quality agreement(品质协议书)_第1页
quality agreement(品质协议书)_第2页
quality agreement(品质协议书)_第3页
quality agreement(品质协议书)_第4页
quality agreement(品质协议书)_第5页




1、供應商质量协议书(quality contract for supplier)no._ 需方:瑞德电子(深圳)有限公司 (以下简称甲方)buyer: *电子(深圳)有限公司 (以下称甲方) (hereinafter referred to as party a)supplier:_ (以下称乙方)(hereinafter referred to as party b)1. 总则:general rule 1.1根据中华人民共和国合同法和其它相关法规,甲乙双方本着平等互利、共同发展,协商一致的原则,为确保供应材料质量的长期稳定和不断提高品质,经甲乙双方共同协商,签订本协议。 in accorda

2、nce with the contract law of the peoples republic of china, this contract is negotiated and entered into by party a and party b based on equality and mutual benefits for the purpose of ensuring long-term stable quality and continuous improvement of the goods (hereinafter referred to as goods) suppli

3、ed by party b.1.2甲乙双方应严格遵守本协议各条款规定和要求,因违背协议而出现批次性质量问题或安全质量事故,违约方应负全部责任,并按协议的规定赔偿对方的损失。1.2 both parties should strictly abide by the provisions and stipulations of this contract. any quality issue or accident resulting from the violation of this contract will be the sole responsibility of the violati

4、ng party, which shall compensate the other party as stipulated in this contract.1.3本协议书未尽事宜,由双方协商解决,协商不成任何一方可向甲方所在地法院起诉。1.3 anything not mentioned herein shall be resolved first through bilateral negotiation. in case that negotiation fails, either party shall be entitled to file a lawsuit to the cou

5、rt of law where party a is located.1.4本协议书一式两份,甲乙双方各持一份。自双方签字盖章之日起生效。协议经双方协商一致时可以变更,协议的变更须以书面形式确立。未经双方同意,任何一方不得单方面变更或取消协议书条款。1.4 this contract is prepared in duplicate. each party holds one copy. this contract shall take effect from the date when it is signed and stamped by both parties, whichever c

6、omes second. any modification or cancellation of the provisions of this contract shall be in the written form and shall remain void without mutual agreement.1.5 本协议以汉英两种语言写成,如两种文本出现不一致之处,以汉语为准。1.5 this contract is prepared in chinese and english. in case of any discrepancy between the two language v

7、ersions, chinese shall prevail.2. 产品质量(product quality) 2.1验收标准:acceptance standard2.1.1 按ansi/asqc z1.4-2003 level ii抽样方案之正常抽样方式。其中,材料安全性能(可靠性能)不良,尺寸不良按aql标准定为acc=0,rej=1 ;其他电性能aql标准为 0.065 ; 外观不良aql标准为 0.65 (备注: 以上要求仅限于resh,而resz用c=0抽样计划).2.1.1 sampling shall be in accordance with ansi/asqc z1.4-2

8、003 level ii. specifically, the material safety (reliability) defect and dimensional defect shall be according to aql standard acc=0,rej=1; the other electric aql standard is 0.065; cosmetic defect aql standard is 0.65. (remark: the above requirement is limited to resh, resz shall adopt c=0 sampling

9、 plan.)2.1.2 乙方批量供货时,甲方检验部门按本协议的抽样水准和经甲方工程部确认的有效承认书,品保检验规范(规格)或客户提供的样品进行交收检验,若无经甲方工程部确认的有效承认书,甲方检验部门将依据甲方工程部提供的有效标准,qa检验规范(规格)或客户提供的样品,或经甲方工程部确认有效的乙方送货报告进行交收检验,如验收不合格时, 甲方发出“物料异常通知单/或邮件”,并按条款4“违约责任”处理。2.1.2 when party b supplies goods in batches, party as quality department shall inspect the goods a

10、ccording to the aql stipulated herein, the effective engineering documents confirmed by party as engineering department, and quality assurance specification or customerss samples. if there is no effective engineering documents confirmed by party as engineering department, party as quality department

