1、1992 年六级英语答案 【篇一: 1992 年 1 月大学英语六级真题试卷】part i listening comprehension (20 minutes)section a1. a) children learn by example.b) children must not tell lies.c) children don t like discipline. d) children must control their temper.2. a) the man was very happy with his published article.b) the marking sy
2、stem in the university is excellent.c) the article was rejected. d) the article was cut short.3. a) he is rude to his students. b) he is strict with his students.c) he is kind and often gives good grades.d) he is strange and hates good students.4. a) he is going to china.b) he is very interested in
3、china.c) he likes stamps. d) he likes travelling.5. a) opposite the shoe store. b) in the middle of a street. c) at the corner of a street.d) right outside the shoe store.6. a) the woman cannot go to the party.b) the man will meet the woman at the party.c) the woman has not got the invitation yet.d)
4、 the woman will try to go to the party by all means.7. a) he wants to have some medicine. b) the nurse didn t give him an injection on time. c) the nurse should have shown up at two o clock in themorning.d) he wants to make an appointment with the doctor. 8. a) some salad.b) some dessert. c) just hi
5、mself. d) enough food.9. a) they will fail the test.b) the exam is easy.c) the grades will be around 40.d) they might pass the test. 10. a) the woman shouldn t go to the u.s. with her brother. b) the woman hasn t been allowed to be absent from class.c) the woman can go to the airport to meet her bro
6、ther.d) the woman can go and see her brother off.section b passage one questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have justheard. 11. a) because they want to follow the rapidly growing hobby. b) because they want to show they are wealthy people. c) because they want to hold an exhibition. d) be
7、cause they want to return to the past and to invest moneyfor profit.12. a) 150,000. b) 500,000. c) 250,000. d) 1,000,000.13. a) those which are old and inexpensive.b) those which are unique or unusual.c) those which are practical.d) those which are still fashionable.passage two questions 14 to 17 ar
8、e based on the passage you have justheard.14. a) because they were ordered to. b) because they were in danger. c) because the plane was going to fly in circles. d) because the plane climbed again. 15. a) over the airport.b) over the land. c) over the sea.d) over the mountains.16. a) because there wa
9、s something wrong with it.b) because the weather changed suddenly.c) because there were no lights at the airport.d) because too many planes were waiting to take off or land.17. a) some time after five.b) some time after four.c) a few minutes before four. d) a few minutes before six. passage three qu
10、estions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have justbeard.18. a) people in venice don t like walking. b) the buildings there float on water. c) cars are seldom used in venice. d) boat rides there are expensive.19. a) about four hundred. b) about seven hundred. c) twenty.d) one hundred and twenty.
11、20. a) the boats can t pass under the bridges. b) the islands will be disconnected. c) while passing under the bridges, people in the boats haveto lower their heads.d) the bridges will be damaged. part ii reading comprehension (35 minutes)passage one questions 21 to 25 are based on the following pas
12、sage. lecturing as a method of teaching is so frequently underattack today from educational psychologists and by studentsthat some justification is needed to keep it. critics believe thatis results in passive methods of learning which tend to be lesseffective than those which fully engage the learne
13、r. they alsomaintain that students have no opportunity to ask questionsand must all receive the same content at the same pace, thatthey are exposed only to one teacher s interpretation ofsubject matter which will certainly be limited and that, anyway,few lectures rise above dullness. nevertheless, i
14、n a number ofinquiries this pessimistic evaluation of lecturing as a teachingmethod proves not to be general among students althoughthey do fairly often comment on poor lecturing techniques. students praise lectures which are clear and orderly outlinesin which basic principles are emphasized but dis
15、like toonumerous digressions ( 离题) or lectures which consist in partof the contents of a textbook. students of science subjectsconsider that a lecture is a good way to introduce a newsubject, putting it in its value as a period of discussion ofproblems and possible solutions with their lecturer. the
16、y donot look for inspiration ( 灵感 ) this is more commonlymentioned by teachers but arts students look for originalityin lectures. medical and dental students who have reports onteaching methods, or specifically on lecturing, suggest thatthere should be fewer lectures or that, at the least, more woul
17、dbe unpopular.21. the passage states that _. a) few students dislike lecturing as a teaching method b) lecturing is a good method of teaching c) lecturing as a teaching method proves to be uninspiring d) most students like lectures because they can fully engagethe learner22. according to the critics
18、, a) lectures can t make students active in their studies b) some lecturers knowledge of their subjects limitedc) most lectures are similar in contentd) few lectures are dull 23. according to this passage, students dislike lectures which_.a) introduce mat la not included in the textbookb) present ma
19、ny problems for discussionc) always wander from the subjectd) stress the main points 24. lecturing as a teaching method is less appreciated by_.a) dental teachers b) medical students c) arts lecturersd) science learners 25. according to the author, the evaluation of lecturing as ateaching method by
