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1、Unit 4 Making the newsUsing language高二人教新课标版必修五高二人教新课标版必修五Getting The “Scoop” Reading, speaking and writing Read the text and answer these questions. Zhou Yang had got the scoop. The scoop is about a famous film star, who has done something wrong but has been lying.1. Who got the scoop? What is the

2、“scoop” about? 2. What was the film stars response to the affair? And how did Zhou Yang deal with the affair?The famous film star had been lying about the affair, but Zhou Yang was determined to find out the truth that he had been lying. senior editor from his department2.the copy-editor3.the n

3、ative speaker (English) employed by the newspaper4.the chief editor 5.the news desk editor3. How many people read his article before it was ready to be processed into film negatives? Who were they?The chief editor asked for Zhou Yangs evidence to make suretheyve got their facts straight.4. What did

4、the chief editor ask for? Why?1 Read the passage to work out the writing and printing process for an article. Then complete the flow chart below. 1. You go to an interview to get the information for your story.2. You do some research to see if the story is true or not.3. You begin to write the story

5、 using notes from the interview.4. You give the article to a senior editor to check and copy editor to do editing. 5.The article is given to a native speaker to check the use of English and improve the style.6.The article is checked/approved by the chief editor. 7. All the stories and photos are set

6、 and the color negatives for the printing are made ready.8. The first edition of the newspaper is made.2 In pairs make a list of things that the film star might have done. Compare your list with another pair and choose the most interesting idea. Be prepared to tell it to the class and explain why th

7、e film star would not want others to know about it. 1. He took money but act badly in a film.2. He lied about getting drunk at a restaurant.3. He stole something from a shop and lied about it.4. He said some rude remarks about his ex-girlfriend to a journalist.Sample discussion:S1: Lets think about

8、what this person might have done?S2: I know! Perhaps he was a film star and stole from a shop. But when he pretended he hadnt.S3: Thats a good idea. What do you think he would steal? S4: Perhaps a gold necklace for his wife.S2: But how could he pretend he had not done that if someone saw him?S1: He

9、could pretend it was not him but somebody else they saw.S3: But when Li Ming checked his alibi he found the man was lying. Good a great scoop.S1: Right. So what should our heading be?S4: Can it be “A film star caught unexpectedly”?S3: Yes and the sub-heading could be “Did he need the money?”S2: So l

10、ets begin. Lets write our idea down and then we will be ready to do the article.3 Prepare your article, following the steps below. Sort out your two headings: a large one (the main headline) at the top and a smaller one under it. Sort out the stages in your story: 1. how you found out 2. how the fil

11、m star reacted when you 3. told him you knew his secret 4. your opinion Write the story. Then swap with a partner to improve your work. Rewrite neatly. A Film Star Caught UnexpectedlyDid he need the money?There has been a strange happening in a downtown shopping area. It has been said that famous fi

12、lm star, Wang Ping, was caught stealing a gold necklace yesterday. He went into a shop and when the jeweler turned his back. Sample article:Wang Ping took the necklace and ran out of the shop. The shopkeeper shouted and a crowd of people gathered. The police went to Wang Pings home and questioned hi

13、m. He denied he had stolen the necklace and told them he had enough money to buy the necklace anyway. He said he had been at a restaurant with his wife. But a reporter, Zhou Yang, found this was untrue. So the police are treating this case seriously.你是学校你是学校English Corner 报社的记者,报社的记者,请根据下面的图片撰写一篇新闻报

14、道,请根据下面的图片撰写一篇新闻报道,记录你校高二年级学生陈菲在周一早晨记录你校高二年级学生陈菲在周一早晨上学途中目击的一场交通事故。上学途中目击的一场交通事故。Task:注意:注意: 1新闻的标题已为你写好;新闻的标题已为你写好; 2. 词数不少于词数不少于60。Impossible to escape being punished Impossible to escape being punished This Monday morning, Chen Fei, a student of Senior Two in our school, saw a traffic accident on

15、 her way to school. A boy was riding along the street. Suddenly, a car ran towards him fast knocking him off the bike. Instead of stopping, the driver drove away fast and was soon out of sight, leaving the boy helpless. “It happened in only a few seconds,” said Chen Fei “but I know I should remember

