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1、初中基础词汇与句型练习 (1)Part I 根据中文写出英语拼写 (共30分,每小题1分)1. 反对_ 2. 尽管_ 3. 地区_ 4. 河岸,银行_ 5. 大写的,首都_ 6. 世纪,百年_ 7. 机会_ 8. 阶级_ 9. 清除_ 10. 覆盖_11. 导演_12. 每一个_ 13. 结尾_14. 陪伴,公司_15. 足够的_ 16. 例子_17. 指望,期望_18. 害怕,恐惧_19. 胶卷_20. 决赛,最终的_21. 跟随_ 22. 格式,表格_23. 一般的,将军_24. 政府_ 25. 地面_26. 传递_27. 发生_ 28. 努力地,硬的_ 29. 人类的_30. 百_Par

2、t II 写出下面单词的中文意思、第三人称单数、过去式和过去分词(共40分,每小题2分)汉语 三单 过去式 过去分词allow_ _ _ _ appear _ _ _ _ beat _ _ _ _ break_ _ _ _ build_ _ _ _ buy_ _ _ _ carry_ _ _ _ cost _ _ _ _ describe _ _ _ _ die_ _ _ _ draw _ _ _ _ experience _ _ _ _ fall _ _ _ _ feel _ _ _ _ find _ _ _ _ get_ _ _ _ grow _ _ _ _ hear _ _ _ _ hi

3、t_ _ _ _ hold _ _ _ _ Part III 写出下面单词的形容词形式及形容词的中文意思(共10分,每小题1分) 形容词 汉语 形容词 汉语 act_ _ arm_ _change _ _ colour _ _die_ _ experience _ _friend _ _ health _ _help _ _ hope _ _2 / 8ParT IV 写出下面单词的名词形式及名词的中文意思(共20分,每小题1分)名词 汉语 名词 汉语 able _ _ accept _ _ act_ _ agree_ _ appear _ _ believe_ _ build_ _ high

4、_ _decide _ _ describe _ _ develop_ _ die_ _ different_ _ difficult_ _ expect _ _ fail _ _ fly_ _ foreign_ _ free _ _ care _ _ 初中基础句型练习重要句型:as soon as; (not) as / so as; ask sb. to do sth.1. 我一收到你的电子邮件,就告诉叔叔。 Ill tell your uncle about it _ I get your e-mail. 2. 你一到上海就给我打个电话好吗? Will you please call m

5、e _? 3. 请尽快完成作业。 Please finish your homework _.4. 我一看见他就告诉他这件事。 Ill tell him about it _ I see him.5. 林涛一离开学校就去了南方。 Lin Tao went to the south _.6. 王老师一到教室就将要告诉我们为上课做好准备。 _ the classroom.7. 六月的考试一结束,我父母就带我去大连度假。 _ the examination in June is over.8. 他一到加拿大就把电话打了过来。 He called us _ Canada.9. 我一到那儿就把这个MP4

6、给他。 Ill give him this MP4_.10. 请你一到家就给我打电话好吗?Will you please call me _?11. 妈妈让你尽快完成作业,以便晚上和她去看电影。Mother told_ so that you could go to the cinema with her.12. 每天早晨铃儿一响我就很快起床。I get up very quickly every morning_ the bell rings.13. 你尽快看完这本书好吗?Would you please _ as soon as possible?14. 汤姆和麦克一样高。Tom is _

7、 Mike.15. 刘翔和姚明一样闻名全国。Liu Xiang _ Yao Ming all over China. 16. 对我来说,篮球和足球一样有趣。For me, basketball is _ football. 17. 北京的冬天和纽约一样冷。The winter in Beijing is _ that in New York. 18. 妈妈昨天要我为考试做准备。Yesterday Mother _ the exams.附加题1. 一些学生学习英语不如学习数学那么努力。 _2. 我的英语一直没有Mike好,尽管我一上小学就开始学英语。 _3. 在交通高峰时段,有时开车没有骑车快。

8、 _4. 生病的同学身体刚一好转就回来参加训练。 _5. 成功并不像你想象的那么难。 _参考答案初中基础词汇练习Part I 根据中文写出英语拼写1. 反对 against 2. 尽管 although 3. 地区 area 4. 河岸,银行 bank5. 大写的,首都 capital6. 世纪,百年century 7. 机会 chance8. 阶级 class9. 清除clear 10. 覆盖 cover11. 导演 director12. 每一个 each 13. 结尾 end14. 陪伴,公司company15. 足够的 enough 16. 例子 example17. 指望,期望exp

9、ect 18. 害怕,恐惧fear 19. 胶卷film20. 决赛,最终的 final 21. 跟随 follow22. 格式,表格 form 23. 一般的,将军general24. 政府government 25. 地面ground26. 传递hand 27. 发生happen 28. 努力地,硬的hard29. 人类的human, 30. 百hundredPart II 写出下面单词的中文意思、第三人称单数、过去式和过去分词(共40分,每小题2分) 汉语 三单 过去式过去分词allow允许 allows allowed allowedappear 出现,显得 appearsappear

10、edappearedbeat 击败,击打,敲 beatsbeatbeatenbreak打破,折断 breaks broke brokenbuild建筑,建造 builds built builtbuy购买 buys boughtboughtcarry搬运 carriescarried carriedcost 价值 costscostcostdescribe 描写,描述 describesdescribed describeddie死去 dies dieddieddraw 绘画 drawsdrewdrawnexperience 经历 experiencesexperienced experien

11、cedfall 跌倒,掉下 fallsfellfallenfeel 感受,感觉 feelsfeltfeltfind 发现 findsfound foundget得到 gets got gotgrow 生长,种植 growsgrewgrownhear 听到,听说 hearsheard heardhit撞击 hits hit hithold 握住 holdsheldheldPart III. 写出下面单词的形容词形式及形容词的中文意思(共10分,每小题1分)act: active 积极的 arm: armed 全副武装的change: changeable 易变的colour: colourful

12、 五颜六色的die: dead / dying 死掉了的/ 垂死的 experience: experienced 有经验的friend: friendly 友好的health: healthy 健康的help: helpful/ helpless 有帮助的/ 无助的 hope: hopeful / hopeless 满怀希望的/ 绝望的Part IV 写出下面单词的名词形式及名词的中文意思(共20分,每小题2分)名词 汉语 名词 汉语 able: ability 能力 accept: acceptance 接受act:action动作 agree: agreement 协议,协同,同意app

13、ear: appearance外表 believe: belief 信仰build:building/ builder 建筑物/建筑者 high: height 高度decide: decision决定 describe:description 描述develop:development 发展 die: death 死亡,死神different:difference差异, 不同 difficult: difficulty 困难expect: expectation 展望 fail: failure 失败fly:flight飞行,航班 foreign: foreigner 外国人free: fr

14、eedom 自由 care: carefulness / carelessness 细心/粗心初中基础句型练习:1. as soon as2. as soon as you get to / arrive in / reach Shanghai3. as soon as possible4. as soon as5. as soon as he left school6. Mr Wang will tell us to get ready for class as soon as he enters / gets into / comes into / goes into7. My paren

15、ts will take me to Dalian for holiday as soon as 8. as soon he got to / arrived in / reached9. as soon as I get there10. as soon as you get home11. you to finish your homework as soon as possible12. as soon as13. finish reading the book 14. as tall as15. is as famous as16. as interesting as17. as cold as18. asked me to get ready for附加题1. Some students dont study English as hard as they do on Math.2. Although I began to learn English as soon as I went to primary school, my English is not


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