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1、免疫学导论(于善谦等编,高等教育出版社)双语教学辅助资料Auxiliary Material of Bilingual TeachingforIntroduction to Immunology蚌埠医学院免疫学教研室Department of Immunology, Bengbu Medical CollegeFeb. to Jun. 2006CONTENTSCHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1-1Origination and development of Immunology1-2Essential points of concepts of immunologyCHATPTE

2、R TWOANTIGEN2-1Basic concept and types of antigen2-2The molecular base of antigen2-3The immunological features of antigen2-4Invasive and infectious antigensCHAPTER THREEANTIBODIES3-1Structures and classes of immunoglobulins3-2The gene of immunoglobulins3-3Synthesis and secretion of immunoglobulinsCH

3、APTER FOURCOMPLEMENT SYSTEM4-1Composition and physiochemical properties of complement system4-2Complement activation4-3The control of complement reaction and biological effect of complements4-4Biosynthesis of complement and complement deficiencyCHAPTER FIVE CELLS, TISSUES AND ORGANS OF IMMUNE SYSTEM

4、5-1The structure and function of organs and lymphoid tissue and organs5-2The cells in immune systemCHAPTER SIX MAJOR HISTOCOMPA TIBILITY COMPLEX6-1Structure and function of major histocompatibility antigen6-2Gene structure and genetics of major histocompatibilty complex6-3The Principle and applicati

5、on of detection forMHCCHAPTER SEVEN ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY REACTION AND ITS APPLICA TION7-1Antibody preparations7-2The principle of antigen-antibody reaction7-3Common techniques in immuno-analysisCHAPTER EITHTCELL MEDIATED IMMUNERESPONSE8-1 Basic concept for immune response8-2 The basic process of immune

6、response,8-3 Cell apoptosis and immunityCHAPTER NINEIMMUNE REGULATION9-1The regulation of antigen and antibody in theimmune response9-2The regulatory effect of immune cells inimmune response9-3Interleukins and Immune regulation9-4Immune toleranceCHAPTER TENHYPERSENSITIVITY10-1Type I Hypersensitivity

7、10-2Type II Hypersensitivity (Cytotoxic Hypersensitivity)10-3Type III Hypersensitivity ( Immune complex hypersensitivity)10-4Type IV Hypersensitivity (Delayed Type Hypersensitivity)CHAPTER ELEVENABNORMAL IMMUNERESPONSES11-1Auto immune response11-2Transplantation Immunology11-3Anti-tumor Immunology11

8、-4Immunologic deficiencyCHAPTER TWELVETHE EVOLUTION OFIMMUNE SYSTEM12-1The immunity of invertebrate animals12-2The immune evolution of vertebrate animalsCHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION (绪言)1-1Origination and development of1-2Essential points of concepts ofImmunologyimmunology1-1-1Infection and immunity of1

9、-2-1 Innate immunity and acquireddiseasesimmunity1-1-2Foundation and development of1-2-2Immune responsethe discipline of Immunology1-2-3Immunology and practically1-1-3Recent development ofapplicationsImmunology1-2-4Branches of Immunology andtheir developmentThe term M“IMUNITY” , originally, and migh

10、t still be considered by people, means the ability of host to resistance to infectious disease. However, the modern concept of immunity is conferring the host the specific function to recognize and neutralize and/or eliminate foreign materials or substances (biological or non-biological, and even so

11、metime self tissue components) to maintain the homeostasis of host internal environment.Immunity includes innate immunity and acquired immunity, the former is inherent, very quick, and non-specific respond to invasive pathogens; whereas the latter is acquired and adapted after birth of host, and ind

12、uced specific respond to foreign material (infectious or noninfectious).The Immunology is a study to focusing on how of host to recognition of self and non-self, and how of the response to foreign material (Antigen) and1-1Origination and development of Immunology1-1-1Infection of and immunity to dis

13、easesFetal epidemic disease, smallpox (variola), dead rate by smallpox 30-40%; killed millions of peoples in this globe before nineteenth century.From Song Dynasty Chinese doctor invested a technique called variolation(人痘接种法) to prevent children from smallpox1798, an young doctor in England, Jenner,

14、 created a new method, vaccination(牛痘接种法) , to prevent the children from smallpox, and finally, by using this very effective technique, the smallpox, a fatal epidemic disease has been eliminated in the world, stated by the WHO in 1979.orbilitysmallpox, measles(,thypho, cholera (伤寒 ), anthrax鼠疫 鼠疫, 疟

15、疾 malaria1-1-2Foundation and development of the discipline of Immunology( 1) 1. Foundation of immunologyth(1) Louis Pasteur, was a famous biochemist in France in 19century, contributed his lots of effort to immunization to prevent animal and human from several serious diseases (cholera霍乱 , anthrax 炭

16、疽 , rabies (狂犬病 )-vaccination-active immunization( 2) . Development of experimental immunology1-1-3Recent development of I mmunology(1). Humoral immunology,(2). Cellular immunology1-2Essential points of concepts of immunology1-2-1Innate immunity and acquired immunity1-2-2immune response1-2-3Immunolo

