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1、Chapter 3The Orga ni zati on and Structure of Banking and the Finan cial-ServicesIn dustryFill in the Bla nk Questio ns1. A(n) is a machi ne located at the mercha nts place of bus in ess which allowsdepositors to use their debit card to pay for purchases directly.An swer: POS2. A(n)is a bank which o

2、ffers its full range of services from severallocati ons.An swer: branch bank3. A(n) is a bank which offers its full range of services from only onelocati on.An swer: unit bank4. A(n)is a corporation chartered for the express purpose of holdingthe stock of one or more ban ks.An swer: Bank Holdi ng Co

3、mpa ny5. Man agers who value fringe ben efits, plush offices and ample travel budgets over the pursuit ofmaximum retur ns for stockholders are exhibit ing sig ns of.An swer: Expe nse Prefere nee Behavior6. A(n) can in vest in corporate stock as sell as loa n money to helpfinance the start of new ven

4、 tures or support the expa nsion of existi ng bus in essesAn swer: Mercha nt bank7. A bank which operates exclusively over the in ter net is known as abank.An swer: Virtual8. One new 21st century bank organizational structures is. This is aspecial type of holdi ng compa ny that may offer the broades

5、t range of finan cial services. An swer: Finan cial Holdi ng Compa ny (FHC)9. The key problem in a large money cen ter bank is. Man agers may bekno wledgeable about banking practices but may be less in formed about products and services of subsidiary compa ni es.An swer: spa n of con trol10. The Gra

6、mm-Leach-Bliley Act moved the U.S. banking industry closer to banking inwhich banks may provide securities, in sura nee, and other finan cial products.An swer: uni versal11. A bank that is not associated with a bank holding company is called a(n)bank.An swer: in depe ndent12. is a view of how modern

7、 corporations operate which analyzes therelati on ship betwee n a firm s owners and its man agers.An swer: Agency theory13. Many experts believe that , the relati on ships that exist betwee n man agers,the board of directors and stockholders, is more complicated in financial institutions. Answer: Be

8、cause of gover nment regulati ons.14. is the idea that there will be a lower cost of product ion perunit as the firm gets larger.An swer: Econo mies of scale15. is the idea that there will be lower cost of producing multipleservices using the same orga ni zati on and resources.An swer: Econo mies of

9、 scope16. Over the years, managers of banks and other financial institutions have evolved differentorga ni zati onal forms to address cha nges in the in dustry .In deed, these firms are orga ni zed to carry out various roles in the most efficie nt way. This is referred to as.An swer: Orga nizatio na

10、l form follows fun cti onTrue/False Questi onsT F 17. Bank size is not considered a significant factor in determining how banks are organized.An swer: FalseT F 18. Nearly three quarters of all U.S. banks exceed $100 million in asset size apiece. An swer: FalseT F 19. Nearly all U.S. banks with feder

11、al or state charters have their deposits insured by the Federal Deposit In sura nee Corporati on.An swer: TrueT F 20. State-chartered banks in the United States represent about a quarter of all U.S.-chartered ban ks, while n ati onal banks acco unt for approximately three quarters of all U.S. charte

12、red ban ks.An swer: FalseT F 21. The majority of all U.S. banks are members of the Federal Reserve System.An swer: FalseT F 22. A banking corporation chartered by either federal or state governments that operates only one full-service office is called a unit bank.An swer: TrueT F 23. Over half of al

13、l U.S. states today limit bran chi ng activity.An swer: FalseT F 24. The average U.S. bank is larger in size (in terms of number of branch offices) than the average Can adia n bank.An swer: FalseT F 25. Despite the rapid growth of automation in U.S. banking, there are more full-service branch bankin

14、g offices tha n automated teller machi nes across the whole U.S.An swer: FalseT F 26. In the Uni ted States there are more on e-ba nk holdi ng compa nies tha n multi-ba nk holdi ng compa ni es.An swer: TrueT F 27. Bank holding companies hold more than 90 percent of the industryinstaedUtstedStates.An

15、 swer: TrueT F 28. Research evide nee suggests that banks take n over by in terstate banking orga ni zati ons have gen erally in creased their market shares over their competitors within the same state and gen erally are more profitable tha n their competitors.An swer: FalseT F 29. The concentration

16、 of bank deposits at the local level (that is in urban communities and rural counties) has displayed only moderate changes in recent years.Answer: TrueT F 30. There is evidence that branch banks charge higher fees for some banking services than do unit banks.Answer: TrueT F 31. Branch banks tend to

