1、傲慢与偏见中讽刺语翻译技巧分析a tentative study on translating strategies of the irony in “pride and prejudice”submitted by fang xiaolistudent id number 072092540026supervised by lu mingyua paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of bachelor of artsthe institute of online education
2、beijing foreign studies university 1. directions for learners1) analyze the data in no less than 1,000 words by using one or some of the methods recommended in step 2 and step 3 of stage 7 in writing your ba paper through practical translation project design. the analysis should be based on the exam
3、ples from the data, or no less than 3 samples from each category of the data.2) the heading for this section has been given. you may decide on your own subheadings if there are any.3) insert your analysis of the data in paragraphs, tables, diagrams or listings in the space below.4. data analysis iro
4、ny is a normal figure of speech which can be found widely in the literature output, such as novels and fictions. pride and prejudice is a classic representative of using irony successfully. at the beginning of the novel, the author wrote, “it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in
5、 possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife(jane austen, 1813)”, in which, the translator did not just translate it into direct language in chinese, but considering the different culture and writhing background of both of two countries. take this example for instance, the period they we
6、re in was the time when marriage was the most important thing for a girl and also the thing which could decide their whole life, different with the time when translator in, marriage means a lot for them. even for rich gentlemen, marry with a girl who is from poor family is not accepted by the whole
7、society and also be a sense of shame in their families. in that case, the author of the novel, jane austin, is obviously writing to satirize the young men who owned a wealth that they are very careful to find out a suitable girl for their own, which means the girl should be in the same position of t
8、heir family. in the translating version, the translator translated it into a implication word, and using must in order to extrude the irony, and also, the single man is translated into the typical expression of chinese, which is suitable for the chinese thinking mode, and also the chinese culture. b
9、ut the other chinese translating versions are not so considerate for the different cultures, and translated the word too directly to lose the meaning of irony, the translating version which referred to the article had translated the novel by the principle of domestication, that is to say, he conside
10、red the culture of the target country, and not translating the novel only into direct way of english to chinese, and also has thought the thinking mode and the sense of humor in chinese way, which is much more suitable to be accepted by the chinese readers. there is also another example of translati
11、ng strategies, that is the sentence, you mistake me, my dear. i have a high respect for your nerves. they are my old friends. i have heard you mention them with consideration these last twenty years at least. (jane austen, 1813) in the novel, mr. bennet is an old gentleman who is always tied of his
12、wife, and looks down upon her being surprise at everything, make a mountain out of molehill, and also lack of knowledge. when he said that, he had a implication meaning of saying his wifes nervousness, and the meaning of high respect, means he had suffered a lot and cannot bear it, by the old friend
13、s and last twenty years at least, he means his wife always do the same thing. the british are more connotation of expressing their favors and disfavors, which is way mr. bennet did not say it directly, and chose to using irony. the author, jane austin, also does not like the character of her novel,
14、so she wrote the way of irony to show the weakness of characterize of mrs. bennet. the translator also mentioned it, so he translated into a way of joking, which is more considered of the expressing habit of british way, and also has a slightly change of expressing in chinese style, in order to make
15、 the translation be more acceptable in china. however, the other two chinese translating versions are not so considerate of the habit of expressing in britain gentlemen, which totally translated into chinese way, that is also the reason way the version which the article use is more popular. because
16、of the translating theory of foreignization, this is stated by italian scholar lawrence venuti, showed the translators should never be forget the importance of culture in the authors country, the translating version which is chose is obvious better than the other version, and translated the novel wi
17、thout losing the original feeling.the last example the author want to analyze is the conversation happened after the bennets coming back home from a ball. mr. bennet said that if he had had any compassion for me, cried her husband impatiently, he would not have danced half so much! for gods sake, sa
18、y no more of his partners. o that he had sprained his ankle in the first place! (jane austen, 1813) there are different cultures between british and china, the balls are not the same. and also , in the chapter, mr. bennet was annoyed by the retelling of his wife and daughters who kept talking about
19、the situation and the details of the ball, and he began to hate hearing the name of the rich single man, mr. bingley. however, the author, jane austin wants to show the tiresome of mr. bennet through the conversation, and also, she wants to show the filminess and exciting of the daughters and also t
20、he lady. according to john lyons, “although it may be impossible to translate all the sentences of one language into the sentences of another without distortion of makeshift compromises, it is usually possible to get someone who does not know the language and the culture of the original to understan
