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1、SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3January 1. 20072007年1月1日SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings (美国防护涂料协会)Joint Surface Preparation Standard (表面处理联合标准)SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3Commercial Blast Cleaning (商业级喷砂清理)This The Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC)/NACE International (NACE) standard represents a consensu

2、s of those individual members who have reviewed this document, its scope. and provisions It is intended to aid the manufacturer. the consumer, and the general public Its acceptance docs not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has adopted the standard or not. from manufacturing。 marketing purc

3、hasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not addressed in this standard. Nothing containcd in this SSPC/NACE standard is to be construed as granting any right, by implication of otherwise, to manufacture. sell, or use in connection with any method, apparatus or product covered by Letters

4、Patent, or as indemnifying or protecting anyone against liability for infringement of Letters Patent This standard represents current technology and should in no way be interpreted as a restrict ion on the use of better procedures or materials Neither is this standard intended to app1y in al 1 cases

5、 relating to the subject Unpredictable circumstances may negate the usefulness of this standard in specific instances. SSPC and NACE assume no responsibi li ty for the interpretation or use of this standard by other parties and accept responsibi1ity for only those official interpretations issued by

6、SSPC or NACE in accordance with their governing procedures and pol icics which preclude the issuance of interpretations by individual volunteersUsers of this SSPC/NACE standard are responsible for reviewing appropriate heal th. safety, environmcntal. and regulatory documents and for determining thei

7、r applicabi 1 ity in relation to this standard prior to its use This SSPC/NACE standard may not necessarily address al 1 potent ial heal th and safety problems or environmental hazards associated with the use of materials, equipment。 and/or operations detailed or referred to within this standard Use

8、rs of this SSPC/NACE standard are also responsible for establishing appropriate health safety, and environmcntal protection practices, in consultation with appropriate regulatory authorities if necessary, to achieve compliance with any existing appl icable regulatory requirements prior to the use of

9、 this standard本美国防护涂料协会(SSPC) /NACE国际标准代表了对本文件 及其围和規定进行审核的成员的一致意见。本标准旨在帮助生产 商、用户和广大公众。接受本标准在任何方面不得妨碍任何人(无 论其是否巳采用标准)生产、销售、购买或使用本标准未提及的 产品.工艺或程序。本SSPC/NACE标准中的任何容不得解释为通过 暗示或其他方法授予任何权利进行生产、销售或使用与许可证专 利有关的方法、设备或产品,也不得解释为免除或保护某人免于 承担侵犯专利许可证的法律责任。本标准代表了现行技术,但决 不可理解为限制使用更好的程序及材料。同时本标准并非必须完 全适用于与本主题相关的惜况。无

10、視预见的情况可能导致本标准 特殊场合下得使用无效。SSPC和NACE不承担其他方解释和使用本 标准的相关责任,而仅对SSPC或NACE按照其禁止个别志愿者发布 有关解释的管理程序和规定发布的正式能释承担责任。本SSPC/NACE标准的用户负责审核适当的健康、安全.环境及 法律文件,并在使用前确定其是否适用于本标准,本SSPC/NACE 标准未必能详尽与本标准中详述或提及的材料、设备和操作相关 的所有潜在健康和安全问题或环境危害。本SSPC/NACE标准的用户 同时还应负责建立恰当的健康、安全和环境保护規程;如需要, 应在使用本标准前咨询合适的法律制定机构,以便符合现行适用 的法定要求。The

11、difference between a comnercial blast cleaning and a near-white metal blast cleaning is in the amount of staining permitted to remain on the surface Commercial blast cleaning al lows stains or shadows on 33 percent of each unit area of surface Near-white metal blast cleaning al lows staining or shad

12、ows on only 5 percent of each unit area of surfaceCAUTIONARY NOTICE:SSPC/NACE standards are subject to periodic review, and may be revised or withdrawn at any time in accordance with technical committee procedures SSPC and NACE rcquire that action be taken to reaffirm revise or withdraw this standar

13、d no later than five years from the date of initial publication. The user is cautioned to obtain the latest edit io n. Purchasers may receive current information on all standards and other publications by contacting the organizations at the addresses below:SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings40

14、 24th Street Sixth FloorPittsburgh PA 15222 (telephone +1 877/281-7772) NACE International 1440 South CreekHouston. TX 77084-4906(telephone +1 281/228-6200)ForewordThis joint standard covers the use of blast cleaning abrasives to achieve a defined degree of cleaning of steel surfaces prior to the ap

