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1、SL120 Swivel 水龙头SL120 Swivel水龙头提纲 Technical Specifications 主参数 Assembly Drawing 结构总图 Structure Explanations结构说明 Operating Instructions使用说明 Assembling Procedure总装装配过程 Assembling Instructions总装装配注意事项 Typical Parts Machining Process典型零件的加工工艺 Maintenances维修与保养 Vulnerable parts List易损件清单 Technical Specif

2、ications主参数1、 Model型号 SL1202、 Max.Static Load最大静负荷 1200KN3、 Max. Speed最大转速 300r/min4、 Max. working Pressure最大工作压力 25MPa5、 Wash pipe Diameter 芯轴内径 57mm6、 Sub thread接头螺纹 3API REG LH或选择7、 Gooseneck thread to connect the slurry hose鹅颈管接头与水龙带连接管线螺纹 2API LP THD8、 Main Bearing Model主轴承型号 90394269、 Alignmen

3、t bearing Model上、下定位轴承型号 452492410、Ball thrust bearing Model推力球轴承型号 813411、Dimension 外型尺寸 长宽高 1898628.5750.312、Weight重量 573kg Assembly Drawing结构总图1、Bail提环 2、Gooseneck鹅颈管 3、O-ring O型密封圈4、Upper sealing nut上密封螺母 5、wash pipe冲管6、Lower sealing nut下密封螺母 7、Water seal press ring封水圈压紧环 8、upper alignment beari

4、ng retainer上定位轴承挡圈 9、Body壳体 10、Seal spacer 密封隔圈 11、oil seal油封 12、Bearing轴承 13、Roll thrust bearing推力滚子轴承 14、Needle bearing滚针轴承 15、Lower alignment bearing retainer下定位轴承挡圈 Assembly Drawing结构总图16、Lower alignment bearing gasket下定位轴承垫圈 17、Stem芯轴 18、Sub接头19、Washer垫片 20、Upper alignment bearing gasket上定位轴承垫圈

5、21、O-seal ring O型密封圈22、O-seal ring O型密封圈23、A-seal ring A型密封圈24、Oil cup 油杯25、Water seal lubricating ring 封水圈润滑环26、Water seal backup ring 封水圈支撑环27、Seat ring 座圈 28、Retainer 挡圈29、密封衬套30、O-seal ring O型密封圈31、Bonnet 外罩 32、Bail pin提环销33、Rivet铆钉34、Square groove screw 方槽螺钉35、Shock absorber assembly 减震器总成36、Pl

6、ug 堵头 37、Screw Cover护丝套 Structure Explanations结构说明SL120 swivel mainly consists of bail,body,bonnet,bearing cover,gooseneck,shock absorber assembly,stem and wash pipe packing,etc.SL120水龙头主要由提环,壳体,外罩,轴承盖,鹅颈管,减震器总成,芯轴以及冲管盘根装置等组成。Bail is connected to the body with two bail pins.It hangs the swivel to th

7、e traveling block.提环由两个提环销与壳体连接,它使水龙头悬挂在大钩上。The body is installed with main bearing which can carry all weight of drilling string, upper and lower alignment bearings,one ball thrust bearing.壳体内装有承受全部钻柱重量的主轴承,上、下两个定位轴承,以及一个推力球轴承轴承。There is a screw hole on the bonnet used to fill oil to the swivel bod

8、y.On the other side of the bonnet there is a breathing hole used to automatically discharge the high pressure air arised in the body.外罩上加工有一个螺孔,用它可向水龙头壳体内加油。外罩另一侧加工有一通气螺孔,当水龙头壳体内产生气压时,就会从此孔自动排出。 Structure Explanations结构说明Gooseneck is installed on the upper flange of the bonnet.One end of the goosene

9、ck is connected to the wash pipe packing assembly with thread,another end is connected to the rotary hose with an internal adapter.Two oil seals with opposite direct are installed in the upper alignment bearing retainer to prevent the oil leakage from the body of swivel and slurry or other dirty mat

10、erials entering from outside.In the lower alignment bearing retainer there are installed a oil seal with its mouth upward to prevent oil leakage from the body.外罩顶部法兰面上固定有鹅颈管,鹅颈管的一端通过螺纹与冲管盘根装置相连,另一端通过接头与水龙带连接。上定位轴承挡圈内装有两个方向相反的油封,以防止壳体内油泄漏和外面的泥浆及其他脏物侵入。下定位轴承挡圈内部也装有一个油封,安装时,油封唇口向上,用以密封壳体内的油。 Structure

