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1、外文翻译外文原文一出处:dol: 10.1061/(asce)0733-9445(2006)132:11(1831)现有的建筑物上增加的雪荷载和风荷载效应:挪威建筑物可靠性分析vivian meloysund, ph.d. ; kim robert liso, ph.d. ; jan siem ; and kristoffer apeland摘要:对来自在挪威的20个现有建筑物上的一个雪荷载和风荷载效应的调查结果分析。由于存在雪荷载或风荷载,所以需要调查在哪些范围内的现有的建筑物会与现有的规范要求或者抵抗倒塌的安全度有关。十八个建筑物在现在的规范之下有一个超过1.0的利用比。新的设计规范已经开

2、始应用到大部分的建筑上,与现在规范,对于雪荷载和风荷载效应,对于减少坍陷的安全性有较好的安全度。当评估一个国家的规划具有哪些可能结果的时候,建筑物的大部分的数据依照现行的房屋建筑规范来评估,那么可靠性是很低的。对未来的气候变化的研究表明雪荷载和风荷载在很大程度上会有增加的趋势,大面积的屋顶也会在强烈的风荷载下需要承受更多的危险。因此,在将来这些建筑物的可靠性将会降低。关键字: 承载力; 建筑物; 气候上的变化; 挪威; 可靠性; 雪载重; 结构设计; 结构的安全性; 风荷载背景在1999/2000年的冬天,挪威北部的巨大雪载导致部分建筑物倒塌。在bardufoss社区活动中心的意外事件中,屋顶

3、塌陷甚至造成三人死亡,这是所有这类性质的意外事件中最严重的(图1)。当该建筑物建成后,屋顶上的雪载就超过其原来设计当初的标准荷载,而且此坍陷的最重要的因素之一是在屋顶上有一个构造过失。图1 bardufoss社区活动中心(允许再版)建设管理局,奥斯陆,挪威图1主要目标和定界线调查的主要目标是获得关于雪荷载或/和风荷载的作用下,以及在现行的规范标准约束下,挪威现有建筑抵抗塌陷的可靠性研究调查。以及,在未来挪威气候改变的条件下,如何分析并建立一个原理和模型。本次调查分析包括设计文件,20座曾经经历过五次较大雪载作用的,五次强风荷载作用的,至今仍然存在的建筑物。统计资料包括了大约三百七十万在挪威注册


5、来计算。一般正常的建筑物设计中风压是等于1.0 kn/m,而无遮掩部分的面积,其风载应该要等于1.5 kn/m。完全暴露于风压作用下的建筑面积,建设的主管当局可以批准增加这些风压荷载的大小。一个封闭建筑的迎风和背风的系数总和可以是1.2。在1970年挪威建筑规范ns3052中,是由雪载图来说明哪些区域雪载达到1.5 kn/m,哪些在1.5kn/m和2.5 kn/m之间, 哪些在2.5 kn/m以上。风荷载则是由四种曲线把各区域分为a,b,c,d四种,在图2中可以看到。规范应用更多更详细的标准数据来指出迎风和背风墙的系数也是1.2。与1949年的房屋建筑规范相比,在ns 3052中,不同的是它更

6、多的指明了在空旷地区的风速压力是相对较小的。同时,在ns3052中,也介绍了部分传递系数,当风压作用时的部分传递因数被设定成1.5的时候,雪荷载的部分传递因数则要设定成1.6。在2002a挪威标准规范中,整个国家的434个行政区域都被分区并详细的说明了风压标准规范。由风的参考速度来定义方位(在22 m/s和31 m/s之间变化)。在迎风的10km区域,地面的粗糙程度对风压是很重要的。在规范里成为速度风压,也有五个关于地形粗糙程度的定义。另外其它重要的因素包括风向、建筑高度、地形也需要列在考虑范围之内。风压(kpa)建筑高度风速 m/s屋顶参考高度地形标高基础标高图2 风压曲线表图2在这个规范的

7、修正方法中,挪威标准规范1999(ns 3490)则为环境的负荷规定一个50年的重现周期。环境负荷部分的传递系数被设定成1.5。部分的传递系数要乘以一个缩减系数k。规范的广泛修订已经相当大的增加了规范的详细程度。目的是为了符合表2的要求,从而达到一个安全的水平。换句话说,目的是为建筑物能达到一个相对的可靠度要求而制定了一个比较统一的安全等级要求,即使建筑物在不同的区域建造,但如果有些结构处于不同的可靠度等级,那么就具有不同的安全水平。表2 可靠性等级、建筑类型、可靠性系数和塌陷概率可靠性等级建筑类型可靠性系数塌陷概率4大型公共建筑4.260.000013商场3.710.00012办公楼3.09





