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1、杭州钱江创新创业园hangzhou qianjiang innovation & business incubation park 浙江省杭州市国际服务外包示范园区international service outsourcing demonstration park of zhejiang province & hangzhou city杭州钱江经济开发区科技企业孵化器sci-tech business incubator of hangzhou qianjiang economic development area 致力于打造杭州市内“创业成本最低、服务最优、与金融资本结合最紧密”的高科技

2、园区be dedicated to building a hi-tech park with the lowest cost for business incubation, the optimal services and the closest connection with financial capital in hangzhou city 开发区概况overview of the development area 活力创智谷“慧”聚钱江,“智”造新城 vibrant intelligence-generating valley pool wisdom in qianjiang, cr

3、eate new city by intelligence 低碳科技城坚持低碳先行,构建品质新城low-carbon science & technology city put low carbon first, build quality new city 生态宜居地鲜氧生态环境,绿色宜居新城ecologically conscious, livable place fresh oxygen ecological environment, green and livable new city 杭州钱江经济开发区隶属于杭州市人民政府,2006年3月经浙江省人民政府批准,2006年4月经国家发改

4、委核准,设立为省级开发区。with the approval of zhejiang provincial government in march, 2006, examination and ratification of national development and reform commission in april, 2006, hangzhou qianjiang economic development area, affiliated to hangzhou municipal government, was upgraded as provincial-level deve

5、lopment zone. 开发区规划总面积25平方公里,首期启动面积6平方公里。2008年11月,开发区被市委、市政府确定为“杭州市高新技术产业园”和“杭州钱江科技城”,2010年,开发区被授予“浙江省首批工业循环经济示范园区”称号,并已作为国家低碳节能产业示范园区。covering an area of 25 sq. km among which six sq. km was initiated in the first phase, the development area was designated as hangzhou city hi-tech industry park and

6、 hangzhou qianjiang science & technology city by hangzhou municipal party committee and hangzhou municipal government in november, 2008; the development area was award the title “the first batch of industrial recycling economy demonstration parks of zhejiang province” in 2010 and has served as natio

7、nal low-carbon & energy conservation demonstration park. 开发区按照杭州市“六大战略”的总体要求,以绿色节能、健康产业和现代服务业为特色,重点发展新材料、新能源、电子信息、机电一体化等产业,坚持“高起点规划、高标准建设、高强度投入、高效能管理”,实施“建区”“造城”两轮驱动战略,以“活力创智谷、低碳科技城、生态宜居地”为功能定位,全力打造先进制造业基地、高新技术产业基地、现代服务业基地和生态新城。 subject to overall requirements of hangzhou city for six major strategi

8、es, with functional orientation of “vibrant intelligence-generating valley, low-carbon science and technology city, ecological, livable place”, the development area characterized by green, energy conservation, health industry and modern service industry focuses on new materials, new energy, electron

9、ic information and mechanical-electrical integration etc and gives prominence to planning from high starting point, launching construction by observing high standard, making investment with high intensity and exercising highly efficient management, implementing the strategy for driving development t

10、hough both building of development zone and creation of city so as to fully endeavor to foster an advanced manufacturing base, hi-tech industry base, modern service industry base and ecological new city. 未来新城的发展,将以高新技术产业为支撑,地域优势、人文景观为依托,积极引进金融商贸、商务办公、科技信息、服务外包、文化创意等现代服务业,着力引进世界五百强企业地区总部、国内民营企业总部,成为现

11、代服务业和总部经济发的聚集地,打造全新的城市中心和商务区。supported by hi-tech industries, advantageous geographical location and excellent human landscape, future development of new city will be promoted by actively introducing modern service industries such as finance, commerce, trade, business office, scientific and technica

12、l information, service outsourcing, cultural and creative industry, emphasizing establishment of regional headquarters of fortune 500 enterprises, domestic private enterprises, thus the development area will be clustered with modern industries and headquarters for economic development and become a n

