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1、 unit 12 what did you do last weekend? period5: section b (2a-2c) teaching and learning goals一、语言知识和语言功能:1。能正确使用下列词汇 high, ago, india, moon, surprise, snake move, start, jump, wake, into, forest, ear,put up, get a surprise, shout to, up and down, wake。up2. 能认读下列词汇 tent, scared二、学习策略:1。能根据图片理解文章的大意。2

2、.能训练学生运用略读掌握文章大意,通过跳读抓住文章细节信息的能力。3.能借助思维导图理解文章内容,建构完整的知识体系。三、情感及能力目标:通过文章内容的学习,了解英语国家中学生的假日生活,以此鼓励、培养和锻炼学生的意志,珍惜友谊。了解世界各地以及人们进行的不同活动,感受地域差异。teaching and learning steps:prereading activitiesstep1 previewtalk about the activities in the pictures using simple past tense。 picture1picture2picture3 (设计意图:

3、有效地再现知识是必要的巩固,唤醒记忆,为进一步学习打好基础。)step ii prevision and presentation1.check some old knowledge and the new phrases that they have previewed 1)put the following into english orally.(1)中学毕业 (2)作为一个特殊礼物 (3)带我们去印度 (4)坐了很长时间汽车 (5)搭起帐篷 (6)生火让我们取暖 (7)相互讲故事 (8)受到大的惊吓(9)看到一条蛇正睡在火旁 (10)吵醒了蛇 (11)感到东西在动 (12)作为一份特殊

4、的礼物,我父母带我们去印度。 (13)那里(我们支起帐篷,生活取暖并做饭。 (14)但是我太累了,很早就睡了。(15)我太害怕了,以至于一动不能动。(16)我们大声呼喊父母,让他们知道我们的危险。(17)这样把蛇弄醒了,它进入到湖旁的森林里去了。(18)他还告诉我重要的是别靠近蛇。(20)当我们往帐篷外看时,我们看到一条蛇正睡在火旁。(设计意图:为学生设置前置任务,培养学生的预习能力和自主学习能力,以便他们能更好地了解课文)step iii leading inask the students some questionst:did you watch tv yesterday evening

5、?s:no, i didnt.t:did you go shopping?s:no,i didnt。t: what did you do yesterday evening?ss: i did my homework/i went to(ask more questions more quickly )t: did you go to the zoo last sunday?s: yes or no. t:do you love animals?do you like monkeys?do you like tigers ? what about lions?why not?are you a

6、fraid of them?of course i am afraid of them. (use the following pictures.)show some pictures about the article1)high schooltook a long bus ride put up a tent made a fire to cook food on sat under the moon saw a snake sleeping so scared that started to jump up and down moved into the forest(ask the s

7、tudents to make a list of the animals that people often fear.)t:when we go camping, we may meet scary animals, right? last weekend lisas family met a very scary animal。 guess what it is。ok,lets see the story in 2b.(设计意图:复习了一般过去时的特殊疑问句也复习了它的一般疑问句式,从谈论昨晚活动引入新课,对新的知识进行衔接,让学生对新知识做到心中有数,激发学生兴趣和积极性。)step

8、iv reading taskstask1。fast reading: ask them to read quickly and find the general idea of the story.(they are given only one minute).the general idea of 2b is about_a。 a snakeb. a relaxing weekendc. an unforgettable weekend(设计意图:学生阅读时,教师给予学生快速阅读目标,学生做到心中有数,速读获取大意培养学生的快速阅读能力.)task 2: read the text ag

9、ain more carefully and slowly to find the specific ideas。 and then answer the questions:questionsanswers1.who finished high school two years ago?2. why did our parents take us to india? 3。 how was lisas last weekend?4.what did we do when went camping in a small village in india?5。 how did lisa feel

10、when she saw the snake?6。 what did lisa and her sister do?7。 what did their father do? why did he do that?8。 what lesson did lisa learn from the weekend? (设计意图:精读了解文章细节,理清思路.根据文章内容,提出具体问题,使学生的阅读目的性更强,提高阅读效率,进而培养学生精读与泛读能力) 。task 3: read the passage again. put the phrases in order according to the pas

11、sage。 _snake went into the forest_ put up our tents and cooked food_ learned a useful lesson_ saw a snake and shouted to parents for help_ snakes cant hear but they can feel things moving_my dad jumped up and down in his tent_ took a bus to a small village in india_ told stories under the moon, then

12、 went to sleeptask 4:judge the sentences true or false. if it is false, please correct it。1. lisas sister left school two days ago。 t f 2。 the trip from the city to the lake took a long time by train。 t f 3. it was cloudy on their first night of camping, because there was no moon. t f4. lisa and her

