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1、招商引资 investment value 投资价值 investment intention 投资意向 investment environment 投资环境 investment recovery period 投资回收期 Rate of return of Investment(ROI)投资回报率 Ambassador 大使 Legation 公使馆 Public Minister 公使 Consulate 领事馆 Consul 领事 diplomatic envoy 外交使节 delegation 代表团 diplomatic representatives 外交代表 Ministry

2、 of Foreign Affairs 外交部 Foreign minister外长 diplomatic asylum 外交庇护 diplomatic immunities 外交豁免权 prospective investors 潜在投资者 foreign investor外国投资者 foreign investment外资 foreign-funded enterprise 外资企业 attract foreign investment/capital 吸引外资 institutional investors 机构投资者 Foreign Direct Investment 国外直接投资 r

3、etail investor个人投资者 securities investors 证券投资者 accredited investor认可投资者 cornerstone investors 基石投资者 emerging/burgeoning industry 新兴产业 emerging market 新兴市场 sunrise industry 朝阳产业 emergency 突发事件/紧急状况 emergency measures 非常措施 national emergency 全国紧急状态 emergency muster 紧急集合 emergency room 急诊室 investment v

4、entures 投资公司 venture capitalist 风险资本家 joint venture 合资公司 business venture 商业投机 venture investment counselor 风险投资顾问 National Venture Capital Association(NVCA)全美风险投资协会 the board of directors董事会 director 董事 independent Directors 独立董事 shareholders meetings 股东会 supervisory board 监事会 executive board 执行委员会

5、 bulletin board 公告栏 Bulletin Board System(BBS) 电子公告板 transit visa 过境签证 entry visa 入境签证 exit visa 出境签证 tourist visa 旅游签证 business visa 公务签证 visa official 签证官 deport 驱逐出境 illegal immigrant 非法移民 mutual exemption of visas 互免签证 refuse the issuance of the visa 拒签 permanent residence 永久居留权 the green card 绿

6、卡(美国永久居留权) check payable to order记名支票 check payable to bearer不记名支票 crossed heck划线支票 certified check 保付支票 bankers check 银行支票 travelers check 旅行支票 check book支票薄 check drawer出票人 check holder持票人 cash a check支票换现金/兑现 clear a check清理票款 overdraw a check透支支票 endorse a check 背书支票 dishonor a check支票退票 refuse

7、a check拒付支票 check mutilated支票毁损 中国-东盟自贸区与东盟一体化 China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA) and ASEAN Integration 中欧自由贸易协定 Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) 北美自由贸易区 North American free trade area (NAFTA) 欧洲经济共同体 European Economic Community 经济特区special economic zone special economic zones in castl

8、e areas 沿海经济特区经济技术开发区 economic and technical development zone 单独关税区 separate customs territory 特别行政区 Special Administrative Region (SAR) 睦邻友好关系 the good-neighborly relations 睦邻,安邻,富邻 bring harmony, security and prosperity to neighbors 长期睦邻合作伙伴关系 long-term cooperative partnership of good-neighborline

9、ss 战略合作伙伴关系 strategic partnership 平等互利 equality and mutual benefit 互信双赢 mutual trust and win-win result 和平共处五项原则 the Five Principles of the Peaceful Coexistence 双边投资bilateral investment 东道国(此处意为资本接受国)host country 海外投资者 overseas investor 海外投资保险 overseas investment insurance 资本输出 capital export 国际投资 i

10、nternational investment 国际直接投资International Direct Investment 国际间接投资International Indirect Investment 外商投资来源地 source of overseas direct investment 多边国际投资争议解决机制 Dispute Settlement Mechanism of Multilateral Investment 本币互换协议 currency swap agreement 货币兑换 currency exchange 货币兑换率 currency exchange rate 货

11、币单位 monetary unit 货币回笼 currency recovery 货币流通量 currency in circulation 货币战 currency/monetary war 外汇 foreign exchange 外汇行情 exchange quotation 外汇储备 foreign exchange reserve 外汇券foreign exchange certificate (FEC) 跨境贸易人民币结算试点 cross-border Yuan trade settlement on a trial basis 人民币区域化RMB Regionalization 计

