



1、网页设计与制作课程名称:网页设计与制作英文名称:Web Design and Creation课程代码:171375学分:3课程总学时56实验学时:课程性质:必修选修是否独立设课:是否24(其中,上机学时:24)课程类别:基础实验 专业基础实验专业领域实验含有综合性、设计性实验:是 否 面向专业:传播学(网络与新媒体方向)先修课程:信息图形设计、网络媒体设计大纲编制人:韩镁 课程负责人:韩镁实验室负责人:胡兵、教学信息 教学的目标与任务:本课程培养适应ICT发展需要,能够具备较高的数字内容产品策划、设计和制作技能; 具有较宽的传播与文化知识,正确把握网络传播法规与政策,熟练掌握网页设计的基础知

2、 识及制作技巧、网络推广和运营等综合知识和技能,能从事网络和电子商务企业、网络推 广企业、网络内容策划设计与制作以及基于网络平台的营销推广等工作,适应现代网络媒 体经营时代的复合型人才。教学基本要求:本课程主要讲授Dreamweave嗽件的基本功能、特性、运用方法等,同时在理论知识 的讲述过程中配有相应的实例分析和软件模拟操作练习,使学生能快速掌握软件知识,增 强实际操作能力。通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握HTM语言的语法规则及文字、链接、列表、表格、表单、图像、多媒体、框架元素的标记及其属性设置;能实现网页的交互功 能和特殊效果;能够独立设计小型 Website ;以及网页版式设计的基本类型、

3、网页色彩搭 配、个性化网页设计等基础知识。考核方式:本课程采用平时作业(含机考)与期末考试相结合的方式进行考核;平时作业占总评 成绩的40% ;期末设计作品占总评成绩的60%。二、教学资源(一)实验指导书与参考书1. 孙红丽、杜静芬网页设计与制作基础教程(第3版)清华大学出版社,20162. 文杰书院.DreamweaverCS5网页设计与制作基础教程.清华大学出版社,20123. 智丰工作室、邓文达、武国英编著.Dreamweaver CS5网页设计与制作宝典.清华大 学出版社,2011 三、实验内容与学时安排实验 项目 编号实验项目名称实 验 学 时实验内容提要实验类型实验要求每组人数主要

4、仪器设备与软件1网页HTML代码3网页基础知识及 HTML弋码基本格式;综合性必做3苹果工作台;DreamweaverCS52Hyperl in k.text3text超链接及页面属性设置;综合性必做3苹果工作台;DreamweaverCS53Hyperl in k.image3image超链接及图片编辑;综合性必做3苹果工作台;DreamweaverCS54Hyperl inks2网页各类hyperlink 及综合练习综合性必做3苹果工作台;DreamweaverCS55Table属性8网页table属性及其应用;网页table制作与综合练习;综合性必做3苹果工作台;DreamweaverC

5、S56Website design5网页设计与制作综合训练;综合性必做3苹果工作台;DreamweaverCS5四、英文介绍WelDesign and Creation SyllabusCourse Code171375Course TitleWeb Design and CreationCourse CategorySpecialty-related CourseCourse NatureCompulsory CourseClass Hours56Credits3.0SemesterThe fourth semesterIn stituteSchool of Journalism and C

6、ommunicationProgram OrientedCommunication ( network marketing & new media )Teaching LanguageChin esePrerequisitesIn fographic Desig n; Website C on struct ion an d Operati onStudent Outcomes(Special TrainingAbility)To train the compo und tale nts who to adapt to the moder n era of on li ne media ope

7、rations ; adjust to thedevelopment ofthe Information Communication Tech no logy, be well able usea variety of new media tech no logies and theories with digital conten t product pla nning, desig nan d product ion skills; master network market ing an d dissem in ati on of kno wledge, good comb in ati

8、 on of various media tools an d platform for in tegrated market ing com muni cati on; with wide com muni cati on an d cultural kno wledge, correctly grasp the network com muni cati on regulati ons, policies and ethics, with the comprehe nsive kno wledge and skills to masterplanning and design of net

9、work applications, network monitoring and analysis of information, network promotion and operations, to engagegovernment and corporate propagandaand marketing departments, news publishing industry, network and e-commerce enterprises, web promotion companies, advertising enterprise network informatio

10、n gathering, editing, and an alysis, n etwork desig nan dproduct ion pla nning as well as c onten t-based network platform marketing.Teaching ObjectivesResearch:A n ability to con duct in vestigati ons of complex engin eeri ng problems basedo n scie ntific theories a nd adopt in g scie ntific method

11、s i nclud ing desig n of experiments, analysis and interpretation of dataand synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.Appl ying Moder n Tools: A n ability to create, select a nd apply appropriate tech niq ues, resources,a nd moder n engin eeri ng and IT tools, in cludi ng predict ion an

12、d modelling, to complex engineering activities, with anunderstanding of the limitati ons.Life long Lear ning: A recog niti on of the need for, and an ability to e ngage i n independentand life-long learning with the ability to learn continuously and adapt to new developments.Course DescriptionFundam

13、entals ofWeb Design is a specialty-related courses,it is a strong practice and application of the curriculum. This courseincludes a web page to insert text, images, media, hyperlinks, forms and other pageelements, designing pages in Dreamweaver with Tables, Layers, Frames and CSS style on the web pa

14、ge layout, using Photoshop CS5 and Dreamweaver CS5 to create, man age and maintain a website.Instruments andEquipme ntsThe digital studio School of Journ alism an d Com muni cati onExperiment ReportThe experiment report includes design thinking, site map and design material,etc.Assessme ntThe homeworks grade accounted for 40%;The final design works gradesaccountedfor 60%.Teaching Materials and Referenee Books1 Hon gliSUN,Ji ngfe nDU editor, “ Fun dame ntalofWeb Desig nan d Productio n(Third Edition)Tsjnghua University press,20162 WENJIE college edi


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