Unit 4 《 Making the news 》专题演练 (新人教版必修5)_第1页
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Unit 4 《 Making the news 》专题演练 (新人教版必修5)_第5页
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1、必修4Unit4 Making the news话题:1.The basic procedure of making the news(制作新闻的基本程序)2.Newspapers and TV programmes(报纸和电视节目)功能:Making appointments(约会)语法:Inversion(倒装)重点单词:delighted,admirable,photograph,assist,assistant,profession,eager,concentrate,assess,inform,acquire,meanwhile,case,accuse,demand,technica

2、l,gifted,accurate,approve,process,appointment重点短语:concentrate on,accuse.of,so as to (do sth.),depend on,ahead of,have a nose for.,inform sb. of sth.,look forward to.,pass.onto.,last of all,be processed into课程解读课程解读重点句型1.Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of a popular Engl

3、ish newspaper.2.His discussion with his new boss,Hu Xin,was to strongly influence his life as a journalist.3.Not only am I interested in photography,but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.课程解读课程解读要点一:重点单词1.assist vt.帮助;援助vi. 参与,出席知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点He said he was willing to as

4、sist the family with money problems.他说他愿意在经济上帮助这一家人。You will be required to assist Mrs. Smith in preparing a report.你将要帮助史密斯夫人准备一份报告。He assisted us to establish a new company.他帮助我们成立了一家新公司。Despite his cries,no one came to his assistance.尽管他喊叫,却没有人来帮助他。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点【链接训练】They asked him to_them i

5、n carrying out the plan,but he refused.A.provideB.arouseC.assistD.persist【解析】provide “提供”;arouse “唤醒,引起”;assist “协助”;persist “坚持”。根据句意应该选C项,assist sb. in doing sth.“帮助某人做某事”。【答案】C知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点The young nurse was very nervous when she_ in her first operation.A.resisted B.insistedC.helpedD.assist

6、ed【解析】句意为:这个年轻的护士首次帮忙做手术时非常紧张。resist “抵抗,反抗”;insist “坚持”;help“帮助”,但后面不能跟介词;assist “帮助”,指以助手的身份去协助某人完成某事。【答案】D知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点2.concentrate vt.全神贯注,专心致志;集中,浓缩归纳拓展(1)concentrate sth.on sth./doing sth.专心致志于某事/做某事concentrate ones attention on致力于,把注意力集中在concentrate on sth.集中精力于某事(2)concentrated adj.集中的

7、,浓缩的;全神贯注的concentration n.集中,专心知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点We should concentrate all our efforts on improving education.我们应该致力于改进教育工作。My father is concentrating on fishing.我父亲正全神贯注地钓鱼。We should concentrate our attention on work this month.这个月我们应把注意力更多地集中在工作上面。The bottled juice was concentrated to save shoppin

8、g cost.瓶装果汁是经过浓缩的,为的是节省运输费用。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点归纳拓展focus ones attention on sth.=fix ones mind on/upon sth.集中注意力于pay ones attention to 专心于;注意put ones heart into.集中精力于be absorbed in一心一意于;集中精力于知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点【链接训练】There is too much noise outside;I cant_ my attention on my book.A.fillB.payC.connectD.c

9、oncentrate【解析】concentrate ones attention on“致力于,专心于”。句意为:外面的噪音太多,我不能专心读书。【答案】D知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点She was so_in the job that she didnt hear anybody knocking at the door.A.attractedB.absorbedC.drawnD.concentrated【解析】句意为:她正埋头工作,没有听见有人敲门。be absorbed in 意为“专心致志于”。(be) attracted by sth./sb.“被某事/某人所吸引”;(be)

10、 drawn to.“被吸引到”;(be) concentrated on “(精力)集中在上面”。【答案】B知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点3.acquire vt.获得;取得;学到归纳拓展acquire sth.得到acquire a knowledge of获得的知识;学会了acquire a habit of.养成的习惯知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点I managed to acquire two tickets for the football match.我设法弄到了两张足球比赛的票。Gradually we acquired experience in how to d

