1、国际灯塔协会国际港口协会国际引航协会世界VTS 指南THEIALAIAPHIMPAWORLDVTSGUIDE琼 州 海 峡QIONGZHOUSTRAIT中国P . R .CHINACopyright2002IALAIAPHIMPA引言INTRODUCTION出版本指南的目的是向用户简明介绍琼州海峡船舶交通管理系统(以下称 VTS 系统)的概况,船舶交通管理中心(以下称 VTS 中心)有关船舶交通管理和服务方面的要求及用户需要了解的通航环境情况,以保障船舶航行安全,提高交通效率,保护水域环境,增进 VTS 中心和用户之间的理解和合作。This guide is intended to provi
2、de users with a brief introduction on vessel traffic service system (hereinafter referred to as VTS system) at Qiongzhou Strait, including the requirements of the vessel traffic service center (hereinafter referred to as VTS Center) about vessel traffic control and navigational information as is nec
3、essary for users in order to ensure the safety of navigation, to raise the traffic efficiency, to protect the marine environment, and to promote the understanding and cooperation between users and VTS Center.系 统 概 况SYSTEMSUMMARY琼州海峡 VTS 系统由玉包角、新海、白沙门、木栏头四个雷达站和琼州海峡VTS 中心组成,各处的地理坐标分别为:纬度经度VTS 中心2001.2
4、71N110 17.101 E玉包角雷达站1959.501N109 56.489 E新海雷达站2000.320N110 07.783 E白沙门雷达站2004.290N110 18.846 E木栏头雷达站2009.606N110 41.051 EQiongzhou Strait VTS system consists of four radar stations (Yubaojiao, Xinhai, Baishamen, Mulantou) andVTS Center, the respective coordination of each place is:LatitudeLongitude
5、VTS Center2001.271N110 17.101 EYubaojiao radar station1959.501N109 56.489 EXinhai radar station2000.320N110 07.783 EBaishamen radar station2004.290N110 18.846 EMulantou radar station2009.606N110 41.051 E琼州海峡VTS 系统的主要技术设备及性能:1、雷达监控系统:作用距离大于22 海里,具有自动跟踪、危险报警、视频录像与重放等功能。2、VHF通信系统:作用距离大于25 海里,具有24 小时连续录
6、音与重放功能。3、船舶数据处理系统:可同时处理800 个移动目标和200 个静止目标。The main technical equipment and functions of VTS system are as follows:1. Radar Monitoring SystemEffective range more than 22 nautical miles, with automatic tracking, alarming, video data recording and replaying functions.2. VHF Communication SystemEffecti
7、ve range more than 25 nautical miles, with audio recording of 24 consecutive hours and replaying functions.3 Ship Data Processing SystemWith an ability of processing 800 moving targets and 200 fixed targets at same time.琼州海峡 VTS 中心QIONGZHOU STRAIT VTS CENTER邮政编码: 570311通信地址:海南省海口市滨海大道137 号图文传真:( 089
8、8 )68666231联系电话:( 0898 )68653899“VTS 系统”为英文 Vessel Traffic Service 的缩写。是指由主管机关设置的对船舶实施监督、管理和控制并提供咨询服务的系统。“VTS 中心”是 VTS 系统的运行中心。它是主管机关依照国家法律、法规,在其管辖水域直接行使水上交通安全管理职能的行政管理和执法部门。琼州海峡VTS 系统管理和服务的对象为:按有关国际公约和国内规范规定应配备通信设备及主管机关要求加入VTS系统的船舶。琼州海峡VTS 系统管理和服务的水域范围为:琼州海峡东、西口报告线以内,除去琼州海峡内所有已建成使用的港口、锚地水域和进出港航道等之外
9、的船舶可航行的水域。琼州海峡VTS 系统的工作语言为汉语普通话和英语,工作时间为北京时间00:00 24:00。琼州海峡 VTS 中心依据中华人民共和国海上交通安全法和琼州海峡船舶交通管理系统安全监督管理细则在本 VTS 管理水域内实施船舶交通管理,提供交通服务。Post code: 570311Office Add: 137 Binhai Avenue, Haikou, P. R. ChinaFax: 0898 Tel: 0898 “ VTS system ” , the abbreviation of vessel traffic system, is a system establish
10、ed by the competent authority to exercise supervision, management, control over vessel traffic and to provide services.“ VTS center ”the, operating center of VTS system, is an administrative department of the competent authority, whose function is to exercise control over marine traffic safety withi
