1、声响和灯光信号声响和灯光信号 互见互见中鸣放笛号及使用灯号的目的: 表明本船的动向; 使两船行动取得协调; 表示怀疑来船的意图或行动; 能见度不良能见度不良中鸣放号笛的目的: 表明船舶的存在; 表明船舶的动态。定义定义 Rule 32 Definitions(a) The word whistle means any sound signalling appliance capable of producing the prescribed blasts and which complies with the specifications in Annex to these Regulatio
2、ns.(b) The term short blast means a blast of about one seconds duration.(c) The term prolonged blast means a blast of from four to six secondss duration. 定义定义 第第 三三 十十 二二 条条 定定 义义1“号笛”一词,指能够发出规定笛声并符合本规则附录三所载规格的任何声响信号器具。2“短声短声”一词,指历时约一秒钟约一秒钟的笛声。3“长声长声”一词,指历时四到六秒钟四到六秒钟的笛声。 声响器具的配备声响器具的配备 Rule 33 Equip
3、ment for Sound Signals (a) A vessel of 12 metres or more in length shall be provided with a whistle, a vessel of 20 metres or more in length shall be provided with a bell in addition to a whistle, and a vessel of 100 metres or more in length shall, in addition, be provided with a gong, the tone and
4、sound of which cannot be confused with that of the bell. The whistle, bell and gong shall comply with the specification in Annex III to these Regulations. The bell or gong or both may be replaced by other equipment having the same respective sound characteristics, provided that manual sounding of th
5、e required signals shall always be possible.声响器具的配备声响器具的配备 (b) A vessel of less than 12 metres in length shall not be obliged to carry the sound signalling appliances prescribed in paragraph (a) of this Rule but if she does not, she shall be provided with some other means of making an efficient soun
6、d signal.声响器具的配备声响器具的配备 第第 三三 十十 三三 条条 声声 号号 设设 备备 1长度为1212米或米或1212米以上米以上的船舶,应配备一个号号苗苗,长度为2020米或米或2020米以上米以上的船舶,应配备一个一个号苗另加一个号钟号苗另加一个号钟,长度为100100米或米或100100米以上米以上的船舶,另应配有一面号锣另应配有一面号锣。号锣的音调和声音不可与号钟的相混淆。号笛、号钟和号锣应符合本规则附录三所载规格。号钟、号锣或二者可用与其各自声音特性相同的其他设备代替,只要这些设备随时能以手动手动鸣放规定的声号。声响器具的配备声响器具的配备 2长度小于小于1212米米
7、的船舶,不要求备有本条1款规定的声响信号器具。如不备有,则应配置能够鸣放有效声号的他种设备。 声响器具的配备声响器具的配备 根据避碰规则2001年修正案的规定,船舶应配备的声响器具为:1. L12米的船舶:如不配备有号笛和号钟,可配置其它有效的声号设备。2. 20 米L12米:一个号笛;3. 100 米L20米:一个号笛和一个号钟;4. L100米: 一面号锣,一个号钟,以及至少至少一个号笛;声响器具的配备声响器具的配备 应注意应注意, “L12米的船舶”包括“100 米L20米的船舶”及“L100米的船舶”,因此关于“L12米的船舶米的船舶”应配备的声号应配备的声号设备设备的下列说法是错误错
8、误的:、一面号锣,一个号钟 、一个号锣,一个号笛 、一个号钟,一个号笛 、一个号笛 声号器具的构造性能及其在船上的安装细则,应符合船旗国的有关主管机关有关主管机关的要求。 操纵与警告信号操纵与警告信号 Rule 34 Manoeuvring and Warning Signals(a) When vessels are in sight of one another, a power-driven vessel underway, when manoeuvring as authorized or required by these Rules, shall indicate that man
9、oeuvre by the following signals on her whistle:- one short blast to mean I am altering my course to starboard ;- two short blasts to mean I am altering my course to port ;- three short blasts to mean I am operating astern propulsion.操纵与警告信号操纵与警告信号 第 三 十 四 条 操纵和警告信号1当船舶在互见互见中,在航机动船机动船按本规则条款准许或要求准许或要求