16、 the number of the car.” Chen Fei reported this to the police. Now the driver has been caught and will be punished for his wrong doing.Listening and speaking First listen to the tape and fill the blanks.Part 1:Part 2:CAN I HELP YOUZhou Yang is hoping to interview Liu Ming about his decision to work

17、abroad. So he is calling Liu Mings assistant, Lily Wong, to make an appointment.Part 1 (Telephone ringing)LW: Hello, this is Lily Wong, Liu Mings assistant. Can I help you?ZY: Hello. I would like to speak to Liu Ming please.LW: I m sorry but hes busy now _?ZY: I m Zhou Yang of China Daily. Id like t

18、o _ Liu Ming about his decision to play _ tennis abroad.Whos speakinginterviewprofessionalLW: Itll be difficult. You know he_ Beijing at the end of this week. ZY: Well, Im free tomorrow afternoon and all of _. LW: Ok. Now lets me see Liu Mings going to see his family tomorrow and talk to some studen

19、ts on Wednesdayis leavingWednesday morning. Then _hell go to a _ party given by the leaders of our city. What about meeting him in the early afternoon?ZY: How about _. Our readers will be very interested in his four oclockspecialover lunchLW: Hmm I know that hes very happy about _ and hopes

20、 to return to China in a few years. This he wants to improve Chinese tennis.going abroadPart 2ZY: Many of his fans will be sorry not to see him play in person. Watching him on TV is not quite the same.LW: Yes, I understand, but he need to _ his skills. On TV you can still enjoy his sparkling play.ZY

21、: What if he never comes home? Well have lost a great sportsman.developLW: I dont think that he stays abroad. He says he has _of doing that.ZY: I am glad to hear that. But _ he gets wonderful offer to stay?LW: I think youll have to discuss that with him yourself.ZY: So will 12 oclock be OK? Where wo

22、uld be the best place to meet?no intentionwhat ifLW: Why not meet at the Garden Hotel at 12 oclock. Ill put it in his diary for Wednesday so hes sure to come.ZY: Thank you so much. Goodbye.LW: Goodbye.1. Before you listen, discuss with a partner what difficulties you might have interviewing somebody

23、 famous. Listen to Parts 1 and 2 of the tape and see how far you were right. 1. he is too busy2. he doesnt want to be interviewed for a newspaper3. he is away4. he will be awayA. This is about a young man who is refused an interview with Liu May.B. This is about a young man who is trying to arrange

24、an interview with Liu Mei.C. This is about a young man who want to ask Liu Ming about how to work abroad.2 Read the three possible summaries of the interview. Listen again and circle the correct one. Explain why the others are wrong. B3. Listen to Part 1 again and answer the following questions. Why

25、 does Zhou Yang want to interview Liu Ming? He wants to interview him about his decision to go abroad to work. When does Liu Ming plan to leave Beijing? He plans to leave Beijing at the end of this week.3. What is Liu Ming doing on Wednesday? He is going to talk to some students in the morning; at f

26、our hell go to a special party.4. When does Lily Wong suggest they meet? Lily Wong suggests they meet at 12 oclock.Fans ideas about Liu Ming going abroadLiu Mings ideas about going abroad4. Look at the chart below and then listen carefully to Part 2 and fill it in.Fans ideas about Liu Ming going abr

27、oadLiu Mings ideas about going abroadsorry not to see him play in the fleshwatching him play on TV is not the sameafraid he may not come home againto learn more about tennis to intend to come back to Chinato develop his skills5. Practise in pairs making appointments. You are supposed to be the secre

28、tary of an important person. He needs to have his picture taken for a magazine. He would like to have it taken in the afternoon because he must have his hair cut in the morning. The other is the photographer who wants to take the picture in the morning because he/she wont be free in the afternoon. S

29、hall we make an appointment?How/what about ? When are you free?When do you think is convenient for you?Is it possible to ?Where is the best place?I shall be busy at and but I can be free at Where is the best place?Maybe we can meet at What if Im not sure. Ill have to check my schedule. Perhaps we co

30、uld S1: Hello. Id like to speak to Li Feizhou. Im the photographer ringing him to make an appointment for some photographs for “cool scene” magazine. Is it possible to meet him tomorrow? S2: Hello. Perhaps I can help. I am Li Feizhous secretary. Sample dialogue Im afraid he can only meet you tomorrow aft


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