已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、初中数学、数学试卷、初中数学试题、数学学案、数学初中教案、初中数学练习题、数学课件、期末考试数学、数学知识难点分析初中数学、数学试卷、初中数学试题、数学学案、数学初中教案、初中数学练习题、数学课件、期末考试数学、数学知识难点分析Book 4 Module 11. have no alter native but (=have no choice but) 除外别无选择;只要2. alter native en ergy3. an alter native pla n4. load with sth.可代替能源 替代方案 给装某物load the truck with coal给汽车装上煤5.6

2、.7.be on fire catch fire set fire to sth着火(强调状态)失火(强调动作,无被动语态)放火烧某物8. comma nd sb to do sth命令某人做某事9. comma nd that (that 从句中要用 should+ 动 词原形,should可省略)10. free of charge11. in charge of12. in the charge of13. take charge of14. be charged with 15. attach sth to sth16. attach on eself to17. be attache

3、d to 系在上免费,不花钱 负责,管理 由负责 负责管理,负责照顾 充满 把某物固定/附在某物上 参加;和在一起,缠着 连在上;附属于.;18. attach importance/value to sth.认为某事很重要/有价值19. for sure肯定地,有把握地20. sb. is sure to do sth 某人一定/肯定做某事7.28.29.be sure + that-clause make sure of /about sth make sure + that-clause sb. run out of sth sth. run out

4、 rely on/upon rely on it that get rid of =rid of 灭 with +复合宾语结构确信,相信 确保 确保 某人用完了某东西某物用完了(没有了) 依靠,信赖;取决于 指望.,对不怀疑 摆脱,丢掉;除去,赶走,消,常用的结构形式有:with+宾语+现在分词(强调宾语是现在分 词动作的发出者或某状态、动作正在进行) with+宾语+过去分词(强调宾语是过去分 词动作的承受者或动作已经发生 ) with+宾语+形容词(强调宾语的特性和状 态) with+宾语+副词 with+宾语+不定式(不定式动作尚未发生)30.place an order订购31.car

5、ry out an operati on做于术32.be optimistic about .对乐观的33.in shape处于良好状态,在形状上34.in the shape of以形状;呈形35.out of shape变形,走样36.look out !小心,当心Watch out! ;Be careful! Take care!37.for a start首先38.to start with = to begi n with首先,第一39.from the start=from the begi nning从开头,从开始40.on the way out即将被淘汰;即将过时41.can

6、 too 或 nevertoo“不可能太.”“再怎么.也不过分”42.Not all =AII not并非所有的Module 21.be on display展览be on showbe on exhibiti on2.permit sb to do sth允许某人做某事3.permit doing sth允许做某事4.provide sb with sth为某人提供某物provide sth for sb5.sth impress sb某物给某人留下影响sb be impressed by6.impress sth on sb使某人铭记=impress sb with sth7.sth is

7、 impressed on onesmindwith+宾语+介词短语某事被印在脑海里8. have/leave/make/ a impressi on on sb9.be convenient to sb对某人方便10.It is convenient for sb对某人方便11.It is convenient to do sth做某事方便12.be convenient for sth对某事方便13.get aroun d=get about到处旅游;给某人留下的印象14.be conn ected to/with与.相连,接通15.be stuck in困住,动不了16.get dres

8、sed穿衣get washed洗脸四处走动get lost迷路get married结婚get charged充电get separated被分散17.in no time马上,一会儿18.on time按时in time及时19.once upon a time从前20.at the same time与此同时at one time曾经,一度,从前有个时期4.involve sb in 允许某人参与5.in volve on eself in 积极参与6.be/get involved in 被卷入到.之中7.more tha n不仅仅more than 100 = over 100 ,超过

9、 100at no time决不,在任何时候都不21. be worth doing值得做.be worth + n. = be worthy of + nsth. is worth doing =sth is worthy of beingdone = sth is worthy to be done22.祈使句 + and +简单句”可以改为if条件句Think hard, and you llhave an idea.使劲想你就会有主意。23.祈使句+ or +简单句”也可以改为if条件句Listen to me, or you wontunderstand. = ?24. under

10、construction正在建设之中25. be limited to局限于.26. in rush hours处于交通咼峰期27. react to 对产生反应react with sth.与某物起(化学)反应28. occur to sb(主意或想法突然)浮现与脑中,被想起,被想到29. It occurs to sb to do sth某人想到It occurs to sb that30. have sth done请别人做某事31. keep cool保持冷静keep quiet保持安静keep still不动keep sile nt保持沉默32. no way肯定不,没门儿(用于句首

11、时,句子要倒装)Module 31. vary in 在方面不冋2. vary from to从.到变化3. vary with随着-.而变化,因.而不同more tha n surprised十分/非常吃惊more tha n与其说不如说(强调前者)He was more an artist tha n a writer.8. on guard(保持)警惕;值班,站岗9. on holiday度假on leave休班on duty值班10. hold up举起,抬起,承受住,支撑11. hold back阻挡hold on等会儿,坚持hold out维持12. give away 泄露,出卖

