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1、module 4section grammar.单词拼写1he didnt realize his mistake。2she believes in the reality of miracles.3he made a realistic plan.4they rushed to the scene of the accident。5youd better change your style of living.6he has artistic (艺术的) interest.7he brushed past me (擦身而过)8this is a watercolour painting。9t

2、hese are the traditional (传统) foods for christmas.10the story drew our attention.。单句改错1i prefer stay at home rather than go for a walk.prefer后加to2hope for the best and preparing for the worst.preparingprepare3they were making preparation for the meeting.preparationpreparations4mary prefers playing t

3、he piano than playing tennis.thanto5what do you think up the film?upof。完形填空im not the type of girl who will shout “hello across the street if i see somone familiar, nor will i come up to a stranger and begin a conversation。 _1_, i will smile when i run out of things to _2_ and smile when left speech

4、less. i _3_ listen attentively when the other person is speaking, which makes me feel _4_. sometimes its difficult for me to face the fact that im actually _5_.after a week。long vacation, the tenth grade _6_ like a long。lost friend。 my friend and i, along with twenty other _7_ souls, were scheduled

5、to be in a poetry (诗歌) competition.when the _8_ finally arrived, i thought, “have i completely lost my mind? i cant _9_ this.” as the lights became less bright, students began sitting on the floor near seats that had already been _10_。 i crossed my arms over my chest because i felt ver _11_。 sitting

6、 in the first two rows, _12_ all held their heads high and were rehearsing (背诵) words while i was trying to create _13_ in my heart。“next is katrina with unspoken” i rose from my seat to the _14_。 taking a deep breath, i _15_, “the truth is.” my heart was beating fast and i had to _16_ what to say,

7、how to say it, and most importantly why i was saying it。“words cannot replace fear。 one cannot live with sentences alone 。.” _17_ began jumping right into the minds of others. yes, i spoke and they finally _18_there is no greater reward than pouring your _19_ out to those who will gently hold it。 sl

8、owly but surely, i became _20_。 from then on i could refer to myself as the shy, but not so quiet, girl.【文章大意】作者是一个腼腆的女孩,但是她勇敢地报名参加了诗歌大赛。1a.thenbmoreovercanyway dinstead解析:结合文章第一句可知,作者不会主动跟别人打招呼或跟陌生人说话,而是当她无话可说时,她会笑一下。答案:d2a.depend bchangecsay dexplain解析:从本空后的speechless可知,当作者跟别人无话可说时,作者会笑一下。答案:c3a.a

9、lready busuallycfinally dimmediately解析:从最后一段可知,作者比较腼腆,所以她通常是别人说她听.答案:b4a.comfortable bfunnyclucky dsatisfied解析:作者比较腼腆,所以别人说她听会让作者觉得舒服一些。答案:a5a.shy bslowcsilly dslow解析:从最后一段最后一句可知,作者一开始难以接受自己是个腼腆的女孩这个事实。答案:a6a.prepared breturnedchappened dlasted解析:由本空前的“after a week。long vacation和空后的“long.lost可知,过了一周

10、的假期之后,10年级就像长久没有音信的朋友回来一样。答案:b7a。successful bwisecfriendly dbrave解析:从上文的描述可知,作者不善于与别人交谈,非常腼腆,但作者和她朋友还有其他二十个人勇敢地报名参加了诗歌比赛.答案:d8a。turn bchancecday dplay解析:根据下文叙述可知,比赛的那天到来时。答案:c9a.find bimaginecexpect ddo解析:从上句“lost my mind”可知,在大赛开始前,作者非常不自信,怀疑自己做不成这件事。答案:d10a。fixed bclearedcfilled dremoved解析:由本空前的“on

11、 the floor”可知,来的人很多,座位上都已经坐满了人,所以有些学生只好坐在地上。答案:c11a.tired bsafecnervous dshocked解析:作者比较腼腆,所以面对这么多人朗诵诗歌,作者难免会感到紧张。答案:c12a.competitors bteacherscjudges daudience解析:由本空后的“rehearsing(背诵) words得出,即将登场的参赛者坐在前两排.答案:a13a.patience bsilencecsuccess dtrust解析:参赛者仰着头在练习自己的诗,而作者却设法在内心创造安静。答案:b14a.stage bofficecde

