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1、塔吊施工方案Tower Crane Installation Method Statement一、概况 General根据工程垂直吊装需要,在反应器框架南侧树立三台QTZ40塔吊。塔吊基础位于5、18、30轴。基础长4 m,宽4m,高1.4 m,均为C30钢筋砼。QTZ40塔式起重机为水平臂架、小车变幅、上回转自升式多用途塔机。所要安装的塔机起重臂架长43m,塔机有效使用高度为30m,根据实际情况需要安装12节标准节架,本机采取独立固定式安装。3 QTZ40 tower cranes will be installed at the south side of reactor as per t

2、he requirement of vertical lifting for this project. The foundation of tower crane will be located on axis 5, 18 and 30. The foundation length is 4m, width 4m, height 1.4m, the foundation is made by C30 reinforcement cement. This crane is a kind of multipurpose rising slewing and self-elevating cran

3、e with the horizontal boom frame and trolley driving mechanism. Its loading boom is 43m long and the required effective operational height of the tower shall be about 30m with one piece of fixed mast/section and 12 pieces of add on sections with the isolated and firm tower crane foundation.QTZ40塔式起重

4、机部件重量表List of Structure Members Weight of QTZ40 Tower Crane序号No.部件名称Description数 量Quaty重量(kg)Weight备 注Remark1起重臂Lifting Boom12530含变幅机构with amplitude mechanism2平衡臂Balance Boom12399含起升机构with lifting mechanism3撑架系统Supporting System11073含拉杆with topping lift4上下转台Up and Down Swivel Table11742含回转机构、回转支撑wit

5、h rotary unit and bearing5回转塔身Pivoting Tower15606标准节Add on Section12579/节7爬升架Climbing Shelf119748司机室Cab12819吊钩Hook112010小车Trolley111511电气系统Electric Mechanism120012平衡重Balance Weight51458/块pcs二、QTZ40塔式起重机安装施工工序 Assembly Procedure of QTA100C Tower Crane 定位放线土方开挖垫层砼浇注基础模板支设钢筋绑扎预埋螺栓安装基础砼浇筑拆模砼养护塔机基础验收塔机安装

6、塔机调整试运转。Setting out earth excavation lean concrete pouring foundation formwork installation rebar tying embedded bolt installation foudnation concrete pouring formwork removed concrete curing tower crane foundation acceptance tower crane installation tower crane adjustment testing operation三、 QTZ40塔

7、式起重机施工方法及技术措施Assembly Method and Technical Measures for QTZ40 Tower Crane(一)、基础施工 Foundation ConstructionA定位放线及土方开挖 Setting-out and earth excavation1、根据工程结构形式,塔吊距离基础边200mm,位于5轴18轴和30轴线。具体见平面布置图According to the project structure form, the distance between tower crane and foundation edge is 200mm, loc

8、ated on axis 5, 18 and 30. The detailed information refers plan layout.2、开挖区域内土质较好,开挖深度不深,根据规范要求以及现场土方施工经验,决定采取小放坡开挖措施,放坡系数为1:0.5,工作面为1m。开挖前由测量人员将开挖线用白灰开挖时采用一台1m3反铲挖土机两辆自卸汽车进行开挖,一次开挖到位,开挖时预留100200mm厚进行人工清槽。The excavated soil is in good condition, the excavated earth with much deep, according to the

9、requirement of specification and site earth construction experience, we will adopt small slop excavation measurement with the slope factor 1:0.5, and 1m operating surface. Surveyor will mark the excavated erea with white lime before excavation, 1m3 backhoe equipped with two dump truck for excavation

10、, excavate it well in one time, preserve 100-200mmthk soil for manual clear.3、土方由自卸车运土到业主指定区域,保证施工现场文明、整洁。 The soil will be transported by dump truck to the area designed by owner, do housekeeping. B模板工程 Formwork1基础模板均采用定型钢模,不足部分采用木方嵌补。Steel formwork will be used for foundation, and the shortage par

11、t will be filled with timber.2模板支撑采用48*3.5钢管,模板横向背楞三道,竖向立杆间距为1200mm,斜撑横向间距为1200mm。本基础均为方形,所以模板加固重点靠锁口,上下口各一道。48*3.5 steel pipe used for formwork supporting, with three horizontal back supporting, the intervals between vertical poles, the horizontal interval of bracings is 1200mm. The shape of this f

