建筑类 专业词汇_第1页
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1、architecture 建筑学 building 修筑,建筑物 house 房子 skyscraper 摩天大楼 block of flats 公寓楼 (美作:apartment block) monument 纪念碑 palace 宫殿 temple 庙宇 basilica 皇宫,教堂 cathedral 大教堂 church 教堂 tower 塔,塔楼 ten-storey office block 十层办公大楼 column 柱 colonnade 柱列 arch 拱 town planning 市政 (美作:city planning) building permission 营建许

2、可证,建筑开工许可证 greenbelt 绿地 elevation 建筑物的三面图 plan 设计图 scale 比例尺 to prefabricate 预制 excavation 挖土,掘土 foundations 基 to lay the foundations 打地基 course of bricks 砌好的砖列 scaffold 脚手架 scaffolding 脚手架 质量合格证书 certification of fitness 原材料 raw material 底板 bottom plate 垫层 cushion 侧壁 sidewall 中心线center line 条形基础 st

3、rip footing 附件 accessories 型钢 profile steel 钢板 steel plate 熔渣 slag 飞溅 welding spatter 定位焊 tacking 引弧 generating of arc 熄弧 quenching of arc 焊道 welding bead 坡口 beveled edges 外观检查 visual inspection 重皮 doubleskin 水平方向弧度 radian in horizontal direction 成型 molding 直线度 straightness accuracy 焊缝角变形 welding li

4、ne angular distortion 水平度 levelness 铅垂度 verticality 翘曲变形 buckling deformation 角尺 angle square 对接焊缝 butt weld 母材 parent metal 法兰密封面 flange sealing surface 夹层interlayer 表面锈蚀浓度 surface corrosion concentration 挠曲变 bending deformation 超声波探伤 ultrasonic testing/ ultrasonic examination 压力容器 pressure vessel

5、预制下料prefabrication baiting 排版直径 set-type diameter 焊缝 welding line 中幅板 ? center plate 测量方法 measuring method 基准点 datum mark 跳焊 skip welding 允许偏差 allowable variation 补强板 stiffening plate 开孔 tapping 对接接头 banjo fixing butt jointing 角钢 angle iron 安装基准圆 installation fundamental circle 吊装立柱 hoisting upright

6、 column 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe 向心斜拉筋 centripetal canting pull rope 带板 band plate 槽钢胀圈 channel steel expansion ring 环口 collar extension 局部变形 local distortion 环缝 circumferential weld 顶板 top plate 拱顶 vault 顶板加强肋 stiffening rib 对接 butt joint 胎具 clamping fixture 卷板机 plate bending rolls 中心支架 center bearin

7、g bracket 椭圆度 ovality 等分线 bisectrix 搭接宽度lap width 点焊spot welding 搭接焊 overlap welding 对称:symmetrically 螺旋爬梯cockle stairs 放料阀baiting valve 液位计 content gauge 充水试验 filling water test 错边量 unfitness of butt joint 底圈 foundation ring 真空度检漏 vacuum degree leak test 丁字焊缝 tee welding 渗透探伤 oil whiting test 充水试验

8、filling water test 内侧角焊缝接头 interior angle welding line joint foundation settlement 基础沉降 测量基准点 datum mark 稳定性试验 stability test 排气阀 outlet valve 角钢 angle steel 构件 component part 机械损伤 mechanical damage 缩孔 shrinkage cavity enfoldment 折迭 碳钢管 carbon steel tube 公称直径 nominal diameter 预埋件 embedded part 轴测图 a

9、xonometric drawing 布置图arrangement diagram 氧乙炔气割 oxyacetylene gas cutting 低合金钢管low alloy steel 热影响区 heat affected area 修磨polish 砂轮片grinding wheel 等离子plasma panel 重皮 coldlap 凹凸unevenness 缩口necking down 端面 head face 倾斜 偏 差 dip deviation 外径 external diameter 砂轮grinding wheel 管件 pipe casting 单线 图single l