11、 shall inspect the goods according to effective standards provided by party a s engineering department, quality assurance specification or customerss samples, or effective inspection report provided by party b. if the goods are not accepted, party a will send a “notice/ email of unusual material”, a

12、nd proceed as stipulated in article 4 of “responsibility of violating contract”.2.1.3乙方按甲方提供或认可的相关品质标准和规格进行生产,甲方以此规格验收,每批产品应附有合格的出货报告,其内容包括但不仅限于以下内容:ict测试报告;开路/短路测试报告(仅适用于印刷线路板),扫描报告(仅适用于带条形码的产品,如卡通箱,彩盒等),盐雾测试报告(仅适用于经表面电镀工艺处理的金属制品且甲方有要求),寿命/性能测试报告(仅适用于各类线材,当第一次送货,更改材料,更改工艺或设计时)等。甲方有权审核乙方提供报告的真实性和符合性

13、,并有权要求乙方提供其它必要的资料等。2.1.3 party b should manufacture goods according to related quality criteria and specifications which party a provides or approves and by which party a shall inspect the goods. each batch of goods should be accompanied with an inspection report indicating the conformity of the goo

14、ds, the content of which include but are not limited to the following: ict test report, open/short test report(only for pcb product), scanner report(for product with barcodes, for example carton, color box and so on), salt-fog test report (only for electro-plated metal products and when party a requ

15、ires), life and function test report(for cable products when delivered for the first time, material changed or techniques(or designs) changed). party a shall possess the right of verifying the reports and of requiring party b to submit other necessary materials.2.1.4 乙方每月供应的材料交收批次合格率应 %,产品不良率应 %(根据附

16、件标准).2.1.4 monthly acceptance rate of goods supplied by party b should not be less than _%, the defective rate should not exceed _% (based on standards in the attachment)2.2生产过程质量控制(in progress quality control ) 2.2.1 乙方应制定生产过程控制文件和作业指导书。2.2.1 party b should prepare control document and working inst

17、ruction.2.2.2 乙方应在生产过程中设置必要的质控点,监控工序质量和产品质量,从而及时发现和纠正生产过程的异常状况,确保产品质量的一致性、稳定性。2.2.2 party b should set up in prdduction process necessary quality controlling points to monitor operation quality and product quality in order to timely spot and resolve any unusual situations and ensure consistent and s

18、table product quality.2.2.3 乙方在批量供货中,如果对生产工艺、产地、材料或材料供应商变更,应书面通知甲方,得到甲方认可后方可变更,若未经甲方同意而变更,造成的一切后果由乙方承担。2.2.3 in batch delivery of goods by party b, any change or alteration to production techniques, production place, materials or material suppliers shall be in written forms and shall not be implemen

19、ted without approval of party a. otherwise, consequences resulting therefrom shall be born by party b.2.2.4 甲方认为有必要时将派人前往乙方考察或监控,与乙方共同做好质量控制工作,乙方应积极配合.2.2.4 when party a considers it necessary to send its staff to party bs premises for a joint quality control effort, party b shall help facilitate th

20、e work.2.3包装方式(packaging)乙方产品的包装应能起到保护产品的作用,易于搬运和拆卸,同时还须符合甲方要求。每个包装内应附有出厂合格证和出厂日期,厂家编号(mpn)及甲方的物料编号等必要信息。甲方有特别要求的,应按甲方的要求进行包装。如,主动物料必须真空包装.party b shall packge the goods so that the goods are well-protected against potentail damages, easy to handle and disassemble, and in conformity with party as re

21、quirements. within each package, there shall be a factory release certificate, the factory release date, manufacturing plant number (mpn) and party as material number. in case of special packaging requirements from party a, goods shall be packaged accordingly; e.g. the active part needs to be packag

22、ed by vacant accordingly.3. 实物资产及知识产权 (tangible assets and intellectual property right)甲方提供给乙方的测试仪器、模具、图纸、电子文档及软件等,属甲方财产,乙方只可将其用于甲方所购产品的制造及检测等。未经甲方许可,乙方不得擅自进行拆卸、改装、复制、反向编译或提供给第三方使用;在合同期间,甲方有权随时收回此类财产;当合同结束后,乙方应在3个工作天内将其全数归还甲方,并销毁各种形式的纸面文件及电子文档。the testing devices, tools, drawings, electronic files a