17、gy and practically applications1-2-4Branches of Immunology and their developmentBasic concept or definition for the term MMUNITY“I” , originally, and usually still be considered by common people, means the ability of host to resistance to infectious disease. However, at present, the modern concept o

18、f immunity, is conferring the host specific functions to recognize and final neutralize and/or eliminate foreign materials or substances (biological or non-biological, and even sometime self) to maintain the homeostasis of host internal environment.Immunity include innate immunity and acquired immun

19、ity, the former is inherent, very quick, and non-specific respond to invasive pathogens; whereas the latter is acquired and adapted after birth of host, and induced specific respond to foreign material (infectious or noninfectious).The Immunology is a study to focusing on how of host to recognition

20、of self and non-self, and how of the response to foreign material (Antigen) and1-1Origination and development of Immunology1-1-1Infection of and immunity to diseasesFetal epidemic disease, smallpox (variola), dead rate by smallpox 30-40%;From Song Dynasty Chinese doctor invested a technique called v

21、ariolation人(痘接种法 ) to prevent children from smallpox1798, an young doctor in England, Jenner, created a new method, vaccination(牛痘接种法) , to prevent the children from smallpox, and finally, by using this very effective technique, the smallpox, a fatal epidemic disease has been eliminated in the world

22、, stated by the WHO in 1979.orbilitysmallpox, measles(,thypho, cholera (伤寒 )霍乱, anthrax 炭疽鼠疫 鼠疫, 疟疾 malaria1-1-2Foundation and development of the discipline of Immunology1-1-3Recent development of Immunology1-2Essential points of concepts of immunology1-2-1Innate immunity and acquired immunity1-2-2i

23、mmune response1-2-3Immunology and practically applications1-2-4Branches of Immunology and their developmentCHATPTER TWOANTIGEN (抗原)2-1Basic concept and types of antigen2-1-1antigen and immunogen2-1-2classes/types of antigen2-2The molecular base of antigen2-2-1chemical features of antigen2-2-2antigen

24、 determinants2-3The immunological features of antigen2-3-1The exogenicity of antigen2-3-2The relation of immunogenecityto individual and immunization manner2-3-3The specificity of antigen and immuno-predominance of antigen2-3-4The immunologic feature of hapten2-4Invasive and infectious antigens2-4-1

25、Bacteria2-4-2Fungi2-4-3virus2-1 Basic concept and types of antigen2-1-1antigen and immunogen2-1-2classes/types of antigen2-2The molecular base of antigen2-2-1chemical features of antigen2-2-2antigen determinants2-3 The immunological features of antigen2-3-1The exogenicity of antigen2-3-2The relation

26、 of immunogenecity to individual and immunization manner2-3-3The specificity of antigen and immuno-predominance of antigen2-3-4The immunologic feature of hapten2-4 Invasive and infectious antigens2-4-1Bacteria2-4-2Fungi2-4-3VirusCHAPTER THREEANTIBODIES (抗体)3-1 Structures and classes ofof immunoglobu

27、lin genesImmunoglobulins3-2-3The diversity of3-1-1 The basic structure of antibodiesimmunoglobulin genes3-1-2Classes and types of3-3 Synthesis and secretion ofimmunoglobulinsimmunoglobulin3-2 The gene of immunoglobulins3-3-1Humoral immune response and3-2-1The gene structures ofthe production of anti

28、bodiesimmunoglobulins3-3-2Expression, assemble and3-2-2Rearrangement and expressionsecretion of immunoglobulin3-1Structures and classes of Immunoglobulins3-1-1The basic structure of antibodies3-1-2Classes and types of immunoglobulins3-2The gene of immunoglobulins3-2-1The gene structures of immunoglo

29、bulins3-2-2Rearrangement and expression of immunoglobulin genes3-2-3The diversity of immunoglobulin genes3-3Synthesis and secretion of immunoglobulin3-3-1Humoral immune response and the production of antibodies3-3-2Expression, assemble and secretion of immunoglobulinCHAPTER FOURCOMPLEMENT SYSTEM (补体

30、系统)4-1Composition and physiochemical properties of complement system4-1-1Nomenclature of complement components4-1-2The physiochemical properties of complement components4-2Complement activation4-2-1The Classical pathway of complement activation4-2-2The lectin pathway of complement activation4-2-3The

31、 alternative pathway of complement activation.4-2-4Membrane lysing complex formation in late phase of complement activation4-2-5Comparison of three pathwaysin complement activation 4-3 The control of complementreaction and biological effect of complements4-3-1Regulating protein of complement activat

32、ion in serum4-3-2Regulate protein on the surface of cell membrane4-3-3Complement receptors4-3-4The biological function of complement protein4-4Biosynthesis of complement and complement deficiency4-4-1The gene of complements4-4-2The biosynthesis of complement4-4-3Complement deficiency and complement

33、deficient diseases4-1Composition and physiochemical properties of complement system4-1-1Nomenclature of complement components4-1-2The physiochemical properties of complement components4-2Complement activation4-2-1The Classical pathway of complement activation4-2-2The lectin pathway of complement act