12、现场研究经对建筑物在建造的时候使用的计算模型、荷载、荷载影响力、解决方案的调查研究。荷载影响效应是与新的荷载要求相一致,承载力也与新荷载的要求相一致。经过这些分析,结构的利用比已经与新的计算规范相一致,同时要加强利用比。表3 挑选建筑的数据概要建筑时间类型材料尺寸(宽/长/高)屋顶形状最大跨度雪载风速风载设计雪载设计风载最大利用比结构计算有无andoy11989温室铝12/26/626120.7/4.531.2是andoy2a1979简易房木/钢14/45/715184.5311.是ando2b19914.534.0无bardu119





17、,这种建筑物是肯定要进行广泛的调查研究。即使建筑物有详细设计资料,那也是有缺陷的,所以在这项调查的范围内我们不会去评估这方面的意义。选中的建筑物缺乏重要文件肯定会影响调查结果,接着计算必须根据自己的假设和估算,这可能不同于构造的(提高的资料可供结构计算)。隐蔽资料导致结构性措施可能会增多,在缺少文件的情况下,就难以查明原因,最终不能明确的选择结构设计方案。设计雪荷载和选定建筑的风荷载的更改表3列出了当前要求下那些被选择的建筑在特定范围内其典型的雪荷载,以及速度特性的风压力。在所选建筑物资料中andoy 2、frana1和 nittedal1一起引述成a和b。在这里, a意思是最初的建筑物,而b

18、是指,之后增加的建筑(或延长建筑年限的建筑)。此外,这些资料也显示了建筑设计中荷载的变化,这里的荷载设计要求是与当时的规范相一致。表3说明了雪荷载在0.8和2.7之间更改设计的差别,其均值等于1.6。在建筑物之间风压变化设计相应处差别有0.4、1.4和均值0.9。换句话说, 平均雪荷载设计在增加,同时,风压平均设计值在下降。正如所选建筑物的资料所示,在两个不同行政区域的两座建筑让人体验到减少积雪负荷的设计。一种是积雪负荷水准不变,然而另外一种是积雪负荷递增。在对大部分关于积雪负荷设计建筑的调查中,我们发现对积雪负荷设计的变化已经成为一项主要的要求。在调查的建筑中低坡度的建筑占了优势,由于屋顶受

19、积雪负荷在背风面因素的影响下,屋顶的倾斜度已经在15度到60度之间增减。在一座7幢建筑的屋顶中倾斜度大于15度,负荷设计的增长平均为1.4。这个数据低于整体建筑的普通平均值。风荷载规范方面变化还不像雪荷载规范那样有了很大的差别,但是风荷载规范所产生的改变也是需要进行研究调查。就像所选建筑物资料所列出的,规范上的改变往往导致andoy和frana两个海边地方的建筑所受风荷载变化。在被调查的建筑物中,风荷载与建筑物的宽度、长度都没有太大的联系。这个形式的建筑物,迎风和背风的墙壁形状因素的总数在ns3491-4上等于0.85 ,当换成是高层建筑时,这个系数就变成了1.5。在较早的规范中,不管是什么建


21、了其标准值。被调查的55%被指出错误的建筑物有了更高的利用比,或者因为有了错误的雪荷载值而重新进行设计建造。因此,在挪威的建筑物可能有超过荷2.8%的建筑有较高的利用比。但是调查的只有20幢,这是个不足。不过,也是具有可信度的。结论此项调查研究的主要目的是获得可靠度的指标, 挪威现有建筑物是否符合当前安全监管的关于抵抗塌陷是由于雪荷载和/或风荷载效应造成的要求。从调查的结果表明这些方面应该是以后建筑物设计建造的发展趋势的典型代表。因为刚刚才开始建造这类的建筑,所以20幢建筑中有18幢建筑的利用比超过1.0(是调查建筑的90%),我想以后还会增加的。尽管如此,假设一幢建筑有内置安全结构,那么这类

