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1、Situation 2 Companies and ProductsLearning Objectives 1.The students shall understand the aspects from which we may introduce a company. 2.The students shall understand the purpose of corporation introduction . 3.The students shall grasp the basic patterns to introduce a company from the various bas

2、ic aspects.HomeI Lead-in What kind of company would you like most to work for after your graduation?I Lead-inTransnational trnsnnladj.跨国的, 超越国界的standardization stnddaizein, 标准化, 用标准校验customization kstmaizein n. 用户化, 定制化 Would you think of as many adjectives as possible to describe products or servic

3、es? HomeI Lead-in 畅销全球畅销全球 selling well all over the world 典雅大方典雅大方 elegant and graceful 方便顾客方便顾客 making things convenient for customers 各式俱全各式俱全 More useful expressions: 各式俱全各式俱全 wide selection; large assortment 顾客第一顾客第一 customers first 花样繁多花样繁多 a wide selection of colours and designs 美观耐用美观耐用 attr

4、active and durable More useful expressions: 使用方便使用方便 asy to use 品质优良,疗效显著,誉满全球,欢迎选购品质优良,疗效显著,誉满全球,欢迎选购 excellent quality, evident effect, good reputation at home and abroad, orders are welcome. 本公司专营玻璃制品。本公司专营玻璃制品。 Our company is specialized in glasswares.More useful expressions: 我们公司在我们公司在1970年建立,在

5、最近十年成功地发展了业务。年建立,在最近十年成功地发展了业务。 Our company was founded in 1970 and has been successfully developing their business in the past 10 years. 产品远销英国、美国、日本、意大利和东南亚,深受消费产品远销英国、美国、日本、意大利和东南亚,深受消费者欢迎和好。者欢迎和好。 Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by

6、 their purchasers. More useful expressions:I Lead-in How can you get to know a company?I Lead-in If you need to do a company introduction, what aspects will you include?II Related knowledge and skill trainingThe aspects that will be included in acompany introduction:Watch vedio 1: 瑞安铸信机械有限公司II Relat

7、ed knowledge and skill training 在机械领域里,“铸信”人凭借对先进技术的不断研究和应用,使自身得到了飞速的发展。铸信机械有着近二十年的机械设计和制造经验,已通过ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证并取得进出口自营权。本着“铸造精品、经营诚信”的服务理念,铸信机械对所有售出产品均提供终身维护,同时,根据客户的不同生产条件、不同生产能力,无偿提供科学、经济、便捷的工程预算方案。以强大的技术支持,想客户所想,引领客户走向成功。铸信机械强力依托服务至上的经营战略和科学高效的管理运作,始终致力于“弘扬创业精神、打造民族品牌”。新世纪之初,又革命性地推出了透明膜三维包装

8、机(带防伪易拉线)、塑料包装系列、吹膜机、制袋机、印刷机和皮革机械等产品,目前产品畅销全国及亚、非、欧等30多个国家和地区。II Related knowledge and skill training The aspects included in a company introduction:uthe name and locationumain services or productsucorporate cultureucertificates ustrategyuafter-sale serviceumarketsuthe mission and philosophyII Relat

9、ed knowledge and skill training The aspects included in a company introduction:uwelfare activitiesuclient commentsuemployees who have performed above averageu(showing your commitment and dedication to client satisfaction.)uyour uniquenessuthe awards won, a good rank in a survey, the qualifications a

10、nd of the employees or any special service1. Im fascinated by your splendid exhibits. 1. 我对你们的精彩展品着迷了。我对你们的精彩展品着迷了。(Children ) be fascinated by (the toy)III Useful Patterns and Expressions be fascinated by: 对对 着迷着迷, 被被 迷住了迷住了2. Our company has a long history in this line.2. 我们公司在这一行业历史悠久。我们公司在这一行业历史

11、悠久。III Useful Patterns and Expressions 3. Our company has specialized in making arts and crafts of botanical materials for over 30 years.3. 我们公司专业生产植物材质的手工艺品已有我们公司专业生产植物材质的手工艺品已有30 多年的历史了多年的历史了Botanical: btnikladj. 植物学的植物学的, 植物的植物的 III Useful Patterns and Expressions 4. We have expanded our factory

12、with more than 2,000 experienced workers, and established over 30 sales outlets across the country.4. 我们的工厂已扩展到了我们的工厂已扩展到了2000多名经验丰富的工人,多名经验丰富的工人, 全国有全国有30多个经销点。多个经销点。III Useful Patterns and Expressions 5. We are endeavoring to expand our market share in some European countries.5. 我们正在努力拓展我们的产品在某些欧洲