13、ew urban center and business district. 通过科展学规划、合理布局,将钱江经济开发区建成产业先进、配套齐全、设施现代、环境优美的产业高地和品质新城。scientific planning and rational layout will enable the development area to become an industrial highland and quality new city with advanced industries, complete modern supporting facilities and beautiful env

14、ironment. 创业园园区概况overview of the innovation & business incubation park 企业概况:杭州钱江创新创业园由管委会下属的国有企业杭州钱江经济开发区创新创业产业园有限公司负责投资、建设和运营。basic facts about enterprise: hangzhou qianjiang innovation & business incubation park is invested in, constructed and operated by hangzhou qianjiang economic development ar

15、ea innovation & business incubation park co., ltd, the state-owned enterprise affiliated to the management committee. 总体规划:创业园总占地面积342亩,总建筑面积约40万,总投资约18亿元。一期占地面积约48.5亩,建筑面积5.3万,其中研发孵化楼6幢,商务办公楼1幢,目前已投入使用。二期规划总建筑面积约32万,涵盖研发孵化楼、独栋产权花园式商务楼、精品园中园、酒店式公寓、高档商务办公楼、星级酒店、创业财富街等,将建成高档次、高品质集“研发、办公、生产、生活、商业一体化”的高

16、科技园区。二期于2011年8月18日盛大开工。overall planning: covering an area of 342 mu (one mu equals 0.0667 hectares), with overall floorage of approximately 400,000, the innovation & business incubation park attracts approximately 1.8 billion yuan worthy of investment in total. the first-phase construction covers an

17、 area of about 48.5 mu with the floorage of 53,000, in which six buildings for research, development and incubation and one business office building have been put into operation. with overall floorage of about 320,000,the second-phase planning covers research, development and incubation buildings, d

18、etached garden-type business buildings, boutique gardens in gardens, serviced apartments, high-end office buildings, starred hotels, business startup fortune street etc and a high-grade, high-quality hi-tech park integrating research, development, office, production, living and commerce will be buil

19、t. the second-phase project would be grandly launched on august 18, 2011. 产业定位:创业园将重点引进“服务外包、高新技术、科研孵化企业”,主要涉及信息软件、物联网、金融服务、led等高科技企业。industrial orientation: the innovation & business incubation park will focus on introduction of service outsourcing, hi-tech, scientific research and incubation enter

20、prises and will mainly deal with information software, the internet of things, financial services and led and other hi-tech enterprises. 发展目标:创业园现已被认定为“浙江省杭州市国际服务外包示范园区”,是引领开发区“服务外包、物联网、信息软件、金融服务”等现代服务业发展的先导平台,将成为杭州市内创业成本最低、服务最优、与金融资本结合最紧密的“国际服务外包产业基地”。 development goal: currently, the innovation &

21、business incubation park has been designated as the international service outsourcing demonstration park of zhejiang province & hangzhou city and will serve as the pioneering platform for leading the way of development of modern service industries involving service outsourcing, the internet of thing

22、s, information software and financial service in the development area and will become the international service outsourcing industry base with the lowest cost for business incubation, the optimal services and the closest connection with financial capital in hangzhou city. 城市新地标、 发展新平台、创业新天地new landm

23、ark of the city, new platform for development, new place for business incubation 高起点规划、高强度投入、高标准建设planning from high starting point, investing with high intensity, constructing by high standard 设计人性化、设施现代化、环境园林化personalized design, modern facilities, gardened environment 创业园是浙江省杭州市重点打造的“国际服务外包示范园区”和

24、“杭州钱江经济开发区科技企业孵化器”,是引领开发区高新产业发展的先导平台,是以服务外包产业、信息产业及创投增值发展为主的创新创业园区,将成为杭州市内“创业成本最低、服务最优、与金融资本结合最紧密”的高科技园区。the innovation & business incubation park is the international service outsourcing demonstration park prioritized by zhejiang province and hangzhou city, the sci-tech business incubator of hangzh