12、oundation is squareness, so the key reinforcing point is shaft, each one reinforcing for up and down opening. 3预埋螺栓精度要求高,预埋螺栓采用钢筋制作固定架,上下各一道。在安装预埋件之前,将在垫层上放出其中心“十”字线,每根螺栓都放出定位线,并用红漆标识。螺栓标高将采用水准仪控制其标高。当位置放准后,将固定架用钢筋与固定钢管或模板之间焊接。Embedded bolt with a high precision, fixed shelf made by rebar for embedd

13、ed bolt with up and down. Setting-out the center of bedding course with “十” before embedded bolt installation, setting out the oriented line for each bole and mark it with red paint. Level instrument will be used for bolt elevation controlling. After the correct location is confirmed, the fixing rac

14、k will be welded with fixing steel pipe or formwork by rebar.C 钢筋工程 Rebar钢筋制作依据钢筋工长的料表进行下料,弯折。钢筋在钢筋棚集中下料,加工、制作成成品、半成品,拖运至现场绑扎成型。Rebar cutting and bending will be based on the fabrication schedule provide by the rebar foreman. Rebar will be cutted and bent at the rebar shed centralized, fabricated an

15、d manufactured to finished product and semi-product, then hauling to site for tying and modeling.钢筋绑扎必须划线带线进行,确保钢筋骨架成型尺寸,钢筋绑扎的扎丝要成到“八”字型.Rebar tying with marked line to ensure rebar framework dimension, and the steel wire for rebar tying will be ”八”.D 混凝土工程 Concrete 本基础采用商品砼,标号C30。混凝土运输车直接开到浇注位置,采用斜

16、板下料。留置一组试件。Ready mixed concrete with C30 will be used for this foundation. Concrete mixing truck will drive to pouring location directly, pouring with inclined plate. Leave 1 group of tested block.(二)QTZ40塔式起重机的安装 Assembly Procedure for QTZ40 Tower Crane2.1施工准备:Construction Preparation2.1.1 安装人员:现场指

17、挥1人,安全员1人,技术员1人,起重工1人, 钳工2人,电工1人,测量工1人。The following main workers are proposed to be mobilized: Site Signaler: 2; Technician 1; Rigger: 1 ; Riveter: 2; Electrician: 1; Surveyor: 安装及操作人员需熟悉塔机使用说明书和有关技术文件,技术人员必须在安装及试车前对安装人员分别进行有关的安全技术交底和技术交底。The mobilized workers must familiarize themselves wi

18、th the assembly instruction of tower crane and the other relative documents. Prior to installation and trial operation, the technician will organize safety & technical clarification and review meeting respectively for all construction person engaged in the works.2.2 将四个支腿放置在塔吊基础之上,用垫铁进行找平找正,找平找正后,再连

19、续将2节标准节吊装在底座之上,并用螺栓与下部结构连接,有踏步的两根主弦要平行于建筑物。Put the 4 landing legs on the tower crane foundation firstly, leveling and aligning it with shim, then lift the 2 Add on Section III on the pedestal, connect with the understructure by bolt, two chords with step shall parallel with the building. 2.3 在地面将上、下

20、支座、回转支承、回转机构、回转塔身、平台、司机室等装成一体吊装到塔身节上,用4个30的销轴和4个M423的高强螺栓将下支座分别与爬升架和塔身相连,回转支承与上下支座间分别用24个M22的高强螺栓连接,回转塔身与上支座用4个M423的高强螺栓连接。回转总成重2.302t,20t汽车吊选用主臂长20.75m,工作半径8m,额定起重量5.9t。Assemble the top and bottom turning platform, turning pivoting supporting, ratory unit, pivoting tower, platform and cab etc. into

21、 a whole together on the ground, then lift and install them onto the tower. 4 30 pin rolls and 4 M423 high strength bolt connect the bottom turning platform with climbing shelf and tower, pivoting supporting connect with top and bottom turning platform by 24 M423, pivoting tower and top turning plat

22、form will be connected with 4 M423. The total bearing weight of pivoting is 2.302t, the main boom length of 20t mobile crane is 20.75m , operating radius is 8m, rated lifting weight is 5.9t.(2.6+0.26+0.1)1.13.3(t) 5.9t满足需要。(2.6+0.26+0.1)1.13.3(t) 5.9t meet requirement.10m5m Crane 吊车 8m回转总成吊装立面图 Pivo

