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1、选修6 Unit 4 Global warming单独成册:对应学生用书第313页基础巩固篇一、默写版块.重点单词请快速写出下列单词对应的汉语意思1random adj.胡乱的;任意的2phenomenon n现象3subscribe vi.同意;捐赠;订阅 vt.签署(文件);捐助4quantity n量;数量5range n种类;范围6glance vi.看一下;扫视 n一瞥7widespread adj.分布广的;普遍的8average adj.平均的9advocate vt.拥护;提倡;主张 n拥护者;主张者10circumstance n环境;情况请快速写出下列英语单词11commi

2、tment n承诺;交托;信奉12motor n发动机13data n资料;数据14casual adj.随便的;漫不经心的;偶然的15flood n洪水;水灾16widespread adj.分布广的;普遍的请快速写出下列英语单词及拓展单词17consume vt.消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完consumer n消费者;用户;消耗者consumption n消耗(量)18tend vi.趋向;易于;照顾 vt.照顾;护理tendency n趋向;趋势19oppose vt.反对;反抗;与(某人)较量opposed adj.反对的;对立的20consequence n结果;后果;影响conseque

3、ntly adv.因此,所以21state vt.陈述;说明statement n陈述;声明22steady adj.平稳的;持续的;稳固的steadily adv.平稳地;持续地;稳固地23existence n生存;存在exist v存在;产生24pollution n污染;弄脏pollute vt.污染25growth n增长;生长grow v生长26electrical adj.电的;与电有关的electric adj.电的,电动的electronic adj.电子的electricity n电27refresh vt.使恢复;使振作refreshing adj.令人精神振作的refr

4、eshed adj.感到精神振作的28contribution n贡献contribute v贡献29presentation n显示;演出present vt.颁发;提出;呈现30disagreement n分歧;不一致agreement n同意;一致.高频短语1come about 发生;造成2subscribe to 同意;赞成;订购3quantities of 大量的4go up 上升;增长;升起5result in 导致6be opposed to 反对7keep on 继续8on the whole 大体上;基本上9on behalf of 代表一方;作为的代言人10put up

5、with 忍受;容忍.经典句型1There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer.毫无疑问,地球正在变暖2Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases,the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries.即使我们开始减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体的含量,在(未来)几十年或几个世纪内,气候仍会持续转暖。3As Im not sure where to s

6、tart with my project,I would appreciate any suggestions you may have.由于我不清楚我该从哪里开始我的研究,如能得到你们的建议我将十分感激。4It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using itif not,turn it off!只要你在使用电器设备,你便可以把它开着,如果不用就把它关掉!二、运用版块.单句语法填空1I have a tendency to talk(talk) too much when Im nervous.2In

7、order to keep rivers and lakes clean and prevent water from being polluted (pollute),we must do something to protect them.3Last year was the warmest year on record,with global temperature 0.68 above the average.4The parents strongly opposed their daughter going (go) there alone.5I am writing to appl

8、y for the volunteer position stated(state) in your notice.6My main reason for subscribing to New Scientist is to keep up with the pace of advances in science.7What are you going to do this afternoon?Ill probably go for a walk later on as long as it stays(stay) fine.8In spite of this,the companys exp

9、orts have been increasing steadily (steady)9In response to the appeal,I have made some changes in my way of life,which ranges (range) from transportation to water saving.10It is often less expensive to buy goods in quantity.单句改错1Opposed the plan of raising prices,the public decided to go on strike o

10、n Sunday.OpposedOpposing或Opposed后加to2At present,large quantities of food and water is needed in the earthquakestricken area.isare3As consequence of human activities like cutting down bamboos,the pandas are lacking of food source.As后加a或AsIn4There is still some doubt that they will consume such a larg

11、e meal.thatwhether5Forgetting to check the weather forecast before heading out should result from you getting wet.fromin.一句多译/句式升级1很多教育家强烈反对过度保护孩子。Many educators strongly oppose protecting children too much.(oppose)Many educators are strongly opposed to protecting children too much.(opposed)2昨天的比赛因下