20、educationalpsychologists is _. a) defensiveb) conservative c) realistic d) negative passage twoquestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. from the moment that an animal is born it has to makedecisions. it has to decide which of the things around it are foreating, and which are to be avoi
21、ded when to attack and whento run away. the animal is, in effect, playing a complicated andpotentially very dangerous game with its environment,discomfort or destruction. this is a difficult and unpleasant business and few animalswould survive if they had to start from the beginning and learnabout t
22、he world wholly by trial and error, for there are the havepossible decisions which would prove fatal. so we find, inpractice, that the game is always arranged in favour of theyoung animal in one way or another. either the animal isprotected during the early stages of its learning about theworld arou
23、nd it, or the knowledge of which way to respond isbuilt into its nervous system from the start. the fact that animals behave sensibly can be attributed partlyto what we might call genetic ( 遗传的 ) learning, to distinguish itfrom the individual learning that an animal does in the courseof its own life
24、 time. genetic learning is learning by a species asa whole, and it is achieved by selection of those members ofeach generation that happen to behave in the right way.however, genetic learning depends upon a prediction that thefuture will more or less exactly resemble the past. the morevariable indiv
25、idual experience is likely to be, the less efficientis genetic learning as a means of getting over the problems ofthe survival game. it is not surprising to find that very fewspecies indeed depend wholly upon genetic learning. in thegreat majority of animals, behaviour is a compound ofindividual exp
26、erience and genetic learning to behave inparticular ways. 26. according to the first paragraph, the survival game isconsidered potentially very dangerous because_.a) animals are constantly threatened by attacks b) wrong decisions will lead to the disappearance of a species c) decisions made by an an
27、imal may turn out to be fatal d) few animals can survive in their struggle with theenvironment 27. it is implied but not directly stated in the passage thatmost animals _. a) are likely to make wrong decisions b) have made correct decisions for their survival c) depend entirely on their parents in l
28、earning about the worldaround them【篇二: 1992 年 6 月六级真题及答案】class=txtpart i listening comprehension ( 20 minutes)section a 1. a) she doesnt like the collar. b) she doesnt like silk. c) she doesnt like white dresses. d) she doesnt think its hersize. 2. a) the scene of the old mans death shocked her. b)
29、the scene of the old mans death frightened her. c) the scene of the old mans death moved her. d) the scene of the old mans death upset her. 3. a) she didnt get what she wanted. b) she was given avegetable salad. c) she found the fruit not fresh enough. d) she had beenovercharged.4. a) jim must have
30、copied from john.b) he doesnt seen to like the two compositions.c) john must have copied from jim.d) one must have copied from the other.5. a) they want to wear special clothes.b) they want other people to watch them dance.c) they want to celebrate their festivals.d) they want to enjoy themselves. 6
31、. a) $40. b) $30. c) $25. d) $14. 7. a) an experienced nurse. b) a shop assistant. c) the mans old friend. d) secretary of a company. 8. a) jane is sick. b) jane is with her sister. c) jane wont come.d) jane will call back this evening. 9. a) she has to take the final exams.,b) she has to get herpap
32、er done.c) shell celebrate her 25th birthday. d) she will practise typing.10. a) taking a rest. b) paying a visit.c) making a purchase. d) making an appointment.section b passage one questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have justheard. 11. a) to settle down in the u.s. b) to get his docto
33、rs degree. c) to become a professor.d) to finish high school. 12. a) in the ministry of education. b) in the ministry ofagriculture.c) at a university. d) at a hospital.13. a) because they think thats where they belong.b) because africa is developing rapidly.c) because they are drawn by high salarie
34、s.d) because they are drawn by good opportunities.passage two questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have justheard.14. a) he offered them to those in need.b) he kept them for his own use.c) he sold them to bike shops.d) he gave them to his relatives as christmas gifts.15. a) he wanted to g
35、et the mans old bike.b) he wanted to know the price of the new bike.c) he wanted to know what was new of the mans bike.d) he wanted to repair the old bike for the man.16. a) his interest in doing the job.b) his wish to help others.c) his intention to learn a trade.d) his ambition to become known and
36、 popular.passage three questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have justheard. 17. a) the desigher of the white house. b) the first resident ofthe white house. c) one of the u.s. presidents. d) a specialist of americanhistory.18. a) to add to the beauty of the building.b) to follow the origi
37、nal design.c) to wipe out the stains left behind by the war.d) to make the building look more comfortable.19. a) right after it was rebuilt.b) during the administration of john adams.c) when theodore roosevelt was president.d) after many other names had been given to it.20. a) it has been changed se
38、veral times.b) it has never been changed.c) it was changed after the war of 1812.d) it was changed during roosevelts presidency.part ii reading comprehension (35 minutes) passage one questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage: what do charles darwin, nicholas copernicus and frank j.sullow
39、ay have in common? the first two, of course, wererevolutionary scientific thinkers: copernicus established thatthe earth revolves around the sun;darwin discovered naturalselection. and sulloway? hes a historian of science atmassachusetts institute of technology who has discoveredsomething else these