23、ting Total Lifting Elevation2.4 在地面拼装好平衡臂,并将卷扬机构、配电箱、电阻箱、力矩限制器等装在平衡臂上,接好各部分所需的电线,然后将平衡臂吊起来与回转塔身用4个40的销轴固接。平衡臂总重3t,20t汽车吊选用主臂长20.75m,工作半径8m,额定起重量5.9t,Assemble the balance boom on the ground, and fix the hoisting structure, distribution box, resistance box and moment restrainer on the balance boom, an

24、d connect the wire for each part need, and then lift the balance boom connect it with pivoting tower by 4 40 pin rolls. The total weight of balance boon is 3t, the main boom length of 20t mobile crane is 20.75m , operating radius is 8m, rated lifting weight is 5.9t.(3+0.26+0.1)1.13.7(t) 5.9t 满足需要。 (

25、3+0.26+0.1)1.13.7(t) 5.9t can meet the requirement 10m 5m 平衡臂吊装立面图Balance Boom Lifting Elevation 重心与水平面的垂直连线 plumb line between gravity and level 6m 7.895m 平衡臂吊点位置图 Balance Boom Lifting Point Location2.5 吊车仍站在吊装平衡臂的位置,吊装工况不变,吊起一块平衡重(1458Kg)放在平衡重支架的第一档(即里侧)。The crane shall stand on the location of li

26、fting balance boon, keep the lifting status, lift a block(1458Kg) on the the 1st shelves (inside) of the balance weight shelf. Balance Weight 平衡重5m *注意:Note: 安装过程中必须将起重臂牢牢销住,严禁吊臂回转,保证起重臂与引入塔身标准节的方向一致。Lifting boom shall be fixed during installation, boon cant pivot to ensure the direction of lifting

27、boon is the same with the entering to tower Add on Section. 若要连续加几个标准节,则每加完一节标准节后,用塔机自身起吊下一个标准节前,塔身节各主弦杆和下支座必须用M42螺栓连接牢固。If several Add on Section will be add continuously, each chord of town and bottom turning platform shall be connected firmly with M24 bolt after each Add on Section add finished,a

28、nd before the tower lifting the next Add on Section. 所加标准节上的踏步必须与已有的塔身节对准。The step of the added Add on Section shall align with the tower section.(三) QTZ40塔式起重机试运转:Test Run for QTZ40Tower Crane 3.1 运转前的准备Construction preparations prior to test run:3.1.1 组织有关人员进行检查,确认塔机已按说明书要求安装完毕,各连接部件、螺栓紧固可靠。检查钢丝绳的

29、磨损情况以及连接固定是否可靠。各润滑点是否已按要求加注润滑油。检查塔身的垂直度,塔身的垂直度必须在4/1000以内。Relative people shall be organized for inspection, and confirm that the tower crane installation have finished as per the requirment of instruction book, all part with bolt connection are firmness. Inspect the wear and tear condition of wire

30、rope and connection and fixing. Check whether lubricating faces and lubricating points are filled with oil. The verticality between tower body and the ground shall be less than 4/1000 without lifting load.3.1.2 检查电气系统,线路应连接牢固,各接触器、继电器接点工作应正常可靠,各安全装置灵敏可靠; 主电路控制回路中的绝缘电阻不小于0.5M,塔机的接地电阻应小于4。Check cable

31、routing and electrical systems, in which all circuits shall be connected firmly, all contacts and relays in good condition and all safety devices sensitive, and the insulation resistance in main control loop shall be not less than 0.5M and the grounding resistance of tower crane less than 试吊

32、用重物,索具,测量仪器应准备妥当。Objects, slings and measurement instruments for trial lifting shall be prepared properly.3.1.4 试车区域设警戒线,无关人员不得入内,塔机上方及工作半径范围内无障碍及高压线。Guard line shall be set around test-run area. Non-construction personnel cannot enter into the area. No obstructs exist above the tower crane and with

33、in the range of its operating radius.3.2 空负荷试验:No Load Test Run3.2.1 起升机构:吊钩起升,逐级调速至最高速,全行程反复起钩,落钩各三次,并试验上升极限位置限制器的灵敏度。Lifting Unit: repeatedly test three times in sequence: control the switch, slowly start lift quickly lift- slowly lift stop; then slowly lower quickly lower slowly lower stop, to ob

34、serve whether it is sensitive and correct.3.2.2 回转机构:向左转360,停车后再向右转360,反复三次。Rotary Unit: start the switch, rotate 360in clockwise and anticlockwise way and test three times in sequence: low speed high speed low speed, then stop and observe whether rotary brake and limiter are sensitive and reliable.

