1、公允价值计量1.公允价值在国际财务报告准则中的规定在 2005 年 11月,国际财务会计准则理事会为注解准则发表了一个讨论意见 , 以财务 会计为基础的公允价值的初始确认和计量,由加拿大会计准则委员会的全体职员编写。虽 然意见包含了对于公允价值的讨论,但它的主要目的是讨论哪些计量属性适合初始确认。 意见是不断更新的概念框架项目的一部分。这个概念框架项目致力于构建一个为财务报表 服务的计量概念。因为意见范围和意图的不同,它不在此论文中讨论。然而,关于那篇讨 论意见的评论将会在国际财务报告准则的公允价值计量披露草案和美国财务会计准则概 念框架计划的第 1号第 157条以及现行公允价值计量指南。这篇
2、讨论意见是关于公允价值 计量的。国际财务报告准则要求某些资产、负债和权益性工具应该在某些情况下用公允价值计 量。然而,指南在公允价值方面的要求通常被准则稀释了,并且准则在这方面的说明也并 不是前后一致的。国际会计准则理事会认为单一来源的那些准则中有关于公允价值方面的 指南将会简化国际财务报告准则并且改善财务报表中公允价值的信息质量。一个简明的公 允价值的定义和一个适用于所有公允价值计量的前后一致的指南将会更清晰地表达公允 价值的对象并且消除公众对于通过国际财务报告准则传播的指南方面的顾虑。国际会计准则理事会强调公允价值计量项目并不是一种用来延伸公允价值在财务报 表中应用的手段。此外,项目的目标
3、在于重新编写、明晰、简化在国际财务报告准则中广 泛应用的现有指南。然而,为了构建一个按准则要求对于所有公允价值的计量都能统一指 南的单一标准,必须对现有的指南做出修改。这些修改意见在第 2 号准则中做了进一步的 讨论,这可能会使公允价值在某些标准下的计量和在准则要求下进行的解释和应用都做出 调整。在某些准则中,国际会计准则理事会(或其前身)有意识地纳入了一些计量指南。这 些指南会导致尽管它在公允价值的计量客体上并不是前后一致,但在这些客体的计量上仍 被视为公允价值计量。例如,关于第 3 号准则第 16 段企业合并的指南中公允价值计量的 客体就与企业合并中所涉及的项目如税项资产、税项负债和特定收
4、益计划中的员工福利经 资产或负债不一致。此外,一些准则包含了计量的可靠性的标准。例如国际会计准则第 16 号固定资产中只有在公允价值能可靠确定时才可以使用公允模式计量。此项规定一点也不 会改变指南中的相关部分。并且指南将会被逐项地探讨。然而,国际会计准则理事会打算 用公允价值计量项目对于目前没有定义的项目编写指南。如第 17 号准则租赁协议,同时 也是把指南中没有清晰表述的计量客体进行统一。由于美国财务会计准则第 157 号单一来源的指南和单一的主体,而这个主体适用于 所有公允价值的计量,国际会计准则理事会就最初的观点达成一致意见,那就是美国财务 会计准则第 157 号对国际财务报告准则中不同
5、指南的进行了改进。2.美国财务会计准则和国际财务报告准则在公允价值定义方 面的不同之处美国会计准则第 157号第 5段把公允价值定义为“在发生日一项合理交易中参与者能 接受的卖出资产或转移负债的价格。 ”通过比较,在美国会计准则中公允价值的定义通常 为:“理性的、有交易意向的参与者在一系列正常交易中愿意交换资产或转移负债的价格 (与准则原文在表达上略有不同) 。”美国会计准则第 157 号在以下三个方面与国际财务报 告准则有实质性差异:1)美国财务会计准则第 157 号对于公允价值明确地说它是一个卖出价,而国际财务 报告准则既没有说公允价值是一个卖出价,也没有说它是买入价。2)美国财务会计准则
6、第 157 号的定义指明了市场参与者,而国际财务报告准则的定 义中说的是在一系列正常交易中理性的、有意愿的参与方。3)对于负债,美国会计准则第 157 号的定义意在指明负债的转移(负债对于交易的 另一方仍然存在,并不是负债有对方偿还) ,国际财务报告准则主要指明的是哪些负债能 够在一系列正常交易中被理性的、有交易意向的参与者偿还。2.1卖出价值的计量主体从持有资产或负有负债的参与者的角度看,在交易日假定一项交易是为了卖出资产或 转移负债。因此公允价值计量的主体就是在交易日决定买入资产或转移负债能被交易对方 接受的价格,即卖出价值。美国财务会计准则委员会认为以卖出价作为计量主题更适合, 因为在市
7、场参与者的角度来说它使对于与资产有关的未来现金流入和与负债有关的现金 流出具体化。对于流入与流出概念的强调也符合美国财务会计准则中概念准则的第 6 条财 务要素注解中关于资产和负债的定义。概念准则的第六条第 25 段中定义了资产的未来现 金流入,第 35 段中定义了负债的未来现金流出。国际财务报告准则的第 49 条财务报表的编制基础中类似地定义了经济利益方面的资 产未来现金流入和负债现金流出量。大部分国际会计准则理事会的成员认为以卖出价作为 公允价值计量主体与这些定义是一致的并且是恰当的,因为它反映了以市场为基础的对经 济利益流入或流出的预期。其他成员同意这种观点,但是在他们看来卖出价也反映了
8、对于经济利益流入或流出企 业的预期。因此,他们认为应该把“公允价值”替换为其他更能反映计量属性概念,例如 “现行买入价”或“现有卖出价” 。在美国财务会计准则第 157 号中对于一个买入价的计量主体与卖出价的计量主体的规 定有所不同。买入价定义为交易日在一项合理的交易中市场参与者为购入一项资产或承担 一项负债所付出的金额。某些成员假设不考虑交易成本,买入价和卖出价在同一市场的价 格相同。然而,企业可能在一个市场买入一项资产或承担一项负债而在另一个市场卖出资 产或转移负债。在这种情况下,美国财务会计准则第 157 号中的卖出价可能与买入价不同。 在国际财务报告准则中规定的公允价值计量原则可能与卖
9、出价的计量主体不一致。特别地, 国际会计准则委员会认为这可能是公允价值初始计量的情形,例如:1)国际财务报告准则第 3 号。2) 国际会计准则第 17 号租赁合同下融资租赁的资产和负债的初始确认。3) 国际会计准则第 39 号金融工具:某些金融资产和金融负债的初始确认和计量。 在披露草案的修订过程中,国际会计准则理事会可能会提出公允价值修改后的定义。 这样一来,它将完成对于公允价值计量在国际财务报告准则中的逐条审核。这样做的目的 在于评估每条标准规定的公允价值计量主体是否与准则给出的定义相一致。如果国际会计 理事会得出在特定标准下既定的计量主体与给出公允价值的定义不相一致,或者披露草案 的范围
10、又或是既定的计量主体把标准排除在外,则标准将被公允价值以外的概念重述(例 如现行买入价)。为了协助审核,国际会计理事会需要理解国际财务报告准则的公允价值 计量指南在实务当中是如何运用的。因此它要求被调查者去识别国际财务报告准则中的这 些公允价值计量在实务中哪些方面与美国财务会计准则第 157 号有不同。2.2市场参与者的看法美国财务会计准则第 157号强调公允价值计量是以市场价为基础的计量,并不是针对 某一家企业进行的计量。因此,公允价值计量应当基于一个假设,那就是市场参与者是使 用一项资产或负债的市场价格。此外,即使没有活跃市场或市场活动受限,公允价值的计 量目标仍是一致的:去判定交易价格。