12、,暴露,让步,赠送,捐赠13. give off发出(烟、光、热、气味等)14. give out 发出;放出(消息、声音等);用完,耗尽15. mind reader能看透别人心思的人16. make a deal达成协议,做成交易17. com muni cate with sb和某人交流18. be busy with sth忙于某事19. shake hands with sb和某人握手20. stare at sb/sth注视着某人/某物21. stare into the distanee凝视着远方22. request sb to do sth要求某人做某事23. request

13、 that sb (should) do 要求呆人做呆事24. do sb a favour帮某人一个忙25. ask sb a favour请某人帮个忙26. in favour of赞成27. lift up举起;太高;吊起28. up and down上上下下 up and dow n、八 、八 刖刖后后 up and dow n处处=here and there up and dow n来来往往29. by accident偶然地,无意地Module 41. experime nt with sth.2. experime nt on sth.用某物实验 对某物进行实验carry ou

14、t perform con ductdo makean experiment 做实验make a breakthrough convert A in to/to B take the place of = replace in place of in stead of 语) a qua ntity of +取得重大突破(进展) 把A转换成B 取代,代替 取代,代替(介词短语) 代替,而不是(介词短不可数名词,谓语动词用单数 quantities of+可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数 quantities of+不可数名词,谓语动词用复数 bring up bring dow n bring ab

15、out bring back bring in search forsearch sb/sp in search ofas a result ofas a result owing to = thanks todue tobecause of -抚育;教养,呕吐,提出(话题等)降低 导致,引起 归还;恢复;回想 赚(钱);带进;传入寻找 搜查某人或某地 寻求/寻找 由于.的结果 因此,结果由于the key to the an swer to the questi on no tes to the textan end to the meet ingthe entrance to the bu

16、ilding export sth tothe sec ond most importa nt be interested in graduate from escape from (out of)+sp. escape from reality have a n arrow escapea fire escape clear up be known forbe known an的关键 问题的答案 课文注释 会议的结束 大厦的入口 出口某物到第二重要的 对感兴趣 从.(地方)毕业 从某地逃脱;逃走 逃避现实 九死一生 紧急出口 ;安全门 (天气)放晴;整理;收拾 因.而出名/闻名 以而知名,著

17、称be known to为所知28. earn ones livi ng谋生=make a livi ngget/ga in a living谋生比较:live/lead a life过着.的生活29. come to power掌权;执政30. take power取得政权in power当权,执政out of one power不能胜任,力所不及=bey ond one power31. It is possible that 可能32. It certain that.疋.=sb/sth is certain to doIt certa in that you succeed. = ?3

18、3. It slikely that可能.=sb/sth is likely to doIt likely that he is doing his homework.=34. It seems that好像=sb/sth seems to doIt seems that he knows the secret. =?35. at war在交战中36. be diagnosed with被诊断出 ,患有37. become the voice of成为的代言人38. partly because of一部分因为Module 51. surround sb with sb用某人包围某人be su

19、rro un ded by sb被某人所包围in the surro unding在周围环境2. a narrow escape九死一生3. in the dista nee在远处,在远方from a dista nee从一定距离,从远处at a distanee在一疋距离处,隔一段距离keep sb at a dista nee对某人冷淡与某人保持距离4. at the edge of 在的边缘(侧重于在边缘点上)on the edge of在边缘上(侧重在边缘较广阔的地域)5. at least = at the least至少6. not in the least = not all一点

20、也不7. at most = at the most至多8. be heavy with有大量的9. make a detour绕道而行10. have four weeks off休四周假.1.go through穿过;经历12.forbid sb to do sth禁止某人做某事13.forbid doing sth禁止做某事14.require to do sth要求去做某事15.require sb to do sth要求某人去做某事16.requir

21、e that sb (should) do sth 要求呆人做呆 事17.sth require doing=sth require to be done某物需要被做18.on the spot在现场,当场19.rip off敲竹杠;敲诈20.rip sth off偷窃,盗取21.get a kick out of从中得到乐趣22.enjoy doing喜欢干.23.be fond of喜欢.24.go in for爱好,从事Module 61.attack sb with sth用某物攻击某人2.be attacked with a disease患 / 害病3.make an attack

22、 on/upon对发动攻击4.a heart attack心脏病突发5.come into existe nee开始存在;形成;成立6.calm dow n(使)安静下来7.sb. is unlikely to 某人不可能8.It is unlikely that 不可能be likely to.可能9.be related to与有关,与有联系10.There happe ns to be-碰巧有11.There appears to be 似乎有12.There seems to be 好像有13.have the fortune (luck) to do sth幸好(幸运)做某事14.m

23、ake a fortune发财15.try one fortune碰碰运气16.die out(家族、物种)灭绝;灭亡;(习俗等)渐渐消失(火)逐渐熄灭17.throw light on帮助弄清楚;阐明某事18.come to light暴露,被发现,表现出来19.bring to light让人知道,公布于世20.come straight to the point 谈正题;开门见山21.be on the point of止要22.go for适用于 应用于;喜欢偏爱23.adapt on eself to使自己适应于24. according to根据25. be connected with与.有关系26. in order to = so as to为了本模块重点语法一. 情态动词+ have + p.p.用法归纳1. must have done sth.肯定做了某事(表示对过去的某事做出肯定的判断)He knew the film. He must have see n it.2. may/might have done可能/大概已经做了某事 表示对过去情况的


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