11、Explanations结构说明The stem is a hollow part, with upper end connected to the wash pipe packing assembly,and the center part seating on the main bearing. The stem is aligned by the upper and lower alignment bearings and adjusted by the adjustable shim between the bonnet and body to control the extent o

12、f jumping at axial direction.Its lower end is connected to a adapter which has five different kinds of outside thread to meet the requirements from different users. 芯轴是一中空零件,上端与冲管盘根装置连接,中部坐于主轴承上,并依靠上、下两个定位轴承定位。增减外罩与壳体间的调整垫的数量,可控制芯轴的轴向窜动量。芯轴下端与接头相连,接头外螺纹有五种,可根据需要选择。 Structure Explanations结构说明Wash pip

13、e packing assembly is installed between the stem and the gooseneck connected with upper and lower seal nuts to form a slurry passage.It is the key part to seal the high pressure slurry, with a configuration of self seal and fast assembling and disassembling.When the wash pipe and packing worn out an

14、d need to be replaced,they can be easily took out through unscrewing the upper and lower seal nuts,without disassembling any other part.So the workover rig can be stopped at any time during the drilling process to replace the packing assembly.冲管盘根装置置于芯轴和鹅颈管之间,分别用上下密封螺母与它们连接,形成泥浆通道。盘根装置是密封高压泥浆的重要部件,采

15、用自封式密封和快速装卸结构。当冲管和盘根磨损而需更换时,只需将上、下密封螺母旋开,就可将整个装置从支架的一侧取出,不需拆卸其它零件,这样在钻井过程中,可以随时停钻更换。 Operating Instructions使用说明SL120 is load and dynamic pressure tested before shipment.In shipment, the swivel should not have oil inside.So the followings must be conducted:SL120水龙头出厂前已进行负载和动压试验,出厂时,水龙头壳体内是无油的,因此,在使用前

16、必须做到:1、Unscrew the plug and fill 19 liters 11# diesel engine oil,the oil must be clean; Install the vent valve in the breathing hole. 拧下堵头装入19升11号柴油机油,在通气孔中装上透气塞。保证油质洁净;2、Check the stem to see that it can rotate freely and evenly by a one meter long chain wrench . 检查芯轴,由一个施力于1米长的链钳手柄上,能均匀转动;3、Use oi

17、l gun to fill all oil cups. 用油枪润滑各油杯;4、Check the upper and lower seal nuts of packing assembly for tightness. 检查盘根装置上下密封螺母等处是否上紧。 SL120 Swivel Assembling Procedure 水龙头的总装装配过程1、Prepare all parts and assemble them in accordance with drawing.按图备齐各件、清理、组装。2、Fill the oil and grease.加注黄油,机油。3、Assembly is

18、high pressure and leakage tested.Max. pressure is 25Mpa.总成试压试漏(最大试验压力25MPa)。4、Running without load for two hours at the speed of 300rpm; load test according to the max. load.空跑合、试运转2小时,转速300转/ 分,负荷试验 (在整机场地试验时进行) 随机按最大负荷试验。5、Painting.喷漆。 SL120 Swivel Assembling Instructions 水龙头的总装装配注意事项1、Wash all be

19、arings with coal oil.用煤油清洗全部轴承。2、The bail must have a quality certificate of crack detection before being installed.吊环安装前需见探伤合格证。3、The gooseneck must have the quality certificate of crack detection and high pressure test before being installed. 鹅颈管安装前需见探伤及试压合格卡。4、Wash pipe must have a quality certif

20、icate of crack detection; the lifting eyes of body must be detected for cracks.冲管安装前需见探伤合格卡、壳体吊耳处需经探伤检查。5、All seal rings and oil seals must be greased with calcium-base grease when being installed. Check them again before running and fill proper grease. Fill 19 liters diesel engine oil into the body

21、 of swivel. 密封圈、油封等如图所述要加注润滑脂部位在安装时均应涂以钙基润滑脂,在跑合前应再复查,注入适量润滑脂并在壳体内加入19升11号机械油。 SL120 Swivel Assembling Instructions 水龙头的总装装配注意事项6、The axial clearance of the stem is 0.050.1mm. The force comes from the gravity of the swivel.The stem must be ensured to rotate freely and evenly by hands and without any

