1、本科毕业设计(论文)题 目: humor-a dynamic performance in english class英语教学中的幽默方法应用学 院: 外国语学院 专 业: 英语 学 号: 07073114 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 二零一一年六月acknowledgementsupon the completion of this thesis, i would like to express my hearty appreciation to all those who have granted me invaluable help. first, i am deeply inde
2、bted to mr. zhang fayong and ms. mujing, my supervisors, for their engagement and guidance and help while this thesis was being written. i should also convey my sincere gratitude to my classmates, miss he baofeng, for her warm support to this paper. last but not least, special thanks should also go
3、to my parents, without whose support i should never have fulfilled my studies in this university.abstractas we know, most of the college students acquire and master systematical knowledge of english language only via having the english course; whats more, english is the basic obligatory course in un
4、iversity in china. however, many a student find english class so boring and so difficult to learn that they take little interest in english; therefore, they make little progress in english learning. so how to make students english-learning become relaxing and exciting has always been a heated topic
5、in the foreign language teaching research field. obviously, many research studies have regarded humor as a good way for english teachers to employ so as to inspire students to think, to imitate and to be creative.key words: humor, english teaching, principles, functions 摘要目前,英语是中国大学生学习和掌握这门语言的必修科目。然
7、键词:幽默;英语教学;原则;功能contents1. introduction12. demonstration22.1 definitions of humor22.2 applications of english class humor32.2.1 establish the ingenious analogy32.2.2 use body language42.2.3 use self-ridicule52.2.4 take advantage of homophonic method52.2.5 make full use of context72.3 the principles
8、of humor in english class72.3.1 the principle of elicitation82.3.2 the principle of moderation82.3.3 the principle of naturalness92.3.4 the principle of practicality102.3.5 the principle of elegance102.4 the functions of humor in english class112.4.1 stimulates the students interest112.4.2 vivifies
9、the classroom atmosphere122.4.3 harmonizes teacher-student relationship132.4.4 improves students personality133. conclusion14works cited15bibliography16humora dynamic performance in english class1. introductionat present, english teaching is a very important course in college teaching. most of the c
10、ollege students acquire and master systematical knowledge of english language only via having english course. and the cet4 and cet6 have been acting as two invisible swords on the shoulders of college students. nowadays, more and more employers regard english as a measure of capacity of university g
11、raduates. we must break the traditional model of teaching because the teachers and students are to be friends- learn and work together, so that teachers and students can learn from both sides and achieve maximum results with little effort. but how to make english classes become lively, interesting a
12、nd sustain students motivation effectively? for my part, humor is one of the ways of effective teaching. although the classroom should be a solemn place, it also should be a place full of laughter. a teacher can not only reflect the wit and agility through his humor, but also can make the classroom
13、atmosphere become lively, thereby narrowing the distance between teachers and students, enhancing students interest and confidence in learning a foreign language. therefore, teachers should try to use humorous language to attract the attention of students so that they can learn english better in a r
14、elaxing environment. this funny way of teaching can make students accept a lively ideological education, keep the knowledge in mind, and master them in an unconsciously way. with the development of society, language teachers will inevitably continue to improve their teaching to meet the requirements
15、 of new times and new situations, especially in the case of the same teaching material, more should be changed in the old unscientific methods of teaching concept. because the teachers need to enable students to master the language and to maximize the ease of learning and using, in this way, the stu
16、dents will be trained to meet the new demands in todays society.humor is one of the most interesting, powerful and significant arts. how to apply this art to our english teaching class? what are the principles of it while adopting the art? what are the functions of this art if it is properly used in
17、 the classroom teaching? this thesis aims at a tentative analysis of the above-mentioned questions.2. demonstration 2.1. definitions of humorbefore answering what is teaching with humor, lets first take a careful look at some understandings, definitions and interpretations of “humor” from various co
18、untries and regions. table 1: definitions from different resources. various resourcesdefinitions refer to humormerriam-websters unabridged dictionarythat quality in a happening, an action, a situation, or an expression of ideas which appeals to a sense of the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous.oxford
19、 english dictionarya. that quality of action, speech, or writing, which excites amusement; oddity, jocularity, facetiousness, comicality, fun. b. the faculty of perceiving what is ludicrous or amusing, or of expressing it in speech, writing, or other composition; jocose imagination or treatment of a
20、 subject.longman dictionary of contemporary englishthe quality in something that makes it funny or the way that a particular person or group find certain things amusing.wikipediahumour or humor is the tendency of particular cognitive experiences to provoke laughter and provide amusement.modern chine
