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1、1. Give me about it.A. some newsesB. some good newsC. some piece of newsD. some piece of good news2. May I ask you , mum? Yes, what is it? A. some thingB. anythingC. a problemD. some questions3. In China, people put their first.A. given namesB. full namesC. familynamesD. first names4. Yellow River i

2、s second longest river in China?A. The; /B. /; theC. /; /D. The; The5. Italy is European country. A. a B. an C. the D. /6. Peter is ill. He has been in hospital for two days. A. a B. an C. the D. /7. Can you see one-eyed cow? A. a B. an C. /8. Greens are on visit to beautiful cities in China? A. /;

3、the B. The; /C. The; aD. /; a9. This is empty bottle. Could you give me full one? A. the; the B. an; aC. a; aD. /; a10. Mr Black didnt go to work yesterday because he was ill in bed.A. theB. aC. an D. /11. There is “u” in the word “use”.A. anB. a C. no D. the12. I have been waiting for him for an ho

4、ur and half. A. the B. one C. an D. a13. Do you know daughter she is? A. whosB. whoes C. whoseD. who 14. He asked three men, Bob, Joe and , to get ready. A. I B. me C. himself D. her15. Lets go and get some water. There in the bottle. A. arent much B. arent manyC. isnt muchD. arent any16. You cant l

5、eave the baby by . He is too young. A. myselfB. yourselfC. himselfD. herself17. Lets clean room first and later. A. theirs; oursB. their; ourC. their; oursD. theirs; our18. If you want a ticket for a roundtrip, sir, youll have to pay 80.A. otherB. othersC. othersD. another19. We found important to p

6、rotect all animals. A. itB. thisC. thatD. what20. There were schools in my hometown before. But now there are quite .A. a few, manyB. few, a fewC. many, manyD. some, much21. of them likes making things. A. BothB. Either C. All D. Two22. Come on Monday or Tuesday . is OK. A. Both B. Either C. All D.

7、Two 23. You may keep this book for two weeks. But you mustnt lend it to .A. otherB. the others C. othersD. anothers24. Which is day of a week? Thursday .A. fifthB. the fifthC. fiveD. the five25. We have learned about these years. A. several hundreds English wordsB. hundreds of English wordsC. hundre

8、d of English wordsD. several hundred English word26. Two days are not enough for me to finish the work. I need day.A. otherB. the otherC. the thirdD. a third27. It took him to finish his work yesterday. A. two and a half hourB. two and a half hoursC. a half and two hourD. two hour and a half28. Hube

9、i is the north of China. A. inB. atC. onD. to29. English is widely used travelers and business people all over the world.A. byB. for C. asD. to30. Ive got the key the lock.A. toB. ofC. onD. by31. There is a window the wall.A. inB. onC. atD. of32. The man was killed a stone (石头). A. usingB. withC. in

10、D. on 33. The boy ran the road. It is too dangerous. A. throughB. crossC. acrossD. past34. They met a fine morning September. A. in, in B. on, inC. on, onD. in, on35. Thirty years has passed his fathers death. A. forB. since C. after D. when 36. English, he also studies history and Chinese. A. Excep

11、t B. Beside C. Besides37. My uncle doesnt have much money, he always enjoys himself.A. andB. soC. butD. or38. Bill might phone while Im out this evening. If he , could you take a message?A. doesB. mightC. phonedD. did39. You may go fishing if your homework .A. is doneB. will be doneC. has doneD. hav

12、e done40. Meimei has received several letters from her hometown since she to the city.A. comesB. cameC. has comeD. will come41. He was riding to school he was hit by a car this morning.A. whileB. whenC. soD. as42. Youd better do it your mother did. A. whenB. asC. likeD. because43. The box is heavy I

13、 cant carry it.A. too, toB. so, thatC. very, thatD. too, that44. Stop cutting trees, the earth will become worse and worse.A. andB. if C. butD. or45. Ill go with you as soon as he . A. come B. comes C. will come D. came46. It looks and sells these days. A. well, well B. good, nice C. nice, good C. n

14、ice, well47. They have just cleaned the windows, so the room looks .A. more brighterB. more brightC. less brightD. much brighter48. Usually he spends time doing homework than Xiao Chen does.A. littleB. lessC. fewD. fewer49. English people use “Mr” before a mans first name.A. sometimesB. usuallyC. ne

15、verD. often50. Johnny doesnt sing the other boys and girls in his class.A. so good asB. as good likeC. so well asD. as well like51. Would you please say it ? I still cant follow you. A. loudlyB. slowlyC. more slowlyD. more loudly52. Look, this moon cake is of all. A. niceB. nicerC. the nicestD. the

16、niceest 53. carefully before you buy a new house.A. ThinkingB. Think aboutC. ThinkD. Thinking about54. Will you please tell John to come to my office? . A. Yes, I do.B. Ill be gladC. Thank youD. Ill be glad to55. Wang Hai his work and now he is watching TV.A. has finishedB. finishedC. will finishD.

17、finishes56. How long has the foreigner here? He has here for several hours.A. arrived, comeB. come, gotC. stayed, beenD. left, been away57. Be careful. Dont your hands dirty.A. keepB. getC. haveD. let58. She tried, but she . A. fell B. fail C. feel D. got it59. Have you been to Hainan? Yes, I there

18、three years ago.A. have beenB. wentC. have goneD. went to60. We saw him the building and go upstairs.A. to enterB. enteredC. enteringD. enter61. Youd better at once. A. to start B. start C. starting D. started62. All my classmates except Wu Lin interested in singing English songs.A. is B. areC. beD.

