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1、2006-2007学年度第二学期期末质量检测八年级英语试卷(注意:只交第n卷;满分 120)、听力测试(共20小题,满分20分)A , B , C三幅图画中选出与所听(一)录音中有五组句子,每组句子听两遍,然后从每小题句子内容相符的图画。A , B , C三个选项中选出能回答(二)录音中有五组对话,听对话和问题两遍后,从每小题录音中每个问句的正确答案。6.A.At a post office .B . At the cinema .C . In a shop .7.A.Classmates.B . A teacher and a student.C . Mother and son8.A.Cl

2、imb the hill .B . Stay at home .C . To his gran dma .9.A.30 dollars .B . 60 dollars .C.120 dollars .10.A.Both Jim and Kate .B . Kate .C.Jim .(三)录音中有一段对话和五个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,从A , B, C三个选项中选出能回答这个问题的正确答案。11. What are they talking about?A . Studying. B. Playing. C. Keeping healthy .12. How many important th

3、ings for studying in the talk?A . One.B. Two.C. Three.13. What s the air like in the morning?A . Dirty and polluted . B . Clean and fresh.C. Beautiful and nice14. What the relatio nship(关系)betwee n the man and the woma n?A . Teacher and studentB. We dontknow .C . Father and daughter .15 . What the m

4、ost importa nt thing for study ing accord ing to the woma n?A . Worki ng hard . B . Every ones heart . C . Every morni ng.(四)录音中有一段广播,听广播两遍后,完成下列表格。(请将答案写在第n卷相应的位置)Information CardTrain Number:1Directi on : From 2 to Beiji ngStarts at 3in Weifa ngArrives at 4 in Beiji ngDining Car : No .5二、单项选择(共16小

5、题;每小题1分,满分16分)16 . -Do you knowman over there?-Yes . He is Mr . Lin .A . an B. / C . a D . the17 . She asked if shehelp me .A . canB . could C . will D . is going to18 . 8:00 pm August 8 , 2008, Beijing will open the 29 th Olympic Games .A . At B . In C . On D . By19 . John was watching TV , his wif

6、e was cooking .A . As B . As soon as C . Till D . While20 . -I fell off my bike and hurt my self Yesterday .A . CongratulationsB . ThatsfunnyC . All right D . Im sorry to hear that21. -Would you likethe cin ema with me?Yes, .A . go to , Id love to B . to go, Id love toC. to go to , Id love D. to go

7、to . Id love to22. Mr. Green has agirl named Rose.A . five-years-old B . five-year-old C. five-years oldD . five years old23 . These sweaters are too small for me . Please show meone .A . the other B . others C . the others D . another24 . Although Tai Lake was famous for its beauty,now people pollu

8、te it seriouslyA. because B. but C. so D. /25 . He worked hard he could become a doctor .A . for B . because C . such that D . so that26 . She needs help She cantfinish the work .A . of her own B . her own C . on her own D . in her own27 . When you leave, don forgetof the light .A . turningB . turne

9、dC .to rumD .turn28 . The Japa nese Prime coun tries .Min isterAbe visit toChina built a “” between the twoA . schoolB . factoryC .bridgeD .city29 . importa nt in formati on you ve give n us!A . What B . What an C . How D . How an30 . -Do you like the music Moo nl ight Son ata?-Yes, itreally beautif

10、ul .A . hears B . sounds C . feels D . listens31. -Do you ofte n hear Janein her room?-Yes . Now you can hear her in her room .A . sing, si ngB . si ng, singing C . singing , si ng D . singing , si ngi ng三、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)A few minutes before six o clock , Mr . Smith decided to leave . He was

11、 about to start the car when a gunman(持枪者)32 up from the back seat of the cal . He 33 a gun(枪)toMr . Smith head Drive me to Paris! ” He shouted . “ All right,” Mr . smith an swered . He _34 the car, pushed away from the side of the street and drove down . Mr. Smith was 81 years old ,and he knew he c