40、 two men - and, indeed, most of the majorpioneers in science over the last 400 years- have in common:they were, like sulloway himself, preceded in birth by at leastone other brother or sister. birth order, he found, is the mostreliable indicator of whether a scientist will embrace or attackradical n
41、ew ideas. the third of four children, sulloway has spent 20 yearssearching out the birth order of 2, 784 scientists who were onone side or the other of 28 scientific revolutions since the 16thcentury. he discovered that 23 of the 28 revolutions were ledby later - borns. sulloway focused on the male
42、- dominated world of scienceand the sole issue he measured was willingness to challengeestablished opinions. those least likely to accept new theorieswere firstborns with younger brothers or sisters. the mostradical were younger sons with at least one older brother.according to sulloway s theory, fi
43、rstborn children identify morereadily with parental au- thority because, among other things,they are often put in charge of younger brothers orsisters.through this identification, firstborns absorb the norms(规范,准则) and values of society in ways that subsequentchildren do not. the older child gets re
44、sponsibility. theyyounger one tests the limits, tries to see what he can get awaywith.21. what is the main idea of the passage?a) later- borns are more intelligent than firstborns. b) revolutionary thinkers tend to recognize the influence ofbirth order. c) major scientists always have something in c
45、ommon in theirway of thinking. d) ones behaviour is often determined by birth order 22. the historian of science mentioned in the passage is of thefamily.a) the youngest childb) neither the eldest nor the youngest childc) the only child d) the eldest child23. the 2,784 scientists sulloway studieda)
46、had led 23 of the 28 scientific revolutions b) were preceded in birth by at least one brother or sister c) had either supported or opposed revolutionary ideas d) had dominated the world of science for 400 years 24. according to sulloway s theory, who is most likely tochallenge established ideas of s
47、cience?a) the only son with younger sisters.b) those who identify more readily with parental authority.c) the only child of a family.d) a person with at least one older brother or sister. 25. the authors attitude towards sulloways birth order theoryisa) criticalb) defensive c) neutral d) inconsisten
48、tpassage two questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage: the individual mobility, convenience, and status given by theprivate passenger car offer a seemingly unbeatable attraction.in 1987, a record 126,000 cars rolled off assembly lines eachworking day, and close to 400 million vehicles c
49、hoke up theworlds streets today. but the cars usefulness to the individual stands in sharpcontrast to the costs and burdens that society must shoulderto provide an automobile- centered transportation system.since the clays of hey ford, societies have made a steadystream of laws to protect drivers fr
50、om each other andthemselves, as well as to protect the general public from theunintended effects of massive automobile use. law makershave struggled over the competing goals of unlimited mobilityand the individual s fight to be free of the noise, pollution, andphysical dangers that the automobile of
51、ten brings. prior to the seventies, the auto s usefulness and assured rolein society were hardly questioned. even worries about uprisinggas prices and future fuel availability subsided( 减退 ) in theeighties almost as quickly as they had emerged. car salesrecovered, driving is up, and wealthy customer
52、s are once moreshopping for highperformance cars.the motor vehicle industrys apparent success in dealing withthe challenges of the seven- ties has obscured the harmfullong - term trends of automobile centered transportation.rising gasoline consumption will before long put increasedpressure on oil pr
53、oduction capacities. in addition, as more andmore people can afford their own cars and as massmotorization takes hold, traffic jam becomes a tough problem.and motor vehicles are important contributors to urban airpollution, acid rain, and global warming. societys interest in fuel supply security, th
54、e integrity of itscities, and protection of the en- vironment calls for afundamental rethinking of the automobiles role. stricter fueleconomy and pollution standards are the most obvious andimmediate measures that can be adopted. but they can only bepart of the answer. in the years ahead, the challe
55、nge will be todevelop innovative ( 革新的 ) transportation policies. 26. which of the following is true according to the firstparagraph?a) a good car indicates its owners high social position.b) a good car allows its owner to travel free.c) a car provides its owner with a sense of safety.d) a car adds
56、to its owners attractiveness. 27. the phrase rolled off assembly lines(para. 1, lines 2 - 3)means a) were turned out from factoriesb) moved along productionlinesc) moved along the streetsd) were lined up in the streets28. the passage states that there is a) a sharp contrast between the cost and usef
57、ulness of thecars b) a sharp contrast between the cost and performance of thecars c) a sharp conflict between car drivers and traffic rules d) a sharp contradiction between the convenience of carowners and the burdens of society29. it is implied that the autos assured role in society isa) threatened
58、 by the rising gas pricesb) challenged by a series of fundamental problemsc) protected by law d) firmly established30. stricter fuel economy and pollution standards area) only part of the solution to massive automobile useb) the best way to cope with the massive use of carsc) innovative transportation policiesd) future policies of the automobile
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