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1、中华人民共和国海船船员适任考试培训教材 航海英语听力与会话航海英语听力与会话 (二(二/三副)三副) 中国水运图书工作室中国水运图书工作室 组织编写组织编写 撰稿人撰稿人 王艳华王艳华 1 目 录 CONTENTS Unit 1 Familiarisation on board Unit 2 Ship Orders Unit 3 Pilotage Unit 4 Berthing and Unberthing Unit 5 Loading and Unloading Unit 6 Navigation 目目 录录 CONTENTS Unit 7 Communication at Sea Unit

2、 8 Accident Solutions at Sea Unit 9 Rescue and Survival at Sea Unit 10 Ship Repair and Maintenance Unit 11 PSC Inspection Unit 12 Ship Security 2 I Warming up II Reading Aloud III Listening IV Speaking V Vocabulary Link 内容框架 3 Listening and Analysis Blank Filling 4 同音词辨别同音词辨别 近音词辨别近音词辨别 连读现象连读现象 虚词弱

3、读虚词弱读 现象现象 Listening meat 肉肉 meet 遇见遇见 right 正确的正确的write 写写 abroad 国外国外 aboard 船上船上 cloud 云云 crowd 人物人物 Listening and Analysis Dialogues 5 Short Dialogues 听力技巧:听力技巧: 1.熟悉常考场景及词汇。熟悉常考场景及词汇。 2.预览选项,预测谈话内容,抓住重点。预览选项,预测谈话内容,抓住重点。 常见问句:常见问句: Where does this conversation take place? Which of the following

4、 statements is true? What are they talking about? What can you infer from the conversation? What are they most probably doing? Listening and Analysis Dialogues 6 Long Dialogues 听力技巧:听力技巧: 1.预览选项,预测主题。预览选项,预测主题。 2.扑捉信息,速记要点。扑捉信息,速记要点。 常见问句:常见问句: Where is the storeroom/Masters cabin? Whats the electri

5、cian doing? How many tugs are needed to help them get alongside? Whats the position of M.V. Euphoria? When is M.V. Blue Whale expected to reach M.V. Euphoria? Unit 1 Familiarisation on boardListening 7 Vocabulary cabin 房间房间 corridor 走廊走廊 passport 护照护照 nationality 国籍国籍 immigration 外来移民外来移民 mess room

6、食堂食堂 Q:Where is the galley? A:The galley is next to the storeroom. next to 可替换为:可替换为: above 在在之上之上 below 在在下面下面 outside 在在范围之外范围之外 inside 在在之内之内 storeroom 可替换为:可替换为: hold(s) 货舱货舱 accommodation 生活区生活区 laundry 洗衣间洗衣间 saloon 大厅、大台大厅、大台 control rooms 控制间控制间 machinery spaces 机械处所机械处所 cargo spaces (area)

7、货物区货物区 No.1 hatch 1舱舱 pump room 泵房泵房 fore castle paint stores 船首油漆间船首油漆间 bridge 驾驶台驾驶台 8 Q1:Whats your date of birth? A1:My date of birth is . . Or I was born on . . (此处注意单复数)(此处注意单复数) Q2:Whats your favourite port you have ever called at? A2:My favourite port is . Or I like best. date of birth 可替换为:

8、可替换为: seamans book number family members and their occupations daily work spare time activities port 可替换为:可替换为: TV program website sport food Unit 1 Familiarisation on boardSpeaking 9 e.g. The saloon is just above the storeroom. saloon 大台大台 e.g. The windlass is in gear. windlass 锚机锚机 e.g. Change the

9、 radar to relative north-up. radar 雷达雷达 Unit 1 Familiarisation on board Vocabulary Link e.g. Check the rudder clearance, and deal with any defect in time if any. rudder 舵、舵叶舵、舵叶 Unit 2 Ship Orders Listening 1 0 Vocabulary shackle (锚链)一节(锚链)一节 fairlead 导缆孔导缆孔 starboard 右舷右舷 astern 在船尾,向船尾在船尾,向船尾 diam