11、这个交易价格是在合理交易中被市场参与者接受的 卖出资产或转移负债的价格 , 不管企业是否有卖出资产或转移负债的能力和意图。 美国财务会计准则第 157号第 10段定义市场参与者作为资金市场上的买者或卖者是:1)不依赖报告个体,即他们不是关联方;2)理性的, 有关于财产或负债的合理理解和交易事项基于所有的可得数据 , 包括通 过应有的合理方式和习惯而取得的数据。3)能够为持有财产或承担负债办理。4)愿意持有财产或承担负债 ; 即他们是主动的而不是强迫这么做。 通过比较,公允价值在国际财务报告准则中的定义设计是“在一系列正常交易中理性 的、有意向的第三方”为国际会计准则第 40 号第 42 至 4
12、4 段投资性房地产的定义提供了 具体解释。公允价值的定义中所指的“理性的、有意向的第三方” ,在文中“理性的”意味者投 资性房地产的买房和卖方对于其的属性和特征的信息是对称的,并且在资产负债表日它的 实际和潜在的使用年限和市场行情双方都能获取合理信息。有意向的购买者指的是购买者 是资源的而不是被迫的。潜在的购买者不会出比理智的、有意向的购买者更高的价格。 有意向的卖方不是急于卖出资产或受迫的卖方,这样的卖方打算以随意的价格卖出资产, 或者不去考虑现有市场的合理价格。有意向的卖方是以一个可得到的合理的价格自愿卖出 投资性房地产的卖方。实际情况中,处理投资性房地产的所有者不必做这些考虑,有意向 的
13、卖方只是假定的左右者。 (例如有意向的卖方不必考虑为投资性房地产的所有者考虑特 定资源税。)公允价值的定义设计的一系列合理的交易是一方与多方之间不存在特殊的关联方关 系,交易是在不存在任何关联关系的独立各方之间进行的。 国际会计准则理事会最初的看法是市场参与者的看法通常与在国际财务报告中叙述合理 的有意向的相关方的一系列合理交易的概念是一致的。 然而,在国际会计准则理事会看来, 被提议的定义将更清楚地在 国际财务报告准则中体现。3.公允价值会计的应用和实施的障碍这一直是一个有争议的问题。即是否继续使用传统历史成本会计措施还是选择使用公 允价值作为计量基础 , 并且反对者和支持者就这一问题提出了
14、几点质疑。国际会计标准第 39号(第 9段)把公允价值定义为:在一项公平交易中,熟悉情况并且自愿交易的双方交换一项资产或清偿一基本原则债务所使用的金额。3.1对于公允价值的理解虽然在理论上看起来比较简单 , 但在实践中这个定义需要进一步的理解。 学者 Barth 和 Landsman认为,它可以被应用在完全竞争市场上,但事实并非总是如此。公允价值会计准则 的应用应遵循三个步骤。市场价格是公允价值的最佳估计。第二个最佳选择 , 在找不到所 计量项目的市场价格或市场信息质量不高的情况下,可以使用所计量项目类似项目的市场 价格作为其公允价值 。最后,如果以上两种价格都得不到的话,应当考虑采用适当的估
15、价 技术来确定资产或负债的公允价值。因此 ,确定公允价值可能是通过使用几种不同的方法 , 包括发公布的市场价格 ,未来现金流贴现或估值方法。 最近发布的国际财务报告准则第 9 号 准则的提案对金融工具的公允价值在交易成本可以被合理估计的情况下公允价值的计量 做出指导。(例如在在广泛意义上存在计量公允价值的可能性并且在这个范围内成本可以 提供对公允价值的最佳估计值,但更近一步用来确定公允价值的信息是不充分的) 。国际 财务报表告准则第 9 号准则还规定了不能成为最佳估计数的成本标准。这些标准包含了预 期投资者的重大转变,市场上投资产品的重大转变或是投资的经济环境的重大变化。很多 关于公允价值会计
16、的争论在其辩论过程中已有暗示。会计学文献中涵盖了相关学者的观点, 即历史成本法与决策无关,因此需要有更好的方法来取而代之。公允价值会计的应用是对历史成本会计的一种取代,尤其是在金融工具方面。在这个 领域,公允价值在很多情形下比历史成本法更具有适应性,这种计量对于报表数据的可靠 性没有损害,尤其是在现有市场价格可靠计量的情况下。金融工具的公允价值计量评估模 式被视为反映了当前的市场对经济状况的影响 , 而不是它们之前的历史成本或企业的持有 成本。因此可以说公允价值能够被视为反映经济实质。 Barth 得出结论 ,认为对决策有用的 公允价值会计准则已经解决了其是否应该用在财务报表中以及应该如何应用
17、在财务报表 中的争论。3.2公允价值应用的障碍 公允价值计量也并非是没有受到争议。诸如此类的批评观点包括公允价值计量可能扭 曲净收入(主要是未实现的持有收益和损失方面的确认) ,并不是很准确,并且易受认为 操纵和产生高额的成本。 Benston 认为市场价值的实现是有缺陷的。这样的缺陷除了在持 有至到期资产的升值时,还有在计量衍生金融工具的公允价值时如果财务经理有回旋余地 的情况。因为公允价值预期估值的伪造可能导致实务操作时错报的风险。反对观点主要集中于资产价格和公平的股东价值的直接关系的并不总是发生。 Benston批评把卖出价作为公允价值计量来计量某些资产 , 如专用机床和在制品库存,这些
18、资产的 卖出价可能为零或负数。最后 Ronen 就公允价值的会计计量的相关性提出了质疑,认为它 们不足以成为估计现金流量的可靠基础。他还对公允价值计量的可靠性提出了质疑主要是 由于评估存在的主观性。这种主观性可能会导致财务经理道德风险的提高。由于投资者的 非理性和市场的低效导致公允价值会计计量的扭曲也是其受到质疑的方面。反对公允价值计量的行业主要是银行业,银行也反对公允价值会计,并且游说来反对 全面实行公允价值会计。据报告银行业反对公允价值会计会导致收入的波动的增加,而这 种波动与银行业日常经营业务的波动无关。并且这种波动会导致低效的资本配置,增加银 行的资金成本。欧盟银行业也对国际会计准则(
19、特别是第 39 号准则)公允价值会计提出 强烈反对。3.3公允价值会计的应用实例涉及公允价值的价值相关性的研究表明对于投资性房地产估值,公允价值会计比历史 成本会计更有说服力。研究还表明公允价值由于对未实现的持有收益和损失的确认使其在 收益方面比历史成本会计存在更大的波动性。某些研究还表明公允价值会计的计量在价值 相关性在低效的市场环境下也会发生。例如,有学者认为以公允价值计量的证券并没有消 除增量资本的影响。这个结果在证券的公允价值和公允价值计量的利得和损失都适用。然而,其他研究的结果并没有证明公允价值的积极作用。例如,研究发现历史成本法 在某些情况下核算的相关增量价值要比公允价值计量的要高
20、。并且,研究表明公允价值计 量的投资性证券相对于账面价值在增量价值方面更有说服力,这样的结论至适用于投资性 证券,并不适用于银行存款、负债或长期负债。最后还有研究表明对于小型银行的控股公 司和没有财务分析师的公司,在对负债和银行存款的公允价值的会计计量方面能获取的有 用信息比历史成本法要少。国际财务报表准则在欧盟国家的应用,这其中包括国际会计准则第32 号和第 39 号,对欧洲的资本市场也产生了影响。例如研究表明欧洲资本市场表现出了应用准则的积极性 的交易活动的增加的迹象,消极影响的交易减少的迹象。这样的结果更导致了银行投资者 对于准则应用的公开反对。此外学者发现在欧洲,实务界认为国际会计准则