25、ou qianjiang economic development area; it is the pioneering platform for guiding the development of hi-tech industries in the development area and the innovation and business incubation park focusing on service outsourcing, information, venture capital investment for added value; it will become the

26、 hi-tech park with the lowest cost for business incubation, the optimal services and the closest connection with financial capital in hangzhou city. 高起点规划、高强度投入、高标准建设:创业园将以科技创新为发展动力,以信息技术和文化创意为产业基础,创建成为具有一流的国际外包示范产业、优越的科技创新平台、高效的研发产业化基地的高科技园区。planning at high starting point, heavy investment and hig

27、h-standard construction: the innovation & business incubation park will be driven by scientific and technical innovation in terms of its development and will be based on information technology and cultural and creative industry; it is well-positioned to become the hi-tech park with the first-class i

28、nternational outsourcing demonstration industries, excellent platform for scientific and technical innovation as well as efficient research and development commercialization base. 设计人性化、设施现代化、环境园林化:本案规划设计从对环境的尊重和保护角度出发,集中反映该区域特有的自然脉络;依托周边环境,完美衔接自然与城市空间的关系,最大化地利用周边良好的景观资源;通过建筑的园林化有机布局,巧妙地将园区内南北贯穿的胡家文

29、河水景引入,让内部和外部的景观完美融合,体现“以人为本,人与自然和谐共存”的设计理念。personalized design, modern facilities and gardened environment: from the perspective of respect for the environment and environmental protection, the planning design in this case embodies a concentrated reflection of unique natural context of this area, pe

30、rfectly addresses the relationship between the nature and city on the basis of the surroundings, maximizes utilization of excellent landscape resources in the surroundings, exquisitely introduces waterscape of hujiawen river from north to south in the development area through gardened layout of buil

31、dings so as to ideally integrate internal and external landscape while giving vivid expression to the design philosophy of putting people first and enabling coexistence of people and the nature. 图标部分内容:尽心医药物流基地 研发孵化楼 钱江创新国际 独栋花园式商务楼 精品园中园 第三期 酒店式公寓 商务办公楼 精装商务办公楼 星级酒店 自动取款机 商务酒店 餐饮区 便利店 24小时超市 咖啡店 餐厅

32、 娱乐 icons: jinxin pharmaceutical logistics base (尽心医药物流基地), r & d and business incubation buildings (研发孵化楼), qianjiang innovation international (钱江创新国际), detached garden-style office building (独栋花园式商务楼), boutique gardens in gardens (精品园中园), phase three (第三期), serviced apartment (酒店式公寓), business off

33、ice building (商务办公楼), deluxe business office building (精装商务办公楼), starred hotel (星级酒店), atm(自动取款机), business hotel (商务酒店), dining area (餐饮区), convenience store (便利店), 24h supermarket (24小时超市), coffee shop (咖啡店), restaurant (餐厅), entertainment (娱乐)研发孵化楼 经济适用 economically affordable buildings for resea

34、rch, development, business incubation 研发孵化楼共9幢,每幢楼为6层,其中一期7幢楼约5.3万已投入使用。现代简约明快的外立面,开创性现代风格时尚设计,营造出丰富的空间表情。室内平面为可自由分隔,设计出符合形、意、能的多隔间,实现商务的人性化和舒适化,为工作和生活提供互动一体化服务、为创新创业提供一个灵动的空间。there are nine 6-storey buildings for research, development and business incubation, among which seven buildings with about

35、53,000 in the first phase have been put into use. modern, simple and lively facades, innovative fashionable design with modern style bring about rich spatial expression. internal space can be freely divided into multiple compartments with compliance in shape, connation and functions, thus delivering

36、 commercially personalized, comfortable, dynamic space for innovation and business incubation in which integrated interactive services are rendered for work and life. 入驻模式:可租可售,拥有可分割到层的独立产权。occupancy mode: available for renting and sales, independent property right for division into floors层高:一楼层高4.5