10、eter 直径直径 turning circle 旋回圈旋回圈 crash-stop 紧急制动紧急制动 full sea speed 海上全速海上全速 Q:What is your present heading? heading 可替换为:可替换为: track 航迹航迹 course 航向航向 A:My present heading is 035 degrees. Or:I am steering a dangerous course. Or:My track is parallel with the reference line. Or:My track is converging t

11、o reference line. Unit 2 Ship Orders Speaking Vocabulary midships 正舵正舵 port five 左舵左舵5 hard-a-port 左满舵左满舵 steady 把定把定 sentence Rudder to be held in the forward and aft position. 5 of port rudder to be held. Rudder to be held fully over to port. Avoid allowing the vessels head to go to port. Reduce a

12、mount of rudder to 5 and hold. Steer a steady course on the compass heading indicated at the time of the order. 1 1 Unit 2 Ship Orders Vocabulary Link Stand by lookout on the bridge. on the bridge 可 替换为: on the fore castle 艏楼 on the port/starboard wing 左/右翼 Q1:How is the cable leading? A1:The cable

13、is leading ahead/astern. ahead/astern 可替换 为: to port/starboard 向左/向 右 round the bow 过船首 up and down 垂直 vocabulary 1 2 Unit 3 Pilotage Listening Vocabulary destination 目的港目的港 anchorage 锚地锚地 diesel (engine) 柴油机柴油机 turbine 涡轮机涡轮机 bow thruster 船首推进船首推进 器,艏侧推器,艏侧推 blind sectors 盲区盲区 ETD(Estimated Time of

14、 Departure) 预计离预计离 港时间港时间 Sentence Q:What is your position? A:My position is bearing 035 degrees, distance 1.5 miles from Jihala Island. bearing 035 degrees, distance 1.5 miles from Jihala Island可替换为:可替换为: distance 5 miles to the north of the racon 在雷达应答标北侧,距离在雷达应答标北侧,距离5海里海里 0.5away from the line o

15、f No.6 buoy and No.5 buoy and distance 1.0 to the north of No.7 buoy 距距No.6浮标和浮标和No.5浮标连线浮标连线0.5, 距距No.7浮标北侧浮标北侧1.0 Listening 1 3 Unit 3 Pilotage Speaking Vocabulary hoist 升起,吊起升起,吊起 buoy 浮标浮标 pier 码头码头 flag 标志,旗子标志,旗子 Q:What is the situation of the other vessel around me? A:Vessel is entering the f

16、airway at Jihala Entrance. entering可替换为: leaving 驶离 Or:Vessel ahead of you is turning. ahead 可替换为: astern 后面 port 左舷 starboard 右舷 turning 可替换为: anchoring 抛锚 increasing speed 加速 decreasing speed 减速 overtaking you 追越你 not under command 失控 1 4 Unit 3 Pilotage Vocabulary Link e.g.Single up the head line

17、s and forward springs. single up 单绑单绑 e.g.Make fast the tugs on port quarter and starboard quarter. make fast 系牢系牢 e.g. Make fast the forward tugs alongside on port side. alongside 靠泊靠泊 e.g.Fore peak was filled to change the trim. trim 纵倾纵倾 1 5 Unit 4 Berthing and UnberthingListening Q1:When to bert

18、h? A1:I will berth at 1930 hours UTC. berth可替换为:可替换为: dock 码头码头 Or:Berthing has been delayed by 3 hours. Q2:Is my vessel in position? A2:Move ahead 5 metres. ahead可替换为:可替换为: astern 向后向后 Or:Your vessel is in position-make fast. Q3 :How is the cable leading? A3 :The cable is leading ahead. ahead可替换为:可

19、替换为: astern 朝后朝后to port 朝左朝左to starboard 朝右朝右 round the bow 绕船首绕船首up and down 垂直垂直 1 6 Unit 4 Berthing and UnberthingSpeaking Vocabulary winch 绞车绞车 harbour 海港海港 pilot card 引航卡引航卡 Q:On which side will I alongside? A:We will berth port side alongside. Or:We will moor to buoys ahead and astern. Or:We w

20、ill moor alongside. Or:We will moor to dolphins. Or:Send out the head lines. head line可替换为: stern line 尾缆 breast line 横缆 forward spring 前倒缆 aft spring 后倒缆 1 7 Unit 4 Berthing and Unberthing Vocabulary Link The pilot ladder shall be rigged on the leeside 2 meters above water. The pilot ladder shall b