21、se dictionaryhumor refers to the interesting, funny and meaningful words.taiwans chinese great dictionaryhumor is the one which ridicules with a tone of speech and the irony meaning.ci haihumor is interpreted as a kind of art practice. its main aesthetic features are characterized with a relaxed, jo
22、king and a profound laugh and manifested as the serious and comical attitude that the awareness takes toward the aesthetic object.correspondingly, from the perspective of teaching, one important special education expert named hersholt, in his the art of teaching defines the humor as a necessary qual
23、ity and capacity for a good teacher. he specializes in the systematic study of teaching humor (jiang 168). unfortunately, he doesnt make a more acceptable definition. humor, however, is still popular among the educators, domestic or abroad, because it has the high esthetic appeal and the remarkable
24、teaching effect. i believe that if you want to define something, you must grasp the essential characteristics of it. otherwise, you may always give the one-sided definition, incomplete or inaccurate. in short, on the basis of the sayings of the numerous schools, i believe that teaching humor is to u
25、se some interesting, meaningful, and wise means to teach students the knowledge, the development of capacity. and it is a teaching art form to develop the sense of humor and optimism of students.2.2. applications of english class humor today, most teachers and scholars are advocating the use of teac
26、hing humor and nearly no one can deny that humor plays an important part in english teaching. there are many, many different applicable ways of class humor and every teacher has his own ways of using humor, so it brings about different kinds of effects. here are some of the more common ones. 2.2.1 e
27、stablish the ingenious analogyin longman, you can see the definition: a comparison between two situations, processes that seem similar, or the process of making this comparison. (longman 57) to make it short, through the vivid metaphors, abstract things can be understood easily so that the students
28、could understand and remember things easily.for example, we all know about einstein and his theory of relativity. one day, when a group of young students asked him what the theory of relativity is, he answered: “when you sit with a nice girl for two hours,you think it is only a minute but when you s
29、it on a hot stove for a minute,you think it is two hours. that is relativity.” (jiang 168)through the ingenious analogy, the complex theory could be so clear and easy for the students to understand. after hearing this story, everyone will feel the humorous comparison between the beautiful girl and a
30、 hot stove. due to the vivid comparison, the students can get a brief understanding of relativity which is a theory based on the principle that all motion is relative. how wonderful the analogy is! so our english teachers may as well explain one certain complex sentence or concept to their students
31、by telling some interesting stories about the famous.2.2.2 use body language body language refers to the facial expressions, head movement, eye rotation and gestures of this kind of non-linguistic means. teachers take advantage of body language to provide students with information or give directions
32、, which helps to trigger students learning enthusiasm and attract their attention on what they have learned. thus the whole class will be very interesting. i remember one said that once in the classroom, the foreign language teachers should be the actors, should be able to perform and dance. as a te
33、acher, it is proper for him to use gestures, movements, facial expressions and various tones of voice but it is not proper to be gentle or perform mechanically before his students or just walk around because such a teacher will not succeed in getting students attention and arousing their interest. f
34、or example, when a teacher explained the word “hijack” to his students, he acted as jack in such a situation: in a flying plane, a young man named jack suddenly stood up, drew his gun at the passengers and shouted: dont move! or ill kill you! then asked his students what he was doing and all the stu
35、dents would burst into “hijacking” together (guo 109). in this way, the students remembered the spelling, meaning and collocation of the word “hijack” easily after the big laughter, which can be described as three birds with one stone. this example shows that sometimes it can be easier for a student
36、 to understand what the teacher has said through body language than it is when they get only boring explanation because the body language can deeply impress the students.2.2.3 use self-ridicule yu guangzhong is a master of humor and he once said that one, with true mind of humor, will not only play
37、jokes on others but himself, will not only laugh at others, but will be self-deprecating. a teacher often takes himself as an example, using self-ridicule to draw the attention of students and narrowing the psychological distance between teachers and students. for example, when a teacher tries to ex
38、plain the use of when, he tells the students of his own experience. i was having a bath when the telephone rang; i had to rush out with one hand holding the trousers, one hand to take the phone. (jiang 168) the sentence shows such a funny scene to tell us that the teacher was in an embarrassing mome
39、nt, which achieves a better explanation of when. that is to say, we use when in a situation that two things are happening together. the teacher takes advantage of his own life experience so that his students can give some similar examples and make a good use of when.2.2.4. take advantage of homophon