10、 进行操纵时进行操纵时,应应用号笛发出下列声号表明之:(不重复鸣放)一短短声 表示“我船正在向右正在向右转向”;二短声 表示“我船正在向左正在向左转向”;三短声 表示“我船正在向后正在向后推进”。操纵声号操纵声号 本条1款规定适用于互见中互见中 机动船机动船是指任何用机器推进的船舶任何用机器推进的船舶,包括操纵能力受到限制的船舶、用机器推进的从事捕鱼的船舶、用机器推进的失去控制的船舶、限于吃水的船舶和用机器推进的从事拖带作业的船舶以及其他使用机器推进的船舶。操纵声号操纵声号 操纵声号表示正在进行正在进行的操纵。 互见中,在航机动船按规则准许或要求进按规则准许或要求进行操纵行操纵时,应该鸣放应该
11、鸣放操纵声号。 操纵声号不应重复不应重复鸣放。 操纵灯光信号操纵灯光信号 (b) Any vessel may supplement the whistle signals prescribed in paragraph (a) of this Rule by light signals, repeated as appropriate, whistle the manoeuvre is being carried out:(i) these light signals shall have the following significance:- one flash to mean I am
12、 altering my course to starboard ;- two flashes to mean I am altering my course to port ;- three flashes to mean I am operating astern propulsion ;(ii) the duration of each flash shall be about one second, the interval between flashes shall be about one second, and the interval between successive si
13、gnals shall be not less than ten seconds;(iii) the light used for this signals shall, if fitted, be an all-round white light, visible at a minimum range of 5 miles and shall comply with the provisions of Annex I to these Regulations.操纵灯光信号操纵灯光信号 2在操作过程中,任何船舶任何船舶均可用可用灯号补充补充本条1款规定的笛号,这种灯号可根据情况予以重予以重复复
14、:(1)这些灯号应具有下列意义:一闪 表示“我船正在向右转向”;二闪 表示“我船正在向左转向”;三闪 表示“我船正在向后推进”;(2)每闪历时应约一秒钟历时应约一秒钟,各闪间隔应约一秒钟间隔应约一秒钟,前后信号的间隔应不少于十秒钟十秒钟;(3)如设有用作本信号的号灯,则应是一盏环照白环照白灯灯,其能见距离至少为5 5海里海里,并应符合本规则附录一所载规定。操纵灯光信号操纵灯光信号 任何船任何船(包括非机动船)在互见中按规则准许或要求进行操纵时,均可用可用闪光来补充操纵声号 操纵灯光信号可重复可重复,每组每组间隔不少于10s。 非机动船不必不必鸣放操纵声号 操纵号灯为环照白灯环照白灯,能见距离至
15、少为5海海里里.追越声号追越声号 (c) When in sight of one another in a narrow channel or fairway:(i) a vessel intending to overtake another shall in complicance with Rule 9(e) () indicate her intention by the following signals on her whistle :- two prolonged blasts followed by one short blast to mean I intend to ov
16、ertake you on your starboard side ;- two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts to mean I intend to overtake you on your port side ;(ii) the vessel about to be overtaken when acting in accordance with Rule 9(e)() shall indicate her agreement by the following signal on her whistle:- one prolon
17、ged, one short, one prolonged and one short blast, in that order.追越声号追越声号 3在狭水道狭水道或航道内航道内互见互见时:(1)一艘企图追越他船的船,应遵照第九条5款(1)项的规定,以号笛发出下列声号表示其意图意图:二长声继以一短一短声,表示“我船企图企图从你船的右舷右舷追越”;二长声继以二短二短声,表示“我船企图企图从你船的左舷左舷追越”;(2)将要被追越将要被追越的船,当按照第九条5款(1)项行动时,应应以号笛依次发出下列声号表示同意表示同意:一长、一短、一长、一短声。_ _ _ _追越声号追越声号 追越声号的适用范围:
18、在狭水道或航道内在狭水道或航道内 互见中互见中 只有在前船必须采取行动才能安全通过时只有在前船必须采取行动才能安全通过时 任何船舶任何船舶 追越声号表示追越的企图企图,应在追越前追越前鸣放。追越声号追越声号 如不需要被追越船采取行动就能安全追越,则追越船可以直接追越。 存在这样的说法:互见时,在狭水道或航道内,不管当时情况如何不管当时情况如何,企图追越前船的船舶,鸣放相应的追越声号鸣放相应的追越声号,是一种优是一种优良船艺的表现良船艺的表现。追越声号追越声号 将要被追越的船将要被追越的船如同意,则应则应鸣放声号,并采取相应行动采取相应行动,如不同意,可不鸣放声可不鸣放声号号 ,也可可鸣放警告声