21、e rigged alongside the gangway. The boat is lowered to the embarkation deck. For example leeside 下风舷下风舷 gangway 舷梯舷梯 embarkation 登船登船 salvage 海上打捞海上打捞 Salvage operations are going on. 1 8 Unit 5 Loading and UnloadingListening Vocabulary bitt 系缆桩系缆桩 wharf 码头码头 absorbent materials 吸收性材料吸收性材料 manifest

22、载货单、舱载货单、舱 单单 Sentence Q:Is the cargo list available and complete? A:Yes, the cargo list is available and complete. Or:No, the cargo list is not available and complete (yet). Or:The cargo list will be available and complete in 25 minutes. Or:Complete the stowage plan. Or:Make the stability calculati

23、on. Q:What is the maximum loading rate? loading可替换为: discharging 卸货 A:The maximum loading rate is 100 tonnes per hour. Or:Do not exceed the loading rate of 2000 tonnes per hour. Listening 1 9 Unit 5 Loading and UnloadingSpeaking 2 0 1.Open all hatches before loading. loading 可替换为: discharging 卸货 4.S

24、witch on the hold ventilation. switch on 可替换为: switch off 关闭 ventilation 可替换为: lights 电灯 2.Check the preventers. Speaking 3.Keep within the safe working load of cranes. cranes 可替换为: derricks 吊杆 、吊杆式起货设备 5.Open the cargo ports to No.4 hold. open 可替换为: close 关闭 Unit 5 Loading and Unloading Vocabulary

25、Link e.g. The deadweight is 10450 tonnes. deadweight 载重吨载重吨 e.g. The hold capacity of vessel is 12543 cubic metres. hold capacity 舱容舱容 e.g. These slings do not permit safe cargo handling. sling 吊索吊索 e.g. Check the bilge pumps of the lifeboats and report. bilge 舱底污水井舱底污水井 2 1 Unit 6 NavigationListeni

26、ng Sentence Q:What is wind direction and force in your position? in your position 可替换为:可替换为: bearing 235 distance 2.5 off entrance light 在进口灯标在进口灯标235 ,距离,距离 2.5海里海里处处 in position of MV Ohio 在俄亥俄轮处在俄亥俄轮处 A:Wind direction north, force Beaufort 10 in my position. north可替换为:可替换为: east 东东 west 西西 south

27、南南 cardinal points 罗经点罗经点 half cardinal points 隅点隅点 Vocabulary barometric 气压的 waypoint 路径 binoculars 双筒望远镜 2 2 Unit 6 NavigationSpeaking driftwood 浮木 RPM(Revolutions Per Minute) 每分钟转数 CPA Closest Point of Approach 最小会遇距离 UTC Universal time co-ordinated 协调世界时 Vocabulary Q1:What is the atmospheric pre

28、ssure in your position? A1:The atmospheric pressure in my position is 987 hectopascals. hectopascals可替换为: millibars 毫巴 Q2:What is sea state in your position? A2:The smooth sea slight swell in my position is 1 metre from north. smooth sea可替换为: slight可替换为: moderate sea 中浪 moderate 中涌 rough sea 大浪 heav

29、y 狂涌 high sea 狂浪 2 3 Unit 6 NavigationVocabulary Link e.g. M.V. Euphoria is disabled and adrift in position 50 00 N, 016 22 W. adrift 漂航漂航 e.g. Dredging operations are completed in the south fairway. dredging 疏浚;挖掘疏浚;挖掘 e.g. Our vessel will get into the fairway with the obstruction of MV Chang Jin.