21、d, more or less satisfactorily, even those culture-dependent expressions which resist translation into any language with which he is familiar.” that means, the translator should not only show tried their best to show the original culture of the author, but also should related to the background of it
22、, and tried to find out the similarities in both two different cultures, and make the translation easier to understand and much more acceptable by its readers. by the theories, the author must be familiar with both two cultures, and should has the ability to express his own thinking clearly, which i
23、s enough shown in the chosen translating version, the version by wang keyi, 1993, and the other versions are not translated the novel as good as this one.assessment checklist for tutorsplease tick in the proper cell and write your overall comments in the box of “tutors comments” below. in-text comme
24、nts should also be offered if necessary.评价项目(assessment items)评价指标(assessment criteria)评估(acceptable/revise)请打勾进行评估()合格需修改语料分析 data analysis 1. 与研究目标相关。the analysis is related to the objective of the research.2. 以“文献综述”中引用的概念或理论为支持。the analysis is supported by the concepts or theories quoted in the
25、rationale.3. 针对语料中原语与译语的差异(建议从语言、体裁、修辞或文化等角度比较),或同一原语的不同译语间的差异(建议从翻译的社会背景、目标、对象或译者的翻译倾向等角度比较),具体分析语言、文化或社会因素对翻译的影响。the analysis illustrates the effects of linguistic, cultural or social variants on translation by comparing and contrasting the source language with the target language (from the lingui
26、stic, stylistic, rhetorical, cultural or other perspectives), or different translation version (in terms of the social background, translation purpose, target reader, translators approach to translation, etc.).4. 分析充分详细,涵盖语料中的相关示例或相关示例代表,代表不少于3例。the analysis is adequate and detailed, based on the ex
27、amples from the data, or no less than 3 samples from each category of the data.5. 语言准确,表意清楚,逻辑连贯。the analysis is presented in clear, correct and coherent english.6. 字数不少于1,000字。the analysis contains no less than 1,000 english words.7 格式(标题、字体和行间距)符合要求。 the analysis is formatted as required.tutors co
28、mments:2. directions for learners1) derive the results from the analysis you have made above, and then based on these results, make some suggestions on the future translating practice. the section of results and suggestions should contain no less than 1,000 english words.2) the heading for this sect
29、ion has been given. you may decide on your own subheadings if there are any.3) insert the results and suggestions in the space below. 5. results and suggestions the article has been demonstrate and analyze the irony in pride and prejudice, which wrote by british famous female writer, jane austin. th
30、e writer has compared the original version, which published in 1971 by london oxford university press with three different chinese version, which is translated by wang keyi, published by shanghai yiwen publishing company, which is considered as the most authentic, classic and beautiful chinese trans
31、lating version and other two chinese version lei limei from the beijing yanshan publishing company and liu yucheng from china ancient book publishing company, and finally came out the conclusion of a practical translating strategy of translating iron in novels.first, the irony should not be translat
32、ed directly. as a widely used figure of speech, irony has its own meaning and charming because of the implication meaning behind the simple words. the irony will have no meaning of existing if it expressed by a direct way, lacking of the interesting of thinking it over and over, and then get the rea
33、l humor meaning after thinking, irony will be nothing. and also, what if everybody in the novel talked in the same way? in order to keep the original meaning of the original novels, the figures of speech should be translated into the style which is close to the original version as well as possible,
34、and if just translated into directly way, there are nothing left in the purpose of translating and also the novel.second, the irony should be translated into the style of what the author wants to express and also it should be fit the style of the character. by that i mean, the translator should be h
35、ighly degree of familiar to the novels of the original author, and even the author, for example, the real lifetime of the author. the requirement of the translator maybe too acuity, but the translators work is to show the thoughts of the novel, and also the author. if the translator himself does not
36、 understand the meaning of the novel, the thinking mode of the author, he cannot translate it into the language which is needed correctly. the meaning of translating literatures is to show the thoughts of the author, if the translator cannot understand it first, the translating version must misleadi
37、ng the readers too. if that happened, the meaning of translating will not be existing, and also the translation will be a totally brand new thing instead of a translating version of the original work. after knowing the lifetime of the author, the translator must also need to know the details of the
38、novel, that is to say, he must know exactly what the author want to tell, to show, and the purpose why the author wrote the story and arranged the novels like that. in my opinion, the characters in the novel are all have their own lives and thoughts, they are all independent with others, they are no
39、t the same. for example, darcy is totally different with bingley, the way they talked are different, which means the translator should not translate all the words in the same way. if darcy talked like bingley, lizzie may never fall in love with him. if bingley does things like darcy, jane will also
