1、An alysis of the causes of learni ng difficultiesin En glish and Coun termeasuresPaper Keywords En glish Lear ning Difficulties gen erated by coun termeasuresAbstract I n junior highschool En glish teach ing, we find that there is always a part of stude nt achieveme nt in En glish can not keep up, a
2、s the difficulties of studentslearningEnglish, which has beenplagued by the majority of junior high school English teacher, is also an urge nt n eed to resolve the issue.Thisarticle from the junior high school En glish stude nts with learning difficulties to an alyze the causes and propose a soluti
3、on to start a discussi on.Ajuniorhigh schoolstude nts with lear ningdifficulties in Englishcauses 1. Lack of interest inlearningEnglish,will relativelyweakEnglishIanguagelearningstude ntswith lear ning difficultiestend toperformwell, theattitude is not correct,lear ningobjectives are not clear, they
4、 gen erally lack kno wledge of En glishin terestin lear ning,curiosity is not strong,weak-willed. Some of the stude nts is difficult to adapt to the teach ing from primary to junior high school cha nge,lead ing to un satisfactory academic performa nee, and thus gradually lost con fide nee in lear ni
5、ng En glish. Some of the more active thinking, but class and do not pay atte nti on in class, little tricks and more extra-curricular fun, results also beg inning to lear n En glish whe n they catch up, but with learning contentin creased,more difficult, the resultsgradually keep up, and lose con fi
6、de nee.Some stude ntswant to lear n En glish, but the lack of correct and effective way, do notin crease academic achieveme nt, result ing infear of hardship, reduced interest in learning English, which requires teachers to use patienee,sincerityanden thusiasm to melt the ice in their hearts, stimul
7、ate their en thusiasm for lear ning.2.Lear ningmethods and strategies usedin appropriatelyThe correct way to lear n is to lear nguara ntee of success. Some of the stude nts can take the in itiative prep courses, participate in classroom aggressive Ian guage practice activities, review andcon solidat
8、eafter-school time using various methods to remember words, spoke n con versati on with the stude nts actively and con sciously heari ng training,in depe ndentteacherassignments completedon time, a solid foundation inEn glish.Some stude nts do not master the En glishIan guage lear ning and the key p
9、oin ts,do not knowEn glish liste ning, speak in g, read ing and writ ing ability of the formatio n must be a lot of oral, writte n practice can be achieved. They un dersta nd only satisfied with the teachers on the content, but not the main en ergy used in liste ning, speak in g, read ing and writi
10、ng practice, la nguage skills can not be formed, not a solid foun dati on, lear n while forget, the more we lear n the more diff icult to fin d, lead ing to left beh ind, and some eve n give up lear ning En glish.3. The impact of social and family Social and family have a positive impact on students
11、,but alson egative. At prese nt, many rural high educati on al level of pare nts, the child s atte ntio n is not eno ugh, they, or busywork ing, or too busy hav ing fun, learni ng En glish for the lack of supervisi on of childre n, guide due to game rooms, Internet cafes, a large nu mber of video wo
12、rks and other adverse n egative impact on stude nts, stude nt swallowed pure min d, result ing in stude nt in terest in lear ning is not concen trated,distractibility, do not make progress,weari ness, etc.TwoEn glishmeasures stude nts withlear ningdifficulties1.Enhance theemoti on al,buildself-c on
13、fide neePositive emotio nson learningEn glishwill havea direct orin directimpact.For students, thepositive emoti ons tha n the profo und kno wledge and highsense of resp on sibility is more importa nt. En glish Learning Difficulties in the transformation process, we have to guide, stimulate their po
14、sitiveemoti ons,depressi on, n egative emoti ons factor into How to arouse students positive feelings? First of all, respect, understanding, caring learning difficulties. I believe that every stude nt want to lear n, but also in their hearts desire with teachers and classmates close, eager to get te
15、achers and classmates,un dersta nding,respect and trust,therefore, the teacher s primary task is to respect the pers on alityof stude nts withlear ningdifficulties toun dersta nd the men tality of stude nts withlear ningdifficulties , or eve n to have a prefere nee.On the surface,lear ningdifficulti
16、es showedin differe nt,in fact, they are more eager tha notherstudentsto get the teachers praise, therefore, timelyrecog niti onofteachers toen able themto build upcon fide nee.Inadditi on,theteachers helpthem buildcon fide nee,butalso makingit up to them,ide ntifythecauses of the disease. 2. Optimi
17、ze classroomteach ing,stimulate curiosityTeach ing process is not only the excha nge of in formati on between teachers and students in the process, students should be the process of emoti onal com muni catio n, teachers in the classroom for stude nts to actively create a democratic, harm onio us, re
18、laxed, pleasa nt atmosphere of teach ing so stude nts masters of their own experie nee of learning, to stimulate their curiosity.In teaching,we often encounter some of theteachers, their stude nts in teach ing ofte n an gry, especially for students without lectures, especially poor students ranging
19、from accusati ons made while in aggressive behavior. Teachers,this turn iron in to steel, thepsychological and behavioral will not only preve nt poorhealth repent, buttoenable studentsto resent, to deepe n the gap betwee n teachers and stude nts, and fin ally developed into weari ness. So, for such
20、stude nts should be how to deal with, do not but stude nts reas on? I think that teachers should also be their own reas ons.Agai n, for the differe nt levels of stude nt ability to un dersta nd and grasp the same kno wledge is always a certa in differe nee. If you use the same teach ing methods or t
21、each ing stude nts to make the same request, there will be a top eno ughto eat, poor stude ntscould eatphenomenon, so for students in teaching practice,teachingcan be layered to solve this contradiction, tojump jump will be able to pick the fruit , to achieve itspsychological recent developments , s
22、o that different levels of studentscan experieneesuccess and joy, ofcourse teachers inimprovingclassroom teaching shouldalso pay atte nti on to harm onious relatio ns betwee n teachers, it is a bridge and lubrica nts to impart kno wledge, only the men tal health of teachers to accept stude nts witha
23、 liberal attitude in order to studentswithlearningdifficulties to treat every fault, waited with the hope of stude nts with lear ning difficulties progress bit by bit, withjoy to praise stude nts with lear ning difficulties every little success.3. Work together to help improvelearningFirst, as a tea
24、m to study and improve the unit of time teaching students to participate in teaching activities of probability, show ing the collective stre ngth, will help poor stude nts lear n to improve. Cooperative lear ning groups to work together, the most diff icult questio ns with teachers to discuss settlement, and named its outstandingteam.This cooperative lear ning to improve the effective ness of learning and in dividuallear ning goals of the group, sowhe n in the test achieved good result
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