12、价货币 quote currency 货币国际化 Currency Internationalization 跨境投资cross-border investment 贸易结算trade settlement 结算日 account day 非现金结算 settlement through accounts 结算业务 settlement deal 结算货币 settlement currency/currency of settlement optimize allocation of regional resources 优化区域资源配置资源配置resource allocation 市场配

13、置 market allocation of resources 资源稀缺性 resource scarcity 人力资源 human resources 生产要素 essential factors of production 生产资料 means of production 合理分配 reasonable allocation 系统优化 system optimization 优化经济结构 optimize the economic structure 次区域合作 Sub-regional cooperation 区域经济合作 Regional Economic Co-operation

14、区域经济一体化 Regional Economic Integration 投资自由化便利化investment liberation and facilitation 亚洲开发银行Asian Development Bank (ADB) 经济区和经济带 economic rims and belts 泛珠三角经济区 “Pan-PRD” Economic Area (PRDPearl River Delta) 大湄公河次区域经济合作 Great Mekong Sub-region Cooperation (GMS) 泛北部湾经济合作 Pan-Beibu-Gulf economic cooper

15、ation 西部大开发 Western Development Program 培育新的经济增长极 foster new poles of economic growth 促进中部崛起 boost the development of the central region 振兴东北老工业基地 the Rejuvenation of Old Industrial Base in Northeastern China 把“引进来”“走出去”相结合 coordination in pursuing the “bring in” and “go global” strategies 城乡经济社会发展一

16、体化 economic integration and social development in urban and rural areas Extra Exercises 英译汉口译 At the same time, its clear that U.S.-African trade has yet to realize its full potential. And if the current recession teaches us anything, its that in a global economy not only the opportunities are share

17、d. So are the risks. So theres so much more we can do together to plant the seeds of our economic recovery, and to achieve lasting prosperity. Only Africans can unlock Africas potential. It will take your entrepreneurship. Your innovation. And only Africans can ensure the good governance and strong

18、institutions upon which development depends. Open markets alone are not enough. Development requires the rule of law, transparency, accountability, and an atmosphere that welcomes investment. And I encourage every country to set concrete goals for overcoming the obstacles to economic growth. 与此同时,我们

19、也清楚地看到美国与非洲的贸易尚未发挥出全部潜能。如果当前这场衰退能给我们一点经验教训的话,那就是在全球经济中,不仅机会是共同的,风险也是共同的。因此,为了播下经济复苏的种子并实现持久繁荣,我们能够共同做更多的事情。只有非洲人民才能发掘出非洲的潜力。这需要你们的创业精神和你们的发明创造。也只有非洲人民才能保障发展所依赖的良好治理和强大机制。只有开放的市场是不够的。发展必须要靠法治、透明度、问责制和一个吸引投资的环境。我敦促每个国家都制定具体目标,战胜经济增长所面临的重重障碍。 汉译英口译 今天“中国品牌商品美国展开幕式暨第106届广交会推介会”在这里隆重举办。我代表中华人民共和国商务部对出席今天

20、开幕式和推介会的各位来宾和朋友表示热烈的欢迎!在美国各界朋友的大力支持和中国广大企业的积极参与下,中国品牌商品美国展已成功举办六届,成为美国消费者了解中国出口商品的重要窗口。中国政府将始终奉行互利共赢的开放战略,身体力行反对贸易保护主义,与世界各国携手共促全球贸易恢复稳定增长。一个更加开放、更具活力的中国经济,将为包括美国在内的世界各国带来巨大的发展机遇。 Today, we gather here to celebrate the grand opening of China Brand Show and the Press Conference of the 106th Session of the Canton Fair. On behalf of the Ministry of Commerce of the Peoples Republic of China (MOFCOM), I would like to extend a warm welcome to


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