10、ine drawing 平齐parallel and level 两端 two terminals 满扣 buckle 螺栓 紧 固 bolton 周边 periphery 附加 应 力 additional stress 同轴 度 axiality 平行 度 parallelism 随机 stochastic 允许 偏 差 allowable variation 重直 度verticality 水平 度 levelness 隔离 盲 板 blind plate 氩弧 焊argon arc welding 压盖 螺 栓 gland bolt 间距spacing 有效 期 period of v

11、alidity 担任 take charge of undertake 焊条 welding rod 碳钢 焊 条carbon steel 焊丝 welding wire 熔化 焊 melting 钢丝 steel wire 气体 保 护 焊 gas shielded arc welding 烘干drying 清洗ablution 制度system 焊接 工 艺welding procedure 相应corresponding 手工 电 弧 焊manual electric arc welding 手工 钨 极 manual tungsten electrode 打底render 电源powe

12、r source 交流alternating current 焊件 weldment 管壁 厚 度 pipe thickness 对接 焊 缝 butt weld 工件 壁 厚 workpiece 飞溅 物 splash 沾污 smirch 油污 oil stain 细锉 smooth file 铣刀 milling cutter 氧化 膜 oxide film 脱脂 处 理 ungrease treatment 棉质 纤 维 cotton fibre 丙酮acetone 硫 sulfur 焊剂 welding flux 钢板 steel plate 纵向 焊 缝 longitudinal w

13、eld longitudinal seam 筒节 shell ring 封头 end socket 卷管 reelpipe 强度试验strength test 起弧arc starting 穿堂 风draught 熔合fusion 反面reverse side 整体integral 封堵block up 焊口 weld bond 医用 胶 布medical proof fabric 高频 high frequency 焊炬welding torch 送气air supply 电流衰减装置current attenuation 气体延时保护装置time delay 熄弧quenching of

14、arc 成型molding 钢印代号steel seal 质量分析quality analysis 负责人principal 审批examine and approve 补焊工艺repair welding 压缩机compression pump 平焊法兰welded flange 测试流程图 test flow chart 加固措施 reinforcement measure 校验 verify 升压boost pressure 读数off scale reading 满刻度值ull-scale value 盲板blind plate 压力表pressure meter 强度intensit

15、y 目测eye survey 半径radius 公式formula 管路pipeline 严密性leakproofness 导电膏conductive paste 压接compression joint 地上连接overground 埋深buried depth 接地 线earth wire 说明description 分线盒junction box 接地装置earthing deivce 交叉across 塑料保护管protection tube 塑料带plastic tape 防腐处理preservative treatment 接地极earthing pole 接地电阻测试earth r

16、esistance 防雷接地lightning protection 遵守comply with 避雷网lightning conduction 引下线down lead 搭接焊overlap welding 避雷针lightning rod 镀锌制品zinc coating 断接卡breaking of contact 电阻resistance 配电装置power distribution equipment 集中接地装置centralized 串联cascade connection 干线联接main line 并列paratactic 单独solely 机组machine set 电力复

17、合脂electric force compounded grease 电缆敷设cable laying 电缆槽架cable channel 主干线trunk line 弯头angle fitting 剥落处exfoliation 银粉aluminum powder 支持点support point 拆装disassembly and assembly 畅通smooth 电压等级electric pressure 通断实验onoff 终端头 terminals 余度remaining 标记 牌notice plate 表册statistical forms 电缆桥架cable testing b

18、ridge 电机electric machine 相对湿度relative humidity 杂物sundries 耐压试验withstand voltage test 照明器具ligthing paraphernalia 铭牌nameplate 验收 规 范acceptance specification 接线wire splice 试运test run 进线口incoming line 带电electrified 盘车转子jigger rotor 二次回路secondary circuit 中心线center line 触头contactor 配电 power distribution 成