23、nd softwares provided by party a for party b are the assets of party a and shall be used by party b only for the manufacturing and testing of the goods purchased by party a. party b should not disassemble, convert, copy, decode or provide any of these assets to any third third party. within the dura

24、tion of a contract, party a has full discretion to withdraw these assets; when a contract expires, party b should return all these assets to party a and should destroy any related paper files and electronic files.4. 违约责任 (penalty)4.1. 乙方产品型号、规格,周期或质量等不符要求,甲方立即通知乙方,乙方应在24小时内回复处理意见,若在3个工作日内不作书面回复,甲方将按

25、300元/次对乙方进行罚款,同时甲方有权作出退货或特采处理的决定,甲方如作退货处理,经乙方确认无品质争议,乙方应在6个工作日内将材料拉回或更换,否则甲方将通知pmc部或采购部作报废品处理,不进行付款;如甲方生产急需,材料将特采使用,特采中挑出的不良品以来料不良退回乙方,乙方应无条件以合格品调换,其中挑选工时费按30元/小时/人收取.when goods supplied by party b fails to meet party as requirements in product modes, specifications d/c or quality level, party a sha

26、ll immediately notify party b, which shall respond within 24 hours. should party b fail to reply in writing within three working days after receipt of party as notification, party a shall be entitled to claim a 300 rmb penalty from party b each time party b fails to do so. in addition to that, party

27、 a is entitled to return the goods or uai the goods. when goods being returned, party a shall be entitled to allow its pmc or purchasing department to scrap the goods without having to pay party b provided that party b, after agreeing upon the goods defects, fail to take back or replace the goods wi

28、thin six working days. when goods being uai due to immediate production needs, party a shall sorting and return the defective units of the goods for party b to unconditionally replace with acceptable ones and shall be entitled to charge a sorting labor fee of 30 rmb per person time to party b. 显示对应的

29、拉丁字符的拼音4.2. 乙方材料在甲方使用过程中经乙方确认属乙方问题,不良率 %,甲方有权退货(包括使用中的不合格品)或挑选使用,若挑选使用,甲方将按4.1条收取挑选费用,且不合格品(包括使用中的不合格品)将以来料不良退回乙方,乙方应无条件接受;若该物料的质量问题导致甲方产品返工、返修及报废的损失,全部由乙方按损失的150%300%赔偿。4.2 when goods supplied by party b are confirmed by party b to be defective during party as production, and such defective units e

30、xceed %, party a shall be entitled to return the defective units (including those in use) or sort out and use only the good units. when party a decides to sort out and use the good units, party a shall be entitled to charge a sorting fee to party b as stipulated in section 4.1 and shall return the d

31、efective units (including those in use) for party b to unconditionally accept. if the defective units cause rework, repair or even scrap of party as products, party b shall compensate party a for these losses on a 150%300% basis.4.3. 因乙方的责任(包括因乙方责任材料出现不合格后重新送货)不能按协定的供货期、供货数量供货时:a.若未造成甲方停产或未对甲方造成直接影响

32、,则纳入考核项目;b.若造成甲方停产,乙方按公式:人力*停拉时间*人工成本赔偿甲方损失。c.为避免损失扩大,甲方能通过调整,实施转产或采取其它物料代用,乙方按不低于500元/小时/拉赔偿甲方损失。4.3 the following steps shall be taken when goods fail to be delivered within the agreed time and at the agreed quantity ( including when goods are found to be unacceptable and are re-delivered due to p

33、arty bs faults ) as a consequence of party bs faults: a. if this failure does not put a stop to party as production or has a direct infuence on party a, it shall be included as one of the assessment items; b. if this failure puts a stop to party as production, party b shall compensate for party as l

34、osses according to the formula: human power*production line downtime*labor cost;c. to prevent further losses, party a shall be entitled to adjust by switching production lines or substituting other materials and party b shall compensate party a on the basis of 500rmb/hour/line. 4.4. 乙方提供假料、次料,甲方将立即取