13、 sister wasnt afraid of the snake . t f 5。 lisas mother jumped up and down because snakes could feel things moving and then it would leave there。 t f 6. they killed the snake in the end。 t f(设计意图:运用合适的阅读方法进行指导,结合中考给学生设计合理的题型,引领学生正确地完成任务,有助于提高学生阅读分析及判断问题的能力.)step v consolidationtask 1。 listen to the

14、recording of 2b, and repeat the verb phrases . then ask the students to find out all the verb phrases in the article and underline them .read them rapidly and memorize them as many as possible。task 2。 retell the passage according to the answers.questionsanswers1. my sister finished high school two w

15、eeks ago。 2。 as a special gift, our parents take us to india.3. last weekend was interesting but scary。 4。we took a long bus ride to a small village in india。 we put up our tents and made a fire to cook food on。we sat under the moon and told each other stories.5。she was so scared that she couldnt mo

16、ve。6。they shouted to their parents。7。her father jumped up and down to scare the snake.8。dont go near snakes。/ snakes cant hear but they can feel movements。(设计意图:通过表格的设计,让学生进一步了解了故事内容,理清了课文结构,抓住了文章的要点,复述课文就容易多了。)task 3。ask the students to find out about 10 key words to describe the story. then ask tw

17、o of them to write them on the blackboard。 see who can find the best. at last ask them to retell the story ,and every one say one sentence。(they may be : finished/took/camping/put up/moon/stories/tired/surprise/snake/shouted/jump/woke/forest/ears/)(设计意图:通过让学生自己找关键词,培养学生分清句子主干能力,进一步提高全篇文章及单句的理解能力)tas

18、k4。 fill in the blanks without looking at 2b。my sister finished high school two weeks ago。 as a special gift, our parents (1)_ (take) us to india。 last weekend (2)_(be)interesting but scary. we went camping in a small village in india. first, we took a long bus ride to a lake in the countryside. the

19、re we put up our tents and (3)_(make) a fire (4) _(keep) us warm and cook food on. on the first night, we just (5)_(sit) under the moon and told each other stories。 but i was so tired that i went to sleep early. the next morning, my sister and i got a terrible surprise. when we looked out of our ten

20、t, we saw a big snake (6)_(sleep) near the fire. i was so scared that i couldnt move。 we shouted to our parents to let them know about the danger. my dad started (7) _(jump) up and down in their tent。 this woke the snake up and it (8)_ (move) into the forest near the lake。 my dad told me later that

21、snakes (9)_(not have) ears but can feel things moving. he also told me it was important (10) _(not go) near a snake. this was a very useful lesson for me (设计意图:本环节通过括号中所给的单词提示补全文章,让学生理解并记忆课文内容,巩固基础知识,加深对课文内容重难点训练。)task 5。cooperation 1)ask them to discuss the inspiration from the story2)ask them to d

22、iscuss what to do when you meet a dog running after them ways out may be: we cant run . /we can bend down pretending to get sth to throw at the dogs /we should stare and shout at them loudly because the more you are afraid of them,the more they run after you3.tell the ss a true story when once there

23、 was a big dog chasing me and how i fought against and defeated it。(设计意图:让学生感受到生活处处需要机智,需要冷静去处理问题,从而使人自身变得强大与自信。跟学生讲授亲身经历增加了老师的亲和力与信任度,增进了师生关系的融洽,使他们能够亲其师,进而信其道,以便对英语产生浓厚的兴趣.)step vii inquiry into knowledge by translation 翻译探究一as a special gift, our parents took us to india. 1)翻译为: -。as 这里是“_”的意思 ta

24、ke sb。 to.意思是_作为一名学生,我们要努力学习 -。去年,我父母带我去了北京 -。二、 my sister finished high school two weeks ago。 _two weeks ago 两星期前,一段时间 + ago意为“_,是表达过去的时间。它常与_连用. 三天前,我们参观了自然历史博物馆。 _ 三。 there we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on._put up 意为“_;_” 如:让我们将帐篷搭起来吧。 _ 如果你有什么问题,请举起手来。 _to kee

25、p us warm and cook food on 的意思是“_”;表示目的,我们常用_作目的状语. 如:为了把英语学好,他每天早起读英语-。 四 but i was so tired that i went to sleep early。翻译_i was so scared that i couldnt move。翻译_1.这两句句式结构“so + 形容词 + that ,意为 “_” 如:考拉是如此可爱,以至于我们都喜欢他们。_。2。 “sothat”可以和“_”句式结构互换同义句。例如: he is so young that he cant go to school。 =_ 五he

26、also told me it was important not to go near a snake. _ 这是一个常见的结构:its+_+_+其他成分。 常用的形容词除了important之外,还有easy,difficult, interesting等 。例如:游泳很有趣。 _ (设计意图:采用“小组合作”,提高学生自己观察、发现和掌握语言规律的能力,形成有效的学习策略,并加强了学生合作能力。)stepviii the endof- class test当堂检测 一 用所给词的适当形式补全句子.1. she _(make) a fire _( cook) some food yeste