19、套whole set 楼板floor slab 备件duplicate part 包装packing 器材equipment 导线conducting wire 脱落fall off 规范specification 电器electrical appliance 断路器line breaker 机械联锁mechanical interlocking 碰撞collision 轻便 portable 综合分析判断 comprehensive analysis and judgement 变压器transformer 抽芯loose core/ 过道aisle 三相电容three phase capa

20、citance 芯棒core rod 都市规划与土地开发 Urban g and Land Development 社区开发及工业区开发 Community Development and Industry Park Development 开发许可申请 Development Permit 土地使用变更计划 Land Use Rezoning Plan 主要计划及细部计划 Master Plan and Detail Plan 都市计划更新计划 Urban Renewal Plan 都市设施 Urban Design 建筑设施 Architecture Design 大地工程 Geotech

21、nical Engineering 工址调查 Site Investigation 现地试验与室内试验 In-Situ and Laboratory Test 基础工程 Foundation Design 深开挖工程及建物保护 Deep Excavation and Building Protection 新生地及软弱地层改良 Reclamation and Soft Ground Improvement 山坡地开发与水土保持 Slope land Development, Soil and Water Conservation 潜盾隧道与岩石隧道 Shield Tunnel and Rock

22、 Tunnel 大地工程施工顾问 Geotechnical Construction Consultant 土壤材料试验 Soil and Material 结构工程 Structural Engineering 各类钢筋混凝土、预力混凝土、钢结构及钢骨钢筋混凝土结构 Structures of R.C., Prestressed Concrete, Steel, and SRC 桥梁、高层建筑、地下结构物、隧道、深开挖挡土结构 Bridges, High-Rise Buildings, Underground Structures, Tunnels, Retaining Structures

23、 for Deep Excavations 桥梁安全检测、评估及维修补强 Bridge Inspection, Assessment, and Rehabilitation 钢结构细部设计及制造图 Steel Structural Detail Design and Shop Drawings 厂房工程 Industrial Plant 工业厂房-石化工厂、钢厂、电厂、气体厂、科技工业厂房、一般性厂房 Industrial Plants-Petroleum and Chemical, Steel, Power, Gas, High-Technical and General Plants 环保

24、设施工厂-垃圾焚化厂、垃圾掩埋场、污水处理厂及相关管线 Environment Protecting Plants-Incineration Plants, Garbage Disposal Plants, Waste Water Treatment Plants and Piping System 设备支撑结构、管架、操作平台 Equipment Supporting Structures, Pipe Racks, Operating Platforms 设备基础 Equipment Foundations 厂区一般土木及公共设施 General Civil Works and Utilit

25、ies of Plants 运输工程 Transportation Engineering 运输规划 Transportation Planning 铁路、捷运、高铁路线、车站及机厂工程 高速公路工程及一般道路工程 停车场设施工程规划、设计 Engineering Planning & Design for Parking Facilities 交通维持计划 Traffic Control & Management during Construction B.O.T.可行性分析及方案研究 机场跑道及航站工程 水利及港湾工程 Hydraulic and Harbor Engineering 营建

26、管理 Construction Management 估价及工程预算制作 Estimates and Engineering Budget Works 营建管理 Construction Management 工程监造 Construction Supervision 施工计划 Construction Plan 工程进度控管 Schedule Control during Construction 施工规划 Construction Specifications 环境工程 Environmental Engineering 环境影响评估 Environment Impact Assessme

27、nt 环境监测 Environmental Monitoring 地下水监测系统 Groundwater Monitoring 污水处理厂 Wastewater Treatment Plant 污水下水道 Sewage System 噪音振动防治 Noise and Vibration 垃圾焚化厂兴建工程 Waste Incinerator 废弃物处理系统工程 Waste Treatment & Disposal 共同管道 Common Ducts 管道及附属设施之规划设计 Planning and Design of Common Ducts Structures and Subsidiar