12、ould not 35 the gunman. He knew he needed help . Where were the police ? As he drove 36 each crossing, he looked up and down the side of the street, hopingto meet a police car . But he could see 37. “ just myluck,”he thought. “ ifI was_38too fast, there would be a police car on every comer .”39, he

13、got the car to run_40faster . “what are you doing?” shouted the gunman. “keepoff the police,” Mr. Smithanswered . Ithought I saw a police car 41 there . ”He ran red lights , drove the wrong way on one-way streets . On two-way streets he drove on the wrong 42 of the road . Not one police saw him . Ag

14、ain Mr . Smith plan was not working . He had to try a 43 plan . He 44 a comer and saw the police station in front. Then he drove his car as fast as he could towards the police gate . The car hit a police motorbike down and stopped . Mr. Smith shouted , Help ! Help ! ” Then he reached back to grab(抢

15、夺)the man 45 . At the same time the policeme n heard the46 and quickly caughtthe gunman .32 . A .wokeB.satC . stoodD .jumped33 . A .broughtB.poin tedC . heldD.carried34 . A .startedB.leftC . tookD .bega n35 . A .fightB,.liftC. keepD .hit36 . A .arou ndB.overC . throughD.towards37 . A .somebodyB.anyb

16、odyC . everybodyD.nobody38 . A .drivi ngB .mov ingC . gett ingD.walki ng39 . A .SlowlyB .Sudde nlyC . QuietlyD.Carefully40 . A .moreB .muchC . veryD.quite41 . A .frontB .n earC . onD.back42 . A .streetB .wayC . sideD).comer43 . A .newB .safeC . hardD . nice44 . A .fou ndB .turnedC . stopped atD . ar

17、rive at45 . A .carB .moneyC . gunD . bag46 . A .sou ndB .shoutC . cryD . no ise四、阅读理解(共12小题;满分18分)AA policeman came back to the office one evening and reported to(向汇报 )the sergeant(警官)that he had found an old car with no number plates .“ Where is it? ” asked the sergeantIn Ecclesiastes Street, over

18、the bridge ,” answered the policeman.The sergeant opened the report book and began to write . When he reached the name of the street, he looked at this policeman for a few minutes , then wrote down “ E-c-k”. Then he became very angry . He said . Im very busy doing other things . Write the report you

19、rself! ”The policeman had a try , too. But after a few minutes , he put down his pen and went out.Where are you going? ” the sergeant askedBack to Ecclesiastes Street. ” answered the policeman . Im going to push the car to the comer of Green Street in order to remember it easily . ”47. The policeman

20、 found in a street.A . a new bike B. an old car C. a motorbikeD . a color bus48 . The policeman had to report it to .A . his officer B . his teacher C . his pare nt D . his father49 . The officer became angry because .A . he didn t like the policeman B . he hated that long street nameC . he was real

21、ly very busyD . he did n tk now what happe ned to that policema n50 . The policema n wan ted to push the car to Gree n Street because.A . it is easy to remember this nameB . the officer lived thereC . its name was beautifulD . he liked the street very muchBAre you tired after studying hard? American

22、 country music(美国乡村音乐)will take you away for a while . The guitars and songs will take you to the mountains and fields there .Country is simple music . It talks of everyday life and feeli ngs( 情感).It the spirit(精神)ofAmerica ”, easy to understand, slow and basic(基本的).Country music developed in the So

23、uthern United States. It was the folk music of the American countryside . Many of the songs tell about the lives of farmers . They talk about love , crops(庄稼)or death .Rural life can be hard , so the words are often sad. At first , people played the music only at family parties . But it became more

24、popular . In the 1920s , country songs were played on the radio and were made into records(唱片).When people moved to tow ns and cities to look for work, they took their music with them . Country music continued to change and became popular across America .Joh n Denver was one of America most famous c

