining the scope of work for ef, cde and of the abc. in fact, in order to guarantee a high coupling effic

34、iency of the work, the best block i work for the def, ii block in bcd, iii block in the work of ab.figure 4 rigs to upgrade properties4. the torque converter reverse braking characteristics under the next drilling and casing process, hydraulic drilling rig kakeya i resisted and torque converter at t

35、his time to start anti-conversion status, diesel pump driven round was changing, drilling or driven turbine casing reversal. converter role of the liquid in the direction of the turbine and turbine torque to the contrary, this moment onwards turbine stop the role reversal. such a use of the reverse

36、braking torque converter character played in the same rig auxiliary braking (braking water), reduce the load with the brakes. anti-conversion engine of the size and volume of oil-filled proportional, i entered through the control of the oil-filled block converter volume can control the size of the b

37、raking force. increase the engine speed so that the pump wheel speed increase, but also enable the anti-conversion augmented. conjunction with the brakes, the hook can be set according to the size, adjustable braking force to the size, and be satisfied with the pace of decentralization.in summary, h

38、ydraulic transmission of the three rigs are to block all hydraulic drive power transmission, can absorb and reduce engine from the plane and the vibration, and shock, the drive soft, raising the diesel engine, transmission parts of the machine work and life. field test results 1.hydraulic drive rigs

39、 field test depth of 1950m test wells. field tests show that, dqzj - 20y-hydraulic drive rig with the following advantages. (1) or i block the cvt characteristics, power utilization will be raised to 90%, ensuring higher starting speed. than the traditional mechanical transmission rig time saved up

40、or 20% 30%.(2) drilling torque converter used by the reverse braking characteristics, drilling under uniform, without any brake handle can achieve full speed control, simple operation, reducing the brake wheel and brake friction with pieces of wear and tear.(3) as a larger torque converter change pi

41、tch coefficient, in dealing with drilling accidents power equipment adequate power, transmission equipment drive torque. (4) eliminating cat, wellhead to strengthen the use of mechanized equipment, operational safety has been improved. (5) variable transmission device and the noise to a certain exte

42、nt reduced, and can operate in the process of shifting. simplified shift operation.the rig in the testing process has also revealed the following issues. (1) i use block transmission torque converter, hydraulic gear box drive oil temperature rise faster, general temperature quickly reached 90 c and

43、then cooling devices to maintain constant temperature. this shows the torque converter efficiency is not high, some of the kinetic energy into thermal energy. (2) transmission oil cooling device unreasonable, causing hydraulic transmission box size is too big, but fans and electrical maintenance is

44、not easy for replacement. (3) mechanical clutch reverse gear can accommodate underground accident or complex process requirements of extreme friction film deformation invalidated. (4) transmission oil filters and filter position is not reasonable, in particular pump and filter cleaning dismounting t

45、he scene is very difficult. (5) hydraulic gear box is, reverse gear movement between the mutual interference problem, is, they do block between lack of interlocking device.2. hydraulic pump test drive throughout the process of drilling through the transmission torque converter pump unit conducted an

46、 on-site test. drilling depth of 718.36 m in before the engine speed has been stable at 1200r/min, pump-time is about 106 min-1, with increased drilling depth, pump 5 mpa pressure from rising gradually to 12 mpa. after taking the lower the engine speed, the pump pressure stabilized at 10 ,20. in 157

47、 h of continuous operation, in addition to the first axis torque converter spill, all other normal. test showed that the hydraulic transmission pump group has the following advantages.(1) can effectively protect the primary motive. converter with matching pumps and the use of v190 diesel 12, by adjusting the valve to its oil-filled loading, its load is slow to increase the uniformity and avoid a sudden increase in diesel or minus big load. field observations, the use of pump pressure relief valve adjustment, the engine speed, sound and smoke of no obvious changes.


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