28、y Facilities 经济效益分析 Economic and Efficiency Analysis 财务评估 Financial Evaluation 管理维护办法及组织订定 Regulation for the Management, Maintenance and Organization建筑类常见英语词汇a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据b. DESIGN STAGE 设计阶段c. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称e. ROOFING & CEILING 屋面及天棚f. WALL(CLADDING) 墙体(外墙

29、板)g. FLOOR & TRENCH 地面及地沟h. DOORS 、GLASS、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件I. STAIRCASE、LANDING & LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯j. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语【 Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦】【Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石】【Cement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土】【Facing And Plastering Materials

30、饰面及粉刷材料】【Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉】【Timber 木材】【Metallic Materials 金属材料】【Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属】【Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料】【Building Hardware 建筑五金】【Paint 油漆】k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语【Discipline 专业】【Conventional Terms 一般通用名词】【Architectural Physics 建筑物理】【Name Of Professional r

31、ole 职务名称】【Drafting 制图】a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据计划建议书 planning proposals设计任务书 design order标准规范standards and codes条件图 information drawing设计基础资料 basic data for design工艺流程图 process flowchart工程地质资料 engineering geological data原始资料 original data设计进度 schedule of designb. STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段方案 scheme, draft草图 sk

32、etch会谈纪要summary of discussion谈判 negotiation可行性研究 feasibility study初步设计 preliminary design基础设计 basic design详细设计 detail design询价图 enquiry drawing施工图 working drawing, construction drawing竣工图 as built drawingc. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件日照 sunshine风玫瑰 wind rose主导风向 prevailing wind direction最大(平均)风速 maximum

33、(mean) wind velocity风荷载 wind load最大(平均)降雨量 maximum (mean) rainfall雷击及闪电 thunder and lightning飓风 hurricane台风 typhoon旋风 cyclone降雨强度rainfall intensity年降雨量 annual rainfall湿球温度 wet bulb temperature干球温度 dry bulb temperature冰冻期 frost period冰冻线 frost line冰冻区 frost zone室外计算温度 calculating outdoor temperature采

34、暖地区 region with heating provision不采暖地区 region without heating provision绝对大气压 absolute atmospheric pressure相对湿度 relative humidityd. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称办公室 office服务用房 service room换班室 shift room休息室 rest room (break room)起居室 living room浴室 bathroom淋浴间 shower更衣室 locker room厕所 lavatory门厅 lobby诊室 clini

35、c工作间 workshop电气开关室 switchroom走廊 corridor档案室 archive电梯机房 lift motor room车库 garage清洁间 cleaning room会议室(正式) conference room会议室 meeting room衣柜间 ward robe暖风间 H.V.A.C room饭店 restaurant餐厅canteen, dining room厨房 kitchen入口 entrance接待处 reception area会计室 accountant room秘书室 secretary room电气室 electrical room控制室 c

36、ontrol room工长室 foreman office开关柜室 switch gear前室 antecabinet (Ante.)生产区 production area马达控制中心 Mcc多功能用房 utility room化验室 laboratory room经理室 manager room披 屋(阁楼) penthouse警卫室 guard housee. ROOFING AND CEILING 屋面及天棚女儿墙 parapet雨蓬 canopy屋脊 roof ridge坡度 slope坡跨比 pitch分水线 water-shed二毡三油 2 layers of felt & 3 c

37、oats of bitumastic附加油毡一层 extra ply of felt檐口 eave挑檐 overhanging eave檐沟 eave gutter平屋面 flat roof坡屋面 pitched roof雨水管 downspout, rain water pipe)(R.W.P)汇水面积 catchment area泛水 flashing内排水 interior drainage外排水 exterior drainage滴水 drip屋面排水 roof drainage找平层 leveling course卷材屋面 built-up roofing天棚 ceiling檩条 p

38、urlin屋面板 roofing board天花板 ceiling board防水层 water-proof course检查孔 inspection hole人孔 manhole吊顶 suspended ceiling, false ceiling檐板(窗帘盒) cornicef. WALL (CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)砖墙 brick wall砌块墙 block wall清水砖墙 brick wall without plastering抹灰墙 rendered wall石膏板墙 gypsum board, plaster board空心砖墙 hollow brick wall承重