11、o the work.我们逐渐获得了做这项工作的经验。He acquired a great knowledge of computers by working hard.通过努力学习,他获得了丰富的电脑知识。He has acquired a habit of reading newspaper in the morning.他养成了早上看报纸的习惯。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点【链接训练】It took her a long time to_ the skills she needed to become a famous player.A.requireB.acquireC.re

12、questD.acquaint【解析】考查动词辨析。句意为:她要花费很长一段时间学会成为一名有名的球员所需要的技术。require“要求”;acquire“得到,获得”;request“请求”;acquaint“结交”。故符合题意的只有B项。【答案】B知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点4.assess vt.评估;评定归纳拓展assess sth./sb. as sth.评价某事或某人assess a tax on/upon sb.向某人征税assess sth./at.核定、估算(某物的数量、价值)assess+wh-clause评定知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点It is diff

13、icult to assess the effects of a new law.评估一项新法律的效果是很难的。They assessed the value of the house at over $25,000.他们对这座房子的估价在两万五千美元以上。The Chinese government will not assess a tax upon the peasants.中国政府将不再向农民征税。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点同类辨析assess,estimate与value(1)assess指评价,评估时指对于某一事物尤其是某一事物的质量,某一局面的综合性评价或态度。(2)e

14、stimate多用于指对数量概念的估计或估价。(3)value用于指对某一物品,尤其是艺术品价值或价格的评估。value有时用作“珍惜”解,如value our friendship“珍惜我们的友谊”,还有“给估价”的意义,如value an antique给一件古董估价。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点The police estimate the crowd at more than 30,000.警方估计聚集的人有三万之多。The property has been valued at over $2 million.这处房地产估价为200多万美元。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要

15、点【链接训练】The group leader isthe work done today.A.assessingB.assuringC.assigningD.assembling【解析】assess sth.“评价某物”。句意为:小组领导正在评估今天完成的工作。assure“使确信”;assign“分派,布置(工作等)”;assemble“聚集,集合”。【答案】A知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点5.inform vt.告知;通知;了解;熟悉归纳拓展(1)inform sb.of/about sth.通知某人某事inform sb.that-clause通知某人inform sb.wh-c

16、lause告诉某人(2)informed adj.了解情况的,见多识广的keep rmed of (about) sth.让某人了解某事(3)information n.通知,信息,资讯a piece of information一条信息知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点Please inform us of any changes of address as soon as possible.地址若有变动请尽快通知我们。I have been reliably informed that the couple will marry next year.我得到可靠消息说他们俩明

17、年结婚。Please keep me fully informed of any developments.事态如有发展,请向我提供详情。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点【链接训练】The old couple are heart-broken indeed.Im sorry Id rather youthem of the news.A.wont tellB.hadnt informedC.didnt tellD.dont have to inform【解析】考查动词用法辨析及虚拟语气。inform sb. of sth.“通知某人某事”,若用tell,其结构应为tell sb. sth

18、.。此处为与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,因此用过去完成时。句意为:那对老夫妇确实痛心不已。恕我直言,我宁愿你没通知他们那则消息。【答案】B知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点6.accuse vt. 指责;谴责;控告归纳拓展(1)accuse sb.of sth./doing sth.因而指责或控告某人accused adj.被揭发的,被控告的the accused 被告(2)近义词有:scold,blamescold/blame sb.for sth./doing sth.因某事而责骂/责备某人知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点Tony was accused of cheating in t

19、he examination.托尼被指责在考试中作弊。The policeman accused him of murder.警察指控他杀人。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点诱导展望charge 作为“控告”讲时,可以指因为小错而受到责备,也指因违法而受到控告。常用charge sb. with sth.结构。The police charged him with murder.警方指控他犯了谋杀罪。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点【链接训练】The customer_the shop assistant_not wrapping his goods.A.accused;withB.c