15、plication of a protective coating or 1 ining system. This standard is intended for use by coating or lining specifiers, applicators, inspectors, or others who may be responsiblc for defining a standard degree of surface cleanlincss.The focus of this standard is commercial blast cleaning. White metal

16、 blast cleaning, near-white metal blast cleaning。 industrial blast cleaning and brush-off blast cleaning are addressed in separate standardsCommercial blast cleaning provides a greater degree of cleaning than industrial blast cleaning (SSPC-SP 14/NACE No. 8i) but less than near-white metal blast cle

17、aning (SSPCSP 10/NACE No. 22).Commercial blast cleaning is used when the objective is to remove al 1 visible oi 1. grease dust. dirt, mi 11 scale, rust, coating. oxides, corrosion products, and other foreign matter leaving staining or shadows on no more than 33 percent of each unit area of surface注意

18、事项:应对SSPC/NACE标准进行周期性审核,同时可 根据技术委员会程序随时对其进行修订或撤销。SSPC/NACE要求对 本标准首次发布日期起的五年进行。用户应注意获取最新版本。 购买商可通过以下联系方式联系SSPC/NACE标准组织获取所有标 准及其他出版物的最新信息:SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings40 24th Street, Sixth FloorPittsburgh, PA 15222(telephone +1 877/281-7772) NACE International1440 South CreekHouston. TX 7

19、7084-4906(telephone +1 281/228-6200) 序言本联合标准涉及在涂覆保护涂料或衬里漆系前采用 磨料喷砂清理钢材表面以达到规定的表面清洁度。本标 准供涂层或衬规程制定者、施工人员、检查人员或其他 负债确定表面清洁度标准的人员使用。本标准集中阐述商业级喷砂清理。出白级金属喷砂 清理、近似出白级金属喷砂清理、工业级喷砂清理和刷 轻喷砂清理已在其他标准单行本中予以叙述。商业级喷砂清理所提供的清洁度高于工业级喷砂清 理(SSPC-SP 14/NACE No. 81),但低于刷轻喷砂清理(SSPCSP 10/NACE No. 2d。商业级喷砂清理用于清除部件上所有可见油、油脂

20、、 灰尘、污物、氧化皮、绣、涂料、氧化物、腐蚀产品及 其他杂质,使着色或阴影部分不超过各单元表面积的33%.商业级和近似出白级金属喷砂清理喷砂清理的区别 在于:允许表面殘留着色的数量,商业级喷砂清理允许 表面残留的着色或阴影不得超过各单元表面积的33%;而 近似出白级金属喷砂清理允许表面殘留的着色或阴影不 得超过各单元表面积的5%。The difference between a commercial blast cleaning and an industrial blast cleaning is that a commercial blast cleaning removes al 1

21、visible oil grease, dust, dirt, mi 11 scale rust coating. oxides, corrosion productst and other foreign matter from al 1 surfaces and al lows stains to remain on 33 percent of each unit area of surface, while industrial blast cleaning al lows defined mi 11 scale, coating, and rust to remain on less

22、than 10 percent of each unit area of surface and al lows defined stains to remain on al 1 surfacesThis joint standard was original ly prepared in 1991 and reaffirmed in 2000 by the SSPC/NACE Task Group A on Surface Preparation by Abrasive Blast Cleaning. This joint task group includes members of bot

23、h the SSPC Surface Preparation Committee and the NACE Unit Committee T-6G on Surface Preparation It was reaffiimed in 2006 by the SSPC Surface Preparation Committee and NACE Specific Technology Group (STG) 04. Protective Coatings and Linings: Surface PreparationIn SSPC/NACE standards, shal I and mus

24、t are used to state mandatory requirements Should is used to state that which is considered good and is recomtnended but is not absolutely mandatory May is used to state that which is considered optiona1.Section 1: General1. 1 This joint standard covers the requirements forcommercial blast cleaning

25、of uncoated or coated steel surfaces by the use of abrasives These requirements include the end condition of the surface and materials and procedures necessary to achieve and verify the end condition.1.2 The mandatory requirements are described in Sections I to 9. Section 10. Comments and Appendix A

26、.wExplanatory NotesM are not mandatory requirements of this standard.1. 3 Information about the function oF commercial blast c1eaning is in Paragraph Al of Appendix A.1.4 InFormation about use of this standard in maintenance coating work is in Paragraph A2 of Appendix A. Section 2: Definitions2.1 Co

