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1、 颚式破碎机 颚式破碎机说明书 一、机器的一般概述 本系列产品,具有破碎比大,产品料度均匀,结构简单,工作可靠,维修简便,运营费用经济等特点。广泛运用于矿山、冶炼、建材、公路、铁路、水利和化学工业等众多部门,本机适用于对粗、中料粒、破碎抗压强度不超过350兆帕的各种物料进行破碎。 二、鄂式破碎机主要技术参数: 项 目 PE7501060 进料口尺寸(mm) 7501060 mm)出料口尺寸( 80200 最大进料粒径(mm) 630 分) /偏心轴转速(转 250 ) T/h处理能力( 120200 电动机功率() kw 110 ) y/min电动机转速( 740 自重、不含电动机(kg) 2

2、5504 三、结构简述 1 本机主要由机架、动鄂、偏心轴、鄂板、肘板等零部件组成。电动机通过三角皮带传动偏心轴,使动鄂按照已调整好的轨迹进行运动,从而将破碎腔内的物料予以破碎。 机架系单个整体铸钢结构,或钢板焊接两种,在破碎左右的机架侧壁上,装有边护板,以防止机架壁磨损。 动鄂为一成型铸钢件,正面装有活动鄂板,其上部借偏心轴与滚动轴承悬挂在机架上,下部支承在衬板上,在偏心轴两端有飞轮和带槽的皮带槽轮。 肘板的另一端支承于调整座上,衬板除对动鄂起着支承作用外,在外来不能破碎的物料进入破碎腔内,机器荷载突增的情况下,起保险作用,却自身迅即断裂,从保护其他机件不受损伤。 调整座安装在机架两侧的滑槽内

3、,并与调整垫片紧贴,当排料口需要进行调整时,用扳手将螺母顶紧,加入或减少调整垫片。调整座向前移,排料口即由大变小,反之,由小变大。 2 、皮带轮 42、活动鄂板 3.边护板1机架 9 、调整座 8、垫片组 75、动鄂 6、偏心轴 拉紧螺栓 、拉杆 14、弹簧 12、电动机 13、顶杆螺栓、拉紧螺栓10 11 、活动鄂板 17 、肘板 16、肘板垫 15 四、安装说明应进行检本机是由制造厂装配后成台供应的,用户收到本机时, 查,以消除在运输过程中可以出现弊病。故建议将本机安装在混凝土基础由于在本机工作时振动量较大, 噪音最好在破碎机和混凝土基础之间垫以硬木板、为了减少振动,上, 橡胶带或其它缓振

4、材料。 、地基处理另见详图。 2、在调整排料口前,应先松开拉紧弹簧,待调整好后,再适当 3 调整弹簧的涨紧程度,以防肘板在工作时脱落。 3 五、使用须知 1、起动前的准备工作 (1)应仔细检查轴承的润滑情况是否良好,轴承内及肘板连接处是否有足够的润滑脂。 (2)应仔细检查所有的紧固体是否完全紧固。 (3)防护装置是否良好,发出不安全现象,应立即消除。 (4)检查破碎腔内有无矿石或其他杂物,如有则应立即消除。 2、破碎机的起动: (1)经检查证明机器与传动部分情况正常即可起动。 (2)本机只能在无荷情况下起动。 (3)起动后,若发现有不正常的情况时,应立即停车,待查明原因,排除隐患,方可再次起动

5、。 3、维护和使用: (1)破碎机正常运转后,方可投料。 (2)待破碎材料应均匀的加入破碎腔内,并应避免侧面加料,防止负荷突变或单边突增。 (3)在正常工作情况下,轴承的温度一般在40,最高温度不得超过70,否则应立即停车,查明原因加以消除。 (4)停车前,应先停止加料,待破碎腔内被破碎物料完全排空后,方可关闭电动机。 (5)在使用时,若因破碎腔内物料阻塞而造成停车,应立即关闭电动机,必须将物料清除后,方可再行使用。 4 (6)鄂板一端磨损后调头使用。 (7)机器正常运行4小时停机应对各紧固螺丝重新紧固一次。 4、润滑: (1)经常注意及时做好摩擦面的润滑工作,可保证机器的正常运转和延长使用寿

6、命 (2)本机采用的润滑脂,应根据使用地点,气温等条件来决定,一般可采用钙基或钙基润滑脂。 (3)加入轴承座的润滑脂为其容积的5070%,每三个月必须更换一次,换新油时必须使用干净的汽油或煤油清洗轴承与承座内的污物。 (4)肘板与肘板垫,接触处在机器开动前,必须加入润滑脂。 六、可能产生的故障和消除方法故障现原消除办 停车检修,把衬板破碎板抖动,响1衬板松不正 支承垫磨损,或者2推力板支承垫中更换支承垫或弹簧拉力不足,或损生撞击 刮研轴衬或更换轴偏心轴轴衬磨连杆头产生冲击3头用,或更换衬板,调衬板下部严重磨损 破碎产品粒度增大4. 节排矿口 5 更换损坏了的另件,弹簧损坏,拉杆损坏5.推力板从

7、支承垫中 重新安装推力板或拉杆螺帽脱扣 脱落 6.飞轮摆动,偏心轴皮带轮与飞轮的涨紧 需要更换涨紧套 回转渐慢 套松弛或已损坏更换推力板、或检修7.动颚停止摆动连杆推力板已损坏,或者 连杆 连杆已损坏前后摆动 七、易损件名称与数量 块11、肘板 块2、边护板2 、固定鄂板1块3 1块4、活动鄂板 25、肘板垫块 6块、弹簧1 八、安全操作规程 、操作本机人员,须经过安全技术教育1 2、机器运转时,严禁从上面向机器窥视 、设备运转时,严禁进行任何调整,清理或检修等工作3、设备运转时,严禁用手直接在进料口上或破碎腔内搬运和挪动矿4 石。 、本机的电器设备应接地,并将电线装在绝缘管内。5 6 Jaw

