1、专业好文档2014 年职称英语综合类阅读理解50 篇 第一篇telling tales about people 1、this passage about_ the and biographies. 2、helen keller wrote_ an autobiography. _. 3、auto because they_ want to light _. 4、the writer passage by_ defining it _. 5、diverse means_ varied or different 第二篇outside -the-classroom learning makes a
2、 big difference 1、anstudent leaders will not in it. 2、americanmostly for building friendship. 3、who is katie rowley? shes a senior student. 4、whatsuccessful end? passion. 5、thereplaced by polish. 第三篇shark attack!1、after , the shark_ swam away _. 2、itgreat whites oftenescape _3、which of paragraph 4?
3、are. 4、the word 4 means_ great whites_5、what is paragraph? we now animals. 第四篇feast on turkey and good wishes at thanksgiving 1、on halloween, childrenas ghosts. 2、when areeaten? on thanksgiving. 3、thanksgiving isfor providing them lives. 4、many children because_they can food. 5、the first in 1620. 第五
4、篇the travels of ibn battuta 1、what isabout? the adventuresbattuta. 2、which of line 5? left to go to. 3、the sultan because ibn battutamecca. 4、which of with? ibn battutatoday. 5、why did home? the sultanreturn. 第六篇tv shows and long bus trips 1、according totrip? ad.ts on the board. 2、what ispassage? to
5、 talk shows. 3、the writerfavor no billboardsroad. 4、the writerbecause they both between.5、the writer are exciting.第七篇modern sun worshippers 1、the writer that they wishhome. 2、in paragraph 2, climate. to showterms 3、according toothers? spain. 4、the lattermeans every year .country. 5、according tobeach
6、es? rainy weather. 第八篇the changing middle class 1、the information with a social group 2、a commonthat_ the family is very important 3、in theas_prosperous and optimistic 4、the phraseis_a restatementidea 5、the word collectively means_ as a group 第九篇single-parent kids do best 1、with whichagree? two-pare
7、ntchildren. 2、according tooffspring? the youngcare. 3、what is paragraph 5? experiment and result. 4、according toconflict? the body size. 5、according toby ecological factors. 第十篇a letter from alan 1、why hasletter? to inform plans. 2、why is opinion? because it nature. 3、what willjams? a building place
8、. 4、alan sayssoon have less money 5、which of made? say noplace 第十一篇the development of ballet 1、this passage with the way ballet developed。 2、an importantwas louis xiv。 3、you canballet _will continueit. 4、the information presented in ch.order . 5、the word pageants means elaborate shows. 第十二篇smuggling
9、 走私1、the dogthat it had a very big abdomen. 2、how manydrugs? as manyof. 3、how many1994? 25,770. 4、which of paragraph? small smugglers. 5、what isabout? varied drug methods. 第十三篇the barbie dolls 芭比娃娃 1、when ruth desire to be highly successful. 2、who owned mattel? harold mattsonhandler. 3、it canafter b
10、uild. 4、where did from? lilli. 5、which ofdoll? she does not attract young men. 第十四篇sleep 睡眠 1、the question one”because shift habits. 2、according tothat your lifeback. 3、according to be to employnight. 4、in themeans the third week. 5、in themeans another routine. 第十五篇orbital space plane 轨道航天飞机 1、the o
11、rbitalfor carrying astronautsstation. 2、from the indicates nasasprojects. 3、when didshuttle? years before columbia. 4、besides theas a space ambulance. 5、according towould be equallyinitiative. 第十六篇the sahara 撒哈拉沙漠 1、this passage is mostly about life in the sahara. 2、rainfall inis less than five inch
12、es per year. 3、the saharaas a place of contrasts. 4、the phraseof _the sahara 5、in thismeans_group travelingcountry. *第十七篇 eiffel is an eyeful 1、why doesmove? tourists of tower.2、what seemsauthor? visitors preferview. 3、which statementsrichard? he climbedseconds. 4、what didfor? conducting research fi
13、elds. 5、which of will”? visitors can represents. *第十八篇 goal of american education 1、which ofeducation? to giveability. 2、it isthat the subjectsvary. 3、american schoolslearners acquisition creative. 4、according toexcept the students from foreign countries. 5、which ofcountries? its underlyingextent. *
14、第十九篇 the family 家庭 1、another goodbe_what makes a family? 2、a nuclearas_a marriedchildren_. 3、the informationin an anthropology textbook 4、the informationthrough_pointing out similarities .5、the word mobility means_readiness to move. *第二十篇 tales of the terrible past 1、his passage .about_two novels sl
15、avery. 2、beloved is set_in ohio after the civil war. 3、the writerthat_he books .challenging. 4、the writertheir portrayal of violence 5、the word appalling means_ terrible. *第二十一篇 spacing in animals 1、which ofdistance? distance between an animal and its enemy before fleeing.2、if an ,it will begin to a
16、ttack. 3、according to to psychological distance.4、which of group” (in paragraph 3)? strip of land 5、the example that social distance factors. *第二十二篇 some things we know about language 我们知道的关于语言的一些事情 1、in thethat any human, has a language. 2、according to have complicated language. 3、the authorare jus
17、t as languages. 4、which of incorrect? some languageslanguages. 5、according toin vocabulary. *第二十三篇 the only way is up 只好向上 1、.these are that want toimage. 2、the difficulty in the lackupward. 3、when otis lift, most people safety. 4、which ofnow? uninteresting. 5、psychologists find because in a breaks.
