



1、v.Unit 2 What time do you go to school?、单词讲解: down up (反)1、up adv 向上 *get upget dressed穿上衣服be dressed in-穿着 v.穿衣服dress sb.给某人穿上衣服2、dressdress up穿上盛装,装扮n连衣裙 a red dress3、brush v 吊!jbrush (on已s) teeth“刷子 f (pl.) brushes4、tooth (pl )teeth brush (ones) teeth 刷牙toothbmsh 牙刷v.淋浴一shower5、shower n淋浴 f take

2、3 showern.淋浴器(间)shower = take a shower look = take a look walk = take a walk6、usual adj.通常的,寻常的,平凡的,普通的f I have a usual day. usually adv.通常平常-* I visually take a shower at 6.unusual adj.不寻常的,罕有的,独特的unusually adv.不寻常地:非常7、forty fortieth8、never (否定词。常位于be动词、助动词、情态动词之后,实义动词之前) 练习:I always play soccer a

3、fter school.(改为否定句)Iplay soccer after school.9、early adv 早 -* get up early / go to bed earlyadj 早的 f early morning / early busfiftyfiftieth11、job C 工作职业 I have a job. / Scott has an interesting job. LJPm nerer late for rork. / go to work 工作 J v/ork、12.I work in a school v 工作“ 工人 worker radio station

4、 -* at a radio station-*13、station n电(视)台,车站 Tr station at a TV station clock14、o at 4 (o*clock)at nightall night10 点至黎明前)15、night (晚 day and nightGood night!have ftui = have a good time -* 16、fun U 乐趣interesting=adj.有趣的,使人快乐的That a funny time for breakfast. funny adj 奇怪的,滑稽好笑的 fexercise =17 exercis

5、e锻炼,运动匚take exerciseu 锻炼.运动 一 nLJ do eye exercisesdo morning exercises / 练习; 操 fc练习:(1)他们每天都锻炼。她不健康,因为她从不锻炼(身体)。18、on weekendsoil the weekend19、good bet ter bes tadj. best friendwell better best adv. I like best.in our group20 group n组,群 a group of-*in groups woik in groups21 half a lialfhalf an hou

6、r / half a month / half a year22 past prep.晚于,过(时间)一twenty past six / half past sixadj . 过去的 ill the past tliree months 晚于,过(时间/七。到(时间)借助介词past或to衣示时间时,要先说分再说钟点。 当分钟不超过30分钟时(包括30分钟),即 W30,用past农示。其结构为:“分钟past+整点”意为“几点过几分”。当超过30分钟时,即30,用to农示。其结构为:“所差分钟十to十下个整点”,to译成“差”,差几 分钟到几点。Ifs a quarter past thr

7、ee.现在是三点刻。一刻钟Its a quarter to sev已n.现在是差刻到七点。23、quartera / one quarter of+n. 四之 订內 a / one half 半 四分之一three quarters of + n. 四分之三的 do (ones) homework 24、homework U finish homework / finish doing homeworkI have much homework.25 run v 跑,奔 I usually run at six in the monung.runner n跑步者,赛跑者running n 跑,赛

8、跑 f running star / running shoesv打扫,弄干净 clean my room26、cleando some cleaningadj 干净的 f Our classroom is clean. / Its a clean room.27 walk v行走,步行 一walk to步行去” n 步行 f take a walk = have a walk = go for a walk = walk walk = take a walk = hav已 a walklook = take a look = have a lookshower = take a shower

9、 = have a shower 28、quick adj.快的 f (反)slow quickly adv.很快地 f (反)slowlyquick quickly usual 一 usually healthy healthily 练习:I usually have abreakfast.I usually have breakfast very.“匕her“or“或者或者要么要么,不是就是连接两个主常时iSIMt近总则29、either adv.(用于否定句句末.用逗号隔开)“也(不)He doesnt have any money, either.adj./pron.(两者中的)任一的

10、(作主语时,相当于三单) either十m单数f Either book is interesting.任何本书都很有总思。 either of + the 十 n.(pl.) -* Either of the two boys is clever either of + pron. -* Either of you is OK.many + C pl 30、 lot pron 大量,许多 _ lots of = a lot of + C pl much 十 Uu练习:(1) I have many books.(同义句)(同义句)He eats a lot of healthy food.

11、(2).I sometimes watch TV at night.有时 31、sometimes = at times11 go there sometime next week. J Isometime 某时,某个时候I go to your school some times. some times 几次 I want to be here some time. some time 一段时间动词、benever从不(在句中常位于often常常sometimes有时频率副词:always总是Visually通常 助动 词或情态动词这后,实恿动词之前。我通常六点起床。如I usually g

12、et up at six o clock.我上学从不迟到。I am never late for schoolID尝起来很好taste good尝起来,有的味道(+ adj. ) Link-v.taste32x s taste the food.* Letvt.品尝c味道,风味,滋味tasty adj.味道好的,味美可口的L (某种方式的)生活 I have a very healthy life. / a liappy life lives (life fpJL)33、 生命 saveoners life slifeIn one 一生 halveshalf flives-life二.短语归纳

13、:1) 什么时间1) what time2) go to school 2)去上学 3) 起床 get up 3)4) get dressed 4)穿上衣服 5) brush teeth 刷牙 5)6) eat breakfast 6)吃早饭7) take a shower 洗淋浴 7)8) 8)早起,起得早get up early9) an interesting job 9)份有趣的工作10) at a radio station 在家广播电台 10)11) radio show 11)广播节目12) fix)nrto12)从到13) at mght 13)在晚上14) 14)去上班,去工

14、作go to work15) be late for- 15)迟到 16) 16)在周末 on weekends17)在上学日 on school days 17)18)18)最好的朋友 best friend19) in our group 在我们组,在我们队 19)20) getup late 20)晚起,起得晚 21) half past six21)六点半 22) a quarter past three 22)三点刻 23) 差刻到七点 a quarter to sevin 23)24)24) 在早上 in the mormng25) 在下午 in the afternoon 25)

15、26) 26)在晚上 in the 已veiling (10 点前)27) do homework 27)做家庭作业28) 上床睡觉 go to bed 28)29) 29)go home回家30) 30)打扫我的房间clean my room31) take a walk 31)散步32) go to bed early 32)早睡 33)吃得快 eat quickly 33)34) 34)半个小时 half an hour35)到家get home 35)36) 36)eitheroi 要么要么,不是就是eat a good breakfast 吃顿丰盛的早餐 37) 37)lots of

16、-38) 许多 38)对有好处(益)39) 39) be good fbrtaste good40) 40)偿起来很好 unhealthy habits不健康的习惯41)41)get home from school 42)放学回家 42)need to do 需要做43)43)have tune to do44)有时间做44)三、典型句子:1) 你几点去上学?1) What time do you go to school?2) What tune do you usually take a shower? 2)你通常几点洗淋浴? 3)我通常在6:40洗淋浴。I usually take a

17、 shower at six forty. 3)4) He works at a radio station. 4)他在家广播电台工作5) 你的广播节目是几点?time is your radio show? 5)6)那是个奇怪的早餐时间Thats a fUnny time for breakfast. 6)7) 7)我通常在人约 10:20 锻炼。I usually exercise at about ten twenty.8) 8)你什么时候去上班? When do you go to work?9) 9)我上班从不迟到。Fm never late for work.10) I don 10)我没有很多时间


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