12、雨而被取消。It rained yesterday,and as a consequence/in consequence,the match was cancelled.It rained yesterday,and consequently,the match was cancelled.The match was cancelled as a consequence of/in consequence of the rain yesterday.3The listeners are mostly middle school students,and their ages range fr

13、om 12 to 18.The listeners are mostly middle school students,whose ages range from 12 to 18.(定语从句)The listeners are mostly middle school students with their ages ranging from 12 to 18.(with复合结构)4My teacher always reminds me that I should under no circumstances abandon my learning goals once I set the

14、m.My teacher always reminds me that under no circumstances should I abandon my learning goals once I set them.(倒装结构)能力提升篇.完形填空Once I failed my comprehensive exam at university.Suddenly,I felt I was a 1 .For the first time,I felt completely out of control.I started to go on a(n) 2 to deal with my str

15、ess and anxiety that 3 my desire for perfection.What began as a seemingly 4 “lifestyle change” turned into an eating disorder.I spent more time 5 rice,cakes and other foods than studying.To eat“ 6 ”meals at home,I often turned down social gatherings.Over 9 months,as my stress and anxiety 7 ,I ate sm

16、aller and smaller dishes and denied (拒绝给予) my 8 the food it needed.Sometimes I would almost 9 upon standing and I became a walking skeleton (骨瘦如柴的人)My family and adviser asked whether I was OK and 10 time away from my lab,but my brain made excuses for how I was feeling and behaving.I 11 believed I w

17、as making myself better.I didnt put a name to the 12 until I came across an article about disordered eating.I finally sought the help of a(n) 13 .He told me that my eating disorder had 14 to do with food,exercise,or weight. 15 ,it was about my desire to be exceptional.Through weekly sessions,I unpac

18、ked 25 years of needing to be 16 .I learned tools to acknowledge and process my feelings,not by means of 17 calories.Now,having been on the road to 18 for one year and a half,I enter my final year of graduate school with a completely 19 mindset about the person I wantrather than needto be.Yes,I stil

19、l want to 20 .But I dont want to seek perfection.语篇解读大学时,有一次综合考试作者没有及格,作者采用节食来应对压力和焦虑,结果把自己变成了一个骨瘦如柴的人。求助于医生之后,作者才找到问题的根源过于追求完美。此后,作者虽然依旧追求成功,但不再追求完美,于是问题迎刃而解。1A.foolBfailureCpestDpatient解析:根据上文中的“I failed my comprehensive exam”可知,作者感觉自己是个失败的人。failure在此处表示“失败的人”,符合语境。pest“讨厌的人”。答案:B2A.dietBjourneyCe

20、xerciseDrelaxation解析:根据下文中的“turned into an eating disorder”可知,作者采取了节食的方法来处理自己的压力和焦虑。go on a diet“节食”。答案:A3A.causedBweakenedCdiscouragedDaccompanied解析:根据上下文可知,压力和焦虑是因为作者追求完美而产生的,即压力和焦虑伴随着对完美的渴望,故用accompany。cause“导致,引起”;weaken“削弱”;discourage“阻止”。答案:D4A.harmlessBtimelyCuselessDwonderful解析:根据下文中的“I beca

21、me a walking skeleton”可知,节食导致作者骨瘦如柴,显然,对作者造成了伤害。故用harmless。seemingly harmless表示“看似无害的”。timely“及时的”;useless“无用的”;wonderful“精彩的”。答案:A5A.purchasingBdigestingCthrowingDweighing解析:根据语境可知,作者在节食,也就是控制饮食摄入量。因此,此处表示作者花费更多时间在称食物的重量上,而不是学习上。weigh“称重量”。答案:D6A.cheapBdeliciousCsafeDcolorful解析:作者在节食,拒绝社交聚会是怕自己多吃。而

