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1、Im hungry!Id like a hotdoga cakesome noodlessome ricesome vegetablessome fruitsa hamburgerhamburgerschicken hamburgerbeefhamburgerfish hamburgerWhat would you like to eat?Id like a _ hamburger.pork hamburger .sandwichsandwichesegg sandwichvegetablesandwichbeefsandwichchickensandwichWhat would you li

2、ke to eat?Id like a _ sandwich. .salad =banana saladapple saladstrawberrysalad fruit saladbananasaladpotatosaladtomatosalad vegetable saladcarrotsaladLook and sayWhat would you like to eat?Id like some _ salad.an ice-creamice-creamsWhat would you like to eat?Id like an _.teaWhat would you like to dr

3、ink?Id like some _.What would you like to drink?Id like some _.milksoupteaorange juicecoke-What would you like to eat?-Id like-What would you like to drink?-Id likeUnit 3 What would you like?Part A Lets talkhungryamI.I am hungry.eatWhatlikeyouwouldto?What would you like to eat?bread.likesomeIdandcak

4、esId like some bread and cakes.A: What would you like to eat?B: _Id like a cake.A: What would you like to eat?B: _Id like some cakes.A: What would you like to eat?B: _Id like a sandwich.A: What would you like to eat?B: _Id like some sandwiches.A: What would you like to eat?B: _A: What would you like

5、 to eat?B: _Id like an ice cream.Id like some ice creams.A: What would you like to eat?B: _Id like some vegetable salad.A: What would you like to eat?B: _Id like some fruit salad.A: What would you like to drink?B: _Id like some tea.A: What would you like to drink?B: _Id like some milk.A: Im hungry.B

6、: _A: Id like some sandwiches, please.A: Im thirsty.B: _A: Id like some tea. What would you like to eat?What would you like to drink?chicken and bread,rice and vegetables,hamburgers and sandwiches,orange juice, milk, beef noodles,tea, water, ice creamsA: Im hungry.B: What would you like to eat?A: Id

7、 like some _.A: Im thirsty.B: What would you like to drink?A: Id like some _.Unit 3 What would you like?Part A Lets spellLook and say (注意单复数哦!注意单复数哦!)Wow!Wow! A flower!Wow! A _ flower!redyellowpurplewhiteblueWow! A yellow flower!Wow! A cow!howHow are you? downSit down.Slow down.Cow, cow! Slow down!

8、slow snow white snow snowman Look at the window. Its beautiful.Lets readcowflowerwowdownhow nowslowsnowsnowyyellowtomorrowwindow1. cow flower snow2. slow wow yellow3. down cow now4. window now tomorrow5. how snowy downLets PKUnit 3 What would you like?Part B Lets learnA: Im hungry.B: _A: Id like _.L

9、ook and sayWhat would you like to eat?a hamburgerA: Im thirsty.B: _A: Id like _.What would you like to drink?some teaA: _B: _A: _A: Im hungry.B: What would you like to eat?A: Id like some sandwiches and some salad.A: Im thirsty.B: What would you like to drink?A: Id like some orange juice.Lets chantN

10、o candy for the baby.No candy for the baby.Im sorry little baby.But no candy for the baby.a candysome candiesI love candies. They are sweet.sweet 甜的甜的I love ice creams. They are sweet.I love apples. They are sweet.fresh 新鲜的新鲜的I love fish.Its fresh.I love orange juice. Its fresh.Its healthy.I love gr

11、apes. They are fresh.They are sweet.They are healthy.healthy 健康的健康的I love salad. Its fresh.healthy.delicious.delicious 美味的美味的I love beef noodles. They are delicious.I love sandwiches. They are delicious.I love milk. Its delicious.They are fresh.They are hot.hot 辣的辣的Lets review甜的甜的 _美味的美味的_辣的辣的_健康的健康

12、的_新鲜的新鲜的_sweetfreshhealthyhotdeliciousI love _.Its/They are _.Its/Theyre _ and_.Its/Theyre_, _and _.Whats your favourite food?Whats your favourite drink?Unit 3 What would you like?Part B Lets talkhoneyHoney. Its sweet and healthy.Xiong Da, whats your favourite food?Xiong Das favourite food is honey.

13、Lan Yangyang, whats your favourite food?Lan Yangyangs favourite food is cakes.Cakes. They are delicious.Grace, whats your favourite food?GraceCandies. They are sweet.Graces favourite food is candies.Kimi, whats your favourite drink?Kimis favourite drink is milk.KimiMilk. Its delicious and healthy.To

14、days menu(菜单菜单)Food:beef noodlesfish sandwichestomato soupDrink: milkWhats your favourite food?Noodles. I love beef noodles. They are delicious. Whats your favourite food?Fish.Well, lets see. We have beef noodles and fish sandwiches today.Great.请注意模仿请注意模仿语音语调语音语调哦哦!Whats your favourite food?Noodles.

15、 I love beef noodles. They are delicious. Whats your favourite food?Fish.Well, lets see. We have beef noodles and fish sandwiches today.Great.请注意模仿请注意模仿语音语调语音语调哦哦!Whats your favourite food?Noodles. I love beef noodles. They are delicious. Whats your favourite food?Fish.Well, lets see. We have beef n

16、oodles and fish sandwiches today.Great.请注意模仿请注意模仿语音语调语音语调哦哦!namefavourite foodfavourite drinkInterview timenamefavourite foodfavourite drinkMake a report(作报告作报告)_s favourite food is _. His / Her favourite drink is _.Unit 3 What would you like?Part B Read and writeI love candies and orange juice very

17、 much.Graces favourite _ is candies. Her favourite _ is orange juice.fooddrinkI love hamburgers and milk very much._ favourite food is hamburgers. His favourite _ is _.KimisdrinkmilkI like beef noodles and soup very much. Hui Tailangs _._ favourite _.favourite food is beef noodlesdrink is soupHisMy

18、favourite food is _. Its/ They are _.My favourite drink is _. Its / They are _.ice creambeefonions saladchicken chicken vegetablescarrotschicken and onionsbeef and saladfish and carrotonionshealthycarrotsfishMiss Zhaohamburgers They areUnit 3 What would you like?Part B Revisioneggmilkbreadfishsandwi

19、chcakeCokevegetablesbeefeat some eggseat some cakesdrink some juicedrink some Cokenoodleschickenjuicericeeat some noodlesdrink some milkteaWhat would you like to eat?Im hungry.Id like a hamburger.Im thirsty.I love beef noodles. They are delicious.healthyhotdeliciousfreshfavouritesweetGroup challenge

20、(小组挑战小组挑战)连词组句连词组句1.favourite, sandwiches, food, is, Sarahs (.)Sarahs favourite food is sandwiches.2. love, milk, is , it, I , healthy, very, and, fresh(.)(.)I love milk. It is very healthy and fresh.3. weekend, the, often, football, I , on , play (.)I often play football on the weekend.4.you clothe

21、s, do, weekend, your, wash, on , the (?)Do you wash your clothes on the weekend?A: What would you like to eat?B: _Id like a cake.A: What would you like to eat?B: _Id like some cakes.A: Im hungry.B: _A: Id like some sandwiches, please.A: Im thirsty.B: _A: Id like some tea. What would you like to eat?What would you like to drink?Unit 3 What would you like?Part B Lets learnA: Im thirsty.B: _A: Id like _.What would you like to drink?some teaA: _B: _A: _A: Im hungry.B: Wh


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