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4、下:我们审核了声明的财务状况(姓名)以及(时间)。我们的审核是根据公认的审计标准,并据此包括审查会计制度,内部会计控制和程序,为维护证券及这种测试,因为因为我们事先认为在必要的情况下。检查了(日期)和会计记录和其他必要的审计程序,(着重添加)为了避免进行混淆的类型审查,这有关“普遍接受的审计标准”改为了“相应接受的审计标准”。请注意,是要求满足表达的意见是否适当,因为该报告仅仅在审查中指出。如果在内部控制材料的不足之处,独立审计师需要向美国证券交易委员会报告,但根据规则rule i7a-5(b)(3),不足之处可在一份机密报告的补充报告。如果没有发现材料不足,则代表这既不被要求也不期待。因此,










14、要通过公众压力或武力的方法。 是否可以编写不会误导报告使用者的报告?是否报告在功能的准确性和清晰方面有误导性将是一个认识和了解所拥有的用户的报告。一个最重要内部控制的危险的报告的可能性,是一部分用户毫无道理的和误导的推论。短形式经验的财务报表报告表明,它可作为重要的一份报告,内部控制的报告并不代表它是准确的代表出席了国家会议。其实,这个问题的答案在很大的程度上取决于得到的报告准则的问题答案。报告准则问题内部控制的报告是一个单独的报告不同于财务报表的意见吗?虽然有一定的关系,评价内部控制和财务报表的意见是经审计的财务报表和内部控制评价后有重大区别的。他认为在形成的报表,审计评价内部控制只是一个中





19、,每个公司视其为一个独特的情况。另一种观点认为,财务报表中经验短形式的报告很少应被推定为“理解” ,并认为,由于“适足”的系统是核数师的代表,应十分注意明确说明何谓“适当”的手段。应该分开提出方法和程序的意见和遵守这些程序的意见吗?一个建议替代全面代表性的有效性是该部门的意见,意见在是否有足够的订明的内部控制程序和是否有足够的遵守这些程序之间。一个适当的研究和评价内部控制包括不同的阶段。适当的评价系统的内部控制要求(1)了解和理解的程序和方法 (2)合理程度的保证他们在使用和操作计划(数词补充)。认识和了解在审查制度所完成的调查中所获得的程序,观察和审查文件。另一方面,保证正在使用的程序和操作



22、取决于个人是否继续符合规定的政策和程序。(3)我们不发表将来遵守规定的程序的意见。(4)内部控制制度不能防止蓄意串通或防止违规行为的行政系统。 什么样的标准应当被用于决定是否内部控制有效性的例外应当被报告? 这有两个备选弧,现有标准可以用来作为报告例外的基础。一个标准涉及的有效性或以财务报表格式的内部控制的充足性。根据这一标准,如果没有控制这一个例外将会被报告,通过迅速与合理,防止或侦查重大错误和违规行为,即那些有可能产生重大影响的财务报表。其他标准会就这些相同基础上的内部控制管理的例外情况提出改进建议。应该如何报告例外? 这个问题并不在于一个形式,因为它是一个程度的意见。一种意见认为报告将引

23、入的例外增加了一句“除下文指出”一句适当的意见。例外情况将是在一个意见段和主要类别的交易或资产的段划分和有关充足或遵守之后被列出。如果有足够材料的例外情况,认为将表示,内部控制是不够的。换言之,将有三种类型相当于不合格的意见,合格的和不利类型的意见被财务报表提出。 另一种观点将限制或者“适当”或“不够”类型的意见。根据这种观点,弱点不被足以视为系统不足的方面可能包括在一份关于内部控制的报告上。此外,一些控制范围以外的关于控制目的的审查报告内部可能是包含在一份管理的报告。这很可能是不同于给他人的报告。这种情况是类似于情况长期存在的形式和短形式的报告。管理的建议不是报告中所载的内部控制不应该记载的

24、报告的意见,也就是说,他们不应该支持一个该报告对内部控制有误导之嫌的论点。审计员应该如何遵守监管机构所订明的内部控制的报告? 如果监管机构的要求是一份声明,声明是关于内部控制制度是审查的一部分和一份关于管理的推荐信,文件的要求不暴露审计员先前概述的发表内部控制的意见的危害。但是,如果监管机构要求有一个积极表达内部控制意见的有效性,那么,应该规定报告的形式,核数师应认真考虑是否为充分认识到本报告的危害而订明表格。 如果核数师不能接受订明的表格,他有两个基本的选择。他可以试图说服该机构接受一个不同的报告,报告可以采取多种形式。另一方面,他可以修改意见,以减少满足特定要求的机构的报告方式的灾害。 审