19、 am63. Please something about the picture.A. tellB. sayC. speakD. talk64. I am sorry to keep you . It doesnt matter. Ive just come.A. waitB. waitedC. waitingD. to wait65. Please wait here. Ill come back soon. All right. Well the library you come back.A. leave, untilB. reach, tillC. stay at, tillD. w

20、ait for, until66. There very little rain here.A. hasB. has beenC. are D. have been67. Can you tell me when for London?A. leavingB. leavesC. will you leave D. you will leave68. Neither he nor I from Canada. A. is B. come C. are D. comes69. away the old books and me that new one.A. Bring, bring B. Bri

21、ng, takeC. Take, bringD. Take, take70. On my way to work, I heard someone .A. cryingB. criedC. to cryD. is crying71. Both Lily and Lucy to the party yesterday. A. invited B. was invitedC. had invitedD. were invited72. Neither of them on the school basketball team. A. are B. Is C. was D. be73. Mr. Jo

22、hns story by everyone who heard it.A. was laughedB. was laughed atC. laughed atD. laughed74. The letter is in French. A. writing B. wrote C. writes D. written75. Betty is a good girl. She is often seen the old man with his housework. A. helpB. to helpC. helpsD. helped76. Have all the students known

23、that our class will visit the factory this afternoon? Yes, every student about it.A. tellsB. toldC. was toldD. has told77. Mary. A. Her name is called B. Her name calls C. She calls D. She is named78. The cloths very soft. A. are felt B. are feeling C. feel D. feels79. This kind of car can everywher

24、e in China.A. seeB. be seenC. been sawD. be able to see80. My shoes need . A. mending B. to mend C. mendedD. being mended81. I know that the children there.A. will look afterB. will be look afterC. would be looked afterD. look after82. Dont worry. The doctor . A. has been sent forB. was send forC. w

25、ill be sentD. sent for83. I found the door when I got there. A. open B. be opened C. to open D. opened84. good care of the vegetables, and they will grow better. A. TakingB. TakeC. TookD. To take85. I prefer my lessons movies.A. to go over, to seeB. go over, rather than seeC. going over, to be seenD

26、. going over, to seeing86. It looks like . Youd better your raincoat.A. to rain, to takeB. raining, takeC. rain, takeD. rain, to take87. On his way , he found a boy .A. to home, cryingB. home, to cryC. home, cryingD. to home, cried88. I think the work . A. easily to do B. easily to be done C. easy t

27、o do D. easy to do it89. We have not yet decided there by bus or on foot.A. to getB. how to getC. why to getD. whether to get90. He seems about it a few times.A. complain B. to complainC. complainedD. complaining91. Why report it to the headmaster? A. not youB. youC. dont D. not92. The boy needs to

28、. A. look after B. be look after C. be looked D. be looked after 93. I hope to the party.A. to inviteB. to be invitedC. inviteD. be invited94. They did all they could the child.A. to saveB. saveC. be savedD. saved95. 8 years since I left my hometown.A. It wasB. It isC. There wasD. There is96. 8 year

29、s long time. A. are B. is aC. is D. are a97. Please dont talk loudly in the hospital, you ?A. can B. could C. doD. will98. The dress cost money that she couldnt afford to buy it.A. too muchB. so muchC. much tooD. very much99. By was the window broken yesterday?A. whomB. whichC. howD. whose100. colou

30、r do you like best, green, red or yellow?A. WhatB. WhichC. What aD. How101. There is something wrong with machine, ?A. isnt itB. isnt theyC. isnt thereD. is there102. You know nothing about it, you? A. do B. dont C. are D. will103. I dont know when she , but when she , I you know.A. comes, will come

31、, letB. will come, comes, will letC. will come, comes, letD. comes, comes, let104. Are you a teacher or a worker? . A. Yes, I am a teacherB. Yes, I am a workerC. No, I am not a teacher D. I am a worker. 105. He spoke in a weak voice, so nobody could himA. listenB. listen toC. hearD. sound106. He is

32、old enough to work, but he still his parents.A. looks afterB. depends onC. waits forD. looks like107. Whats the boy going to do when he school?A. finishedB. finishesC. will finishD. finish108. Have they their new workmates yet?A. had friends withB. made friend withC. got friend to D. made friends wi

33、th109. These are my books, and are on the shelf.A. theyB. theirC. themD. theirs110. If he harder, he will catch up with us. A. workB. workedC. worksD. will work111. Are you Chinese or Japanese? A. a B. / C. the D. one112. Do you know what time ?A. does the train leaveB. leaves the trainC. the train

34、leaveD. the train leaves113. Would you mind looking after my dog when I am on holiday? . A. Of course notB. Yes. Id be happy toC. Not at all. Ive no time. D. Yes, please.114. What can I do for you? . A. Yes, you can give me a shirt . B. Id like a shirt. C. No, I can do it myselfD. I can do what I wa

35、nt115. The little boy ate a big meal he said he wasnt hungry. A. if B. thoughC. becauseD. as116. Kate won the race in the summer sports meeting. A. 100-meterB. 100-metersC. 100 meterD. 100 meters117. Sorry, we already have people in the car, so there for this box.A. is a little roomB. are no roomsC. is little roomD. are few rooms118. Where is Tom? He to the teachers office.A. is goneB.


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