1、毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系部: 机械系工程系 专 业: 机械工程及自动化 姓 名: 学 号: 外文出处:the international joumal of advanced manufacturing technology 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。指导教师评语:译文基本能表达原文思想,语句较流畅,条理较清晰,专业用语翻译基本准确,基本符合中文习惯,整体翻译质量一般。 签名: 年 月 日附件1:外文资料翻译译文注塑模具自动装配造型x. g. ye, j. y. h. fuh and k. s. lee机械和生产工程部,新加坡国立大学,新加坡注射模是一种由与塑料制品有
4、组件在结构和形状上往往都是相似的,它们的结构和形状并不取决于塑料模具,而是取决于塑料制品。图1显示了注射模的结构组成。 成型零件的设计从塑料制品中分离了出来。近几年,cad/cam技术已经成功的应用到成型零件的设计上。成型零件的形状的自动化生成也引起了很多研究者的兴趣,不过很少有人在其上付诸实践,虽然它也象结构零件一样重要。现在,模具工业在应用计算机辅助设计系统设计成型零件和注射成型机时,遇到了两个主要困难。第一,在一个模具装置中,通常都包括有一百多个成型零部件,而这些零部件又相互联系,相互限制。对于设计者来说,确定好这些零部件的正确位置是很费时间的。第二,在很多时候,模具设计者已想象出工件的
6、bardi作了一个关于装配造型的调查。据称,很多研究人员已经开始用图表分析模型会议拓扑。在这个图里,各个元件由节点组成的,再将这些点依次连接成线段。然而这些变化矩阵并没有紧紧的连在一起,这将严重影响整体的结构,即,当其中某一部分移动了,其他部分并不能做出相应的移动。lee and gossard开发了一种新的系统,支持包含更多的关于零部件的基本信息的一种分级的装配数据结构,就像在各元件间的“装配特征”。变化矩阵自动从实际的线段间的联系得到,但是这个分级的拓扑模型只能有效地代表“部分”的关系。自动判别装配组件的结构意味着设计者可避免直接指定变化的矩阵,而且,当它的参考零部件的尺寸和位置被修改的时
7、候,它的位置也将随之改变。现在有三种技术可以推断组件在模具中的位置和结构:反复数值技术,象征代数学技术,以及象征几何学技术。lee and gossard提出一项从空间关系计算每个组成元件的位置和方向的反复数值技术。他们的理论由三步组成:产生条件方程式,降低方程式数量,解答方程式。方程式有:16个满足未知条件的方程式,18个满足已知条件的方程式,6个满足各个矩阵的方程式以及另外的两个满足旋转元件的方程式。通常方程式的数量超过变量的数量时,应该想办法去除多余的方程式。牛顿迭代法常用来解决这种方程式。不过这种方法存在两种缺点:第一,它太依赖初始解;第二:反复的数值技术在解决空间内不能分清不同的根。
9、的基本参考实体称为一个标识,由一个点和两正交轴构成。标识间的7个限制条件(coincident, in-line, in-plane, parallelfz,offsetfz, offsetfx and helical)都被定了义。对于一个包括独立元件、相互约束的标识和不变的标识的问题来说,可以用动作分析法来解决问题,它将一步一步地最后求出物体的最终的几何构造。在确定物体构造的每一个阶段,自由度分析将决定什么动作能提供满足限制物体未加限制部位的自由度。然后计算该动作怎样能进一步降低物体的自由度数。在每个阶段的最后,给隐喻的装配计划加上合适的一步。根据shah和rogers的分析,kramer的
11、在电脑上的防真装配包含着注射模零部件在结构上和空间上的联系。这种防真必须支持所有给定零部件的装配、在相互关联的零部件间进行变动以及整体上的操作。而且防真装配也必须满足设计者的下列要求:1) 支持能表达出模具设计者实体造型想象的高级对象。2)成型防真应该有象现实一样的操作功能,就如装入和干扰检查。为了满足这些要求,可用一个基于特征和面向对象的分级模型来代替注射模。这样便将模型分成许多部分,反过来由多段模型和独立部分组成。因此,一个分级的模型最适合于描述各组成部分之间的结构关系。一级表明一个装配顺序,另外,一个分级的模型还能说明一个部分相对于另一个部分的确定位置。与直观的固体模型操作相比,面向特征
13、容易。外文原文(复印件)automated assembly modelling for plastic injection mouldsx. g. ye, j. y. h. fuh and k. s. leedepartment of mechanical and production engineering, national university of singapore, singaporean injection mould is a mechanical assembly that consists of product-dependent parts and product-in
14、dependent parts. thispaper addresses the two key issues of assembly modellingfor injection moulds, namely, representing an injection mouldassembly in a computer and determining the position andorientation of a product-independent part in an assembly. afeature-based and object-oriented representation
15、 is proposedto represent the hierarchical assembly of injection moulds.this representation requires and permits a designer to thinkbeyond the mere shape of a part and state explicitly whatportions of a part are important and why. thus, it providesan opportunity for designers to design for assembly (
16、dfa). asimplified symbolic geometric approach is also presented toinfer the configurations of assembly objects in an assemblyaccording to the mating conditions. based on the proposedrepresentation and the simplified symbolic geometric approach,automatic assembly modelling is further discussed.keywor
17、ds: assembly modelling; feature-based; injectionmoulds; object-oriented1. introductioninjection moulding is the most important process for manufacturingplastic moulded products. the necessary equipment consistsof two main elements, the injection moulding machineand the injection mould. the injection
18、 moulding machines usedtoday are so-called universal machines, onto which variousmoulds for plastic parts with different geometries can bemounted, within certain dimension limits, but the injectionmould design has to change with plastic products. for differentmoulding geometries, different mould con