27、mmercial Blast Cleaned Surface: A commercial blast cleaned surface when viewed without magnification。 shal 1 be free of al 1 visible oil, grease, dust, dirt mi 11 scale rust, coating。 oxides, corrosion products, and other foreign matter Random staining shal 1 be limited to no more than 33 percent of

28、 each unit area of surface (approximately 5.800 mm2 9. 0 in. 2) (i. e. . a square 76 mm x 76 mm 3. 0 in. x 3. 0 in. ) and may consist of 1 ight shadows, slight streaks or minor discolorations caused by stains of rust, stains of mi 11 scale, or stains of previously app1ied coating商业级和工业级喷砂清理的区别在于:商业级

29、喷砂 清理要求清除各表面所有可见油、油脂、灰尘、污物、 氧化皮、绣、涂料、氧化物、腐蚀产品及其他杂质,同 时表面残留的着色不得超过装置表面积的33%;而工业级 喷砂清理允许装置各表面残留不超过10%规定的氧化皮、 涂层和锈迹,同时允许所有表面上保留污点。本联合标准最初于1994年编制,并于2000年由关于 表面喷砂淸理的SSPC/NACE任务小组A重新确认。该联合小组由 SSPC表面处理委员会和关于表面处理的NCE小组委员会T-6G的成 员组成。本脫合标准随后于2006年由SSPC表面处理委员会和NACE 专业技术小组(STG) 04保护涂料和衬里:表面处理再次审 核确认。在SSPC/NACE

30、标准中,使用“应和“必须“述强制性要求。 “应该”表面该要求良好且推荐使用,但该要求并非应绝对强制 实施。“可表面该要求可选择性釆用。第一节:概述1-1本联合标准涉及使用磨料对未加涂层或加涂层的钢表面 进行商业级喷砂清理的要求。此类要求包括表面的最终状况以及 实現并确认该最终状况所需的材料和步骚。1.2本标准笫1至9节描述强制要求。第10节、柱述评”和附 录A “注释”不属于本标准的强制性要求。1.3附录A笫Al节阐述了商业级喷砂清理功能的相关信息。1.4附录A第A2节阐述了将该标准应用于涂层维护工作的相 关信息。第2节:定义2.1商业级喷砂清理后的表面:不采用放大设备进行观察时。 商业级喷砂

31、清理后的表面应无任何可见油.油脂.灰尘、污物、 氧化皮、锈、涂料.氧化物.腐蚀产品及其他杂质。杂乱的着色 不得超过各单元表面积的33%(约为5.800mm2 O.Oin2)(即面积 为76mm*76ni!n(3. 0in*3. Oin)的正方形),该着色可包括由锈迹、 氧化皮或先前涂层痕迹逍成的轻徵阴彩、划线或者轻徽褪色。2 1 1 Acceptable variations in appearance that do notaffect surface cleanliness as defined in Paragraph 2.1SSPC-VIS 1Guide and Reference P

32、hotographsfor Steel Surfaces Prepared by DryAbrasive Blast CleaningSection 4: Procedures Before Cleaning4. 1 Before blast cleaning visible deposits of oil. grease, or other contaminants shall be removed in accordance with SSPC-SP 1 or other agreed-upon methods4 2 Before blast c1eaning surface imperf

33、ections such as sharp fins sharp edges weld spatter or burning slag should be removed from the surface to the extent required by the procurement documents (project specification) Additional information on surface imperfections is in Paragraph A4 of Appendix A.43 If reference photographs or comparato

34、rs are specified to supplement the written standard, the condition of the steel prior to blast cleaning should be determined before the blasting commences Additional information on referenee photographs and comparators is in Paragraph A3 of Appendix A.include variations caused by type of steel. orig

35、inal surfaceconditionthickness of the stee 1 we 1 d metal. mi 11 orfabrication marks.heat treating. heat-affected zones.blasting abrasives.and differences because of blastingtechnique.2. 1.2 SSPC-V1SLi may be specified to supplement the2.1. 1如2. 1节所规定,不彩响表面清洁度的外观可接受差异 包括:由钢材类型、表面初始状况.钢材厚度、焊接金属.氧化 皮或