19、号(因为追越声号表示的是追越企图,即追越尚未开始,如果追越船强行追越,被追越船则应根据警告声号鸣放的要求来确定是否必须必须鸣放)。警告信号警告信号 (d) When vessels in sight of one another are approaching each other and from any cause either vessel fails to understand the intentions or actions of the other, or is in doubt whether sufficient action is being taken by the ot
20、her to avoid collision, the vessel in doubt shall immediately indicate such doubt by giving at least five short and rapid blasts on the whistle. Such signal may be supplemented by a light signal of at least five short and rapid flashes.警告信号警告信号 4当互见互见中的船舶正在互相驶近驶近,并且不论由于任何原因,任何一船无法了解他无法了解他船的意图或行动船的意图
21、或行动,或者怀疑他船是否正怀疑他船是否正在采取足够的行动以避免碰撞在采取足够的行动以避免碰撞时,存在怀疑的船应应立即用号笛鸣放至少至少五声短而急的声号以表示这种怀疑。该声号可以用至少至少五次短而急的闪光来补充。警告信号警告信号 警告声号的适用范围:互见中互见中,任何船任何船 使用时机:相互驶近相互驶近,无法了解对方的意法了解对方的意图图或怀疑他船是否正在采取足够的行动以怀疑他船是否正在采取足够的行动以避免碰撞避免碰撞 警告声号在适用的时机,应该鸣放应该鸣放 警告声号可用可用灯光信号补充补充 警告声号为至少至少五声短而急的声号,可以超过但不应少不应少于5次。 操纵与警告信号操纵与警告信号(e)
22、A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a channel or fairway where other vessels may be obscured by an intervening obstruction shall sound one prolonged blast. Such signal shall be answered with a prolonged blast by any approaching vessel that may be within hearing around the bend or behind the interv
23、ening obstruction.(f) If whistles are fitted on a vessel at a distance apart of more than 100 metres, one whistle only shall be used for giving manoeuvring and warning signals. 操纵与警告信号操纵与警告信号5船舶在驶近可能有其他船舶可能有其他船舶被居间障碍物遮遮蔽蔽的水道或航道的弯头或地段时,应鸣放一长一长声声。该声号应由弯头另一面或居间障碍物后方可能听到它的任何来船回答来船回答一长声。6如船上所装几个号笛,其间距大于1
24、00米,则只应使用一个号笛鸣放操纵和警告声号。 操纵与警告信号操纵与警告信号 一长声弯道信号适用于:能见度良好能见度良好情况下,但不在互见不在互见中 表示在驶近可能被居间障碍物遮蔽他船的水道或航道的弯头或地段的一船所发出的一种警告他船的声号.能见度不良时的行动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 Rule 35 Sound Signals in restricted VisibilityIn or near an area of restricted visibility, whether by day or night, the signals prescribed in this Rule shal
25、l be used as follows:能见度不良时的行动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 (a) A power-driven vessel making way through the water shall sound at intervals of not more than 2 minutes one prolonged blast.(b) A power-driven vessel underway but stopped and making no way through the water shall sound at intervals of not more than 2 mi
26、nutes two prolonged blasts in succession with an interval of about 2 seconds between them.(j) A vessel of less than 12 metres in length shall not be obliged to give the above-mentioned signals but, if she does not, shall make some other efficient sound signal at intervals of not more than 2 minutes.
