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1、跨文化交际课程教学大纲课程名称:英语教学论 课程类别:专业必修课 考核类别:考试 适用对象:本科 适用专业:英语 总学时、学分:36学时2学分一、课程教学目的该课程旨在扩大学生的知识面,对西方文化 的不同层面有所了解,以提高学生的交际能力。在 传统的外语教学中,人们往往忽视文化的重要作 用,只注重语言能力的培养而未能顾及交际能力 的提高。近年来国内学者认识到外语教学必须引 进文化知识的对比,训练学生灵活运用语言知识, 更好地与外国人沟通,减少和避免误解。二课程教学要求该课程教学要求学生提高对文化差异的敏感 性,更有效地与外国人进行交际,为英语专业课程 2的学习和翻译实践能力的提高奠定基础。三.

2、先修课程跨文化交际是英语专业的必修课,是在完成 了精读、泛读、综合英语、写作等基本技能训练 后开设的,旨在增强文化差异的敬感性,增强跨 文化交际意识,有助于英语专业课程的学习和翻 译实践能力的提高。因此,学生先期完成英语听 说读写等技能训练基本课程,如基础英语、英国文学选读等课程。课程教学重.难点该课程教学重点在于培养学生对英语国家文化的 了解及跨文化交际意识,提高驾驭英语语言的能 力,从而使其能得体地运用语言与操英语的外国 人士进行交流。教师的讲授重点是帮助学生认识 中西文化的异同,分析文化差异的根源,帮助学 生深化对西方文化的理解。中西文化的差异在表 层上很容易识别,但对造成差异的原因却需

3、追根 溯源。东西方在历史,思维方式以及哲学等方面的 3差异则是造成中国学生对西方文化不解的主要原 因,也是该课程的难点。五.课程教学方法(或手段)教学方法:以课堂讲授为主,适当组织课堂 讨论,鼓励学生充分利用课外资源进行探索性、 研究性学习。六、课程教学内容Unit 1 Communication Across Cultures ( 4学时)-教学内容( 一 ) Reading I Intercultural Communication: AnIntroduction(二) Discovering Problems: Slim Is Beautiful?(三) Debate(四) Readin

4、g II The Challenge of Globalization(五) Writing4二重、难点提示(一) 教学重点:Identifying Difference: How WeAddress Each Other(二) 教学难点:1. Further Reading I Stumbling Blocks in InterculturalCommunication2. Further Reading II Communication in the GlobalVillageUnit 2 Culture and Communication ( 4学时)一、教学内容(一) Reading

5、I What Is Culture.(二) Fill-in Task(三) Sharing Knowledge: More About Culture(四) Writing(五) Reading II Elements of Communication( 六)Discovering Problems: Misreading CommercialSigns5二.重.难点提示(一)教学重点:Identifying DifferenceCommunicating Effectively(二)教学难点:1. Further Reading I Understanding Culture2.Furthe

6、r Reading II Essentials of Human CommunicationUnit 3 Cultural Diverse ( 4学时)一、教学内容( 一 ) Reading I Different Lands, DifferentFriendships(二)Cultural n formation: American Friendship(三)Survey(四)Identifying Difference :Family Structure(五)Reading II Comparing and Contrasting Cultures(六)Interview(七)Sharin

7、g Knowledge: Confucian CulturalPatterns6二.重、难点提示(-)教学重点:1.1ntercultural insight2. Translation(二)教学难点:1. Further Reading I Cultural Dimensions2. Further Reading II High-Context and Low-ContextCulturesUnit 4 Language and Culture ( 4学时)一. 教学内容(一) Reading I How Is Language Related to Culture(二) Fill-in

8、Task(三) Group Work(四) Identifying difference: Kinship Terms and Mores.(五) Reading II Language-and-Culture, Two Sides of the Same Coin(六) Survey7二、重、难点提示(-)教学重点:1. Discovering Problems: Translating Across Languages2. Translation3. Case Study: Cases 13-16(二)教学难点:1. Further Reading the Sapir-Whorf Hypo

9、thesis2. Further Reading II Language, Thought, and CultureUnit 5 Culture and Verbal Communication ( 4学时)一.教学内容( 一 ) Reading I Understanding the Culture ofConversation(二) Fill-in Task(三) Identifying Difference: Compliment Response(四) Interview(五) Reading II The Way People Speak8(六) Group Work(七) Cult

10、ural Information: Making Telephone Calls二重,难点提示(-)教学重点:1.1ntercultural insight2. Translation3. Case Study: Cases 17-20(二)教学难点:1.Further Reading I Cross-Cultural VerbalCommunication Styles2. Further Reading II Preferences in the Organization ofVerbal CodesUnit 6 Culture and Nonverbal Communication (

11、( 4 学 时)一、教学内容一 )Reading I An Overview of NonverbalCommunication(二)Matching Task9(三) Observation Task(四)Sharing Knowledge: Factors That InfluenceTouch五)Reading II Gender and NonverbalCommunication二、重、难点提示(一)教学重点:1. Identifying Difference: Posture and Sitting Habits2. Cultural information: How 什ie Ja

12、panese Communicate Nonverbally3 Translation4. Case Study: Cases 21-24(二)教学难点:1. Further Reading I Functions of NonverbalCommunication2. Further Reading II Sounds and Silences10Unit 7 Time and Space Across Cultures ( 4学时)一、教学内容(一) Reading I The Heartbeat of Culture(二) Identifying Difference: Whats th

13、e Rush?(三) Group Work(四) Intercultural insight(五) Reading II The Language of Space二、重、难点提示(-)教学重点:1. Cultural information: Home in Various Cultures2. Sharing Knowledge: Cultures Built Into theLandscape3. Translation4. Case Study: Cases 25-28(二)教学难点:1. Further Reading I Cultural Conceptions of Time2.

14、 Further Reading II German Use of Space11Unit 8 Cross-Cultural Perception ( 4学时)一、教学内容(一) Reading I French Leave and Dutch Courage(二) Fill-in Task(三) Cultural information: Who Is Gaijin?(四) Survey(五) Reading II Ethnocentrism and Ethno relativism(六) Discovering Problems: Tile Image(七) Group Work二. 重、

15、难点提示(一)教学重点:1. Sharing Knowledge: Culture and Perception2. Translation3. Case Study: Cases 29-32(二) 教学难点:1. Further Reading I Behaviors That Separate Us2. Further Reading 11 Stereotype and Prejudice12Unit 9 Intercultural Adaptation ( 4学时)一、教学内容(一)Reading I Adapting to a New Culture(-I) Discovering P

16、roblems: Chinese Students Abroad(三) Reading II Overcoming Ethnocentrism inCommunication(四) Group Work二、重、难点提示(-)教学重点:1. Identifying Difference: Little Things Where TheyDiffer2. Debate3. Translation4. Case Study: Cases 33-36(二)教学难点:1. Further Reading I Sojourner Adaptation2. Further Reading II Develo

17、ping Mindfulness13七、学时分配教学坏节章目教学内容理论 教学学时实验 教学学时1Communication Across Cultures42Culture and Communication13Cultural Diverse14Language and Culture15Culture and Verbal Communication46Culture and Nonverbal Communication47Time and Space Across Cultures48Cross-Cultural Perception49Intercultural Adaptation4总计36八,课程考核方式1. 考核方式:考试142. 成绩评定:笔试占70%,平时考核(出勤、作业,测验,课堂表现)占30%。


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