36、摩擦痕迹、热处理.热彩响区域、喷砂磨料及喷砂工艺遗成 的差异。written definition.In any dispute, the written definitionset forth in thisstandard shal 1take precedence overTitleDocumentSSPC-AB 1*SSPC-AB 25SSPC-AB 36SSPC-SP l1referencc photographs and comparators Addi tional informal ion on reference photographs and comparators is

37、inParagraph A3 of Append i x A.Section 3: Associated Documents3. 1 The latest issue revision. or amendment of thedocuments 1 isted in Paragraph 3.3 in effect on the date of invitation to bid shal 1 govern unless otherwise specified3. 2 If there is a conf1ict between the requirements of any of the do

38、cuments listed in Paragraph 3.3 and this standard, the requirements of this standard shal1 prevai1.33 Documents cited in the mandatory sections of this standard include:Mineral and Slag AbrasivesCleanliness of Recycled FerrousMetal 1ic AbrasivesFerrous Metal 1ic AbrasivesSolvent Cleaning2.1.2可具体指定SS

39、PC-VIS以补充书面定义。如有争议, 本标准中的书面定义应优先于参考图片或比测器。有关参考图片 和比测器的信息见附录A第A 3节。第3节:参考文件3.1除非另有规定,否则应以第3.3节所列的于招标日生效的 参考文件的最新版本、修订版或修正案为准。3.2如果3.3节所列参考文件与本标准要求相抵触,以本标准 为准。3.3本标准强制性部分引用的参考文件包括:文件 标题SSPC-AB I1矿石及矿渣磨料SSPC-AB 25循环使用的铁基金属曆料的清洁度SSPC-AB 36铁基金隔磨料SSPC-SP l7溶剂清洁SSPC-VIS 1钢结构表面干磨料喷射清理处理指导和参考图片第4节:喷砂清理前的程序4.

40、 1喷砂清理前,应按SSPC-SP1或其他协定的方法除去可见 油或油脂或其他污染物的沉积物。4.2喷砂清理前,应该按照釆购文件(项目规)要求的清洁 度除去毛边、锐边.焊接飞濺物或烧结渣等表面缺陷。有关表面 缺陷的其他信息见附录A笫A4节。4.3如果指定了补充书面标准的参考图片或比测器,应该在 喷砂开始前确定喷砂清理前的钢材表面状况。有关表面缺陷的其 他信息见附录A笫A3节。Section 5: Blast Cleaning Methods and Operation5 1 Clean dry compressed air shal 1 be used for nozzle blasting M

41、oisture separators oil separators, traps, or other equipment may be necessary to achieve this requirement5 2 Any of the fol lowing methods of surface preparat ion may be used to achieve a commercial blast cleaned surface:5. 2. 1 Dry abrasive blasting using compressed air. blast nozzles, and abrasive

42、522 Dry abrasive blasting using a closed-cycle, recirculating abrasive system with compressed air, blast nozzle and abrasive, with or without vacuum for dust and abrasive recovery523 Dry abrasive blasting using a closed-cycle, recirculating abrasive system with centrifugal wheels and abrasive53 Othe

43、r methods of surface preparation (such as wet abrasive blast c 1 eaning) may be used to achieve a commercial blast cleaned surface by mutual agreement between those responsible for establish!ng the requirements and those responsible for performing the work. Information on the use of inhibitors to pr

44、event the formation of rust immediately after wet abrasive blast cleaning is in Paragraph A5 of Appendix A.Section 6: Blast Cleaning Abrasives6 1 The selection of abrasive size and type shall be based on the type, grade, and surface condition of the steel to be cleancd. the type of blast cleaning sy

45、stem used the Finished surface to be produced (cleanliness and surface profile roughness). and whether the abrasive wi 11 be recycled6. 2 The c 1 ean 1 iness and size of recycled abrasives shal 1 be maintained to onsure compliance with this standard.6.3 The blast cleaning abrasive shal1 be dry and f

46、ree of oil. greaset and other contaminants as determined by the test methods found in SSPC-AB 1. SSPC-AB 2. and SSPC-AB 3.6. 4 Any limitations on the use of specific abrasives the quantity of contaminants, or the degree of al lowable embedment shalI be included in the procurement documents (project

47、specification) covering the work because abrasive embedment and abrasives containing contaminants may not be acceptable for some service requirements Additional informal ion on abrasive selection is in Paragraph A6 of Appendix A.6. 5 When a coating is specified the cleaned surface shal 1 be roughene