27、 能见度不良时的行动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 第 三十 五 条 能见度不良时使用的声号在能见度不良的水域中能见度不良的水域中或其附近附近时,不论白天还是夜间,本条规定的声号应使用如下:在航机动船在航机动船 1机动船对水移动对水移动时,应以每次不超过不超过2 2分分钟钟的间隔鸣放一长声一长声。2机动船在航在航但已停车但已停车,并且并且 不对水移动不对水移动时,应以每次不超过2 2分钟分钟的间隔连续鸣放二长声二长声,二长声间的间隔约间隔约2 2秒秒钟。10. 长度小于小于1212米米的船舶,不要求鸣放上述声号,但如不鸣放上述声号,则应以每次不超过2分钟的间隔鸣放他种有效的声号。 能见度不良时的行
28、动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 “雾号”的适用范围适用范围: 适用水域: 能见度不良的水域中或其附近能见度不良的水域中或其附近 无论是否看见他船或发现他船无论是否看见他船或发现他船 两船在能见度不良的水域中相互看见时,应继续继续鸣放“雾”号,并根据情况正确地鸣放 “操纵”或“警告声号”。能见度不良时的行动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 适用船舶: 任何船舶任何船舶 船长小于12米的船舶,不要求鸣放 “雾号”,但应以每次不超过2分钟分钟的间隔鸣放他种有效的声号; 长度为12米或12米以上但小于20米的船舶,不要求鸣放“钟号钟号”,但如不鸣放,则应鸣放他种有效的声号,每次间隔不超过两分钟两分钟。能见度不
29、良时的行动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 适用时机: 在航在航、锚泊、搁浅锚泊、搁浅 能见距离能见距离: 规则未作定量规定; 但实际中通常认为通常认为在能见距离小于能见距离小于2海里海里时开始鸣放 “雾号”,依据是,(规则附录3)对声号设备的最小可听距离的要求为2海里(最大的船舶)。在航机动船在航机动船 本条所指的“机动船”不包括(不包括(用机器推进的以下船舶):限于吃水的船舶;从事拖带或顶推作业的船舶(组合体除外);操纵能力受到限制的船舶;从事捕鱼的船舶;失去控制的船舶;被拖带或顶推的船舶(组合体除外) 本条所指的“机动船”包括包括:用机器推进的“引引航船航船”,“顶推组合体顶推组合体”. 长度
30、小于小于12米米的船舶,如不鸣放上述声号,则应以每次不超过2分钟的间隔鸣放他种有效的声号。能见度不良时的行动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 (c) A vessel not under command, a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, a vessel constrained by her draught, a sailing vessel, a vessel engaged in fishing and a vessel engaged in towing or pushing another vessel shall, inst
31、ead of the signals prescribed in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Rule sound at intervals of not more than 2 minutes three blasts in succession, namely one prolonged followed by two short blasts.能见度不良时的行动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 (d) A vessel engaged in fishing, when at anchor, and a vessel restricted in her abili
32、ty to manoeuvre when carrying out her work at anchor, shall instead of the signals prescribed in paragraph (g) of this Rule sound the signal prescribed in paragraph (c) of this Rule.(j) A vessel of less than 12 metres in length shall not be obliged to give the above-mentioned signals but, if she doe
33、s not, shall make some other efficient sound signal at intervals of not more than 2 minutes.能见度不良时的行动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 3失去控制的船舶、操纵能力受到限制的船舶、限于吃水的船舶、帆船、从事捕鱼的船舶,以及从事拖带或顶推他船的船舶,应以每次不超过2 2分钟分钟的间隔连续鸣放三声,即一长声继以二短声一长声继以二短声,以取代本条1或2款规定的声号。 (从事捕鱼的船舶事捕鱼的船舶锚泊锚泊时,以及操纵能力受到限制操纵能力受到限制的船的船舶在舶在锚泊锚泊中执行任务时
34、,应当鸣放本条本条3 3款规定的声号款规定的声号以取代本条7款规定的声号。10. 长度小于小于1212米米的船舶,不要求鸣放上述声号,但如不鸣放上述声号,则应以每次不超过2分钟的间隔鸣放他种有效的声号。能见度不良时的行动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 鸣放鸣放“一长两短一长两短”:的船舶包括包括:从事拖带或顶推他船的船舶(组合体除外),帆船帆船, 捕捕鱼的船舶(包括锚泊)鱼的船舶(包括锚泊), 失去控制的船舶失去控制的船舶, 操纵能力受到限制的船舶(包括锚泊)、限于吃水的船舶限于吃水的船舶 不包括:我国非机动船我国非机动船,被拖船被拖船 我国非机动船我国非机动船:每隔约1分钟连续发放响声约5秒钟能
35、见度不良时的行动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 鸣放“一长两短”的船舶的状态状态: 在航对水移动与不对水移动在航对水移动与不对水移动相同, 操纵能力受到限制的船舶及从事捕鱼的船舶操纵能力受到限制的船舶及从事捕鱼的船舶在锚泊锚泊中与在航鸣放相同的声号(号灯号型依照各自规定) 雾航中,听到一长两短声号,该船可能可能是处于锚泊锚泊中。能见度不良时的行动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 (e) A vessel towed or if more than one vessel is towed the last vessel of the tow, if manned, shall at intervals o