18、 *第二十四篇 clone farm 克隆农场 1、which statement paragraph? cloned chickenstaste. 2、which institutionresearch? the usstechnology. 3、in the .wishes chickens couldfeed.4、which ofparagraph? origen hasmachines. 5、the technology that farmers can only. *第二十五篇 income 收入 1、this passage about the difference income.
19、 2、which ofparagraph? the moneyincome. 3、it canon corporation profits. 4、according tois the money received. 5、the passage implies that people pay taxes somewhat unwillingly. *第二十六篇 seeing the world centuries ago1、this passage about_ where threeabout . 2、ibn battutah traveled_throughout the world. 3、
20、the booksbecause_they toldlocales 4、the overallthrough_chronological order. 5、in thisto give proof of. *第二十七篇 importance of services 服务业的重要性 1、the firstthat services are important. 2、between 1966about 32.4 million service jobs. 3、many economists, that most ofjobs. 4、the importanceshown by moneyservi
21、ces. 5、what doesnow? their prices. *第二十八篇 the national park service 国家公园的服务机构 1、why are americas friends? because they are always out there. 2、which of rangers? they protect system. 3、the national.except molding the nation. 4、what isabout? it is about service. 5、what will discuss? the work partners.
22、 *第二十九篇 find yourself packing it on? blame friends 发现自己变胖了?这要怪罪朋友 1、who hadobese? their friends. 2、which ofreport? people were friends. 3、according toinfluence? friends affected each others feelings of fatness. 4、which factorreport? life style. 5、in whatepidemic? social networksrapidly. *第三十篇 ”lucky
23、”lord lucan-alive or dead “幸运的”鲁肯伯爵是死是活 1、the public because_ lord lucan found。 2、it is because it waslucan。 3、aspinall thought by_ sinking his boat。 4、lucan couldpeople_ thought he caught。 5、ex-detectivehaplin_was reallydisguise。 * 第三十一篇 pool watch 泳池监护 1、ai means the same as artificial intelligenc
24、e. 2、what is life? it can shadow. 3、how does life? it alerts the lifeguard. 4、which ofnot true?. he runs. 5、the wordby “rated”. *第三十二篇 the cherokee nation 柴罗基部落 1、the cherokeelive in the of the us. 2、one of of writing down the spoken language. 3、a law was passed in 1830 to force the cherokees to mov
25、e westward. 4、when the lands. all of the above. 5、many cherokeesbecause they didclothes. *第三十三篇 oseola mccarty 老妇人 1、this woman because she gave university. 2、she managed because_ she had ., saved hard and invested carefully. 3、she gavebecause_ she wanted life . 4、when hermade hundreds offund. 5、mcc
26、arty became because_of her generosity .+第三十四篇 to have or have not 逃 亡 1、 why didhotel? to have a change of scene. 2、what attractedshop? the light inside. 3、the writershop_of top quality.4、what washim? she seemed to know him well 5、the writerbecause he saw liked . +第三十五篇 going her own way 选择她自己的路 1、m
27、aria wanted to attend_technical high school. 2、in those days, girls_did not go to high school.3、you can that_only boysschools. 4、maria s father probably_had verywomen. 5、high schooldays were_quite strict. +第三十六篇 a tale of scottish rual life 苏格兰乡村生活的故事 1、what isabout? the livesfarmers 2、which stateme
28、ntchris? she married only once 3、what iswith? the history of kinraddie 4、who arechris? the germans 5、the wordmeans the end of traditional life +第三十七篇 pop music in africa 非洲的流行音乐 1、this passageis_ more serious music2、for peopleis both familiar and different 3、the musicians all_write about serious pro
29、blems 4、eric wainaina_studied music in boston. 5、witness mwaijaga because she has had a difficult life herself +第三十八篇 why so many children 为什么有这么多的孩子 1、in a family can be an advantage 2、when countries become industrialized, the birth rate generally goes down 3、according toan ndustrialized countryrat
30、e.4、saudi arabiathat_factors other rate. 5、in mexico, thailand, and indonesia, the government_has tried women. +第三十九篇 eat to live 为了活着吃饭 1、ccording totrue? we have childhood. 2、why doesparagraph 2? to illustratemice. 3、what canpassage? they are inflammation. 4、according toresearchers? the mice age.