21、第 32 号和 39 号在操作上太过复杂,并且会成为国际财务报告准则应用上的障碍。在西班牙的一项研究 表明公允价值会计在金融工具方面的应用会导致财务数据在短期内不具有可比性,并且不能表明财务报表与与当地股市的联系。在固定资产的计量方面并没有发现相似的问题。公 允价值计量模式的可选择性导致很多企业拒绝其的理由。3.4国际财务报告准则在新兴经济体中的应用对于国际财务报告准则在新兴经济体中的运用历来为一些研究的对象。学者 Peng 和 Bewley 公允价值会计在中国的应用情况,他们发现尽管国际财务报告准则对于 2007 年中 国新企业会计准则具有适用性,但在中国的上市公司并没有得到广泛应用。尽管中
22、国在成 本计量中应用了公允价值的计量方法,并且在企业会计准则中也设置了相关科目,但学者 们断言尽管中国会计准则与国际会计准则趋同,但在实务操作上由于政治、经济、文化和 历史的原因还是会有很大差别。研究表明国别的差异会成为国际会计准则施行的一项重大 障碍。阿拉伯联合酋长国不得不开发一套监管系统来处理准则实施过程当中相关的信息安 全和欺诈问题。附录B:外文文献原文Fair Value Measurements1. Fair Value Required in SFRS and IFRSIn November 2005 the IASB published for comment a discuss
23、ion paper, Measurement Bases forFinan cial Acco un ti ng Measureme nt on In itial Recog niti on, writte n by the staff of the Can adia n Accounting Standards Board. Although that paper contained a discussion of fair value, its primary purpose was to discuss which measurement attributes were appropri
24、ate for initial recognition. That paper is part of the ongoing Conceptual Framework project that seeks to establish, among other things, a framework for measurement in financial reporting. Because of the different scope and intent of that paper, it is not discussed in this discussion paper. However,
25、 comments on that discussion paper relating to the measurement of fair value will be considered in the development of the exposure draft of an IFRS on fair value measurement as well as in the Conceptual Framework project. Issue1.SFAS 157 and fair value measurement guidance in current IFRS.IFRSs requ
26、ire some assets, liabilities and equity instruments to be measured at fair value in some circumstances. However, guidance on measuring fair value is dispersed throughout IFRSs and is not always consistent. The IASB believes that establishing a single source of guidance for all fair value measurement
27、srequired by IFRSs will both simplify IFRSs and improve the quality of fair value information included in financial reports. A concise definition of fair value combined with consistent guidance that applies to all fair value measurementswould more clearly communicate the objective of fair value meas
28、urement and eliminate the need for constituents to consider guidance dispersed throughout IFRSs.The IASB emphasises that the Fair Value Measurements project is not a means of expanding the use of fair value in financial reporting. Rather, the objective of the project is to codify, clarify and simpli
29、fy existing guidance that is dispersed widely in IFRSs. However, in order to establish a single standard that provides uniform guidance for all fair value measurements required by IFRSs, amendmentswill need to be made to the existing guidance. As discussed further in Issue 2, the amendments might ch
30、ange how fair value is measured in some standards and how the requirements are interpreted and applied.In some IFRSs the IASB (or its predecessor body) consciously included measurement guidance that results in a measurementthat is treated as if it were fair value even though the guidance is not cons