30、obstruction 碍航物碍航物 e.g. I am ready to get underway. underway 在航在航 Vocabulary 2 4 Unit 7 Communication at Sea Listening Q:What kind of assistance is required? A:I require/MV Sea Queen requires escort. escort 可替换为:可替换为: a pilot 引航引航 tug assistance 拖轮协助拖轮协助 navigational assistance 航行援助航行援助 military ass

31、istance 军事援助军事援助 medical assistance 医疗援助医疗援助 oil clearance assistance- -danger of pollution 油污清除援助油污清除援助- -有污染危险有污染危险 ice- -breaker assistance 破冰船援助破冰船援助 Q:When do you/does MV Ocean Leo expect to refloat? A:I expect/MV Ocean Leo expects to refloat at 12 hours UTC. at 12 hours UTC 可替换为:可替换为: when tid

32、e rises 涨潮时涨潮时 when weather improves 天气好转时天气好转时 when draft decreases 吃水减少时吃水减少时 with tug assistance 拖轮协助下拖轮协助下 Listening 2 5 Unit 7 Communication at Sea Speaking lWhat is your/MV Nile Rivers MMSI number? lMy/MV Nile Rivers MMSI number is BC456. lWhat is your/MV Nile Rivers position? lMy/MV Nile Rive

33、rs position is bearing 235 distance 2.5 off entrance light. Speaking lWhat is your/MV Nile Rivers present course and speed? lMy/MV Nile Rivers present course 035 degrees, my speed 12 knots. lHow many persons are there in your vessel/MV Nile River? lNumber of persons on board: 25. lHow many injured p

34、ersons are there in your vessel/MV Nile River? lNo person injured. lNumber of injured persons : 15. lNumber of casualties : 2. 2 6 Unit 7 Communication at Sea Vocabulary Link e.g. The vessel fought the fire without delay. delay 延误延误 emergency 应急应急 e.g. Youd better get to know the ships particulars a

35、nd emergency exits first. rescue 救助救助 e.g. Advise you to keep clear of entrance buoy, search and rescue in operation. urgency 紧急紧急 e.g. My vessel is the nearest to the vessel in urgency. 2 7 Unit 8 Accident Solutions at Sea Listening Armed attack/piracy. I am/MV Joy Sea is under attack by pirates. I

36、/MV Joy Sea was under attack by pirates. I am/MV Joy Sea is not under command. Q:Do you/does MV Joy Sea have damage? A:I have/MV Joy Sea has no damage. Or:I have/MV Joy Sea has major damage to navigational equipment. major可替换为: minor 轻微的 Or:I am/MV Joy Sea is not under command. Or:I/MV Joy Sea cant

37、establish damage. Or:I/MV Joy Sea cant repair damage. Listening 2 8 Unit 8 Accident Solutions at Sea Speaking explosion可替换为:可替换为: Fire 火灾火灾 Electrical accident 电气事故电气事故 Or:Accident with cargo. Or:Fall from main deck. Or:Fall into cargo hold. Or:Leakage of gas. Or:Fall from upper deck into lower deck

38、. Or:Electrical accident in cargo lifting gear. Speaking Q:What happened? A:Explosion in accommodation area. 2 9 Unit 8 Accident Solutions at Sea Vocabulary Link piracy 海盗行为海盗行为 e.g. The vessel has become disabled because of the piracy. citadel 堡垒,避难处堡垒,避难处 e.g. The crew locked themselves in the cit

39、adel. convoy 护航;护送护航;护送 e.g. Ice-breaker assistance for convoy will start now. signatory 签署国签署国 e.g. China was among the first signatory states. 3 0 Unit 9 Rescue and Survival at Sea Listening Vocabulary segregate 使隔离使隔离 patrol 巡逻,巡查巡逻,巡查 lifebuoy 救生圈救生圈 casualty 伤亡人员伤亡人员 toxic 有毒的有毒的 Q1:What was th

40、e total number of persons on board the vessel in distress? A1:Total number of persons was: 22. Q2:What was the number of casualties? A2:Number of casualties was: 12. Q3:What was the number of lifeboats launched? lifeboats 可替换为: liferafts 救生筏 A3:Number of lifeboats launched was: 2. 3 1 Unit 9 Rescue

41、and Survival at Sea Speaking Q:Report direction and distance of person in water. A:Man overboard (on port side or starboard side or astern)! Or:Direction at 2 points port side , distance 1500 metres. Or:Position bearing 235 distance 2.5 off entrance light. 1.Stand by for recovering from shipboard an

42、d report. 2.Stand by boat for letting go and report. boat 可替换为:可替换为: motor lifeboat No.2 2号机动救生艇号机动救生艇 3.Have man overboard stations manned and report. 4.Have lookouts at fore castle manned and report. 5.Stand by one crew member for rescue in water and report. 3 2 Unit 9 Rescue and Survival at Sea V