37、4.8米,二至六楼层高为4.34.5米。floor height: the first floor 4.54.8m, the 2nd-6th floors 4.34.5m 独栋面积:60009000; 单层面积:12001800;area of detached house: 60009000;area of single floor: 12001800; 单位荷载:500kg; unit load: 500kg; 电梯配备:每栋楼客梯、货梯各1台;elevators: each of passenger elevator and cargo elevator for each buildin

38、g; 电力:提供双回路供电; power supply: double circuit power supply 通信:园区设有电信机站,接入充裕的带宽。communication: the park is provided with telecommunication base station and access into adequate bandwidth. 独栋产权花园式商务楼 别具一格unique detached garden-style business office building 在创业园沿胡家文河的东侧是核心景观区域,分布了18幢独栋产权花园式商务楼,总建筑面积为682

39、16,以1500为一个独立式单元,这些单元可进行组合,以“三层独栋型、三层双拼型、四层双拼型、四层三拼型”等多种形式出现;拥有空间灵活、尊享私密,多露台、高科技、电梯入户等诸多优势,创新生态办公模式。in the innovation & business incubation park, core landscape area on the east bank of hujiawen river is dominated by 18 detached garden-style office buildings with overall floorage of 68216 and indepe

40、ndent units (1500 each) which can be combined into detached three-storey houses, three-storey two-family houses, four-storey two-family houses and four-storey three-family houses and enjoy many advantages in flexible space, privacy, extensive terrace, high technology and access through elevator, thu

41、s innovating in ecological business office model. 设计风格:建筑立面以纯净、简洁为主基调,通过体型的穿插创造多变的建筑形体。同时,引入了花园式办公理念,将良好的室外景观引入室内,以满足高档商务楼的需求。design style:building faade is overwhelmed by cleanness and simplicity; interweaving body features versatile building shapes. meanwhile, the philosophy of garden-style office

42、 is incorporated to introduce good outdoor landscape into the indoor environment for meeting the needs for high-end office buildings. 最大特点“独”:独栋办公楼完全不存在传统办公楼里公司与公司之间的相互干扰,确保私密性。除了享受独门独户外,1600的独栋办公楼拥有独立的地下车库,独立空间停车,商务办公更加从容。“detachedness” constitutes the most conspicuous characteristic: detached offi

43、ce building is completely free from mutual interference among companies in conventional office building and ensures privacy. besides independent entrance, 1600detached office building is provided with independent underground garage, independent space for parking and more ease of business handling. 入

44、驻模式:可租可售,拥有可分割到层的独立产权;occupancy mode: available for renting and sales, independent property right for division into floors 独栋面积:设有约1200、1500、4500、6500四种不同户型;area of detached house: 1200, 1500, 4500, 6500; 单层面积:每单元的单层面积约500;area of single floor for each unit: 500 电力:提供双回路供电;power supply: double circu

45、it power supply 电梯配备:每栋楼配客梯1台;elevators: each of passenger elevator and cargo elevator for each building; 通信:园区设有电信机站,接入充裕的带宽。communication: the park is provided with telecommunication base station and access into adequate bandwidth.精品园中园筑就创业梦想,挥洒自由空间boutique gardens in gardens realize the dream for

46、 business incubation, enjoy high freedom “精品园中园”位于园区的北侧,沿康信路分布共有4组,共占地40亩,平均每组占地面积10亩左右,建筑面积约1500018000,容积率约1.21.4。含蓄不失张力的园中园建筑形态,底层局部架空,并设置挑空的露台和阳台,三层以上通过连廊相互贯通,形成南低北高的4组围合式建筑群体。located in the northern part of the park and distributed along kangxin road, four groups of “boutique gardens in gardens”

47、 cover an area of 40mu (average area of each group is about 10mu) and have floorage of approximately 1500018000and plot ratio of approximately 1.21.4. architectural form in such gardens in gardens is implicit but forceful; ground floor is locally built on stilts; void terrace and balcony are designe