31、istent with the fair value measurementobjective.For example, paragraph B16 of IFRS Business Combinations provides guidance that is inconsistent with the fair value measurement objective for items acquired in a business combination such as tax assets,tax liabilities and net employee benefit assetsor
32、liabilities for defined benefit plans.Furthermore, some IFRSs contain measurement reliability criteria. For example, IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment permits the revaluation model to be used only if fair value can be measured reliably This project will not change any of that guidance.Rather, tha
33、t guidance will be considered project by project.However, the IASB plans to use the Fair Value Measurements project to establish guidance where there currently is none, such as in IAS 17 Leases, as well as to eliminate inconsistent guidance that does not clearly articulate a single measurement objec
34、tive.Because SFAS 157 establishes a single source of guidance and a single objective that can be applied to all fair value measurements, the IASB has reached the preliminary view that SFAS 157 is an the price trheactewivoeudldtobseell an assetimprovement on the disparate guidance in IFRSs. However,
35、as discussed in more detail below, the IASB has not reached preliminary views on all provisions of SFAS 157.2. Differences of The Definitions of Fair Value In TwoStatementsParagraph 5 of SFAS 157 defines fair value as or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participa
36、nts at the measurement date. Bycomparison, fair value is generally defined in IFRSs as the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm s length transacti(ownithsome slight variations in wording in different standards). Thedef
37、inition in SFAS 157 differs from the definition in IFRSs in three important ways:1)The definition in SFAS 157 is explicitly an exit (selling) price. Thedefinition in IFRSs is neither explicitly an exit price nor an entry (buying) price.2)The definition in SFAS 157 explicitly refers to market partici
38、pants. The definition in IFRSs refers to knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm s length transaction.3)For liabilities, the definition of fair value in SFAS 157 rests on the notion that the liability is transferred (the liability to the counterparty continues; it is not settled with the counterpar
39、ty). The definition in IFRSs refers to the amount at which a liability could be settled between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arms length transaction.These differences are discussed in more detail below.2.1 Exit Price Measurement ObjectiveThe Basis for Conclusions of SFAS 157 are stated below
40、:The transaction to sell the asset or transfer the liability is a hypothetical transaction at the measurement date, considered from the perspective of a market participant that holds the asset or owes the liability. Therefore, the objective of a fair value measurement is to determine the price that