19、figurations are usuallynecessary. the primary task of an injection mould is to shapethe molten material into the final shape of the plastic product.this task is fulfilled by the cavity system that consists of core,cavity, inserts, and slider/lifter heads. the geometrical shapes and sizes of a cavity
20、 system are determined directly by theplastic moulded product, so all components of a cavity systemare called product-dependent parts. (hereinafter, product refersto a plastic moulded product, part refers to the component ofan injection mould.) besides the primary task of shaping theproduct, an inje
21、ction mould has also to fulfil a number oftasks such as the distribution of melt, cooling the moltenmaterial, ejection of the moulded product, transmitting motion,guiding, and aligning the mould halves. the functional partsto fulfil these tasks are usually similar in structure and geometricalshape f
22、or different injection moulds. their structuresand geometrical shapes are independent of the plastic mouldedproducts, but their sizes can be changed according to theplastic products. therefore, it can be concluded that an injectionmould is actually a mechanical assembly that consists ofproduct-depen
23、dent parts and product-independent parts. figure1 shows the assembly structure of an injection mould.the design of a product-dependent part is based on extractingthe geometry from the plastic product. in recent years,cad/cam technology has been successfully used to helpmould designers to design the
24、product-dependent parts. the automatic generation of the geometrical shape for a productdependentpart from the plastic product has also attracted alot of research interest 1,2. however, little work has beencarried out on the assembly modelling of injection moulds,although it is as important as the d
25、esign of product-dependentparts. the mould industry is facing the following two difficultieswhen use a cad system to design product-independentparts and the whole assembly of an injection mould. first,there are usually around one hundred product-independent partsin a mould set, and these parts are a
26、ssociated with each otherwith different kinds of constraints. it is time-consuming forthe designer to orient and position the components in anassembly. secondly, while mould designers, most of the time,think on the level of real-world objects, such as screws, plates,and pins, the cad system uses a t
27、otally different level ofgeometrical objects. as a result, high-level object-oriented ideashave to be translated to low-level cad entities such as lines,surfaces, or solids. therefore, it is necessary to develop anautomatic assembly modelling system for injection moulds tosolve these two problems. i
28、n this paper, we address the followingtwo key issues for automatic assembly modelling: representinga product-independent part and a mould assembly ina computer; and determining the position and orientation of acomponent part in an assembly.this paper gives a brief review of related research inassemb
29、ly modelling, and presents an integrated representationfor the injection mould assembly. a simplified geometric symbolicmethod is proposed to determine the position and orientationof a part in the mould assembly. an example of automaticassembly modelling of an injection mould is illustrated. 2. rela
30、ted researchassembly modelling has been the subject of research in diversefields, such as, kinematics, ai, and geometric modelling. libardiet al. 3 compiled a research review of assembly modelling.they reported that many researchers had used graphstructures to model assembly topology. in this graph
31、scheme,the components are represented by nodes, and transformationmatrices are attached to arcs. however, the transformation matrices are not coupled together, which seriously affects the transformation procedure, i.e. if a subassembly is moved, all its constituent parts do not move correspondingly.