25、ountry . sin gers in the 1970s . His song “ Take Me Home , Country Roads ” is well-known and people still play it today .51. Which of the following is NOT true about country music?A . It fast and loud .B . It usually about everyday life .C . It started in the south of the US .D . The words about rur

26、al life are of fen sad .52 . The underlined word rural probably means “ ”.A . of the city B . of the countrysideC . about work D . about school53 . Country music is often played by .A . the guitar B . the pianoC . the violin D . drum(鼓)54 . When were country songs made into records?A . In the 1920s

27、. B . In 1920 . C . In the 1970s . D . In 1970 .CNewfield High SchoolName: Tom EvansGrade: 7ndTerm: 2Date: April 14 , 2006SubjectScoreComme nts(评语)MathsDMust try harderPEC-Tries hardScienceFVery poor on testSocial StudiesC+Shows interestArtA+Has great abilityEnglishB-Is making progressFrenchBGood ma

28、rkConduct(品行)BQuiet and pays attention well but is often late for classAverage(总评):CRank(名次)in class: 22 of 30To pare nts:Tom is a good student in the subjects he likes , hut he does not really try in the subjects he does not like . He must try harder if he wants to succeed at school .55. From this

29、report, Tom seems(看起来)to be.A . happy in his classesB. not doing his bestC. the top studentD. the worst student56. In which subject does Tom have the lowest grade?A . Art B . EnglishC . P.E D . Scienee57 . Tom gets “ A+ ” in Art shows .A . he likes Art B . he doesntpaint wellC . he likes the teacher

30、 D . he dislikes Art58 . Tom is thein his class .ndstthndA . 22 B . 21 C . 30 D . 32第n卷五、任务型阅读。(10分)Johnsaunt is a poor old woman and she lives in a hill . Her husband died in 2003 . (1)She has a daughter with the name of Wang Xin . Wang Xin is 26 years old . She works in Beijing and lives there . I

31、t is far away from her mother , and usually her mother is unhappy about(2)it One day , Wang Xin said to her mother, “ My job is good , and I can make a lot of money every week . ” A month later, john aunt is very angry . She decides to go to Beijing and see her daughter by train When she sees her da

32、ughter, she says, “ (3)Wang Xin : you have a telephone but you never call me : why ?” Wang Xin laughs , “ But mother,” she says, “you havengot a telephone. ” “No”, she an swers, I have nt, but you have got one . ”按要求完成下列阅读任务。1 .翻译处的句子。2 .请写出划线处(2)单词it在此处所指代的内容。3 .改写处的句子Wang Xin , whyyou call meyou h

33、ave got a teleph one ?4. Why Wang Xin lives far away from her mother?Because.5. Wang Xin mother thinks that if Wang Xin has a telephone . shecall her.六、词汇考查。(10分).根据句意及首字母补全单词,并将答案写在题后横线上。1. There are Pof students who want to speak English .2 . The car isnyours . It bto your brother .3 . First, we n

34、eed to know what tare in the news .4 . Athe flowers the rose is considered Queen .5 . His performanee was Pin every way .6 . The job looked quite s, but it took me a week .7 . The doctor decided to oon her immediately .8 . My father has gone to Beijing on b .9 . The boy is too fat . and he can hwalk

35、 as fast as others .10 . Our government asked us to Pour environment of all over China .1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10七、动词运用。用所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在题后横线上。(10分)I have bee n in En gla nd for three mon ths now . I hope you dont think I 1 (forget) you . There 2 (be)so many places to see and so many things to do that I

36、 ve not had much time for 3 (write)letters .I shall soon be starting my studies at King College . So far Ive been learning about England and British ways of 4 (1ive) . I 5 (not tell)you about London . There 6 (be)lots of books you can read and lots of pictures you can look at . Im sure you _7_ (be)morein terested to know What I thi nk about life hereI 8 (find)some of


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