1、出国留学:读书计划样本编者按:读书计划是入学审查的一项重要文件,它是申请人未 来导师无法直接面对申请人之前,所得到的先入为主的印象,第一印 象往往事关重大。读读书计划是入学审查的一项重要文件,它是 申请人未来导师无法直接面对申请人之前,所得到的先入为主的印 象,第一印象往往事关重大。读书计划英文有许多说法如 Objectives, Plans for Study, Academic Statement, Academic Objectives, Educatio nal Goals, Stateme nt of Purpose, Letter of In te nt等。它应包含:1.选择该校的
2、理由;2准备主修什么学科;3. 集中研究该学科的哪一方面;4. 与主修和主攻方向有关的知识背景和工作经验;5. 从事该研究的目的和毕业后的打算。有的学校提供读书计划表格要求填写,还有的学校要求将个人简历和读书计划合二为一。这些在对个人简历和读书计划的写法有所了 解后,都不难完成。范例1计算机系毕业生读书计划Whe n I was a high school boy, my father un dertook a taskof rearranging a data processingsystem with computerequipme nt for a gover nment office.
3、 Which in creas ing con tact,I decided to be a computer engineer to satisfy my curiosity about this in credible mach ine.To realize the dream of gett ing into this miraculous world of computer, I studied very hard to pass the College En tra nee Exam in ati on. Accord ing to the result of the Exam, I
4、 was admitted to Beiji ng Un iversity of Scie nee and Tech no logy, majoring computer scienee. A year later. I transferred to Tsin ghua Un iversity, which is famous for its computer scie nee.During my five-year un dergraduate study in the uni versity,I had scholarship every semester because of my ex
5、cellent academicperformanee. Besides,I triedtospend everysummerwork ing ina computer firmtoget practicalexperienee.I have produced a small Pascal compiler and asample computer storage system for a compa ny. Also I joined the research work the arran geme nt of computer image for the departme nt.I bel
6、ieve the future een tury will be a computer een tury and the world will greatly depend on it. Therefore it is n ecessary for us to broad my kno wledge on this part. I intendto help the developme ntof my country in this area.emphasiz ing in the objectives such as office automatism, the build-up of co
7、mputer n etwork, artificial brain and CAD / CAM, etc.If I am able to complete my master degree with in two years, I pla n to con ti nue to pursue a Ph.D. degree thereafter.As soon as I complete my study, I will come back home immediately to con tribute what I have lear ned to my own coun try.范例2医学工程
8、专业转攻计算机专业读书计划I majored in Biomedical Engin eeri ng at Nan kai Un iversityafter graduating from high school. There, I took courses on Introductionto Computer Scienee, ComputerProgramming,and Microprocessor. Therefore, I became greatly in terested in the field. In my spare time, I atte nded BASIC Trai
9、 ning Class and read lots of related books whe never I was free. Also, I decided to further my study in the field of Computer Scie nee.After the graduation. I was hired by Tianjin Medical Equipme nt Co., LTD. to be a Service Engin eer taki ng charge of the maintenance of X-ray in strume nts of Phill
10、ips and Sieme ns.Owing to the need of the work. I attained ASSEMBLY and PASCAL Trai ning classes and realized more of the importa nee of Computer Scie nee.I would like to enter your Graduate School to study Computer Programmi ng and System An alysis as computer is definitely going to play an importa
11、nt role in the life of huma nbeing. Upon the completi on of the study, I will retur n to Chi na to devote my kno wledge to Biomedical Engin eeri ng, to manu facture new products to be either marketed or applied to hospitalman ageme ntand helpcomputeriz inghospitalman ageme nt.范例3经济系转计算机系读书计划After my
12、 un dergraduate study at Hebei Un iversity where Imajored in Economics. I became a sales representativeforTang Shan Textile Co. I have worked in this positi on for aboutthree years. In my work, I have witnessed the growingroleplayed by computersintodaysbus in ess adm ini strati onandresearch. This t
13、rendbecameacute after the adve ntofmin icomputers and microcomputers.The computer programmers and engin eers trained in thiscountry cannot meet the press ing dema nd.I wish to devotemyself to the applicati on of computers and therefore, I havedecided to pursue an M.S. degree in Computer Scienee. If admitted, I will concentratemy studies on the computersoftware.I have some fun dame ntalkno wledgeregard ingthecharacteristics and capabilities of computers in a course on theIntroductionto Co
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