48、d to a degree suitable for the specified coating system. Additional information on surface profile and the f i lm thickness of coating appl ied over the surface profi le is in Paragraphs A7 and A8 of Appendix A.第5节:喷砂清理方法及操作5.1喷嘴喷砂法应采用清洁、干燥的压缩空气。为此,可能 有必要使用水汽分离器.油水分离器、蛾汽阀或其他设备。5.2为制成商业级喷砂清理表面,可采用下列方

49、法之一进行 表面处理:5. 2.1釆用压縮空气、喷砂喷嘴和磨料进行干磨料喷砂。5. 2.2釆用密闭磨料循环体系、压缩空气、喷砂喷嘴和磨料 进行干曆料喷砂,但无需考虑是否采用吸尘或磨料回收用真空系 统。5.2.3釆用带有离心转盘和磨料的密闭磨料循环体系进行干 曆料喷砂。5.3也可以采用要求制定方和工作执行方相互约定的其他表 面处理方法(如湿磨料喷砂)制定商业级喷砂请理表面。有关采用缓蚀剂防止湿喷砂清理后生镌的相关信息见附录A第A5节。第6节:喷砂清理痔料6.1磨料尺寸及类型应根据待清理钢材的类型、等级和表面 状况进行选择,还应考虑所用喷砂清理系统的类型、待生产表面 (清洁度和表面轮廓(粗糙度)以

50、及曆料是否循环使用等因素。6.2应保持循环使用的磨料的清洁度和尺寸,以确保符合本 标准。6.3 釆用SSPC-AB 1. SSPC-AB 2和 SSPC-AB 3中的测试方法 进行测定时,喷砂清理曆料应干燥且无油、无油脂及其他污染物。6.4由于某些维护要求不接受磨料的嵌入及含有污染的痔料, 对于规定瘠料的使用、污棗物的数量或允许嵌入程度方面的任何 限制槨应编制于涉及该工作的采购文件(项目規)中。有关痔料 选择的其他信息见附录A笫A6节。6.5若规定了涂料,则应将清理后的表面打磨至适于该涂料 体系的粗楼度。有关表面轮廉以及涂覆在表面轮廊上的涂料腹层 厚度的信息见附录A笫A7节和第A8节。Sect

51、ion 7: Procedures Following Blast Cleaning and Immediately Prior To Coating7 1 Visible deposits of oil. grease or other contaminants shal1 be removed according to SSPC-SP 1 or another method agreed upon by those parties responsible for establishing the requirements and those responsible for performi

52、ng the work7.2 Dust and loose residues shal 1 be removed from prepared surfaces by brushing; blowing off with clean. dry air; vacuum cleaning; or other methods agreed upon by those responsible for establishing the requirements and those responsible for performing the work7. 2 1 The presence of toxic

53、 metals in the abrasives or coating being removed may place restrictions on the methods of cleaning permitted. The chosen method shal1 comply with al 1 applicable regulations.722 Moisture separators oil separators traps. of other equipment may be necessary to achieve clean, dry air.7.3 After blast c

54、leaning. any rcmaining surface imperfections(e. g. sharp fins, sharp edges weld spatter burning slag scabs si ivers) shal1 be removed to the extent required by the procurement documents (project specification) Any damage to the surface profi le resulting from the removal of surface imperfections sha

55、l1 be corrected to meet the requirements of Paragraph 6.5. Additional information on surface imperfectionsis in Paragraph A4 of Appendix A.7.4 Immediately prior to coating application the entire surface shal1 comply with the degree of cleaning specified in this standard Any visible rust that forms o

56、n the surface of the steel after blast cleaning shal1 be removed by rec leaning the rusted areas before coating Informat i on on chemical contain in at ion. rust-back (rerusting). and the effect of dew point (surface condensation) is in Paragraphs A9 A10. and Al 1 of Appendix A.Section 8: Inspection

57、8. 1 Work performed and materials supplied under this standard are subject to inspection by a representativE of those responsible for establishing the requirements Materials and work areas shal 1 be accessible to the inspector The procedures and times of inspection shal I be as agreed upon by those

58、responsible for establishing the requirements and those responsible for performing the work8. 2 Conditions not complying with this standard shal 1 be corrected. In the case of a dispute an arbitration or settlement procedure established in the procurement documents (project specification) shal1 be fol 1owed. If no arbitralion ot settlement procedure is established, a procedu


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