31、5、according to ,.that dieting is life. +第四十篇 new us plan for disease prevention 为预防疾病的新美国计划 1、which ofus? they often lifestyles. 2、the authorexcept higher survivalcancer. 3、the article mean much less treatment. 4、the $15 million at promoting disease prevention. 5、early cancersignificantly cancer dea
32、th rate +第四十一篇 the operation of international airlines 国际航空公司的经营 1、according toto cater to jets.2、the followingexcept that the tourist industry is experiencing an all-time low. 3、the improvementsexcept showing more movies during the long flights.4、there is to speeding up customs procedure. 5、which o
33、fairlines? they dobooked. + 第四十二篇 sauna 桑拿浴 1、ceremonial bathing has various forms. 2、what isexperience? saunas with smoke. 3、according to except curing asthma. 4、according tobecause pores aresweat. 5、who are sauna? all of the above. + 第四十三篇 can buildings be designed to resist terrorist attack? 建筑设计
34、能使建筑抵御恐怖袭击吗? 1、the question one that was attack. 2、the project foundation was toblasts. 3、the column mentioned by dr. whittaker. was part of the building close to the world trade center. 4、a surprising that some floor explosion. 5、what dr. reinhorn that blast engineering emerges as a new branch of s
35、cience. + 第四十四篇 americans get touchy 越来越爱肢体接触的美国人 1、the word by nearly 2、which ofpast? embrace 3、some parents, except: diseases could.body 4、which ofpassage? in some cheek. 5、we can hugging. positive +第四十五篇 women staying in mini-skirts for longer 女性在迷你裙上逗留的时间更长 1、debenhams couldbe:a department store
36、 2、according to., except: can weartime 3、we can 1970s most women33. 4、which of true? relationship. from the stable 5、the wordby: soar + 第四十六篇 defending the theory of evolution still seems needed 捍卫进化论仍必要 1、according totrue? school boards evolution. 2、which one theory? darwins biology. 3、aibss is com
37、posed of more than 80 societies and 250,000 members. 4、according toevolution is fundamental to the development of modern genetics, molecular biology and genomics.5、why donowadays? because the term creationism is too direct. + 第四十七篇 narrow escape 九死一生 1、why was morning? rocks loosened by melting ice
38、could be dangerous. 2、the firstis that climbers you 3、what is”cailloux” ? rocks are falling. 4、what is four? being hit “pleasant”at all 5、in what “safe”? the overhanging rocks. + 第四十八篇 finding enlightenment in scotland 苏格兰启蒙运动 1、scotland is intellectuals. the ideasbecause of 2、which of studies? to f
39、indwhole.3、smiths idea for the prosperity of all nations.4、which ofenlightenment? it issense. 5、the instituteillustrate the traditioneducation. + 第四十九篇 the beginning of american literature 美洲文学的起源 1、what doesto? the hope to start a new life. 2、when didbegin? long before the year 1,000. 3、what can am
40、ericans? about theamericans. 4、the mainthat early-day experienceliterature. 5、according toliterature? some british writers had great confidence in the future of american literature. + 第五十篇 older volcanic eruptions 远古火山爆发 1、why didones? because theyeasily. 2、how did eruptions? by comparingproduced.3、when didextinct? 65 million years ago. 4、what can dinosaurs
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