27、rday.2. they went _(camp)in a small village in india.4。 when we_( look) out of our tent, we _(see) a big snake _ (sleep) near the fire.5。 she got a great _(surprise) when she heard the _(surprise) news。she was greatly_(surprise). 6。she was too_(scare)_(move)when she _(see) the _(scare) snake. 8。 i f

28、elt someone_(follow) me。二完形填空mr green worked in an office.every morning he 1_breakfast with his family at half past seven, _2 his newspaper, drank a cup of coffee and then left his house at eight oclock and went to 3 his train to town。 one morning he was still sitting happily at the breakfast table

29、and reading his newspaper at five past eight。 he asked his wife for 4 cup of coffee. “one more? she asked. “but arent you going to the office today? have you got a holiday?” “the office?” he looked up from his newspaper and _5_ sadly。 “i thought i wasat the office。” ( ) 1。.eats b eat c.eating d.ate(

30、 ) 2 a. watchedb。 sawc。 readd。 looked( ) 3。a。 makeb. byc. haved。 take( ) 4. a. otherb。 anotherc。 the otherd。 others( ) 5. a. speaked b。 sayingc。 saysd。 said三改错1。 we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food .2. he is so young that he can go to school。3 he also told me it was imp

31、ortant not go near a snake。4。 my sister finish .high school two weeks ago。5。she got a great surprised。(设计意图:检查学生对知识的运用情况,进一步巩固所学知识,及时查缺补漏,完形填空考查了学生对过去时态的理解,也是对所学知识的升华)step ix。 homework 1。 you must do:3a fill in the blanksand self check part 1and 2。2。 workbook the left part of sectionb3.choose to do:

32、write a passage about your last weekend(within 80 words)4。revise the new words and check by themselves(设计意图:分层布置作业,不同程度地考查了各类同学,让他们力所能及地完成任务,各取所需。)本课亮点:1。预习部分的设计全面,通过检测学生的预习效果,教师可以更有针对性地教,学生更有针对性的学2.能够立足教学目标,循序渐进对学生进行知识的渗透。教学活动设计,充分考虑了学生的不同层次,注重学生参与的广度.整堂课,体现了学生的主体地位,并采用任务性教学,旨在培养学生的阅读能力.同时教和学立足于课本,

33、但又高于课本,实现了学生从理论的积累到生活实践的真正的转变。3。情感教育增强了学生生活能力,并贴近现实,让学生有亲切感,增加了师生感情,并进一步挺高了对英语的兴趣。建议:不足:有些练习题设计较难,部分内容完成不了,对乡镇中学基础差的学生来说,难度更大.建议:课文内容较长,课文难度较大,长句较多,教师可根据自己班级学生掌握的状况来增减,以适合不同班级的水平。参考答案::step iv:answer to the questions:task 2questionsanswers1。who finished high school two weeks ago?1. my sister finishe

34、d high school two weeks ago. 2. why did our parents take us2。 as a special gift, our to india? parents take us to india.3. how was lisas last weekend?3. last weekend was interesting but scary。 4。what did we do when went camping in a small village in india?took a long bus ride to a small village in i

35、ndiaput up our tents and made a fire to cook food onwe sat under the moon and told each other stories。5。 how did lisa feel when she saw the snake?she was so scared that she couldnt move。6。 what did lisa and her sister do?they shouted to their parents。7. what did their father do? why did he do that?h

36、er father jumped up and down to scare the snake.8. what lesson did lisa learn from the weekend?dont go near snakes。/ snakes cant hear but they can feel movements。task 3: 6 2 8 4 7 5 1 3task 4: judge true or false. if it is false, please correct it。fffstep v consolidationtask4。 fill in the blanks wit

37、hout looking at 2b (1)took(2)was(3)made (4)to keep(5)sat(6)sleeping (7)to jump (8)moved(9)dont have(10)not to go step vii inquiry into knowledge by translation 翻译探究 一as a special gift, our parents took us to india。 1)翻译为:作为一个特殊礼物,我们父母带我们去了印度。 -。as 这里是“_作为_的意思 take sb. to.意思是_带-去_作为一名学生,我们要努力学习 as a

38、student,we should study hard。 -。去年,我父母带我去了北京 last year,my parents took me to beijing。 -。二。 my sister finished high school two weeks ago. _我姐姐两周前高中毕业了_。two weeks ago 两星期前,一段时间 + ago意为“_多久前_”,是表达过去的时间。它常与_过去式_连用。 三天前,我们参观了自然历史博物馆。 _three days ago,we visited the science museum_. 三. there we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on._。 在那儿我们支起帐篷生火取暖并在上面做饭_put up 意为“_搭起;举起to keep us warm and cook food on 的意思是“使我们暖和;在火上做饭”;表示目的,我们常用_不定式_作目的状语。 如:为了把英语学好,他每天早起读英语to study english well,he gets up early to read en


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