



1、Middle School En glish Teach ing howeffective use of lear ning resourcesAbstract English to achieve effective teaching, we must make good use of learning resources, teaching to guide students to find and use learning resources, and improve the effective ness of teach ing.KeywordsEn glish teach ingef

2、fective ness oflearning resources New courses in En glish teach ing to organize the students found, find, search, and use of learning resources, make full use of effective teaching resources to improve the effective ness of teach ing.First, the discovery and collectionof effectivelearning resources

3、The new curriculum reform requires teachers to do off, pay attentionto the guide studentdevelopme nt extracurricularlear ningresources such as“What s the weather like today? ” Teaching, teachers can use the picture leads to the words sunny weather, windy, cloudy, this sun , wind, cloud is already le

4、arned words, teachers can ask the question“ Can you make arule out - of these three words? ” in spire stude ntstoobserve, an alyze, summed up by the stude nts themselves -y adjective suffix, and the ability to thi nk, learn, sno wy, showery, misty words in conjunctionwith the law. Suchteach ing can

5、help stude nts of I do not know to know so limited vocabularykno wledgeinto un limited gen eratewords. teachers should guide orga ni zedstude ntstocollect, use of lear ning resources as importa nt, con scious of the accumulation of the students readingand lifeexperie nee comb ine curriculum resource

6、s.Third element in learning a seventh grade En glishtextbooks Oxford editi on holiday topic, theteacher asks stude nts free discussi on about the Christmas vocabulary, they take the in itiativeto the dicti on ary,tohelp each other to solve problems such activities so that classroomteachersnot on ly

7、stude nts imparti ngknowledge,it is more importantto cultivatestudents abilities, so that studentslearn how to learn under theguidanee of a teacher. groupcooperationexplore, askeach in teracti onA teacher timely coach ing,in dividualcoun seli ng in a timely manner, teachers take the in itiativeto pa

8、rticipate in the discussi on of the various sub-form ofsuch activities, in adverte ntly dem on strated new ideas to bring students to the fun, the English classroom is no Ion ger a bori ng speech drills.Organizestudents to create effective teachingresources Positive psychological atmosphere is an ef

9、fective teaching resources, teaching is necessary to create an effective teach ing resources and teach ing to be used in the proper way, psychological security and spiritual en courageme nt to the stude nts, thinking of thestude ntsmore active,explore more en thusiastic.especiallythe first daythe st

10、ude ntsjusten teri ng thesec on daryschool level,has a playfulboyishloveto saythat theyhave nothingto fear, daresay, agoodmove,no velty (differen ces toa strong desire topayspecialatte ntio n to the use in the classroom teach ing ten mi nutes before the class to create a good classroom atmosphere (W

11、arming up to sing some En glish songs for example, to carry out, such as “ Let me guess.” or “ Follow me. ” interestingreview of a knowledge-basedgames, activebefore class atmosphere, enhance the fun of the En glish class, to arouse students curiosity. posted in the free papers Downl oad Cen ter lea

12、r ningOxford editi on, seve nth gradeEn glishtextbooks about the topic of the festival for the third un it, the contents of the textbooks is Hallowee n jumped out of the first multimedia talk ing a big pumpk in Ian tern, cut cute pictures of the eyes, mouth, nose, students on the content of the text

13、 is full of curious desire to express their own thoughts are involun tary. less on gave stude nts some kno wledge of the Christmas expa nd stude nts Christmashas more or less understand, especiallytheir favoriteChristmas songs such as Jin gle Bells, We mail wish you aMerry Christmas, etc. guide stud

14、entsto talk about theChristmas before, animated Santa Claus picture, hand bells, n aturally beautiful voice bringing music is the wi ngs of imag in ati on,create thescree nof the computermultimedia imagine sky, students face full of joyful expressi on Some stude nts can not help but sing a song.abov

15、e foreshadow ing stude nts n aturally into the lear ningstate, intense groupdiscussi ons,thestude ntstake thein itiativeto find andmaster alot ofvocabularyaboutChristmas,such asChristmascard,Christmascarol,Christmas Eve, San ta Claus , sleigh bells, re in deer, Chim ney,Christmas dinner and other st

16、ude nts are excited with theEnglish expression of desire, rich in content, classroom teach ing, teachers use their love and stude nts together to create an equal and respect, teach ing atmosphere of trust.Third, thecreati onof effectivelear ningresources The problem is the core of the teach ing and

17、learning activities, no problem with the existe nee of teachingcan not be carried out, what kind of problem,you decide whatki nd of th inking, thi nkingdecisi onbehavior. Problemto be able to raise the stude ntsquestio ned, found that stude nts in questi oning, explori ng, found in the access to kno

18、 wledge and experie nee.“ What s the weather like today? ” topic of teaching teachers to use picture prese nted three groups of words (s un-sunny,win d-w indy“ cloud-cha nces nowCha nee of,set asked ” Can you the make a rule out of these three words? “ arous ing stude nts were observed and an alyzed

19、 to find the law stude ntsfound the word formati on,teachers in prese nti ngnew vocabularysno wy, foggy,showery, misty, asked ” Can you guess the Chinesemeanings of these words?“en courage stude nts to lear n anew word to use their own summary of word formatio n, reflects the teach ing philosophy of” Give


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