11、n its management water area inaccordance with the laws and regulations of the people s republic of China.Users: the ships in accordance with the international conventions and/or the rules and regulations of the people s republic of China should be equipped with the communication e quipment and the s
12、hips the competentauthority may require to be governed by the VTS.Service area: the navigational water area delimited by Eastern Report Line and West Report Line within Qiongzhou Strait except the built harbours, anchorages and fairways.Working languages: Mandarin and/or EnglishWorking time: 0000 24
13、00( Beijing time )Qiongzhou Strait VTS Center exercises control over vessel traffic and provides traffic service withinitsmanagement water area in accordance with the Maritime Traffic Safety Law of the People s Republic of Chinaand the Detailed Rules of Safety Management of Qiongzhou Strait Vessel T
14、raffic Service.本指南图示说明:Symbols for illustration of this guide:1、 VTS 覆盖水域界线Limits of VTS coverage zone2、船舶报告线Report line3、外国籍非军用船舶过峡航路界线Limits of the route where non-military vessels of foreign nationality must go through when passing through the Qiongzhou Strait4、禁锚区界线Limits of zones where anchorin
15、g is prohibited5、灯塔Light-house5、灯桩Light-beacon7、灯浮Light-buoy中 国琼 州 海 峡区域 程 序版本号001修 正 日期页号5C H I N AQIONGZHOU STRAITAREAPROCEDUREEDITIONNO. 001AMENDMENTDATEPAGENO. 5交 通 服 务船舶 报 告VHF 工 作 频 道Traffic ServiceShipsReportingVHF Working ChannelVTS 中心可提供:A)交通信息(须请求) ;B)气象信息(须请求) ;C)协助航行(须请求) ;D)支持联合行动信息(须请求
16、)E)交通流组织服务;F)航行警(通)告信息。The VTS Center can provide:A. traffic information (on request);B. meteorology information (on request); C. navigation assistance (on request);D. information to support joint operation (on request);E. traffic flow organization;F. navigational warning (notice) to mariners.船舶在下列情
17、况下,应通过VHF 向 VTS 中心报告:1、在进入QZVTS 管理水域抵达东口或西口报告线时;2、在驶离海口港、新港、新海港、马村港、海安港、铺前港和三墩港抵达航道 1 号浮标时;3、在驶离锚地和港区水域抵达海口或海安报告线时。Vessels shall report to the VTS Center via VHF in the following circumstances:1. while entering VTS management water area upon the arrival at the Eastern Report Line or Western Report L
18、ine;2. while leaving Haikou port, Haikou Xingang port, Xinhai port, Macun port, Haian port, Puqian port and Sandun Port upon the arrival at the fairway buoy No 1;3. while leaving Anchorage and Harbor Water Area upon the arrival at the Haikou Report Line or Haian Report Line.发生紧急情况的报告:船舶发生或发现交通事故、 污染
19、事故、 机损事故或人员意外等紧急情况时发出。Emergency Report:Ships are required to report any traffic accidents, pollution incidents, engine damage, injury of persons and other emergent situations involved or found by them.VTS 中心工作频道:呼叫频道08通话频道25VTS Center working channel:Calling channel08Speaking channel25注意:所有在 VTS 管理水
20、域内的船舶应在 08 或 16 频道上保持守听。Attention:All vessels within VTS management water area must keep watching on channel 08 or 16.呼号:交管中心Callsign:VTS Center其它 VHF 频道:外轮代理公司11外运代理公司74海口海岸电台 16(可转接引航站、港务局调度等)The others VHF channel:The Panavico Co. 11 The Sinoagent Co. 74Haikou coast radio station 16 (may transfer
21、 to the pilot station, the port operation and so on)IMO船舶报告系统略语表AALPHA船舶船名、呼号、国籍或船站识别码BBRAVO事件的日期和时间六位数,前两位表示日期,后四位表示时间CCHARLIE位置四位数表示纬度 后接 N(北纬)或 S(南纬) ;五位数表示经度 后接 E(东经)或 W(西经) DDELTA位置到一个明显的陆标 (注明陆标的名称) 的方位(前三位数) 和距离(以海里为单位)EECHO真航向三位数FFOXTROT速度三位数(以节或十节为单位)GGOLF驶来港上一挂靠港的名称HHOTEL进入本船舶报告系统的日日期和时间 按
