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1、 Orphanage :fndn.孤儿院;孤儿孤儿院;孤儿She was brought up in an orphanage after her parents died. -她的父母去世后,她是在孤儿院里被带大的。 Pension penn n. 退休金,养老金;膳宿费;生活津贴;寄宿学校;退休金,养老金;膳宿费;生活津贴;寄宿学校; vt. 发给发给养老金养老金退休金退休金;准予退休,强迫退休(并发给退休;准予退休,强迫退休(并发给退休金);金);The pension includes an allowance of fifty pounds for traffic expenditu

2、res. 津贴中包括50磅交通费补贴 The country provided a pension to the old perso - 国家给老人们提供养老金。 Substitute sbstitju:t vt.& vi. vt.& vi. 代替,替换,代用;代替,替换,代用; n. n. 代替者;替补(运动员);替代物;代替者;替补(运动员);替代物; 语法学语法学 代用词;代用词; vi. vi. 用用替代;替代; 复数: substitutes 过去式: substituted 过去分词: substituted 现在分词: substituting 第三人称单数: substitut

3、es 派生词:substitutability substitutable substitutive Second again, we shouldnt substitute our personal feeling for policies. -其次,我们不应该拿个人感情代替政策。 Resemble rizembl vt.与相像,类似于 过去式: resembled 过去分词: resembled 现在分词: resembling 第三人称单数: resembles 派生词:resembler She so resembles her mother. 她很像她母亲。 Chinas south

4、 does not at all resemble the U.S. south. 中国的南方一点也不象美国的南部。 Arrangement Arrangement reindmnt n.安排,料理,筹备,预备;整顿,整理,排列,布置,分类;商定,约定;调解,和解; Many people have expressed their dissatisfaction with the arrangement 许多人表示对这一安排不满。Grant r:nt vt. 承认;同意;准许;授予; n. 拨款;补助金;授给物(如财产、授地、专有权、补助、拨款等); vi. 同意;You may be eli

5、gible for a discretionary grant for your university course. 读大学课程可能会有资格获得学校自行决定是否发放的助学金。 Paternal pt:nl adj. 父亲的;父亲(般)的;父系的;父方的; He gave me a piece of paternal advice. 他给了我慈父般的忠告。 Flow flu vi. 流;垂;流出;(谈话、文体等)流畅;流;垂;流出;(谈话、文体等)流畅; n. 流动;滔滔不绝;涨潮;连贯;流动;滔滔不绝;涨潮;连贯; vt. 使泛滥;淹没;排出;使泛滥;淹没;排出; She tried to

6、stop the flow of blood from the wound. 她试图止住伤口流血她试图止住伤口流血。 A steady flow of refugees from the war zone 从交战地区不断涌出的难民从交战地区不断涌出的难民 Principle prinspl n. 原则,原理;准则,道义;道德标准;本能; They are agreed in principle but not in detail. 他们的看法在大体上是一致的,但是在细节上有所不同 The Treasury was opposed in principle to the proposals. 财

7、政部原则上反对这些提案。 Privilege privilid n. 特权;(因财富和社会地位而仅有部分人享有的)权益;免责特权;特殊荣幸; vt. 给与特权,特免; Education should be a universal right and not a privilege. 教育应当是全民的权利而非某部分人特别享有的。 Consume knsju:m vt. 消耗,消费;耗尽,毁灭;吃光,喝光;烧毁 They generally consume more power and take up more space, too. 它们通常消耗更多的能量,并且占用更多的空间Passion p

8、n n. 激情,热情;热心,爱好;热恋;酷爱; vt.&vi. 诗歌用语表露强烈感情,显示巨大热情The poet expressed his burning passion for the woman he loved. 这位诗人表达了他对自己热恋的女人的强烈情感。 In his passion, he tore the letter into pieces. 在盛怒之下,他把那封信撕得粉碎。 Eternally t:nl adv. 永恒地,常常,不绝地; All things were known eternally and were poignant in their transienc

9、y. 世间万物都是永恒可知的,即使稍纵即逝。Deathbed debed n. 临死所卧的床,临终之时 The old man panted forth the hope on his deathbed will. 老人临终时气喘吁吁地说出了他的临终遗嘱。 She is on her deathbed. 她已奄奄一息。 Capital kpitl n. 首都;资本;资源;大写字母; adj. 极好的;最重要的;资本的;首都的; Beijing is the capital of china. 北京是中国的首都。Commit kmit vt. 犯罪,做错事;把托付给;保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从

10、安排等);承诺,使承担义务; A thinking person must commit himself to working for peace. 一个有头脑的人必须致力于为和平而工作。 Moral m:rl adj. 道德的,道义上的;精神上的;无疑的,当然的;教导道德的; n. 寓意,教训;(尤指男女间的)品行;格言;古相对者; The moral question is not entirely separable from the financial one. 道德问题和财政问题不能截然分开。Constantly knstntl adv. 不断地,时常地;时刻;常川;历来; Fashion is constantly changing. 时尚总是日新月异。 We must constantly adapt and innovate to ensure success in a growing market. 我们必须不时地适应并创新,以确保在不断扩大的市场中取得成功。 League li: n. 联盟;社团;(运动)联合会、联赛;里格(长度单位,约等于 3 英里); vt.&vi. 使结盟,使结合 They are in league with each other. 他们是通同一气的。Repose rpz


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