25、议报告要求办事处负责经济机会,这就是“核数师的有关会计制度和内部控制的评估必须包括以下的话以可以被oeo接受 。”换句话说,他们认为必须使用段,但是他们不说舆论只限于其措辞的话。可能修改的订明表格将增设一个范围,在澄清段的基础上支持的意见和另一段认为不包括解释的段,这可能是第一个拒绝。他应该发表关于内部控制的意见吗? 当审计没有形成的时候,当审计与未经编辑的财务报表连接起来的时候,一个关于内部控制的报告不符合第8段,第38号的sap,其中记述着“任何审计程序可能已完成与通常没有他所描述的未编辑的财务报表联系起来。”当报表未经编辑,审查和测试的内部控制是不完整的程序,是不应该被报道的,因为误解风

26、险意义的危害性。 只有一份是否有足够程序的报告这种可能出现的情况是理想的。当审计师与财务报表不相关的时候,这样一份作为特殊任务的结果报告将是适当的。如果作出是否有足够程序的意见,这个意见应当明确排除责任并交涉关于目前和今后要遵守这些程序。结论 虽然关于内部控制的报告是在许多情况下发出的,除了极少数例外的没有证明对内部控制的有效性的这些报告。在没有设立审计标准的内部控制报告,签发认证类型的报告充满了重大的危害。 本文提出了关于报告准则的若干问题,这些问题在关于内部控制的意见被讨论有多少频率之前必须予以回答。然而,即使问题的报告形式被回答了,有几个基本问题仍然必须解决。附录bopinions on

27、 internal controlif the attest function is extended to cover internal control effectiveness, guidelines for reporting must be formulated, and several fundamental questions must be resolved.with increasing frequency, auditors hear the suggestion that they should express an opinion on the effectivenes

28、s of a clients internal control system. advocates of this extension of the attest function are quick to point out that there are already instances in which independent auditors are reporting publicly on the effectiveness of their clients systems of internal control and that some government agencies,

29、 including the securities and exchange commission in some eases, require a report. opponents of attestation-type reports counter that any report on internal control effectiveness would be misleading to the public and they believe that there is a significant difference between present regulatory agen

30、cy reporting requirements and an opinion on internal control. this article reviews the present reporting practices, considers the desirable features of the reports as well as the associated hazards, and, finally, proposes some of the questions which must be answered before any final judgment can be

31、made.the current status of reportsalthough auditors reports do in several circumstances contain references to internal control, the nature of the representations made concerning effectiveness differ significantly.large banks. opinions on internal control are, in fact, given in the ease of a few larg

32、e banks and the opinions do appear in published annual reports. these opinions are sometimes requested by the board of directors. for example, the following opinion appears in the 1969 annual report of a large new york bank, as a third paragraph in the independent accountants standard short-form rep

33、ort:our examination included an evaluation of the effectiveness of the hunks internal accounting controls, including the internal auditing. in our opinion, lie procedures in effect, together with the examinations conducted by the banks internal audit staff, constitute an effective system of internal

34、 accounting control.opinions are rendered for a few other banks, but they are essentially the same as the quoted opinion.sec requirements. sec form x-17a-5, which requires that the independent auditor make certain representations concerning internal control, must be filed annually by most members of

35、 national securities exchanges and every broker or dealer registered pursuant to section 15 of the securities exchange act of 1934.in addition, the secs rule 17a-5(g) requires that the independent auditors report contain a statement as to whether the accountant reviewed the procedures for safeguardi

36、ng the securities of customers. moreover, many exchanges require that the report indicate that a review has been made of the accounting system, the internal accounting control and procedures for safeguarding securities including appropriate tests thereof for the period since the prior examination da

37、te, and, evidently, the sec staff prefers that the accountant include language similar to that required by the exchanges in all reports filed with the sec. the scope paragraph of the report usually reads as follows:we have examined the statement of financial condition of (name) as of (date). our exa

38、mination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included a review of the accounting system, the internal accounting control and procedures for safeguarding securities and such tests thereof since the prior examination dote, (date) and of the accounting rec

