1、浙江理工大学2012版工业工程专业本科留学生培养方案一、专业名称:工业工程 专业代码:110103二、培养目标培养了解当代中国经济、政治、文化和社会发展,具备一定工业工程技术基础,掌握现代管理科学与系统科学的理论和方法,能运用工业工程技术对生产系统、服务系统及其管理系统进行规划、设计、评价和创新,能够参与并促进中国与其所在国之间相关领域友好合作交流的高素质应用型高级管理人才。结合我校处在长三角地域的优势,充分发挥学校优势学科和专业特色作用,培养出具有鲜明特色的国际化人才三、培养规格及基本要求本专业人才培养应具备的主要知识、能力与素质结构如下:1. 知识结构(1)具备较扎实的自然科学基础和较好的
2、人文、艺术和社会科学知识及较强文字的表达能力。掌握基本汉语知识,了解中国概况,具有使用生活用语和阅读本专业汉语资料的初步能力。(2)系统掌握工业工程的支撑学科:工程技术(机械工程及信息工程)、管理工程和系统工程等学科的基础理论,注重学科的渗透与交融;掌握工业工程的基本知识和分析方法。(3)具有较强的分析和解决本专业工程实际问题和对生产系统进行规划、设计、评价、优化和创新的能力;了解本专业学科技术发展的现状和发展趋势。(4)掌握制造、管理、信息、统计相结合的现代工业工程实践能力。主要实践环节:金工实习、认识实习、专业课程设计、大型综合性课程设计(实验)等。2. 能力结构(1)掌握本专业所必需的设
3、计、计算、制图、实验、计算机应用等基本技能。(2)具备分析问题和解决问题的基本能力、综合应用知识的能力。(3)能够运用先进制造技术、现代管理技术、信息与计算机技术等解决现代制造企业的生产管理领域中的实际工程问题。(4)具有初步的科学研究、科技开发及组织管理能力。(5)具有较强的自学能力和扩展、更新知识的能力。 (6)具备一定的科研、开发、管理、技术经济分析、工程实践以及计算机运用能力。3. 素质结构 (1)品格素质:具有较高的政治素质、思想素质与道德素质。 (2)文化素质:具有基本的历史、哲学、文学、艺术等知识和修养。 (3)身心素质:具有健康的体魄和心理。 (4)工程素质:掌握扎实的基础理论
4、知识,具有求实创新的意识,良好的职业道德,严谨踏实的作风。四、主干学科:机械工程、管理科学与工程五、核心课程汉语、中国概况、高等数学、机械制图、机械制造基础、制造系统、人因工程学、基础工业工程、生产计划与控制、质量管理、设施规划与物流分析 六、特色课程研究型课程:生产系统建模与仿真、制造业信息化导论创新实验课程:工业工程综合训练双语教学课程:制造系统、生产计划与控制、管理决策七、学制与最低毕业学分学习年限:3-6年 最低毕业学分:151 授予学位:工学学士 课内总学时:2048 独立实践教学:33周+32学时八、培养方案的学分分配比例类 别必修学分选修学分合计比例通 识 课 程28+22656
5、37.1%学科基础课程30+13165939.1%专 业 课 程16+1283623.8%合 计10150151100%比 例66.9%33.1%实践教学60学分比 例39.7%九、专业特色本专业依托机械工程优势学科和多年积累的产学研基础,重点面向机械制造业,以“工程+管理”结合的人才培养模式培养具有创新能力的工程应用型高级管理人才,掌握本专业的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,能够参与并促进中国与其所在国之间相关领域友好合作交流的高素质人才。本专业通过系列课程的学习及大量的课内外实践环节,使学生具有对各种生产或服务系统进行规划、设计、组织、评价和创新的能力。十、说明1.通识课程选修说明1) 工程
6、技术类:推荐选择制造业信息化导论。2) 人文艺术类:可根据个人兴趣在“学校通识课程一览”中任选。3) 经济管理类:可根据个人兴趣在“通识课程一览”中任选,建议修读“生产管理学基础”课程。2能力培养的具体措施1)紧密结合工程实际,做到四年中实习、设计等综合实践性环节不断线。2)进行就业创业技能培训和执业资格认证,如物流工程师和见习工业工程工程师资格认证。zhejiang sci-tech university2012 program outline of industrial engineering(for international students) name of major: indus
7、trial engineering (ie) code for major:110103 objectivesthis program takes the balanced intellectual, physical and moral development of the students as the major target. the teaching function is to equip the students with systematic professional knowledge, solid fundamental engineering technical skil
8、ls, strong desire of exploration and innovation. the program is to qualify the graduates in work of design, manufacture, scientific research &development, enterprise management and so on in the field of industrial engineering. graduates are also expected to understand contemporary chinese economic,
9、political, cultural and social development, to participate in and promote the exchange and cooperation between china and their countries. basic requirements on knowledge and abilitiesby the time of graduation students should acquire the following knowledge, abilities and qualities:1. knowledge(1) so
10、lid foundation in nature sciences (such as mathematics and physics), humanities, arts, social sciences, and foreign languages.(2) systematic knowledge of the fundamentals of scientific and technological theories in the field of ie, including mechanical engineering, system engineering, management eng
11、ineering, focusing on the discipline of the penetration and integration; master of industrial engineering and the basic knowledge of analysis method.(3) strong ability to analyze and solve the practical problems of system planning, design, evaluation, optimization in engineering and production; inno