22、 blocks or lopsidedness.芯轴的轴向间隙为0.050.1,作用力为水龙头自重,保证用手转动灵活,无卡阻及偏重现象。7、The swivel can not have any heat generation or strange sounds during the unload running test; any oil leakage is also not permitted during the high pressure test. 空跑合时各处不得有发热及异响,试压时各部位不得有任何渗漏油现象。8、Caution: Fill 11# diesel engine o

23、il and install the vent valve during running test; and change the engine oil into antirust oil for warehousing.注意跑合时加入11号机械油并安装通气塞,入库时油池中换注防锈油。 Typical parts machining procedure 典型零件的加工工艺1、The procedure of bail:水龙头提环加工的工艺路线:Blank casting铸造毛坯quenching and tempering调质处理Crack detection探伤检验burnishing钳工去

24、拉筋cloudburst treatment喷抛丸处理half-finished product半成品入库 machining机加工painting喷漆final product成品入库2、The procedure of gooseneck:鹅颈管加工的工艺路线:Blank casting 铸造毛坯normalizing 正火处理half- finished product 半成品入库machining 机加工quenching the notch part 开槽处淬火处理water pressure test, 25MPa水压试验,压力达到25Mpa final product 成品入库

25、Typical parts machining procedure 典型零件的加工工艺3、The procedure of bail pin:提环销加工的工艺路线Raw material下料quenching and tempering调质处理machining 机加工crack detection 探伤检查final product 成品入库 Typical parts machining procedure 典型零件的加工工艺4、The procedure of body:壳体加工的工艺路线 blank casting铸造毛坯normalizing正火处理magnetic particle

26、 inspection磁粉探伤painting喷漆half-finished product半成品入库machining 机加工magnetic particle inspection to lifting eyes对吊耳部位进行磁粉探伤machining机加工final product成品入库 Typical parts machining procedure 典型零件的加工工艺 Maintenances 维修与保养1、Disassemble the swivel in vertical direction:unscrew the plug and draw out the oil in t

27、he body,remove the packing assembly, remove the gooseneck and bonnet,remove the stem and take the main bearing holder and lower seat ring out from the body, remove the lower alignment bearing retainer and tap the lower alignment bearing and oil seals.将水龙头竖直拆卸:拧下螺塞,排油;卸下盘根装置;拆下鹅颈管及外罩;拆下芯轴,从壳体内取出主轴承保持

28、架、下座圈;拆卸下定位轴承挡圈,并轻轻敲下下定位轴承和油封。2Check and replace the parts:It is suggested that all oil seals and o-seal rings must be replaced when reassembling the swivel.Check all bearing for any crushes,wear,corrosions and cracks.If any defect was found with the main bearing, it must be replaced to ensure its w

29、ell working capability . The upper and the lower seat ring can not be interchanged. The clearance between the upper seat ring and the stem is transition fit,the seat ring can be knocked down from the stem.检查和更换零部件:建议当拆卸水龙头进行检查或更换零部件时, 都要换上新的油封和O型密封圈;检查全部轴承,有否破碎、磨损、腐蚀和裂纹。尤其是主轴承发现有任何缺陷,都必须更换,以保证良好的工作性

30、能。其上下座圈不能互换,主轴承上座圈与芯轴为过度配合,拆卸时通常将其座圈击离芯轴即可。 Maintenances 维修与保养3Assembling Procedure: wash and clean all new parts and old parts which have passed examinations, grease and fill bearings, oil seals,o-seal rings with grease.Install oil seal and spacer ring into the upper alignment bearing retainer, and

31、 then Install the whole upper alignment bearing retainer into the bonnet;Install the main bearing lower seat ring ,rollers and holder into the swivel body;Install the stem with the main bearing upper seat ring and adjustable bearing, and then put the whole stem into the swivel body. Rotate the stem gently to ensure the main bearing in its position firmly.重新安装:重新安装前必须将所有检查合格和更换上的新零件清洗干净,轴承、油封、O型密封圈等涂抹填充润滑脂。将油封、隔环装入上定位轴承挡圈并与上定位轴承一起装入外罩内;将主轴承下座圈、滚柱和保持架放入水龙头壳体内;将装有主轴承上座圈和调节轴承的芯轴装入水龙头壳体内,轻微旋转芯轴,以保证主轴承坐稳。Install the lower al


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