12、sk dstair解析:由“next is katrina with unspoken”可知,作者听到主持人在喊她,她从座位上站起来向舞台走去。答案:a15a.admitted bbeganccried dpromised解析:本空后的“the truth is。.”是作者开始朗诵的第一句。答案:b16a.translate bimprovecguess drecall解析:由本空前作者非常紧张可知,这时,作者的心在狂跳,努力回忆之前准备好的诗句。答案:d17a.stories bsuggestionscwords dmemories解析:前两句是作者的诗句,这些诗句传到了台下听众的耳中.答案

13、:c18a。agreed bcommunicatedcaccepted dlistened解析:与本空前的spoke构成呼应。作者在吟诗,他们在听。答案:d19a.suffering bheartccomplaints dcomments解析:这些诗句都是发自作者内心的。答案:b20a。calm bstrongcserious dcareful解析:慢慢地,但是无疑作者变得平静了。答案:a.阅读理解 what is the tallest gift received by the united states? located in new york harbor, the 152.foot s

14、tatue of liberty was a gift of international friendship from the people of france to the people of the united states. an inspiration to millions of immigrants, this statue is a universal symbol of freedom, democracy (民主), and diplomacy (外交)the relationship between the united states and france began

15、during americas quest for independence from great britain in 1776. benjamin franklin was among those who served on the diplomatic front during the revolutionary war。 by living in paris as the american ambassador, benjamin cultivated a relationship with the french government and the french people. as

16、 a result, french soldiers fought alongside the american colonists (殖民地定居者). paris was the site for peace negotiations between the united states and great britain at the end of the war. in 1865, edourd de laboulaye of france developed the idea of creating a giant statue to honor the friendship and t

17、he commitment to liberty between france and the united states. he formed the french。american union to raise money for the project。 joseph pulitzer used the editorial pages of his newspaper to raise support in the united states for the fund. french sculptor auguste bartholdi and structural engineer g

18、ustave eiffel finished the project in paris, and the french people presented it to the people of america on july 4, 1884。 the statue was then shipped across the atlantic in 214 boxes broken into 350 individual separate pieces。 the statue of liberty was dedicated (举行落成仪式) on october 28, 1886, and pre

19、sident grover cleveland accepted the statue on behalf of the american people. ellis island, which was the arrival point for european immigrants, is part of the statue of liberty national monument. between 1892 and 1924, more than 22 million passengers saw the statue of liberty as they passed through

20、 ellis island and the port of new york。 this symbol of freedom became a national monument in 1924 and a major tourist attraction in the 20th century。【文章大意】屹立于纽约港的自由女神像世界闻名,但是它的历史就鲜为人知了。这篇文章就讲述了它的历史故事。1the statue of liberty was first got from _。a. britain b. francec。 germany d. spain解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段第

21、二句话可知,自由女神像是法国送给美国的.故选b。答案:b2from the passage, we can know the relationship between france and the usa from 1776 to 1865 is _.a. very cold b。 so。soc。 quite close d。 quite tense解析:推理判断题.根据第二段内容以及第三段中提到的法国制作自由女神像并将其作为象征自由、民主和外交的礼物送给美国可推知,在1776年到1865年期间法美两国的关系很亲密。故选c。答案:c3why did edourd de laboulaye pu

22、t forward the project of building the statue of liberty?a。 to show respect to the usa。b。 to show the strong image of france。c. to raise a lot of money。d。 to honor the friendship and the commitment to liberty between the two countries.解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的“in 1865, edourd de laboulaye of france. commitm

23、ent to liberty between france and the united states.”可知答案为d。答案:d4the best title for this passage is _.a. the statue of liberty b。 a great projectc。 great relationship d。 peace negotiations解析:标题归纳题。本文讲述的是自由女神像的由来以及意义,故a项作为标题最佳。答案:a.语法填空_1_ artist had a small daughter. sometimes he painted women witho

24、ut any clothes on, and he and his wife always tried to keep the small girl out when he was doing this, “she is _2_ young to understand,” they said。but one day, when the artist _3_ (paint) a woman with no clothes on, he forgot _4_ (lock) the door, and the girl _5_ (sudden) ran into the room。 her mother ran up the stairs _6_ her, but when she got to the room, the little girl was already in the room, _7_ (look) at the woman。 then her parents waited for her to speak。for a few _8_ (second) the little girl s


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