36、f not more than 2 minutes sound four blasts in succession, namely one prolonged followed by three short blasts. When practicable, this signal shall be made immediately after the signal made by the towing vessel.(f) When a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed ahead are rigidly connected in a comp
37、osite unit they shall be regarded as a power-driven vessel and shall give the signals prescribed in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Rule.(j) A vessel of less than 12 metres in length shall not be obliged to give the above-mentioned signals but, if she does not, shall make some other efficient sound si
38、gnal at intervals of not more than 2 minutes.能见度不良时的行动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 5一艘被拖船一艘被拖船或者多艘被拖船的最后一艘最后一艘,如配有船员,应以每次不超过2 2分钟分钟的间隔连续鸣放四声,即一长声继以三短声一长声继以三短声。当可行可行时,这种声号应在拖船鸣放声号之后立即鸣放拖船鸣放声号之后立即鸣放。6当一顶推船和一被顶推船牢固地连接成为一个组合体时,应作为一艘机动船一艘机动船,鸣放本条1或2款规定的声号。10. 长度小于小于1212米米的船舶,不要求鸣放上述声号,但如不鸣放上述声号,则应以每次不超过2 2分钟分钟的间隔鸣放他种有效
39、的声号。能见度不良时的行动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 被拖船被拖船: 一艘一艘或最后一艘最后一艘, 如配有船员如配有船员 鸣放“一长三短一长三短” 尽可能紧跟拖船声号鸣放尽可能紧跟拖船声号鸣放 被旁拖被旁拖或或被顶推被顶推(组合体除外)的船舶:(组合体除外)的船舶:未规定未规定声声号. 能见度不良时的行动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 (g) A vessel at anchor shall at intervals of not more than one minute ring the bell rapidly for about 5 seconds. In a vessel of 100 m
40、etres or more in length the bell shall be sounded in the forepart of the vessel and immediately after the ringing of the bell the gong shall be sounded rapidly for about 5 seconds in the after part of the vessel. A vessel at anchor may in addition sound three blasts in succession, namely one short,
41、one prolonged and one short blast, to give warning of her position and of the possibility of collision to an approaching vessel.(h) A vessel aground shall give the bell signal and if required the gone signal prescribed in paragraph (g) of this Rule and shall, in addition, give three separate and dis
42、tinct strokes on the bell immediately before and after the rapid ringing of the bell. A vessel aground may in addition sound an appropriate whistle signal.能见度不良时的行动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 7锚泊锚泊中的船舶,应以每次不超过1 1分钟分钟的间隔急敲号急敲号钟约钟约5 5秒秒钟。长度为100100米或米或100100米米以上的船舶,应在船的前部敲打号钟前部敲打号钟,并应在紧接钟声紧接钟声之后,在船的后部急敲号锣约5 5秒秒钟。此外,
43、锚泊中的船舶,还可以可以连续鸣放三声,即一短、一长和一短一短、一长和一短声,以警告警告驶近的船舶注意本船位置和碰撞的可能性。8搁浅搁浅的船舶应应敲打本条条7 7款规定的钟号款规定的钟号,如有要求,应加发该款规定的锣号锣号。此外,还应在紧接急敲号钟紧接急敲号钟之前之前和之后之后,各各分隔而清楚地敲打号钟三下敲打号钟三下。搁浅的船舶还可以鸣放可以鸣放合适的笛号笛号。._能见度不良时的行动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 (i) A vessel of 12 metres or more but less than 20 metres in length shall not be obliged to g
44、ive the bell signals prescribed in paragraphs (g) and (h) of this Rule. However, if she does not, she shall make some other efficient sound signal at intervals of not more than 2 minutes.(j) A vessel of less than 12 metres in length shall not be obliged to give the above-mentioned signals but, if sh
45、e does not, shall make some other efficient sound signal at intervals of not more than 2 minutes.(k) A pilot vessel when engaged on pilotage duty may in addition to the signals prescribed in paragraphs (a), (b) or (g) of this Rule sound an identity signal consisting of four short blasts. 能见度不良时的行动声号