40、never marry him. by that i mean, the mixture of different characters is totally wrong, which should be avoid through translating, and also, the mixture of the writing style of authors is forbidden. in the translating of irony, it is much more important to be focused on the point, because it is a bri
41、ght writing style of some authors, especially jane austin, if the point is ignored, it will lead to a discount of the interesting.finally, the importance of culture should not be ignored every time in translating. as we all know, different countries have different cultures, which lead to the differe
42、nce of thinking mode and expressing style in talking. however, people of different cultures usually confused to understand the way they show their thought. for example, americans usually ask for things directly, but chinese usually do the opposite way. and also, in different cultures, people tend to
43、 think things in different way. for example, a research showed that westerns usually think things like a line, just one thing linked to another, but chinese usually think things like a unstopped circle, which is much more complex than westerns. in the same meaning, the different authors have differe
44、nt thinking mode, which lead to the different style of their works. and also, even the same author, the works from his different period would also be different, because of the maturity of the thinking. for the readers, most of them cannot read both the original version and the translating version, t
45、hat also the meaning of translator. in order to express the background of the novels and the authors mind correctly, and also will not misleading the readers who depend on the translating work only, the translator should know the cultures of the two countries the more the better. however, it is easy
46、 to say but hard to work out. in translating, when considering both culture, if only translating by the original culture, the readers will not accept it because something is hard to understand by people from a totally different culture, otherwise, if considering the target culture, the original mean
47、ing of the fictions will be lose. how to compare with both cultures and express it correctly in an acceptable way is the best way to translate.overall, translating irony should be considered so many things and also the translating principles should be followed and there are also many theories to be
48、referenced. however, in order to translate just as what the original author said, the translators should be fully prepared and acknowledged about the novel and also the author. by knowing of that, the translators can be translate irony correctly and avoid losing the original meaning of the author, a
49、nd also, the translating version will not misleading the readers and be shown the original culture and thoughts correctly, which is also the meaning of translating version exist.assessment checklist for tutorsplease tick in the proper cell and write your overall comments in the box of “tutors commen
50、ts” below. in-text comments should also be offered if necessary. 评价项目(assessment items)评价指标(assessment criteria)评估(acceptable/revise)请打勾进行评估()合格需修改结果和建议 result(s) and suggestion(s) 1. 归纳语料分析结果。the result(s) is (are) inferred from the analysis of the data.2. 结果与研究目标相关。the result(s) is (are) related t
51、o the objective of the research.3. 结合语料分析结果,建议处理语言、文化或社会因素的翻译策略,为未来的翻译实践提供借鉴。strategies are suggested based on the result(s) of the research for the proper treatments of the linguistic, cultural or social variants in the process of translation.4. 语言准确,表意清楚,逻辑连贯。the result(s) and suggestion(s) are pr
52、esented in clear, correct and coherent english.5. 字数不少于1, 000字。the result(s) and suggestion (s) contain no less than 1,000 english words.6. 格式(标题、字体和行间距)符合要求。 the result(s) and suggestion(s) are formatted as required.tutors comments:3. directions for learners1) conclude the paper by reviewing the re
53、search objective, process and results, restating the research significance and mentioning the possible research limitations. the conclusion should contain no less than 300 english words. 2) the heading for this section has been given. you may decide on your own subheadings if there are any.3) insert
54、 the conclusion in the space below.6. conclusion the purpose of the article is to find out a systematic, scientific and reasonable translating strategy which can be used into translating irony, which is a normally used figure of speech and easily to be found in nearly every novels. between the proce
55、ss of finding the translating strategy, the author analyze the materials and related to the translating theories, for example, domestication and foreignization, after collection three chinese translating version and compared them with the original version, the author has find out the translating str
56、ategy which can be used into translating irony. first, the irony should not be translated directly. second, the irony should be translated into the style of what the author wants to express and also it should be fit the style of the character. finally, the importance of culture should not be ignored
57、 every time in translating. this research is also has some significant to the future practical translating, it based on the analysis of the materials and different versions, which both considered the original version and also the chinese version, for other researchers, it can supply some meaning of
58、referencing to translate irony. for example, it lacked the process of comparing different chinese versions, and also finding out the samples of irony. the research also has some limitations, because of the time limitation and also the materials, that means, the author has not got enough time to read a widely range of translating versions in pride and prejudice
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