13、国家我们正在努力拓展我们的产品在某些欧洲国家 的市场。的市场。III Useful Patterns and Expressions 6. That indicates a possibility for us to establish a long business relationship.6. 这意味着我们可以建立长期的业务关系呢。这意味着我们可以建立长期的业务关系呢。III Useful Patterns and Expressions Our company is mainly in the line of exporting Chinese art objects to Europ

14、ean markets. 我们公司专做向欧洲市场出口中国工艺品的生意。我们公司专做向欧洲市场出口中国工艺品的生意。 We have a workforce of 60 employees and a turnover of $7.5 million. 我们有我们有60名员工,我们的营业额达到了名员工,我们的营业额达到了750万美元万美元. Our activities cover a wide range of commodities, such as ties, belts and shirts. 我们经营的商品范围多样,有领带、皮带、衬衫等。我们经营的商品范围多样,有领带、皮带、衬衫等。H

15、omeIII Useful Patterns and Expressions It covers business scope on research, manufacture and sales of wooden toys, wooden games and other wooden items worldwide and becomes one of the leading manufacturer and main seller in wooden toy production in China. 我们公司的经营范围包括研发、制造和在全球范围内销售我们公司的经营范围包括研发、制造和在全

16、球范围内销售木制玩具、木制游戏及其他木制产品。在中国,我们是主木制玩具、木制游戏及其他木制产品。在中国,我们是主要的木制玩具制造商和销售商。要的木制玩具制造商和销售商。HomeIII Useful Patterns and Expressions The computer we produced is characterized by its high quality, compact size, energy saving and is also easy to learn and easy to operate. 我们生产的计算机其特点是质量好,体积小,节能,而且我们生产的计算机其特点是质

17、量好,体积小,节能,而且易学好用。易学好用。 They are not only as low-priced as the goods of other markers, but they are distinctly superior in the following respects. 它们不但和其它厂家的产品一样低廉,而且在以下几个方它们不但和其它厂家的产品一样低廉,而且在以下几个方面有其独特的优越性。面有其独特的优越性。HomeIII Useful Patterns and Expressions Thats our latest development. A product with

18、 high performance. We put it on the market just a month ago. 那是我们的最新产品,性能很好。一个月前刚投放市场。那是我们的最新产品,性能很好。一个月前刚投放市场。 Our factory has a production capacity of thirty thousand units per day. 我们工厂的生产能力达到每天我们工厂的生产能力达到每天3万件。万件。HomeIII Useful Patterns and Expressions Sales decreased after Christmas, but fortun

19、ately they went up steadily in the following months. 销售额在圣诞节后下降了,但是可喜的是销售额在接下来销售额在圣诞节后下降了,但是可喜的是销售额在接下来的几个月里又稳步上升了。的几个月里又稳步上升了。 How long have you been in the bicycle business? 你从事自行车行业有多久了你从事自行车行业有多久了?HomeIII Useful Patterns and Expressions I would like to know something about this product? 我想了解一下这种

20、产品。我想了解一下这种产品。 Would you tell me what items you are interested in? 能否告诉我你对什么产品感兴趣?能否告诉我你对什么产品感兴趣? The product is available in both black and blue. 我们的产品有黑色和蓝色可供选择。我们的产品有黑色和蓝色可供选择。 Here are our latest catalogues, price lists and specifications. 这是我们最新的产品目录、价目表和产品说明书。这是我们最新的产品目录、价目表和产品说明书。 Thank you f

21、or showing me your plant and answering my questions. 谢谢你带我参观你们的工厂并能回答我的疑问。谢谢你带我参观你们的工厂并能回答我的疑问。HomeIII Useful Patterns and Expressions Complete the sentences according to what you hear._ stick to _have won recognition_be located to_We stick to equality and mutual benefit.We have won recognition in t

22、his business It is located to the southeat of Guangzhou. Sticking to principlesReputationLocationIV Practice work in pairs, one introducing the company with the information listed on P18, while the other listen and then retell.IV PracticeC: Tasks Task 1 Group Work1.Your company is planning to put its introduction on the website. Here are the key points your manager plans to include in the introduction:你的公司打算将公司介绍放到网页上。下列这些要点将被放到公司网页上:HistoryNew


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