8、 Crusher Operation Manual . General Introduction Jaw crusher has the features of high crushing ratio, simple structure, working stable, easy maintenance and economic running expense. It is mainly used in mine, metallurgy, building material, high way, rail way, water facility and chemical industry, e

9、tc. This series crusher is applicable for crushing various materials with compression resistance less than 350Mpa. . Main Technical Parameters of Jaw crusher 7 Item 1060 750PE Feeding size(mm) Output size(mm) 1060 750200 80 Maximum feeding size(mm) Rotating speed of eccentric shaft(r/min) 630250 Han

10、dling capacity(T/h) (Motor powerRotating speed of Motor (y/min) Weight without motor(kg) ) Kw 200 12090 740 25504 .General Introduction of Jaw Crusher Structure Jaw crusher is composed of frame, rotating jaw, eccentric shaft, jaw plate and plate knee, etc. The motor drives the eccentric shaft throug

11、h V-belt, well the to do jaw periodic movement according movable making the timed track. The material is crushed in this process. The frame adopts whole cast steel structure or welding steel plate. Guard plates are installed on the left and right side of the frame, preventing the side frame wearing.

12、 Rotating jaw adopts moulding cast steel, which has movable jaw plate at front, the above part hang on the frame by the eccentric shaft and rotating 8 shaft, the under part bear on the plate. Belt pulley with fly wheel and trough are installed at both side of eccentric shaft. The other side of plate

13、 knee bear on the adjust base. The plate supports the movable jaw, also it can cut off itself for safety when the load is increased, protecting the other part of the components. One spare plate is with the machine, which is used at the discharging opening. Adjust base is installed in the side trough

14、 of the frame, close to the adjust block. When the discharging opening need adjust, turn right of the screw nut with the spanner. Adjust base rise, the discharging opening becomes small, otherwise, small instead. 1. Frame 2. Rotating jaw 3. Guard plate 4. Belt pulley 5. Rotating jaw 6. Eccentric sha

15、ft 7. Draw-in bolt 8. Gasket unit 9. Adjust base 10. Draw-in bolt 11. Ejector rob bolt 12. Motor 13. Spring 14. Pull rod 15. Plate 16. Plate pad 17. Rotating jaw plate .Installation Instructions 9 1. For jaw crusher is supplied after mounted, the user should check the machine to eliminate the possib

16、le damage in the travelling after receiving the machine. For the strong vibration of the jaw crusher when working, we suggest the user install it on the concrete base. In order to decrease the vibration and noise, its better to install a hard wood plate, rubber belt between the crusher and the concr

17、ete base. 2. For ground treatment, please see the detail drawing. 3. When adjust the discharging opening, spring should be loosen first. After adjusting work, adjust the spring tension degree to avoid plate dropping. . Important notice 1. Prepare work before starting (1)Carefully check the lubricate

18、 of bearing, and check if there is enough lubricate grease in the bearing and the plate connection (2) Carefully check the fasteners (3) Check the protection device and eliminate the unsafe state. (4) Check if there is ore or other material in the crushing chamber. Remove it before starting. 10 2. S

19、tart running of the jaw crusher (1)After checking, run the crusher if the machine and the drive part are in sound condition. (2) Only permits to start without load. (3) After starting, if abnormal situation happens, shut down the machine immediately. Restart running the crusher after the problem has

20、 been found and solved. 3. Maintain and use (1) When the crusher running normal, you can just begin to feed the material. (2) The raw material should be put into in the crusher evenly, avoid side feeding, preventing the sudden change of load or increasing unilaterally. (3) The bearing temperature sh

21、ould be 40 under normal condition, and the maximum temperature should not exceed 70. Otherwise, you should shut down the crusher immediately, and check the problem. (4) Stop feeding before shutting down the crusher. Shut down the motor after the completely discharge of the raw material in the chambe

22、r. (5) When the chamber is blocked when crushing, shut down the motor and remove the blocked material. (6) Change the side of the jaw plate when one side is wearing. 11 (7) Fasten the screw after 4 hours normal running. 4. Lubrication (1) Keep lubricate of the friction surface timely, insuring the s

23、table working of the machine and long service life. (2) The lubricate grease should be chosen according to the site condition and temperature. Usually calcium base lubricating grease. 3、 The lubricating grease account for 50%-70% of the volume and it is must be changed every three months. Clean the

24、inside with clean petrol or coal oil. 4. Grease should be added between the plate and plate pad before the starting. . Possible fault and solve method Fault phenomenon Fault causes Solve method Shut down and vibrated 1. Plate with check, Plate flexible fasten the plate abnormal noise Supporting bear

25、ing 2.Noise from the toggle plate Change the supporting pad wearing, or not enough supporting bearing pad or spring spring tension or damage 3.Impact noise caused by Eccentric shaft bush Scraping bush or change the bush connecting rod wearing Head back of the plate, or 4. The output size become Serious damage of the adjust plate, change the large plate the discharging opening Spring damage, 5.Toggle plate drop from the connecting rod damage Change the damaged parts, bearing support pad or drop out of the pull remount the toggle plate rod nut 12 6.Flywheel swing, rotation of flywheel Pulley an


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