20、harged;byC.accused;ofD.charged;of【解析】句意为:这位顾客责备店员没有把他的货物包装起来。accuse sb. of (doing) sth.“控告某人某事”;charge常与介词with搭配。【答案】C知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点7.demand n.需求;要求vt.强烈要求归纳拓展(1)demand+n.(pron.)要求demand sth.from/of sb.向某人要求某物demand to do sth.要求做某事demand+that-clause要求(从句谓语用should do,should可以省略)(2)in demand(=in n

21、eed)需求on demand一经要求meet the demand满足需求知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点I demand an immediate answer of/from you.我要求你立即答复。I demand that one of you (should) go there at once.我要求你们中有一人立即到那里去。Good secretaries are always in demand.优秀的秘书总是哪里都需要。There have been demands for the prime minister to resign.已有许多人要求首相辞职。知 识 与 要

22、 点知 识 与 要 点【链接训练】It was demanded that wein our papers before Friday.A.handedB.handC.will handD.have handed【解析】demand用于主语从句中,其谓语动词用虚拟语气形式,即“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。【答案】B知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点8.approve vt.批准;通过vi.赞成;赞许归纳拓展(1)approve the report/plan批准这份报告/计划approve of sb.s doing sth.同意某人做某事approve of sth./

23、sb.赞成某事;同意某人(2)approval n.U批准,认可,赞同give ones approval to批准general approval一致同意with approval of经过的批准知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点The minister approved the building plans.部长批准了建筑计划。He doesnt approve of my leaving school this year.他不同意我今年离校。He showed his approval by smiling.他以微笑表示同意。 At last,they met with general

24、 approval at the plan.最终,他们的计划获得了一致赞同。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点【链接训练】Her mother doesnt_of her going to study in the United States alone.A.admitB.agreeC.proveD.approve【解析】句意为:她母亲不同意她一个人去美国念书。本句中 approve of sb.s doing 表示“赞成某人做某事”。admit “承认”;agree “同意”,用法为agree to,agree with 等;agree 不与of 搭配;prove “证明”。【答案】D知

25、识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点I dont_smoking in bed.A.approveB.approve ofC.agreeD.appoint【解析】句意为:我不赞成在床上吸烟。approve 作“赞成”讲,是不及物动词,其后应接 of,再接宾语。agree to do sth.“同意做某事”;appoint 作“任命”讲,常构成 appoint sb.as sth.(任命某人为);作“委派”讲,常构成 appoint sb.to do sth.(委派某人做某事)。【答案】B知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点要点二:重点短语与句型1.depend on依靠,依赖归纳拓展(1)depe

26、nd on sb. to do sth.依靠某人做某事depend on sb. for sth.靠某人供给某物depend on/upon it that.指望;对深信不疑(2)That depends./It all depends.视情况而定。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点He depends on his parents to take care of the children.他依靠父母照看孩子。Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.孩子们依靠父母供给衣食。Is he coming? 他来吗?That de

27、pends. He may not have time.那要看情况。他不一定有时间。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点【链接训练】Promise you will never wear this kind of dress!. What if I will give a performance?A.Its up to youB.That reminds meC.That dependsD.I forgot that【解析】考查情景交际。句意为:答应我以后别再穿这种衣服了!那得视情况而定。如果我演出呢?根据句意可知答案为C项。A项意为“由你做决定”;B项意“那可提醒我了”;D项意为“我忘了”。

28、均与句意不符。【答案】C知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点2.so as to (do sth.)为了(做)归纳拓展(1)so as to所引导的动词不定式结构在句中作目的状语,常译成“为了”。不定式一般放在被修饰词之后,但为了强调目的也可放在句首。为了加强语气,不定式to do sth.前还可加上in order或so as构成词组:in order to do sth./so as to do sth.,它们的否定形式都是在不定式符号to前加not,即not to do sth./in order not to do sth./so as not to do sth.。注意:in ord