39、ords and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. (emphasis added.)to avoid confusion as to the type of review made, it is related to generally accepted auditing standards by the word accordingly. note that the requirement is met without the expression of an op

40、inion on adequacy since the report merely states that a review has been made.if there are material inadequacies in internal control, the independent auditor is required to report them to the sec, but according to rule i7a-5(b)(3) inadequacies may be reported in a confidential supplementary report. i

41、f no material inadequacies are found, a representation to that effect is neither required nor expected. therefore reports to the sec do not constitute the expression of an opinion on internal control effectiveness and, in this respect, differ significantly from the reports issued for a few large ban

42、ks.other government agencies. government agencies differ widely in the type of report required on internal control. perhaps the most stringent requirement is that administered by the office of economic opportunity. section 243 of the economic opportunity amendments of 1967 requires an auditors appra

43、isal of a grantees accounting system and internal controls before a substantial amount of oeo grant funds have been expended . the auditors report must include the following opinion:the accounting system and internal controls of the (grantee and delegate agencies) are considered (adequate, inadequat

44、e) to safeguard the assets of the grantee, check the accuracy and reliability of accounting data, promote operational efficiency and encourage adherence to prescribed management policies.some agencies require a report very similar to that required by the sec for brokers. the federal home loan bank b

45、oard, for example, requires that the auditors report indicate that internal control has been reviewed and requires submission of a copy of the management letter containing comments about any weaknesses in the system and recommendations for their correction.the desirability of reporting on internal c

46、ontrolthose who believe that reports on internal control are desirable do so primarily for two reasons. first, they believe such reports would be useful to the public in evaluating managements performance in this area of its responsibility. some regard such reports as a feasible and logical first st

47、ep toward reports on managements performance in other areas.the second reason advanced by advocates of reports on internal control is that these reports would provide an additional basis for reliance on unedited interim financial statements. in view of the increasing importance of quarterly and othe

48、r interim statements, the advocates believe that such reports would provide a useful public service. opponents, on the other hand, are concerned that such reports would be a disservice to the public because of the risk of misunderstanding and unwarranted reliance. thus, the crux of the question conc

49、erning desirability of reporting on internal control turns on an evaluation of the potential benefits and hazards to the readers of such reports.hazards of reporting on internal controlif reporting on internal control holds potential benefit for the profession and report users, what has impeded whol

50、ehearted assumption of responsibility for reporting on internal control?first, there is really no such thing as an overall evaluation of internal control. an auditor views internal control in terms of specific types of errors and irregularities which may occur because of weaknesses in the procedures

51、 concerning specific classes of transactions and related assets. unless internal control is excellent in every respect, generalizations about the adequacy of the overall system are extremely difficult to make. strengths in one area of internal control do not normally offset weaknesses in another are

52、a. weaknesses in cash receipts procedures are not mitigated by strength in handling of cash disbursements, and adequate collection procedures cannot substitute for ineffective control over billing procedures.second and closely related to the difficulties of an overall evaluation, there is the incomp

53、arability of an opinion on the financial statements taken as a whole and an opinion on the internal control sys-tem taken as a whole. weaknesses in internal control can have a potential material impact on operations, but their materiality cannot be evaluated in the same manner that a known dollar am

54、ount of error can be with respect to the financial statements taken as a whole. therefore, it is difficult to formulate the language of a standard report from which deviations could be considered as having a special and known significance.third, there are many inherent limitations on the effectivene

55、ss of any system of internal control. certain actions are not subject to control within the scope of internal control systems. control procedures that depend primarily on the separation of incompatible duties can be circumvented by collusion. management officials who are charged with administering t

56、he internal control system are in a position to perpetrate intentional errors and irregularities in .spite of the controls that might prevent similar actions by lower ranking employees. perhaps the most critical inherent limitation is the fact that performance of man control procedures is dependent

57、on human judgment and volition and there are many possibilities for error arising from misunderstandings, mistakes, carelessness, distraction or fatigue.finallypartially as a consequence of the other problems-reports on internal control create a significant possibility of unwarranted and misleading

58、inferences on the part of users. prominent among possible misunderstandings is the unwarranted projection of the opinion into future periods and the concomitant undue reliance on unedited financial information. the review and tests of internal control pertain only to the period covered during the examination. in the future, conditions, procedures and compliance may change. many changes may occur to cause variations in compliance with established procedures, including new employees or employees taking over new responsibilities, unusua


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