43、ocabulary Link e.g. I can do nothing but abandon the ship. abandon弃船弃船 e.g. You are entering sheltered area. shelter 躲避躲避 e.g. The Ship Security Alert System is checked once a month. alert 警告,警告, 发警报发警报 e.g. The escape route from accommodation area is blocked. escape route 逃生路线逃生路线 3 3 Unit 10 Ship

44、Repair and Maintenance Listening 2 Q2:Are appropriate plans and instructions for key shipboard operations available on board? appropriate plans and instructions for key shipboard operations可替换为: telephone number list of the responsible persons 责任人员电话 号码一览表 programmes for emergency actions 应急行动计划 A2:

45、Certainly, they are available on board. 1 Q1:What type of fixed fire extinguishing system is provided on board? A1:High pressure carbon dioxide system. Or:Fixed aerosol fire extinguishing system. Or:Water mist fire suppressing system. 3 4 Unit 10 Ship Repair and Maintenance Speaking Q1:Is a planned

46、maintenance system available on board? A1:Yes, it has been set up according to the Manual for Maintenance and Operations of Ships Equipment. Q2:Have the lifeboat launching devices and on load release gear been serviced? A2:Yes, they were serviced during the renewal survey. This is the survey report.

47、 Q3:Has your ship already been equipped with the Automatic Identification System (AIS). A3:Yes, the AIS was fitted on board a few months ago, before the last annual survey. 3 5 Unit 10 Ship Repair and Maintenance Vocabulary Link urating普通船员普通船员 ue.g. Chief Engineer and two ratings seriously injured,

48、 I need assistance and rescue. ureflection回波回波 ue.g. There is no reflection from any target on the screen. umagnetic compass磁罗经磁罗经 ue.g. The magnetic compass adjusting table expires. uoverdue过期过期 ue.g. The magnetic compass has been overdue. Vocabulary 3 6 Unit 11 PSC Inspection Listening fire alarms

49、 可替换为:可替换为: smoke alarms 烟雾报警器烟雾报警器 fixed foam fire extinguishing systems 固定式泡沫灭火器系统固定式泡沫灭火器系统 fixed gas fire extinguishing systems 固定式气体灭火器系统固定式气体灭火器系统 sprinkler systems 喷淋灭火系喷淋灭火系 统统 ventilation systems 通风系统通风系统 remote control 遥控遥控 indicators 指示器指示器 fire dampers 挡火板挡火板 watertight door control 水密水密

50、 门控制门控制 electrical lighting 照明系统照明系统 emergency power supply 应急应急 电源电源 Q:Check the fire alarms. A:All fire alarms are operational. 3 7 Unit 11 PSC Inspection Speaking 2 1 Q:I need all of the statutory certificates. Where is the IOPP (International Oil Pollution Prevention) Certificate? A:Here you are

51、, sir, and there is the index of certificates, which may be help to you. Or:All certificates are available and complete. Or:They are kept in the file. IOPP (International Oil Pollution Prevention) Certificate可替换为:可替换为: Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate 防止污水污染证书防止污水污染证书 Safety Management Certif

52、icate 安全管理证书安全管理证书 Minimum Safe Manning Certificate 最低安全配员证书最低安全配员证书 Air Pollution Certificate 防止大气污染证书防止大气污染证书 Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate 货船安全设备证书货船安全设备证书 Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate 货船安全结构证书货船安全结构证书 3 8 Unit 11 PSC Inspection Vocabulary Link Vocabulary inventory 存货,存货清单

53、存货,存货清单 safety lamp 安全灯安全灯 abandon ship drill 弃船演习弃船演习 man overboard drill 人员落水救生演习人员落水救生演习 e.g. The lifeboat inventory is complete. e.g. What does a set of firemens outfit consist of? It consists of a breathing apparatus, protective clothing, safety lamp , life-line, etc. e.g. Once a month, we conduct the drills in accordance with SOLAS, including abandon ship drill and man overboard drill, etc. 3 9 Unit 12 Ship Security Listening Q2:What methods do you use to prevent unauthorized individuals f


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