40、ic methodthe harmonic method is mainly used to achieve peoples different understandings of the homonym of a word or a phrase which brought about a series of different sense of humor. in our daily life, i believe that we share the experience that we often make many jokes because of the various meanin
41、g of a word. moreover, we find that the humor will be a very deep memory imprinted on our minds, so that every time you cannot help smiling faced with one certain word. then, lets read the following story together:a drill sergeant ordered two young female recruits to paint a room in the barracks str
42、essing that they could not get any point on their uniforms. doubtfully they could avoid ruining their clothes the women locked the door, stripped naked and painted in nude. after about an hour they heard a knocked at the door.“who is it?” asked one of the women.“blindman” came the reply.seeing no ha
43、rm in letting a blind man in, they opened the door.“wow, what knockout!” the man said with surprise. “now, where do you want these blinds?” (jiang 169)in this story, as an adjective blind means blind or visually handicapped while it means curtains as a noun. therefore, the sergeant who said blindman
44、 meant that he was a man who sent the curtain, while the word are understood to be blind by the two female soldiers, so the story resulted in a hilarious humor because of the contrast understanding of homophones word blind. through this story, the teacher can lead his students to understand that the
45、 same word have different meanings in different contexts, so that students may not form a mindset that a word may only has one meaning. thus, students are conscious of other meanings of the frequently used words in their future english learning then enlarge their vocabulary and experience the joy of
46、 them.2.2.5. make full use of contextthrough the design of a number of vivid scenes, the teacher fully mobilizes the students positive emotional experience, so that students can obtain knowledge in a relaxing environment. this part includes a lot of methods:take advantage of the existing materials,
47、use pictures and description, act the roles and carry out games. in fact, teachers humor feelings are ready in classroom. for example, when a teacher is talking about an important point, or when teacher finds that his or her students made a big mistake, the teacher can draw a big eye as a warning on
48、 the blackboard. the gesture has more eloquent suggestions than any words a teacher could have spoken. it may be appropriate to use one or two jokes to eliminate the embarrassment between teachers and students and resolve difficulties that students are faced with. in addition, it is inevitable for t
49、eachers to make mistakes, so if teacher dont correct it, he/she will mislead his/her students. but the teacher may say “maybe we can change our seats now, can you point out my mistake?”(ma 95)after he finds his mistakes. with the initiative to exchange positions with the students, it does not need t
50、he teacher to point out his errors and extricate himself with dignity but it reminds students of the error-correction, which fully demonstrates teachers wit and humor and change things into a harmonious way. in everyday life, the social communication ability to tactfully get rid of the most embarras
51、sing situation is a kind of rare ability and character. it is just where the power of humor can be felt.there are many and varied humorous teaching skills, the teacher must utilize nimbly in reality and create new methods unceasingly. as an english teacher, he should deeply love the life, have optim
52、istic attitude and take an enthusiastic spiritual outlook. in order to raise his own teaching level, form his unique teaching style in the teaching profession, the teacher must unceasingly collect humorous mottos, the witticisms, the charming stories and the jokes and so on. in the daily life, the t
53、eacher needs to try to use humorous ways to face the life, enhance the utilization of humor, and lay a good foundation for using the teaching methods in the class.2.3 the principles of humor in english classas we all know that if a teacher uses teaching humor properly, the humor may play its role ef
54、fectively in classroom and adds many colorful elements to the class. but teachers should pay attention to the following principles in the teaching process.2.3.1. the principle of elicitationthe elicitation teaching is a very important principle in teaching methods. humor is an art of language and th
55、e teaching humor can work well in the teaching process. one of the fundamental properties of teaching humor is seriocomic, that is to say, the teaching humor is both serious and harmonious at the same time. serious refers to the scientificity, seriousness and normativity of teaching content; harmoni
56、ous means the teaching methods are interesting and humorous. they are indispensable to each other, as you know, the humorous teaching language should be in a close contact with the class, and the actually situation of the students. therefore, the harmony of teaching humor needs to serve the seriousn
57、ess of teaching content. if harmony deviates from seriousness, it will lose its value and be meaningless. that is to say, the ultimate goal of teaching is to enable students to gain a profound philosophy or inspiration from laughter. a teacher, truly understanding the humor, must be able to manage b
58、y implied rather than explicit authority without taking the laughter as his highest goal. because though it is funny things that can make people laugh; while it is humor that can make people think after laughing. some writer in ancient china once said that others only made jokes for people to laugh and joke while he woke up people with jokes. teaching should be full of humor and inspiration. a
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