29、er to可以放在句首或句中,so as to则只能放在句中。(2)so.as to表示“结果是,以至于,为了”,此时as to所引导的动词不定式结构在句中作目的状语或结果状语。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点In order not to wake up the sleeping baby,he spoke quietly.=He spoke quietly so as not to/in order not to wake up the sleeping baby.他悄声说话是为了不惊醒那个正在睡觉的婴儿。He said he would go to the mens room so

30、as to leave us alone for a while.他说他要去洗手间,为的是让我们单独待一会儿。He is so careless as to leave things behind often.他如此粗心以至于经常落东西。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点【链接训练】He postponed his holiday_meet the deadline for his work.A.so not as toB.in order thatC.so as toD.so that【解析】句意为:为了按时完成工作,他推迟了假期。so as to表示目的,符合题意。其否定形式是在to前加

31、not,故A项错误,且与题意不符;B项in order that和D项so that后要接从句。【答案】C知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点meet his sister at the airport,he had to get up early.A.So as toB.In order toC.So thatD.In order that【解析】句意为:为了去机场接他妹妹,他不得不早起床。A项so as to只能用在句中,不能位于句首,故排除;C项so that和D项in order that后跟从句。【答案】B知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点3.ahead of (空间上/时间上/关

32、系上)在前面,超过,胜过归纳拓展(1)ahead adv.(表位置)前面;(表时间)提前,事先;(表关系)领先。常与go,move等动词连用。(2)由ahead所构成的其他短语:ahead of time提前think ahead预先考虑go ahead 进步,进行;继续下去;请随便look ahead 向前看,(喻)为未来着想或打算;未雨绸缪get ahead 进步;成功;胜过知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点We have finished the work ahead of time.我们已经提前完成了工作。He was ahead of his times.他走在时代的前面。Old

33、as Tom was,he was a quick walker and soon got ahead of the others.尽管汤姆很老了,他还是一个走路很快的人,不久就走到别人前头去了。Its been a rough year,but our manager are looking ahead to the future.这是艰难的一年,但我们经理一直在为将来打算。Sir,can I sit beside you?先生,我可以坐在你的旁边吗?Go ahead.请随便坐吧。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点【链接训练】Dont worry.Your birthday is two

34、weeks .Which one is wrong?A.inB.offC.awayD.ahead【解析】表示离将来的某个时间还有多久,可以用“时间段+off/away/ahead”,用in时,则把in放在时间段的前边。【答案】A知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点The Ministry of Transportation praised the railway builders for fulfilling their task three months_time.A.beforeB.in front ofC.ahead ofD.prior to【解析】ahead of 指时间、顺序上在前;

35、ahead of time =ahead of schedule 表示“提前”;before 意为“在之前”;in front of 指位置上在前;prior to 指两事一先一后。【答案】C知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点4.His discussion with his new boss,Hu Xin,was to strongly influence his life as a journalist.他与他的新老板胡新的讨论对他的记者生涯会产生重要影响。“be to+动词原形”在句中表示后来发生的事,意为“注定会;一定会。”另外 be to do sth.还可表示另外两种情况:一是表

36、示预先安排好的计划或约定;二是表示说话人的意图、职责、义务、命令等情态意义。He was to regret the decision for the rest of his life.他余生都会后悔作出了那一决定。There is to be a concert on Saturday evening.星期六晚上将有一场音乐会。Youre to report this to the police.你应该报警。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点诱导展望(1)be about to do sth.表“马上要做某事,某事即将发生”,通常不与时间状语连用。(2)be going to do sth

37、.表打算、想法或某种倾向,用于非正式文体。也可用来表示很可能发生的事或自然现象。(3)will/shall do多指客观上将要发生的动作。句子通常有一个表示将来的时间状语。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点I was about to go to sleep when a knock at the door sounded.我正想睡觉,这时有敲门声。Were going to have a picnic tomorrow.我们打算明天去野餐。【链接训练】完成句子The meeting_(明天召开).You_ (应该还书) before Friday.【答案】is to take place