41、would be received for the asset or paid to transfer the liability at the measurement date, that is, an exit price. The Board of FASB concluded that an exit price objective is appropriate because it embodies current expectations about the future inflows associated with the asset and the future outflo
42、ws associated with the liability from the perspective of market participants. The emphasis on inflows and outflows is consistent with the definitions of assetsand liabilities in FASB Concepts Statement No.6, Elements of Financial INVITATION TO COMMENT Statements. Paragraph 25 of Concepts Statement 6
43、 defines assets in terms of future economic benefits (future inflows). Paragraph 35 of Concepts Statement 6 defines liabilities in terms of future sacrifices of economic benefits (future outflows).Paragraph 49 of the IASB sFramework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements simila
44、rly defines assets and liabilities in terms of inflows and outflows of economic benefits. The majority of IASB members believe that a fair value measurement with an exit price objective is consistent with assess whethereach standardthese definitions and is appropriate because it reflects current mar
45、ket-based expectations of flows of economic benefit into or out of the entity.Other IASB members agree with this view, but in their view an entry price also reflects current market-based expectations of flows of economic benefit into or out of the entity. Therefore, they suggest replacing the term f
46、airvalue with terms that are more descriptive of the measurement attribute, such as current entry pricepriceor .current exitAn entry price measurement objective would differ from the exit price objective in SFAS 157 in that it would be defined as the price that would be paid to acquire an assetor re
47、ceived to assume a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. Some members of the IASB are of the view that an entry price and an exit price would be the same amount in the same market, assuming that transaction costs are excluded.However, an entity migh
48、t buy an asset or assume a liability in one market and sell that same asset or transfer that same liability (ie without modification or repackaging) in another market.In such circumstances, the exit price in SFAS 157 would be likely to differ from the entry price.Some fair value measurements require
49、d by IFRSs might not be consistent with an exit price measurement objective. In particular, the IASB observes that this might be the case when fair value is required on initial recognition, such as in:1)IFRS 3.2)IAS 17 for the initial recognition of assets and liabilities by a lessee under a finance
50、 lease.3)IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement for the initial recognition of some financial assets and financial liabilities.In developing an exposure draft, the IASB may propose a revised definition of fair value. If so, it will complete a standard-by-standard review of fair va