22、建筑的利用比是很少超过1.0的。未来气候变化情况表明冬天的降水量的增多以及温度的上升,会导致各地的屋面雪荷载的增加。根据这些情况,估计今后建筑物的可靠性还会降低。认证本文写在正在进行研究和发展的sintef计划, 一个更加严峻的2000年的建筑气候条件(2000-2006),战略研究所项目气候变化给建筑环境带来的冲击。(2005liso等人著)。作者致谢所有挪威建筑业研究委员会的委员。特别感谢jan vincent教授,也很感谢karl vincent hioseth教授和tore kvande教授为文章写的评论。参考文献karl, t. r., and trenberth, k.e. (20

23、03). “modern global climate change.” science, 302 1719-1723national office of buildings techolgy and administration. (1993). “orkan 1992.” norwegian building research insititue, oslo, norway (in norwegian).standards norway. (1970). beregninger av belasninger, ns 3052, 1st ed., standard norway, oslo,

24、 norway (in norwegian).standards norway. (1970). prosjektering av bygningskonstruksjoner dimensjonerende laster, ns 3479, 1st ed., standard norway, oslo, norway (in norwegian).standards norway. (1999). design of structures requirements to reliability, ns 3490, 1st ed., standard norway, oslo, norway

25、(in norwegian).standards norway. (2002a). design of structures design actions1st ed., standard norway, oslo, norway (in norwegian).mccarthy, j.j., canziani, o.f., leary, n.a., dokken, d.j., and white, k.s., eds. (2001). climate change 2001: impacts, adaptation and vulnerability, cambrige university

26、press, cambriged, u.k.外文原文一:increased snow loads and wind actions on existing buildings: reliability of the norwegian building stockvivian meloysund, ph.d. ; kim robert liso, ph.d. ; jan siem ; and kristoffer apelandabstract: results from an investigation of snow loads and wind actions on 20 existin

27、g buildings in norway are presented. the objective has been to investigate to what extent existing buildings meet current regulatory requirements relating to safety against collapse owing to snow loads or wind actions. eighteen buildings have a utilization ratio of more than 1.0 under current regula

28、tions. the new design rules have led to most of the buildings investigated having reduced safety against collapse owing to snow and greater safety against collapse owing to wind actions than the regulations now demand. the investigation indicates too low reliability for a considerable number of buil

29、dings according to current building regulations when evaluating the possible consequences of the conclusions in a national perspective. scenarios for future climate change indicate both increased winter precipitation and increased temperatures, and thus changing the snow loads on roofs. wind scenari

30、os for the decades to come indicate an increase in frequencies of strong winds in areas also exposed today. thus, the future reliability of the buildings in these areas could decrease.dol: 10.1061/(asce)0733-9445(2006)132:11(1831)ce database subject headings: bearing capacity; buildings; climatic ch

31、anges; norway; reliability; snow loads; structural design; structural safety; wind loads.introductionbackgroundlarge snow loads on during the winter of 1999/2000 led to the collapse of several buildings in northern norway. the accident at bardufoss community centre, where the roof caved in and claim

32、ed three lives, was the most serious of these accidents (fig.1). the most important causes of this collapse were a faulty construction of the roof when the building was erected and larger snow loads on the roof than it was designed for.principal objectives and delimitationsthe principal objective of

33、 the investigation has been to obtain a reliable indicator as to whether existing buildings in norway meet current regulatory requirements concerning safety against collapse owing to snow loads and/or wind actions, and also to establish a basis for the analysis of future climate change impacts on th

34、e norwegian building stock. the analysis encompasses design documentation investigations and field studies of 20 existing buildings in five high-snowfall and five high-wind municipalities in norway (siem et al. 2003; meloysund et al.2004). statistical data for building types, year of construction, a

35、nd geographical localization of the approximately 3.7 million registered buildings in norway are available in the ground property, address and building register (gab). special attention has been paid to exposed types of buildings, and the buildings have been randomly selected within the exposed buil

36、ding categories. assessments of whether the regulations are satisfactory and theoretical parameter studies of the regulations are not included in the investigation. the investigation focuses on assessing the buildings main load-bearing structures and, to a lesser extent, their secondary load-bearing

37、 structures.building regulations and design codesdevelopment of design codes for snow loads and wind actionsthe building regulations of december 15, 1949 referred to a general snow load on roofs corresponding to 1.5kn/m. this value could be reduced or increased by the individual building authority w

38、ith the ministrys approval. the importance of the shape of the roof for the size of the snow load on the roof was calculated in a simple way. structures should normally be designed for a wind pressure equal to 1.0 kn/m, while a wind pressure equal to 1.5 kn/m should be used in exposed areas. in heav