17、offer a wider menu of services than unit banks.Answer: FalseT F 32. Recent research suggests that branch banks tend to be more profitable than either unit or holding company banks, while interstate banks tend to be the most profitable of all. Answer: FalseT F 33. Less than 10 percent of the largest

18、banks in the U.S. control almost 90 percent of the industry assets.Answer: TrueT F 34. Agency theory suggests that bank management will always pursue the goal of maximizing the return of the banks shareholders.Answer: FalseT F 35. Recent research suggests that the relationship between bank size and

19、the cost of production per unit is roughly U shaped.Answer: TrueT F 36. Bank holding companies that want to achieve the goal of risk reduction in earnings risk through interstate banking can achieve the same level of risk reduction by entering any of the fifty states.Answer: FalseT F 37. Bank holdin

20、g companies are allowed to own nonbank businesses as long as those businesses offer services closely related to banking.Answer: TrueT F 38. Banks tend to have a higher proportion of outside directors than a typical manufacturing firm.Answer: TrueT F 39. Banks which operate entirely on the web are kn

21、own as invisible banks. Answer: FalseT F 40. Banks acquired by holding companies are referred to asaffiliated banks Answer: TrueT F 41. Bank organizational structure has become more complex in recent years. Answer: TrueT F 42. There are only a very small number of unit banks in the U.S. today. Answe

22、r: FalseT F 43. Traditional brick-and-mortar bank branch offices are on the decline in the U.S. today. Answer: FalseT F 44. Community banks are usually smaller banks that are devoted principally to the markets for smaller, locally based deposits and loans.Answer: TrueT F 45. The question of whether

23、financial firms operate as efficiently as possible requires researchers to look into the issue of x-efficiency. The concept requires an assessment of the financial firms operating costs in relation to -ietsffcicoiesnt t frontier.Answer: TrueMultiple Choice Questions46. In banking, organizational for

24、m follows because banks usually are organized in such away as to carry out the tasks and supply the services demanded of them. The term that correctly fills in the blank in the sentence above is:A) Bank sizeB) Managements decisionC) FunctionD) RegulationE) Location Answer: C47. Which one of the foll

25、owing is charged with setting policy and overseeing a banks performance?A) StockholdersB) Board of directorsC) RegulatorsD) DepositorsE) None of the above.An swer: B48. The largest banks possess some potential advantages over small and medium-size banks, according to the textbook. What specific adva

26、 ntage of the largest banks over small and medium-sized banks is not men ti oned in the text?A) Greater diversification geographically and by product lineB) Availability of financial capital at lower costC) Greater professional expertise to allocate capital to the most promising products and service

27、sD) Better positi oned to take adva ntage of the opport un ities afforded by in terstate banking.E) All of the above were mentioned in the text as advantages typically possessed by the largest ban ks.An swer: E49. Before any financial services can be offered to anyone a bank in the United States mus

28、t have a:A) Certificate of deposit in sura neeB) Charter of incorporationC) List of established customersD) New building constructed to be the banks permanent homeE) None of the above.An swer: B50. In the United States there are close tocommercial banks in operation. Which numbershown below is close

29、st to the actual total number of U.S. banks operating in the U.S.?A)20,500B)13,500C)11,500D)9,000E)7,500An swer: E51. One of the few states that has opted out of in terstate banking is:A) New YorkB) OhioC) TexasD) MontanaE) None of the aboveAn swer: D52. The concentration of U.S. bank deposits in th

30、e hands of the largest banks hasduring themost recent period,A) DeclinedB) In creasedC) Remained essentially unchangedD) Exhibited large fluctuations in both directionsE) None of above.Answer: B53. Bank holding company organizations have several advantages over other types of banking organizations.

31、Among the advantages mentioned in this chapter is:A) Greater ease of access to capital marketsB) Tax advantageC) Product-line diversificationD) All of the above.E) None of the above.Answer: D54. A company which owns the stock of three different banks is known as a(n):A) Unit BankB) Interstate BankC)

32、 One Bank Holding CompanyD) Multi Bank Holding CompanyE) None of the aboveAnswer: D55. Which of the following is considered an advantage of branch banking?A) Increased availability and convenience of servicesB) Decreased chance of failureC) Reduced transaction costsD) B and C aboveE) All of the abov

33、eAnswer: E56. The types of nonbank businesses a bank holding company can own include which of the following?A) Retail Computer StoreB) Security Brokerage FirmC) Retail Grocery StoreD) Wholesale Electronic Distribution CompanyE) All of the aboveAnswer: B57. A bank which offers its full range of servi