12、vation; understanding of the professional frontline of the discipline.(4) abilities of laboratory work and technique of modern design with a combination of mechanical design and computer skills. main practice segments: metal working practice, basic mechanical experiments, curriculum design, and inno
13、vative mechanical design and practice.2. abilities(1) solid foundation in strong core of engineering science courses common to all engineering curricula, especially the skills in mechanical designing, calculating, drawing and experimenting and also skills of computer application.(2) basic abilities
14、of problem analyzing and solving and ability of comprehensive application of knowledge.(3) basic approaches to engineering experiments and scientific thinking, and the ability to solve complex practical engineering problems.(4) strong self-learning ability and innovative thinking.(5) skills of a for
15、eign language, including reading, speaking, listening and writing capabilities, and particularly, reading comprehension of professional literature in that foreign language.3. qualities(1) moral quality: high caliber of political, spiritual and moral quality.(2) cultural quality: basic knowledge and
16、cultivation in history, philosophy, literature and art.(3) physical and mental health: sound in body and mind.(1) professional quality: solid basic theoretical knowledge, realistic and innovative approaches, sound professional ethics, and strong sense of commitment. main disciplines: mechanical engi
17、neering and management engineering core courses chinese language, brief introduction to china ,advanced mathematics, computer programming, mechanical drawing, theoretical mechanics, material mechanics, theory of machines and mechanisms, mechanical design, ergonomics, fundamental industrial engineeri
18、ng, production planning and control, quality management, facilities planning and logistics analysisspecial courses research courses: modeling and simulation of production system,manufacturing informaticsdiscussion courses: comprehensive training of industrial engineeringbilingual courses: manufactur
19、ing system, production planning and control length of courses: 3-6 years degree awarded: bachelor of engineering minimum credits required for graduation: 151 in-class hours: 2048 separate practice teaching: 33 weeks + 32 hours proportion of course creditscourse classificationcompulsory creditsoption
20、al creditstotal creditspercentagegeneral courses28+2265637.1%basic discipline-related courses 30+13165939.1%major-related courses16+1283623.8%total credits10150151100%percentage66.9%33.1%practice teaching60creditspercentage39.7% characteristics of the majorthe program aims to produce high-end practi
21、cal technical talents, which features backgrounds such as textile machinery, mechanical machinery, and electronic machinery. these are in line with the regional development of mechanical machinery, and the requirement for an advanced manufacturing and management basis in zhejiang province, combined
22、with the academic advantage of zhejiang sci-tech university, the program has been structured to cultivate students in three directions: basic industrial management, production management and production improvement, with emphasis on engineering problem solving abilities through large quantities of inside and outside class practices. notes 1. optional courses of general studies1) engineering
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