39、墙 bearing wall非承重墙 non-bearing wall纵墙 longitudinal wall横墙 transverse wall外墙 external (exterior) wall内墙 internal (interior) wall填充墙 filler wall防火墙 fire wall窗间墙 wall between window空心墙 cavity wall压顶 coping圈梁 gird, girt, girth玻璃隔断 glazed wall防潮层 damp-proof course (D.P.C)遮阳板 sunshade阳台 balcony伸缩缝 expansi

40、on joint沉降缝 settlement joint抗震缝 seismic joint复合夹心板 sandwich board压型单板 corrugated single steel plate外墙板 cladding panel复合板 composite panel轻质隔断 light-weight partition牛腿 bracket砖烟囱 brick chimney勒脚(基座) plinthg. FLOOR AND TRENCH 地面及地沟地坪 grade地面和楼面 ground and floor素土夯实 rammed earth炉渣夯实 tamped cinder填土 fill

41、ed earth回填土夯实 tamped backfill垫层 bedding course, blinding面层 covering, finish结合层 bonding (binding) course找平层 leveling course素水泥浆结合层 neat cement binding course混凝土地面 concrete floor水泥地面 cement floor机器磨平混凝土地面 machine trowelled concrete floor水磨石地面 terrazzo flooring马赛克地面 mosaic flooring瓷砖地面 ceramic tile flo

42、oring油地毡地面 linoleum flooring预制水磨 石地面 precast terrazzo flooring硬木花地面 hard-wood parquet flooring搁栅 joist硬木毛地面 hard-wood rough flooring企口板地面tongued and grooved flooring防酸地面 acid-resistant floor钢筋混凝土楼板 reinforced concrete slab (R.C Slab)乙烯基地面 vinyl flooring水磨石嵌条 divider strip for terrazzo地面做2%坡 floor wi

43、th 2% slope集水沟 gully集水口 gulley排水沟 drainage trench沟盖板 trench cover活动盖板 removable cover plate集水坑 sump pit孔翻边 hole up stand电缆沟 cable trenchh. DOORS,GLASS,WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件木 (钢)门 wooden (steel) door镶板门 panelled door夹板门 plywood door铝合金门 aluminum alloy door卷帘门 roller shutter door弹簧

44、门 swing door推拉门 sliding door平开门 side-hung door折叠门 folding door旋转门 revolving door玻璃门 glazed door密闭门 air-Tight door保温门 thermal insulating door镀锌铁丝网门 galvanized steel wire mesh door防火门 fire door(大门上的)小门 wicket门框 door frame门扇 door leaf门洞 door opening结构开洞 structural opening单扇门 single door双扇门 double door疏

45、散门 emergency door纱门 screen door门槛 door sill门过梁 door lintel上冒头 top rail下冒头 bottom rail门边木 stile门樘侧料 side jumb槽口 notch木窗 wooden window钢窗 steel window铝合金窗 aluminum alloy window百叶窗 (通风为主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind)塑钢窗 plastic steel window空腹钢窗 hollow steel window固定窗 fixed window平开窗 side-hu

46、ng window推拉窗 sliding window气窗 transom上悬窗 top-hung window中悬窗 center-pivoted window下悬窗 hopper window活动百叶窗 adjustable louver天窗 skylight老虎窗 dormer window密封双层玻璃 sealed double glazing钢筋混凝土过梁 reinforced concrete lintel钢筋砖过梁 reinforced brick lintel窗扇 casement sash窗台 window sill窗台板 window board窗中梃 mullion窗横木 mutin窗边木 stile压缝条 cover mould窗帘盒 curtain box合页(铰链) hinge (butts)转轴 pivot长脚铰链 parliament hinge闭门器 door closer地弹簧 floor closer插销 bolt门锁 door lock拉手 pull链条 chain


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