34、ces from only one office is known as a:A) Unit BankB) Branch BankC) Correspondent BankD) Bank Holding CompanyE) None of the aboveAnswer: A58. Why did so many states and the federal gover nment fin ally enact in terstate banking laws?A) The need for new capital in order to revive struggling economies

35、B) The expansion of services by nonbank financial institutionsC) Competition from neighboring states that already liberalized their lawsD) Adva nces in tech no logy which allowed banks to service customers in broader geographic areasE) All of the above are reas ons for the passage of in terstate ban

36、king laws An swer: E59. What is a bank holding company?A) It is a bank that offers all of its services out of one officeB) It is a bank that offers all its services out of several officesC) It is a corporation formed to hold the stock of one or more banksD) It is a merchant bankE) None of the aboveA

37、n swer: C60. Which of the following is a type of service a bank holding company is not allowed to own?A) Merchant banking companyB) Savings and loan associationC) Retail electronics equipment sales companyD) Security brokerage firmE) In sura nee age ncyAn swer: C61. In the last decade, the number of

38、 banks hasand the number of branches hasA) Decli ned; In creasedB) Grown; IncreasedC) Grown; DecreasedD) Declined; DecreasedE) Stabilized; Stabilized An swer: A62. Websites known as electronic branches offer all of the following except:A) Internet banking servicesB) ATMsC) Point of sales terminalsD)

39、 Computer and phone services connecting customersE) Travelers checksAn swer: E63. Relative to manufacturing firms, banks tend to have a (the) number of boardmembers.A) SameB) LargerC) SmallerD) UnknownE) None of the aboveAnswer: B64. The percentage of unit banks in the U.S. today is approximately:A)

40、10%B)30%C)50%D)75%E)100%Answer: B65. The typical community bank has:A) $300 million in assets and is located in a smaller city in the Midwest.B) $25 billion in assets and is located in a large city in the EastC) $100 million in assets and is located in a large city the SouthD) $10 billion in assets

41、and is located in a small city in the WestE) None of the aboveAnswer: A66. The typical money center bank has:A) $250 million in assets and is located in a smaller city in the MidwestB) $25 billion in assets and is located in a large city in the EastC) $100 million in assets and is located in a large

42、 city in the SouthD) $10 billion in assets and is located in a small city in the WestE) None of the aboveAnswer: B67. The majority of banks today are:A) Federally charteredB) UninsuredC) State CharteredD) National BanksE) All of the aboveAnswer: C68. Membe banks are:A) Members of the FDICB) Natio na

43、l BanksC) Unit BanksD) Members of the Federal ReserveE) All of the aboveAn swer: D69. andbanks tend to be larger and hold more of the publicdeposits.A) Natio nal a nd MemberB) State and Nonm emberC) Nati onal and Unin suredD) State and In suredE) None of the aboveAn swer: A70. Which of the following

44、 is a reason for the rapid growth in branch banks?A) Exodus of population from cities to suburban areasB) Bank con verge neeC) Bus in ess failuresD) Decreased costs of brick and mortarE) All of the aboveAn swer: A71. Under the Bank Holding Company Act control of a bank is assumed to exist only if:A)

45、 The bank holding company acquires 100% of the bank s stockB) The bank holding company acquires 50% or more of the bank s stockC) The bank holding company acquires 25% or more the bank s stockD) The bank hold ing compa ny acquires three banksE) None of the aboveAn swer: C72. Whe n a bank hold ing co

46、mpa ny acquires a nonbank bus in ess it must be approved by:A) The FDICB) The Comptroller of the Curre ncyC) The Federal ReserveD) The Preside nt of the U.S.E) All of the aboveAn swer: C73. Many financial experts believe that the customers most likely to be damaged by decreased competition include:A

47、) Large corporations in large citiesB) Households and business in smaller cities and townsC) Households that earn more than a billion dollars a yearD) Students away at collegeE) None of the above Answer: B74. According to Levonian and Rose in order to achieve some reduction in earnings risk, interst

48、ate banks must expand into at least:A) 2 statesB) 4 statesC) 6 statesD) 10 statesE) 25 states Answer: B75. The major competitors of banks have:A) Fewer but much larger service providersB) Fewer but smaller service providersC) More but smaller service providersD) More but larger service providersE) None of the aboveAnswer: A76.Of the following countries in Europe, which has the largest number of banks?A) B


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