22、( B)所述表达 ,位置 按( C)或( D )所述表达 期、时间和位置IINDIA目的港及预抵时间港名及时间 按( B)所述表达 JJULIETT引水是否有深海引航员或近海引航员在船KKILO驶出本船舶报告系统的日日期和时间 按( B)所述表达 ,位置 按( C)或( D )所述表达 期、时间和位置LLIMA航路信息计划航线MMIKE无线电守听的通信站 / 频道的全称NNOVEMBER下一报告的时间日期和时间 按( B)所述表达 OOSCAR当前最大吃水四位数(前两位单位为米,后两位单位为厘米)PPAPA载货货物及有关危险货物(如会对人员和环境产生危害的有害物质)的简要描述QQUEBEC故障
23、、缺陷、受损及受限情故障、缺陷、受损及其它受限情况的简要描述况RROMEO污染或危险货物丢失情况污染的种类(油类、化学品等) 、丢失危险货物的种类、位置按( C)或( D)所述表达 的简要描述SSIERRA气象情况当前气象和潮流情况的简要描述TTANGO船东和 /船东代表船东和 / 船东代表的名称及所要求的其它详细资料UUNIFORM船舶和船舶尺度船长、船宽、吨位及船舶种类VVICTOR医务人员医生、医生助理、护士、无医务人员WWHISKEY在船的总人数数字XX RAY其它任何其它信息THE I MO STANDARD SHIP REPOPRTING SYSTEMAALPHAShipBBRAV
24、ODate and time of eventCCHARLIEPositionDDELTAPositionEECHOTrue courseFFOXTROTSpeed in knotsGGOLFPort of departureHHOTELDate, time and pointof entryinto systemIINDIADestinationandexpectedtime of arrivalJJULIETTPilotKKILODate, time and point, of exitfrom systemLLIMARoute informationMMIKERadioNNOVEMBER
25、Time of next reportOOSCARMaximumpresent staticdraught in metersPPAPACargo on boardQQUEBECDefects,damage,deficiencies, limitationsRROMEODescription ofpollutionordangerousgoodslostoverboardSSIERRAWeather conditionsTTANGOShip representative and/orownerUUNIFORMShip size and typeVVICTORMedical personnelW
26、WHISKEYTotal number of persons onboardXX RAYMiscellaneousName, call sign or ship station identity and flagA 6 digit group giving day of month (first two digits) , hours and minutes (last four digits) . If other than UTC state time zone usedA 4 digit group giving latitude in degrees and minutes suffi
27、xed with N (north) or S (south) and a 5 digit group giving longitude in degrees and minutes suffixed with W (west) or E (east) ; orTrue bearing (first 3 digits) and distance (state distance) in nautical miles from a clearly identified landmark (state landmark)A 3digit groupA 3 digit groupName of las
28、t port of callEntry time expressed as in (B) and entry position expressed as in (C) or (D)Name of port and date time group expressed as in (B)State whether a deep sea or local pilot is on boardDate, time and point, Exit time expressed as in (B) and exit position expressed as in (C) or (D)Intended tr
29、ackState in full names of communications station/frequencies guarded Date time of group expressed as in (B)4 digit group giving meters and centimetersCargo and brief details of any dangerous cargoes as well as harmful substances and gases that could endanger persons or the environmentBrief details o
30、f defects, damage, deficiencies, or other limitationsBrief details of type of pollution (oil, chemicals, etc) or dangerous goods lost overboard; position expressed as in (C) or (D)Brief details of weather and sea condition prevailingDetails of name and particulars of ship representative and/or owner
31、 for provision of informationDetails of length, breadth, tonnage and type etc. as requiredDoctor, physicians assistant, nurse, no medicState numberAny other information琼州海峡船舶交通管理系统安全监督管理细则第一章总则第一条 为加强琼州海峡船舶交通管理,保障船舶交通安全,提高船舶交通效率,保护水域环境,根据中华人民共和国海上交通安全法 、中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法、中华人民共和国船舶交通管理系统安全监督管理规则等有关法律、规章