35、消供货资格并通知财务冻结货款,追究其法律责任.4.4 if party b provides false or inferior goods, party a shall disqualify party b as a supplier and immediately freeze any payment through the financial department, as well as seeking for legal justice.4.5. 乙方材料出现少料问题,甲方将按抽检的比例计算该批材料少料数量,并按少量数量金额的2倍从货款中扣除或乙方无偿提供少料数量2倍的材料。if go

36、ods supplied by party b are found to be less than the agreed quantity, party a shall calculate the total shortage quantity based on the sampling proportion and shall be entitled to deduct from the payment an amount that is worth twice the shortage or receive from party b materials that are twice the

37、 quantity of the shortage without extra payment.4.6. 乙方来料异常属同一料号同一品质问题一季度内重复发生三次或以上的,经乙方确认无品质争议,甲方有权视问题的严重情况对乙方处以罚款处理. 4.6 when goods supplied by party b of a particular code suffer more than three times within 4 consecutive months from the same quality problem which has been confirmed by party b, p

38、arty a shall be entitled to claim a monetary penalty depending on the seriousness of the problem.朗读显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音4.7. 甲方在来料, 产线或客户处检验发现乙方原材料不符合环保要求,经第三方有资质的权威检测机构验证后,甲方有权对乙方依环保协议进行罚款.4.7 when party bs goods are found at the incoming material place, production lines or customers of party as to be again

39、st the environmental regulations, which have been confirmed by accredited third party institutions, party a shall be entitled to claim monetary penalty according to the environmental agreement.4.8. 因乙方供货时间、供货数量或质量、环保问题引起甲方客户及市场投诉、引发质量事故,涉及的一切损失由乙方承担;4.8 any losses resulting from complaints from part

40、y as customers or qualtiy accidents which are due to party bs delivery time, quantity, quality or environmental problems shall be covered solely by party b.4.9. 因乙方材料质量、环保问题,引起甲方客诉、产品退货、返工、报废、处罚等全部费用,将全额由乙方承担赔偿,甲方保留是否追加处罚的权利;4.9 any expenses arising from complaints by party as customers, return, rew

41、ork or scrap of party as products or monetary penalty imposed on party a due to quality or environmental problems of goods supplied by party b, shall be born by party b in full amount. party a reserves the right to add to the penalty.4.10. 当产品质量出现争议时,由乙方将产品送权威机构检测,若检测合格,费用由甲方负责;若检测不合格,费用由乙方负责。4.10 w

42、hen there is a quality dispute of the goods between the two parties, party b shall be responsible for sending the goods to be inspected by accredited institutions. the inspection fees shall be born by party a if the goods pass the inspection or born by party b if the goods fail the inspection.4.11.

43、甲方有权向乙方索取与产品质量有关的文件及资料,其包括但不仅限于产品规格书、生产工艺流程、改善行动报告、检验报告、质量体系文件及证明其运作有效性的数据及表单等。除乙方机密性的资料外,若乙方未能及时提供甲方索要的文件资料或提供的资料不符要求,则甲方可向乙方处以每笔100元的罚款。4.11 party a is entitled to ask party b for documents or materials related to the goods quality, which include but are not limited to product specification, manuf

44、acturing processes, corrective action report, inspection report, quality system document, and data or sheets proving the effective functioning of the quality system. party a shall be entitled to claim a 100rmb penalty from party b, if party b fails to provide documents party a asks for or provides d

45、ocuments that do not conform to what party a asks for, excluding party bs confidential information. 4.12. 甲方有权因产品质量,核实乙方所提供资料准确性等原因对乙方生产或营业场地进行现场评审。若乙方未能通过此评审,乙方需根据甲方提出的合理建议在3个月内改善。若3个月后仍未改善,或因为乙方的阻扰未能进行评审,甲方有权取消订单。4.12 party a is entitled to conduct an audit at party bs premises of manufacture or b

46、usiness for reasons such as product quality or verifying documents or information provided by party b. should party b fail to pass the audit, party b should improve within three months based on the suggestions given by party a. party a shall be entitled to cancel orders should improvements fail to take place in months or the audit fail to happen due


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