51、lue measurements required in IFRSs to s intended measurement objective is consistent witphrtohpeosed definition. If the IASB concludes that the intended measurement objective in a particular standard is inconsistent with the proposed definition of fair value, either that standard will be excluded fr
52、om the scope of the exposure draft or the intended measurementobjective will be restated using a term other than fair value (such as current entry value To assi)s. t in its review, the IASB would like to understand how the fair value measurement guidance in IFRSs is currently applied in practice. It
53、 therefore requests respondents to identify those fair value measurements in IFRSs for which practice differs from the fair value measurement objective inSFAS 157.2.2 Market Participant ViewSFAS 157 emphasisesthat a fair value measurementis a market-basedmeasurement,not an entity-specific measuremen
54、t. Therefore, a fairvalue measurement should be based on the assumptions that marketparticipants would use in pricing the asset or liability. Furthermore, evenwhen there is limited or no observable market activity, the objective ofthe fair value measurement remains the same: to determine the price t
55、hat would be received to sell an asset or be paid to transfer a liability inan orderly transaction between market participants at the measurementdate,regardless of the entity intsention or ability to sell the asset ortransfer the liability at that date.Paragraph 10 of SFAS 157 defines market partici
56、pants as buyers and sellers in the principal (or most advantageous) market for the asset orliability who are:1)Independent of the reporting entity; that is, they are not related parties.2)Knowledgeable, having a reasonable understanding about the asset or liability and the transaction based on all a
57、vailable information, including information that might be obtained through due diligence efforts that are usual and customary.3)Able to transact for the asset or liability.4)Willing to transact for the asset or liability; that is, they are motivated but not forced or otherwise compelled to do so.In
58、comparison, the definition of fair value in IFRSs refers toknowledgeable, willing parties in an armslength transaction .Paragraph4s2-44of IAS 40 Investment Property provide a description of this concept.The definition of fair value refers to knowledgeable,willing parties t.Ihnis context, knowledgeab
59、le means that both the willing baunydetrhe willing seller are reasonably informed about the nature and characteristics of the investment property, its actual and potential uses, and market conditions at the balance sheet date. A willing buyer is motivated, but not compelled, to buy. This buyer is ne
60、ither over-eager nor determined to buy at any price.The assumed buyer would not pay a higher price than a market comprising knowledgeable, willing buyers and sellers would require.A willing seller is neither an over-eager nor a forced seller, prepared to sell at any price, nor one prepared to hold o
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