35、3.2.3 变幅机构: 开动起重小车来回行走三次, 并检验变幅限位指示器及限位的灵敏度。Amplitude Variation Unit: start the switch, change the amplitude of trolley and repeatedly test three times in sequence: go forward stop go backward, to observe whether amplitude limiter is correct and reliable.3.2.4 综合动作试验:起升、变幅、回转动作中的两个动作同时进行,反复进行三次。Gene

36、ral Action Test: Operate three actions of lifting, amplitude variation and rotation in the same time and repeatedly test three times.3.3 静负荷试验:Static Load Test空负荷试验合格后,才能做静负荷试验,其静负荷试验的最大载荷是额定载荷的125%。Static load test can be done only after no load test is acceptable, and load peak of static load test

37、 is 125% of the rated load.3.3.1 将起重小车调节到最小幅度(11.44m)位置,由50%额定载荷(2t)起吊,逐步加载75%(3t),100%(4t),直至125%额定载荷(5t),吊离地面100,保持10min,然后放下,注意观察全机倾斜情况,测定塔臂铰接点水平变位置(H/100)。观察电流电压变化情况,金属结构有无永久变形,制动器及传动机构是否可靠,超载限制器是否灵敏。The trolley is adjusted to the position of 11.44m amplitude, start lifting from 50% of rated loa

38、d(2t),gradually increase to 75% (3t), 100% (4t) up to 125% (5t)and lift away from the ground for 100mm and keep in the air for 10min., then put it down and observe the inclination situation of the whole tower crane and measure the horizontal displacement(H/100) at the hinge point of boom, and observ

39、e whether there is any changes occurring in current and voltage and any permanent deformations occuring in metal structures and whether brakes and rotary units are reliable and overload limiter is sensitive.3.3.2 试验过程中,如有异常,须停机修理调整至技术文件要求方可继续试机。During the period of testing, if there is any abnormal

40、conditions found, the tower crane must be shut down and the test cannot be continued until adjustments and repairs meet the technical requirements.3.3.3 静负荷试验只做起升机构,不做回转机构。Only lifting unit needs to do static load test and rotary unit does not need to do.3.4 额定载荷试验:Rated Load Test 在最大额定起重量和最大幅度时的额定起

41、重量两种工况下,即幅度1.711.44m、吊重4t和幅度40m、吊重0.87t,分别进行各项试验,其步骤如下:In two cases of the rated lifted load peak and the rated lifted load at Amplitude peak, i.e. when the amplitude is between 1.711.44m, lifted load is four(4) tons and when the amplitude is forty(40) meters, lifted load is 0.87t, all tests shall b

42、e done respectively. Its steps are as below:3.4.1 吊起重物做起升制动起升制动和下降制动下降制动的动作三次. When sling heavy we do the process of hoistingapply the brakeapply the brake and descendingapply the brakedescendingapply the brake at three times.3.4.2 以最大额定负荷做起升、回转联合动作,吊物高度不超过10m。Working association with hoist and gyra

43、te at the most specified and the height of hoist things is no exceed 10m.3.4.3 以最大幅度额定负荷做起升、回转联合动作,吊物高不超过10m。Working association with hoist and gyrate at the most range and the height of hoist things is no exceed 10m3.4.4 在额定负荷下,吊重在空中停止后重复慢速起升时,不允许吊重有瞬时下滑现象Prohibit the instantaneous gliding when in

44、the process of hoist stop in the sky and then re-hoist at the rated loading.(四)塔机附着 Adherence of tower machine当塔机高度超过30m时,必须设置一道塔机附着,来加强其稳定性。位置在标高98m约是塔机中间。见附图Set up an adherence of tower machine to reinforce the stability when the height of tower machine exceeds 30m.四、QTZ40塔式起重机安装质量保证措施:The quality