34、ivation4-2-3The alternative pathway of complement activation.4-2-4Membrane lysing complex formation in late phase of complement activation4-2-5Comparison of three pathways in complement activation4-3The control of complement reaction and biological effect of complements4-3-1Regulating protein of com

35、plement activation in serum4-3-2Regulate protein on the surface of cell membrane4-3-3Complement receptors4-3-4The biological function of complement protein4-4Biosynthesis of complement and complement deficiency4-4-1The gene of complements4-4-2The biosynthesis of complement4-4-3Complement deficiency

36、and complement deficient diseasesCHAPTER FIVECELLS, TISSUES AND ORGANS OF IMMUNE SYSTEM(免疫系统的细胞、组织和器官)5-1 The structure and functions of5-2 The cells in immune systemorgans and lymphoid tissue and5-2-1B cellsorgans5-2-2T cells5-1-1The composition and function of5-2-3 Natural killer cells and natural

37、primary lymphoid tissues andsuppressor cellsorgans5-2-4phagocytes, granulocytes and5-1-2The composition and function ofmast cellssecondary lymphoid tissues and5-2-5Langerhans cells and dendriticorganscells5-1-3Lymphocyte re-circulation5-1The structure and function of organs and lymphoid tissue and o

38、rgans5-1-1The composition and function of primary lymphoid tissues and organs5-1-2The composition and function of secondary lymphoid tissues and organs5-1-3Lymphocyte re-circulation5-2The cells in immune system5-2-1B cells5-2-2T cells5-2-3Natural killer cells and natural suppressor cells5-2-4phagocy

39、tes, granulocytes and mast cells5-2-5Langerhans cells and dendritic cellsCHAPTER SIXMAJOR HISTOCOMPATIBILITY COMPLEX(主要组织相容性复合体)6-1Structure and function of major histocompatibility antigen6-1-1Class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC-I) molecules6-1-2Class II major histocompatibility complex (

40、MHC-II) molecules6-1-3The structural base of combination of peptide and MHC molecule6-2Gene structure and genetics of major histocompatibility complex6-2-1Inheritance and polymorphism of MHC6-2-2The gene structure of mouse MHC(H-2)6-2-3The gene structure of humanMHC(HLA complex)6-2-4Discovery and no

41、menclature ofHLA6-3The Principle and application of detection for MHC6-3-1Detection of Class I HLA antigen6-3-2Detection of Class II HLA antigen6-3-3Phenotyping of HLA gene6-3-4Applications of detection ofHLA6-1Structure and function of major histocompatibility antigen6-1-1Class I major histocompati

42、bility complex (MHC-I) molecules6-1-2Class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC-II) molecules6-1-3The structural base of combination of peptide and MHC molecule6-2Gene structure and genetics of major histocompatibility complex6-2-1Inheritance and polymorphism of MHC6-2-2The gene structure of mou

43、se MHC(H-2)6-2-3The gene structure of human MHC(HLA complex)6-2-4Discovery and nomenclature of HLA6-3The Principle and application of detection for MHC6-3-1Detection of Class I HLA antigen6-3-2Detection of Class II HLA antigen6-3-3Phenotyping of HLA gene6-3-4Applications of detection of HLACHAPTER S

44、EVEN ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY REACTION AND ITS APPLICA TIONS (抗原抗体反应及其应用)7-1Antibody preparations7-2-2The reaction of antibody to7-1-1Antiserum preparationmono valent antigen7-1-2 The preparation of monoclonal7-2-3The reaction of antibody toantibodypolyvalent antigen7-1-3 The preparation of geneengineering

45、antibody7-3Common techniques in7-1-4 The preparation of catalyticimmune-analysisantibody7-3-1immune precipitation7-3-2immune labeling7-2 The principle of antigen-antibody7-3-3In site immune-analysisreaction7-3-4Other applications for7-2-1Thermodynamics and dynamicsantigen-antibody reactionof antigen

46、-antibody reaction7-1Antibody preparations7-1-1Antiserum preparation7-1-2The preparation of monoclonal antibody7-1-3The preparation of gene engineering antibody7-1-4The preparation of catalytic antibody7-2The principle of antigen-antibody reaction7-2-1Thermodynamics and dynamics of antigen-antibody

47、reaction7-2-2The reaction of antibody to monovalent antigen7-2-3The reaction of antibody to polyvalent antigen7-3Common techniques in immuno-analysis7-3-1immunoprecipitation7-3-2immune labeling7-3-3In site immuno-analysis7-3-4Other applications for antigen-antibody reactionCHAPTER EITHTCELL MEDIATED

48、 IMMUNE RESPONSE(细胞介导的免疫应答)8-1 Basic concept for immune8-2-2T cell activationresponse8-2-3Exogenous antigen induced8-1-1Non-specificity and specificityimmune responseof immune response8-2-4Endogenous antigen induced8-1-2Active immunity, passiveimmune responseimmunity and adoptiveimmunity8-3Cell apoptosis and immunity8-1-3Anergy8-3-1 The features of cell apoptosis8-3-2 Detection of cell apoptosis8-2 The basic process of immune8-3-3 Effect of cell apoptosis on theresponse,imm


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