22、在家里,作者每次吃多少都是经过严格称重的,因此,此处表示在家吃饭是“安全的”。答案:C7A.aroseBdisappearedCincreasedDstretched解析:根据下文中的“I ate smaller and smaller dishes”可知,作者节食越来越厉害,这说明其压力和焦虑在增加(increased)。答案:C8A.systemBspiritCmouthDstomach解析:根据上文可知,作者是在节食,再结合本句中的the food it needed可知,需要食物的是胃,应选stomach。答案:D9A.black outBbreak downCback offDpul

23、l through解析:此处表示作者有时候一站起来就几乎要晕过去,整个人骨瘦如柴。black out“暂时失去知觉,昏厥”;break down“身体垮掉”;back off“后退”;pull through“恢复健康”。答案:A10A.bannedBpassedCsavedDsuggested解析:作者的家人和顾问以为是实验室的工作压力导致作者出现严重问题,所以建议(suggested)作者离开实验室休息一下。答案:D11A.hardlyBfirmlyCfinallyDobviously解析:根据上文中的“my brain made excuses for how I was feeling

24、 and behaving”和下文中的“believed I was making myself better”可知,作者还在给自己的感觉和行为找借口,作者坚定地(firmly)相信自己是在让自己变得更好。答案:B12A.affairBdesireCproblemDsituation解析:根据上文内容可知,过度节食给作者带来了身体上的问题,故此处表示作者直到看到一篇关于饮食失调的文章才知道自己的问题(problem)叫什么。答案:C13A.adviserBphysicianCprofessorDscientist解析:身体出了问题,自然是求助于医生。physician意为“医生”,符合语境。答

25、案:B14A.anythingBeverythingCnothingDsomething解析:根据语境可知,作者饮食失调的问题与食物、锻炼和体重无关,反而与作者渴望变得优秀有关。have nothing to do with.意为“与无关”。答案:C15A.InsteadBHoweverCThereforeDOtherwise解析:参见上题解析。instead“反而”,用于引出真实情况;however“然而”,表示转折、对照;therefore“因此”,用于引出结果;otherwise“否则”,表示相反的结果。答案:A16A.ambitiousBperfectCpopularDhealthy解

26、析:根据上文中的“my desire for perfection”及“my desire to be exceptional”可知,此处表示通过每周的治疗,作者分析了自己25年来需要做一个完美的(perfect)人的心理。答案:B17A.collectingBconsumingCstoringDrestricting解析:作者学会用一些方法来承认和处理自己的情感,而不是借助于限制热量的摄入。collect“收集”;consume“消耗”;store“储存”;restrict“限制”。答案:D18A.growthBrecoveryCcompetitionDtreatment解析:作者身体出问题

27、源于认知偏差,纠正之后,作者合理饮食,就能逐渐康复(recovery)。答案:B19A.differentBspecialCrealisticDsimple解析:认识到自己的问题之后,作者自然地调整自己,建立完全不同的(different)心态。答案:A20A.exploreBlearnCsucceedDchange解析:根据前一句可知,作者的心态由“我需要做一个什么样的人”转变成“我想做一个什么样的人”,作者虽然依旧追求成功(succeed),但不再追求完美。答案:C.语法填空After being separated for five years,Brenda Travis and Tom

28、 Shield were reunited with their dogs.They felt grateful 1. strangers who transported the pets 1,000 miles.In 2007,the couple had their two dogs,Bama and Allie 2. (steal) from their house in Tennessee.They were just their babies,so it was like a 3. (die) in the family.Although they tried their best,

29、they were unable to find them.One year 4. ,the couple moved to Kansas,thinking they would never see their dogs again.They received a call from an animal shelter in Georgia four years later,and 5. (tell) that the dogs had been found in Dallas,Georgia.The shelter located the owners,6. had chipped (植入微芯片) one of the dogs.Learning the couple couldnt travel to pick up the dogs,friends and strangers volunteered 7. (transport) them to St.Louis,Missou


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