45、 assurance of QTZ tower crane4.1 质量管理的目标:QTZ40塔式起重机一次验收合格。Objective of quality management: QTZ40 is certified at one time4.2 质量检查要求:Requirement of quality check4.2.1 塔机安装后,在空载、无风的状态下,塔身轴心线对支承面的侧向垂直度4/1000。After the tower crane installed, the side vertical factor of tower axes line to supporting face

46、 is 4/1000 when in the condition of empty loading and no wind.4.2.2 额定电压不大于500V时,电气线路对地的绝缘电阻,一般环境中不低于0.8M,潮湿环境中不低于0.4M。When rating voltage is no larger than 500V, the insulated electric resistance between electric line and earth is no less than 0.8 M and no less than 0.4M when in the moisture enviro

47、nment.4.2.3 金属结构的接地:当起重机供电电源为中性点直接接地的低压系统时,整体金属结构的接地型式应采用TN-S接地系统,并设有漏电保护器,接地电阻不大于4。Grounding for metal structural: The whole metal structural must adopt TN-S grounding system when the power of crane is low voltage system which ground with neutral point. Leakage protection equipment also needed in t

48、hat system and the grounding resistance is no more than 起重机要装有起升高度限位器,起升高度限位器在钩头起升到一定高度时应能停止吊钩起升,吊钩只能做下降操作。 Rising retainer which can stop the hook to arising when in a designated height are required to install in the crane.4.2.5 起重机要安装起重量限制器,当载荷大于相应工况下,额定值并小于额定值的110%时,应切断上升方向的电源,但机构可作下降方向的运

49、动。Weight retainer is required in the crane too. Cut off the power for arising but the crane declining in down direction when nominal rating is less than the 110% nominal rating.4.2.6 起重机必须安装力矩限制器,当起重力矩大于相应工况下额定值并小于额定值的110%时,应切断上升和幅度增加方向的电源,但机构可作下降和减小幅度方向运动。Require to install the moment controller. W

50、hen the lifting moment is less than nominal rating, workers should cut off the power for arising and adding the direction of ranging. But the organization of crane can move for arising and reducing of range.4.2.7 最大变幅速度超过40m/min的起重机,在小车向外运行时,当起重力矩达到额定值的80%时,应自动转换为低速运行。小车行程限位器开关动作后,应保证小车停车时其缓冲距离大于200

51、mm。Crane of which most amplitude speed is exceed 40m/min should turn to run at a low speed automatic when the small truck moved to the outside and the lifting arm achieved to the 80% of rated load. Make sure the buffering distance is more than 200mm when the retainer acts.4.2.8 空载试验:各种安全装置工作可靠有效;各机构

52、运转正常,制动可靠;操纵系统、电气控制系统工作正常。Empty loading: All kind of safety equipment is reliable and effective; all organization works well and the engine is reliable; operation system and electronic control system works well.4.2.9 额定载荷试验:根据现场情况,在某一幅度起吊相应额定起重量。起重臂根部水平静位移应不大于H/100,(其中H,为塔身与起重臂连接处到最高一个附着装置之间的垂直距离)。试

53、验后检查起重机不应有裂纹、联接松动、构件损坏等影响起重机性能和安全的缺陷。Rated load test: Hoist designate weight at defined range according the site condition. The level displacement of crane arm is no more than H/100(H is the vertical distance between joint of crane body and crane arm to the highest adhere equipment) as required. Che

54、ck the objectionable defection of crack, flexible connection, broken organization which may lead to an accident. 4.2.10 静载试验:按照 5.2.9 确定的幅度,起吊1.25倍的额定载荷,离地面100200mm,悬空不少于10min,考核起重机的强度及结构承载力,卸载后塔机不允许出现裂纹,永久变形,油漆脱落,连接松动及对塔机性能和安全有影响的损坏。Dead load test: According the scope which defined by 5.2.9, hoist

55、the 125% of the rated load. The distance between ground and crane is 100-200 and the hoist time is no less than 10min for the check of strength and bearing of crane. Do not allow the crack permanent distortion and falling paint, flexible connection and broken which may have bad effect to safety. 4.2.11 动载试验:按照 5.2.9 确定的幅度,起吊1.1倍的额定载荷,进行起升、制动、变幅、回转运动及根据设计要求进行组合动作。各机构动作灵活、制动性能可靠,结构和机构不应损坏,连接无松动。Live load test: According the scope defined by 5.2.9, hoist 110% of rating loading by


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