48、d; corridors are available for connections above the third floor, thus four groups of enclosed buildings being low in the south and high in the north are formed. 定制空间:为大客户量身打造,让你省去拿地的烦恼,帮助做好“规划设计、政府审批、施工建设”等系列服务。独立的企业形象,独立的冠名权,进则享有独立的商务空间,出则享受园区大配套,匹配企业形象及商务需求,全面彰显入驻企业综合实力!customized space: provide

49、customized services to big customers, make them avoid troubles in acquiring land, help them perform planning and design, complete the formalities for examination and approval by the government and launch construction; foster independent enterprise image, secure independent naming right; internally e

50、njoy independent business space, externally get access to large facilities in the park, accord with enterprise image and cater to business needs, thus showcasing comprehensive strength of enterprises in the park in an all-round way! 入驻模式:提供定制、代建或企业自主设计、自主建设等更多选择,独立产权可分割到层。occupancy mode: more option

51、s such as customization, entrusted construction, self-design, self-construction by enterprises are available; independent property right for division into floors单组面积:占地面积约10亩,建筑面积约1500018000。area of single group: approximately 10mu, floorage 1500018000. 钱江创新国际qianjiang innovation international 创新商业空

52、间,创业财富宴innovative business space, business incubation wealth banquet 超15万国际商业航母 科技城商业典范之作international business giant exceeding 150,000, exemplary business works of science city 区域地标性创新综合体regional landmark innovation complex 钱江创新国际为于沿兴国路上的4栋点式高层孵化办公综合楼a/b/c/d四座楼,建筑的走向平行于兴国路,使之形成了园区主要的地标性综合体。 qianjia

53、ng innovation international features four point-type high-rise multiple-use buildings for business incubation (buildings a/b/c/d) located in and paralleling xingguo road, which constitute major landmark complex in the park. 酒店式公寓serviced apartment 钱江创新国际的4栋点式高层中的a座楼宇规划设计为“酒店式公寓”,解决园区内部企业人员及开发区内部的商务居

54、住需求。building a among four point-type high-rise buildings of qianjiang innovation international proposes to be designed as serviced apartment, which addresses the needs of internal enterprise personnel in the park and internal commercial and residential needs in the development area. 商务写字楼business of

55、fice buildings 钱江创新国际b、c座高层,规划设计分别为“商务写字楼”和“精装商务写字楼”,以这两座高层做为钱江创新国际商业业态的商务办公核心。buildings b and c of qianjiang innovation international propose to be designed as business office building and deluxe business office building, which serve as the core of business office of qianjiang innovation internatio

56、nal for business operation. 星级酒店starred hotel 钱江创新国际d座高层,规划设计为“星级酒店”,致力让企业业主的起居生活享受随时随地专享高贵生活。building d of qianjiang innovation international proposes to be designed as starred hotel, which is dedicated to making enterprise owners live a life of high privilege at any time. 创业财富街business incubation

57、fortune street 钱江创新国际四幢高层的1-层都设计规划布置了餐饮、娱乐、商业和小型配套服务点,从而连接出一条“创业财富街区”。the 1st-3rd floors of four high-rise buildings of qianjiang innovation international propose to be designed with supporting service points covering catering, entertainment, commerce and small supporting service points for creating

58、 one “business incubation fortune street”. 优越的地理位置 创业新领地being strategically located, a new place for business incubation近邻大上海:是杭州区域内距离上海最近的高科技园区,也是杭州接轨上海,融入长三角的北大门前沿空间。adjacent to the sea, it is the hi-tech park closest to shanghai in hangzhou city and is also the frontier for hangzhou city to be integrated with both shanghai and north gateway to the region of yangtze river delta. 高规格、低成本:是杭州市内经营成本最低的高科技园区,相比于杭州市其他区域,创业园具有明显的低成本经营和低生活成本的优势(如地价成本、租金成本、劳动力成本均属于杭州价值洼


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