32、 lee and gossard 4 developed a system that supported a hierarchical assembly data structure containing more basic information about assemblies such as “mating feature” between the components. the transformation matrices are derived automatically from the associations of virtual links, but this hiera
33、rchical topology model represents only “part-of” relations effectively.automatically inferring the configuration of components in an assembly means that designers can avoid specifying the transformation matrices directly. moreover, the position of a component will change whenever the size and positi
34、on of its reference component are modified. there exist three techniques to infer the position and orientation of a component in theassembly: iterative numerical technique, symbolic algebraic technique, and symbolic geometric technique. lee and gossard 5 proposed an iterative numerical technique to
35、compute the location and orientation of each component from the spatial relationships. their method consists of three steps: generation of the constraint equations, reducing the number of equations, and solving the equations. there are 16 equations for “against” condition, 18 equations for “fit” con
36、dition, 6 property equations for each matrix, and 2 additional equations for a rotational part. usually the number of equations exceeds the number of variables, so a method must be devised to remove the redundant equations. the newtonraphson iteration algorithm is used to solve the equations. this t
37、echnique has two disadvantages:first, the solution is heavily dependent on the initial solution; secondly, the iterative numerical technique cannot distinguish between different roots in the solution space. therefore, it is possible, in a purely spatial relationship problem, that a mathematically va
38、lid, but physically unfeasible, solution can be obtained. ambler and popplestone 6 suggested a method of computing the required rotation and translation for each component to satisfy the spatial relationships between the components inan assembly. six variables (three translations and three rotations
39、) for each component are solved to be consistent with the spatial relationships. this method requires a vast amount of programming and computation to rewrite related equations in a solvable format. also, it does not guarantee a solution every time, especially when the equation cannot be rewrittenin
40、solvable forms.kramer 7 developed a symbolic geometric approach for determining the positions and orientations of rigid bodies that satisfy a set of geometric constraints. reasoning about the geometric bodies is performed symbolically by generating a sequence of actions to satisfy each constraint in
41、crementally, which results in the reduction of the objects available degrees of freedom (dof). the fundamental reference entity used by kramer is called a “marker”, that is a point and two orthogonal axes. seven constraints (coincident, in-line, in-plane, parallelfz, offsetfz, offsetfx and helical)
42、between markers are defined. for a problem involving a single object and constraints between markers on that body, and markers which have invariant attributes, action analysis 7 is used to obtain a solution. action analysis decides the final configuration of a geometric object, step by step. at each
43、 step in solving the object configuration, degrees of freedom analysis decides what action will satisfy one of the bodys as yet unsatisfied constraints, given the available degrees of freedom. it then calculates how that action further reduces the bodys degrees of freedom. at the end of each step, o
44、ne appropriate action is added to the metaphorical assembly plan. according to shah and rogers 8, kramers work represents the most significant development for assembly modelling. this symbolic geometric approach can locate all solutions to constraint conditions, and is computationally attractive com
45、pared to an iterative technique, but to implement this method, a large amount of programming is required.although many researchers have been actively involved inassembly modelling, little literature has been reported on featurebased assembly modelling for injection mould design.kruth et al. 9 develo
46、ped a design support system for aninjection mould. their system supported the assembly designfor injection moulds through high-level functional mouldobjects (components and features). because their system was based on autocad, it could only accommodate wire-frameand simple solid models.3. representa
47、tion of injection mould assembliesthe two key issues of automated assembly modelling for injection moulds are, representing a mould assembly in computers, and determining the position and orientation of a product- independent part in the assembly. in this section, we present an object-oriented and f
48、eature-based representation for assemblies of injection moulds.the representation of assemblies in a computer involves structural and spatial relationships between individual parts. such a representation must support the construction of an assembly from all the given parts, changes in the relative p
49、ositioning of parts, and manipulation of the assembly as a whole. moreover, the representations of assemblies must meetthe following requirements from designers:1. it should be possible to have high-level objects ready to use while mould designers think on the level of realworldobjects.2. the repres
50、entation of assemblies should encapsulate operational functions to automate routine processes such as pocketing and interference checks. to meet these requirements, a feature-based and object-orientedhierarchical model is proposed to represent injection moulds. an assembly may be divided into subass
51、emblies, which in turn consists of subassemblies and/or individual components. thus, a hierarchical model is most appropriate for representing the structural relations between components. a hierarchy implies a definite assembly sequence. in addition, a hierarchical model can provide an explicit repr
52、esentation of the dependency of the position of one part on another.feature-based design 10 allows designers to work at a somewhat higher level of abstraction than that possible with the direct use of solid modellers. geometric features are instanced, sized, and located quickly by the user by specif
53、ying a minimum set of parameters, while the feature modeller works out the details. also, it is easy to make design changes because of the associativities between geometric entities maintained in the data structure of feature modellers. without features, designers have to be concerned with all the d
54、etails of geometric construction procedures required by solid modellers, and design changes have to be strictly specified for every entity affected by the change. moreover, the feature-based representation will provide high-level assembly objects for designers to use. for example, while mould design
55、ers think on the level of a realworld object, e.g. a counterbore hole, a feature object of a counterbore hole will be ready in the computer for use.object-oriented modelling 11,12 is a new way of thinking about problems using models organised around real-world concepts. the fundamental entity is the
56、 object, which combines both data structures and behaviour in a single entity. objectoriented models are useful for understanding problems and designing programs and databases. in addition, the objectoriented representation of assemblies makes it easy for a “child” object to inherit information from its “parent”.references1. k. h. shin and k. lee, “design of side cores of injection moulds from automatic detection of interference faces”, journal of design and manufacturing, 3(3), pp. 225236, december 1993.2. y. f. zhang, k. s. lee, y. wang, j. y. h. fuh and a. y. c. nee, “autom
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