32、,制定本细则。第二条 本细则适用于在琼州海峡船舶交通管理系统管理水域(以下简称 QZVTS 管理水域)内航行、停泊和作业的船舶、设施(以下简称船舶)及其所有人、经营人和代理人。外国籍非军用船舶通过琼州海峡时,除遵守外国籍非军用船舶通过琼州海峡管理规则外,还应遵守本细则。第三条 中华人民共和国海南海事局是监督实施本细则的主管机关。 海南海事局设置的琼州海峡船舶交通管理中心(以下简称交管中心)依据本细则负责具体实施船舶交通管理。第二章船舶报告第四条 船舶在下列情况下, 应通过甚高频无线电话 (以下简称 VHF )向交管中心报告:1、在进入 QZVTS 管理水域抵达东口或西口报告线时;2、在驶离海口
33、港、新港、新海港、马村港、海安港、铺前港和三墩港抵达航道 1 号浮标时;3、在驶离锚地和港区水域抵达海口或海安报告线时。船舶报告内容:船名、国籍、呼号、船籍港、船舶总长、最大吃水、装载情况、航行意图、特别航行要求(包括试航、测速、调试罗经、疏浚、打捞等)以及交管中心需要了解的其它情况。拖带船舶还应报告其拖带长度及航行意图。第五条 船舶在 QZVTS 管理水域内发生交通事故、污染事故、船员或旅客出现意外等紧急情况或发现其他船舶发生上述情况时,应立即报告。第六条 船舶发现在 QZVTS 管理水域内的助航标志或导航设施移位、 灭失、损坏、失常或有碍航行安全的障碍物、漂浮物及其它妨碍航行安全的异常情况
34、,应立即报告。第七条 交管中心的 VHF 工作频道为 08 频道和 25 频道,其中 08 频道为船舶报告频道, 25 频道为业务通话频道。第八条 在 QZVTS 管理水域内航行、停泊和作业的船舶,应在VHF08或16 频道上保持守听,并及时回答交管中心的询问。第三章船舶航行与锚泊第九条 交管中心对 QZVTS 管理水域内的船舶交通秩序及交通安全实行监控和管理。第十条 船舶在中水道航行时,只要安全可行,应尽量靠近其右舷的该水道的浮标行驶。第十一条 船舶在北水道航行时, 北上航行的船舶应在以北水道 17 号浮标的连线以东的水域行驶;南下航行的船舶沿该连线以西的水域行驶。第十二条 船舶禁止在 QZ
35、VTS 管理水域内锚泊。如有特殊情况需要在 QZVTS 管理水域锚泊者,必须报经交管中心同意并在指定地点锚泊。紧急情况下,船舶在抛锚后,应立即报告,并接受管理。第十三条 为避免危及人命财产安全或环境污染, 船长和引航员在船舶航行中采取紧急措施时,应及时报告。第四章交通服务第十四条 交管中心在固定的时间或认为必要的任何时间播送他船动态、 助航标志状况、水文气象、航行警(通)告和其他重要安全信息。第十五条 应船舶请求或交管中心认为有必要协助航行时, 交管中心可向船舶提供有关安全航行的咨询意见或建议。船舶不再需要助航时,应及时通知交管中心。第十六条 为避免船舶发生紧迫局面和船舶交通事故, 交管中心可
36、向船舶提出建议或发出危险警告。第十七条 在 QZVTS 管理水域内发生船舶交通事故,交管中心可采取应急措施并协助进行救助工作,支持各类联合行动。第十八条 应船舶所有人、经营人或代理人的请求,交管中心可为其传递有关救助、打捞或污染清除等信息。第五章法律责任第十九条 本细则的实施,不免除船长对本船安全航行的责任,也不免除引航员安全引领船舶的责任。第二十条本细则的实施,不免除船长或引航员遵守其他法律、法规的责任。第二十一条 对违反本细则的,主管机关可依据有关法律、法规和规章给予相应的处罚。第六章附则第二十二条本细则中下列用语的含义是:“船舶交通管理系统”系指由主管机关设置的对船舶交通实施监督、管理和
37、控制并提供咨询服务的系统。“船舶”系指按有关国际公约和国内规范规定应配备通信设备及主管机关要求加入 VTS 系统的船舶。“琼州海峡东口报告线”由三条线段组成,线段的确定方法是:端点 20 2539N、1103059 E 和端点 202539N、1110418E 的联线;端点 202539N、1110418E 和端点 200057N、1110418E 的联线;端点 200057N、1110418E 和端点 200057N、1105539E 的联线。“琼州海峡西口报告线”由端点 200036N、1094242E 和端点201330N、1095512E 的联线组成。“海口报告线”系指端点 20064
38、8N、1100248E 和端点 2006 48N、1102000E 的联线。“海安报告线”系指端点 201206N、1100524E 和端点 2014 48N、1101654E 的联线。“琼州海峡船舶交通管理系统管理水域”系指琼州海峡东、西口报告线以内,除去琼州海峡内所有已建成使用的港口、锚地水域和进出港航道等之外的船舶可航行的水域。“应船舶请求”系指由船长或引航员正式向交管中心提出的要求。THE DETAILED RULES OF SAFETY MANAGEMENTOF QIONGZHOU STRAIT VESSEL TRAFFIC SERVICECHAPTERGENERALARTICLE
39、1 These rules are formulated in accordance with the Maritime Traffic Safety Law of the People Republics of China , the Maritime Environment Protection Law of the People s Republic of China and the Safety Management Regulations Of Vessel Traffic Service Of thePeople s Republic of China , for the purp
40、ose of strengthening theaffictr control of Qiongzhou Strait, ensuring the safety navigation, promoting the traffic efficiency and protecting the environment.ARTICLE 2 These rules are applicable to all vessels and installations (hereinafter referred to as the Vessels ) which are navigating, berthing,
41、 and operating within the Qiongzhou Strait Vessel Traffic Service (hereinafter referred to as the VTS) management water area, including their owners, operators and agents.Non-military vessel of foreign nationality passing through the Qiongzhou Strait must observe these rules in addition to the Rules
42、 For The Control Of Non-military Vessels Of Foreign Nationality Passing Through The Qiongzhou Strait.ARTICLE 3 The Hainan Maritime Safety Administration of the People s Republicis of Chin the competent authority being responsible for the management of the enforcement of these rules.The Qiongzhou Str