38、tomorroware to return the book知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点要点三:语法:倒装一、概述英语的正常语序是“主语+谓语”,如果将谓语动词置于主语之前,这种语序就叫倒装。进行倒装的目的有两个:一是句子结构的需要,二是为了强调。二、倒装的分类1.全部倒装:将谓语动词全部置于主语之前叫全部倒装。2.部分倒装:只将助动词、情态动词或连系动词be等谓语的一部分置于主语之前叫部分倒装。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点三、倒装结构的具体用法1.完全倒装(1)there be 句型。其中be也可以是appear,enter,come,exist,happen,lie,liv

39、e,remain,seem,stand等。There are some serious problems in the management of the company.公司的管理上存在着一些严重的问题。There stands a temple on the top of mountain.山顶上有座庙。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点(2)在以here,there,now,thus,then,out,in,up,away,down,off,back,over等副词开头的句子里,谓语动词是be,come,follow,go,begin等,且句子的主语是名词时,用倒装表示强调。Here

40、comes the bus.汽车来了。Out rushed the children after class.下课后孩子们冲出(教室)来了。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点注意:在这类句子中,主语如果是代词而不是名词,则主谓不倒装。Down it fell from the tree.它从树上跌落下来。(3)such作表语,置于句首,译为“就是如此”。Such were his words.他就是这样说的。(4)表“地点”的方位名词置于句首或强调地点概念,且句子主语是名词时。In this chapter will be found the answers to those questio

41、ns.在这一章节将会找到那些问题的答案。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点(5)强调分词动作,用“分词+be+主语”结构。Gone are the days when we suffered from SARS.我们深受“非典”之苦的日子一去不复返了。(6)为了保持句子平衡,强调表语或状语或使上下文衔接紧密,句子全部倒装。From the next room came a faint voice.从隔壁的房间里传出一丝微弱的声音。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点诱导展望在全部倒装句式中,谓语动词的数要与后面的主语的数一致。In front of the building stands t

42、wo tall trees. 【误】In front of the building stand two tall trees. 【正】楼前有两棵很高的树。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点2.部分倒装(1)only修饰句子的状语(副词、介词短语或状语从句)且位于句首时。Only when they returned did I know what had happened.只是当他们回来时,我才知道发生了什么事情。注意:only修饰的如果不是句子的状语,或者修饰状语但不位于句首,主谓也不倒装。Only you know my secret.(修饰主语)只有你知道我的秘密。知 识 与 要 点

43、知 识 与 要 点(2)表示否定意义的副词(如never,hardly,seldom,little等)、介词短语(如at no time任何时候都不,by no means绝不,in no case绝不,under no circumstances/conditions任何情况下都不)或连接词(如not only.but also.,not until,no sooner.than.,hardly.when.,so.that,such.that等)位于句首时,句子部分倒装。Never have I heard of this.我从没听说过这事。In no case must force be

44、resorted to.无论如何都不能诉诸于武力。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点注意:并列连词not only.but also.,no sooner.than.,hardly.when.连接两个并列分句时,只是前一分句倒装,后一分句不倒装,但是neither.nor.连接的两个并列分句都要倒装。Neither do I know about him,nor do I care.我既不了解他,也不关心他。Hardly had he finished the work when it began to rain.几乎在他完成工作的同时天下雨了。(3)一些表示频率的副词如often,alwa

45、ys,once,many a time,thus,now and then等位于句首时,句子部分倒装。Often have I told you not to smoke any more.我经常告诉你不要再吸烟。知 识 与 要 点知 识 与 要 点(4)副词so位于句首,表示前面所述肯定情况也适合于另一个人或物,或者neither/nor位于句首,表示前面所述的否定内容也适合另一人或物时,句子部分倒装。If you go hiking,so will I.如果你去远足,我也去。注意:so+助动词+主语表示“也一样”,而so+主语+助动词表示“确实如此”。Jack,you forgot to collect your clothes last night.杰克,你昨晚忘了收衣服了。Oh,dear!So I did!And so did you!噢,天哪!的确如此!你也是(忘了收衣服)


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