39、ily exposed areas, building authorities could increase these basic values with the ministrys approval. the sum of the wind shape factors for lee and windward walls for a closed building was 1.2.in ns 3052 (standard norway 1970) snow maps were introduced showing zones with roof snow loads values of u

40、p to 1.5 kn/m, between 1.5 kn/mand 2.5 kn/m, and above 2.5 kn/m. four curves for the wind pressure were introduced: curves a, b, c, and d, as seen in fig.2. the code quoted many more-detailed rules for the wind shape factors for the lee and windward walls was in the code also set to 1.2. compared to

41、 the building regulations of 1949, the changes in ns 3052 largely implied a reduction in the wind velocity pressures in exposed areas. in ns 3052 the partial factor method was introduced. the partial factor for snow loads was set to 1.6 while the partial factor for wind actions was set to 1.5.in ns

42、3497-4 (standards norway 2002a), a classification of the whole country has been carried out so that wind exposure for all 434 municipalities is defined. exposure is defined by means of a reference wind velocity (varies between 22 m/s and 31 m/s). roughness of the terrain in an area 10 km against the

43、 wind direction is important for the wind pressure (in the code called the gust velocity pressure). the code defines five such categories of terrain roughness. other parameters of importance for the gust velocity pressure are the wind direction, the height of the building site above sea level, and t

44、he topography.in this regulation amendment process, ns 3490 (standards norway 1999) prescribes a 50-year return period for environmental loads. the partial factors for environmental loads are set to 1.5. a reduction factor kby which the partial factor must be multiplied is introduced.the extensive r

45、evisions of the codes have increased the level of detail in the regulations considerably. the objective is to achieve a safety level in accordance with table 2. in other words, the intention is to achieve a more uniform safety level for buildings that have the same reliability class even if they are

46、 built in different places, and also to obtain different safety levels for structures classified in different reliability classes.a thorough description of the historical development of design loads for wind actions and snow loads is presented by meloysund et al.(2004).selection criteria and methodo

47、logylimits of usethe consequences of a collapse are greater in buildings in which many people are present than in buildings with few people. a collapse in public buildings such as sports halls, and the like has. therefore, greater consequences than, for example, in storage facilities in which it is

48、less probable that people will be present. this is also apparent from the reliability approach set out in numbers in table 2 in which, under current rules, more stringent requirements are imposed on structures whose collapse may have major consequences.material use and geometryfor light roofs, the s

49、pecific weight is open low compared to the snow load that the roof is required to withstand. if the snow load exceeds the design value, the load has increased virtually the same percentage as the snow load. if the specific weight had been high, the percentage increase would have been much smaller. l

50、ightweight structures are, therefore, more vulnerable to an increase in snow load above the load for which the structure is designed than heavy structures. in other words, heavy structures have greater built-in safety when the snow load increases beyond the load that structure is designed to withsta

51、nd.another selection criterion is the maximum span of a building. the consequences of a collapse in buildings with large spans are usually great.a number of types of construction may be sensitive to unbalanced loads. when the structures are being cleared of snow, this may in the worst case make the

52、stresses in the structure larger than before the snow clearance started. there are many examples of snow clearing leading to the collapse of structures. it is, therefore, important to know whether the structure can carry the unbalanced load that arises during snow clearance.year of construction, loa

53、ds, and geographical locationdesign loads on buildings have changed considerably in the period from 1949 to today. the year of construction may, therefore, tell something about the buildings safety level. in general, older buildings in high-snowfall areas may have a lower safety with respect to snow

54、 loads than newer buildings. the difference in safety level with respect to wind action is probably somewhat less.the safety level is probably affected mostly in areas that are heavily exposed to the environmental loads, when snow loads and wind actions in the regulation are increased from general l

55、oads that have applied to the entire country to differentiated loads that are adjusted to the actual environmental load variation in norway. increased wind actions, therefore, probably have the greatest consequences for coastal areas from northwest norway northward. locally roughness of terrain and

56、topography and wind action are also important for the snow loads that the building experiences.construction processprefabricated structures are often imported. it has been claimed that design calculations do not always meet the design rules set out in norwegian codes and that many structures have been designed for relatively small snow loads compared to norwegian requirements. structures have been imported from countries such as denmark that are designed for snow loads well below those required in norway.selected bui


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