46、能见度不良时的行动声号 9长度为1212米或米或1212米以上但小于米以上但小于2020米米的船舶,不要求鸣放本条第第7 7款和第款和第8 8款款规定的声号。但如不鸣放上述声号,则应鸣放他种有效的声号,每次间隔不超过2分钟。10长度小于小于1212米米的船舶,不要求鸣放上述声号,但如不鸣放上述声号,则应以每次不超过2分钟的间隔鸣放他种有效的声号。11引航船当执行引航任务时,除本条除本条1 1、2 2或或7 7款规定的声号款规定的声号外,还可还可以鸣放由四短声四短声组成的识别声号。 能见度不良时的行动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 锚泊中的船舶: 应该应该鸣放“钟号钟号”(船长20米及以上) 及“锣
47、号”(船长100米及以上), 间隔不超过一分钟;一分钟; 可以可以鸣放“笛号笛号”: 一短、一长、一短一短、一长、一短, 长度小于小于20米米的船舶可不鸣放“锚泊雾号锚泊雾号”,但应鸣放他种有效的声号,每次间隔不超过两两分钟分钟能见度不良时的行动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 搁浅的船舶应鸣放应鸣放的“雾号”: 锚泊船的雾号;锚泊船的雾号; 紧接急敲号钟号钟 之前之前和之后之后,各分隔而清楚地敲打号钟号钟 三下三下; 间隔不超过1分钟分钟 搁浅的船舶可鸣放可鸣放笛号:两短一长两短一长 长度小于长度小于20米米(包括小于包括小于12米米) 船舶可以不鸣放“搁浅声号”(不要求配备钟钟); 但如不鸣放,
48、则应鸣放其他有效的声号,每次间隔不不超过超过2分钟分钟.能见度不良时的行动声号能见度不良时的行动声号 雾中发放声号的时间间隔时间间隔(不超过): 号笛号笛为2分钟分钟, 号钟号钟、号锣号锣均为1分钟分钟 其他有效的声号为2分钟分钟 引航船引航船当执行引航任务:执行引航任务: 同同 “机动船机动船”(在航或锚泊)(在航或锚泊) 可以鸣放识别声号:四短声。可以鸣放识别声号:四短声。招引注意的信号 Rule 36 Signals to attract Attention If necessary to attract the attention of another vessel any vesse
49、l may make light or sound signals that cannot be mistaken for any signal authorized elsewhere in these Rules, or may direct the beam of her searchlight in the direction of the danger, in such a way as not to embarrass any vessel. Any light to attract the attention of another vessel shall be such tha
50、t it can not be mistaken for any aid to navigation. For the purpose of this Rule the use of high intensity intermittent 间歇的or revolving 旋转的lights, such as strove lights频闪灯, shall be avoided. 招引注意的信号 第 三 十 六 条 招引注意的信号如需招引他船注意,任何船舶可以可以发出灯光或声响信号,但这种信号应不致被误认应不致被误认为本规则其他条款所准许其他条款所准许的任何信号,或者可用不致妨不致妨碍任何船舶碍
51、任何船舶的方式把探照灯探照灯的光束朝着危险的方向。任何招引他船注意的灯光,应不致被误致被误认认为是任何助航标志助航标志的灯光。为此目的,应避避免免使用诸如频闪灯频闪灯这样高亮度的间歇灯间歇灯或旋转旋转灯灯。 招引注意的信号 使用时机 本船走锚、本船有人落水、本船发现不明漂浮物、本船发现他船走锚、本船发现落水者、本船正在进行舷外作业、本船发现他船航行灯熄灭、本船正在寻找落水者、本船发现他船驶近危险物等。 招引注意的信号 使用要求 不致被误认不致被误认为本规则其他条款所准许其他条款所准许的任何信号; 不致被误认致被误认为是任何助航标志助航标志的灯光 避免使用避免使用:频闪灯,高亮度的间歇灯、旋转灯
52、 如使用如使用探照灯,应不致妨碍任何船舶。遇险信号 Rule 37 Distress Signals Subparagraphs 1.(d),(l) and (m) of Annex IV was amended. Enter into force: On or after 1 December 2009 When a vessel is in distress and requires assistance she shall use or exhibit the signals described in Annex to these Regulations. 遇险信号 ANNEX DIST
53、RESS SIGNALS1. The following signals, used or exhibited either together or separately, indicate distress and need of assistance :遇险信号 (a) a gun or other explosive signal fired at intervals of about a minute ;(b) a continuous sounding with any fog-signalling apparatus ;(c) rockets or shells, throwing
54、 red stars fired one at a time at short intervals ;(d) a signal made by any signalling method consisting of the group . - . (SOS) in the Morse Code;遇险信号 (e) a signal sent by radiotelephony consisting of the spoken word Mayday;(f) the International Code Signal of distress indicated by N. C.;(g) a sig
55、nal consisting of a square flag having above or below it a ball or anything resembling a ball ;(h) flames on the vessel (as from a burning tar barrel, oil barrel, etc.) ;遇险信号 (i) a rocket parachute flare or a hand flare showing a red light ;(j) a smoke signal giving off orange-coloured smoke ;(k) slowly and repeatedly raising and lowering arms outstretched to each side ;(l) a distress alert by means of digital selective calling (DSC) transmitted on:(i) VHF channel 70, or(ii) MF/HF on the frequencies 2187.5 kHz, 8414.5 kHz,
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