43、ait Vessel Traffic Service Center of the Hainan Maritime Safety Administration (hereinafter referred to as the VTS Center) is the body to enforce these rules.CHAPTERREPORTARTICLE 4 Vessels shall report to the VTS Center via the Very High Frequency radio telephone (hereinafter referred to as the VHF)
44、 in the following circumstances:1) while entering VTS management water area upon the arrival at the Eastern Report Line or Western Report Line;2) while leaving Haikou port, Haikou Xingang port, Xinhai port, Macun port, Haian port, Puqian port and Sandun port upon the arrival at the fairway buoy No 1
45、;3) while leaving anchorage and harbor water area, upon the arrival at the Haikou Report Line or Haian Report Line.The report shall include: ship name,s nationality, call sign, port of registry, overall length, maximum draught, stowage of cargo on board, navigational intention, special navigational
46、requirement (including trial voyages, survey speed, debug compass, dredge up, salvage etc.) and other information as required by the VTS Center. Vessels engage in towing operations shall report to the VTS Center its towing length and navigational intention.ARTICLE 5 Vessels involved in, or finding o
47、ther vessels involved in, traffic accident, pollution ,as well as any other emergency situation with crew or passengers within the VTS management water area shall promptly report to the VTS Center.ARTICLE 6 A vessel shall promptly report to the VTS Center upon finding aids to navigation or navigatio
48、nal facilities off-position, missing, damaged or abnormal, obstacles, floating objects or any other unusual situation which may impair safe navigation.ARTICLE7The VTS Center s VHF working channels are channel 08 and 25. Channel 08 isused for calling, channel 25 is used for detailed information.ARTIC
49、LE8All vessels navigating, berthing and operating within the VTS management waterarea shall keep watch on the VHF channel 08 or 16 and respond to the requirements of the VTS Center in ample time.CHAPTERNAVIGATING AND ANCHORINGARTICLE 9 The VTS Center will take an overall surveillance on all vessels
50、traffic safety and keep traffic in order in the VTS management water area.ARTICLE 10 Vessels proceeding along the Zhong Shuidao shall keep as near to the outer limit of the fairway which lies on her starboard side as it is safe and practicable.ARTICLE11While proceeding along the Bei Shuidao, northbo
51、und vessels shall navigate inthe water which lies on the east of the line linking buoy No 1 and buoy No 7; southbound vessels shall navigate in the water which lies on the west of the line linking buoy No1 and buoy No7.ARTICLE 12 Anchoring in the VTS management water area is prohibited. When forced
52、to anchor by necessity, vessels shall apply the VTS Center for permission and anchor in the allocated position. In the case of emergency, vessels shall report to the VTS Center while anchoring and follow the instruction and direction made by the VTS Center.ARTICLE 13 While the master(s) or pilot(s) takes an eme
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