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1、Explore new ideas teacherFamous educator Mr. Ye Shen gtao said:“ Educati onis what to simple say only one senten ce, that is, to develop good habits . ” teacher in the con text of the quality ofeducatio n,effective class ma nageme nt,SECONDARYhomeroomteacherurge ntproblem to work since Iaccord ingto

2、 the educationprogram of the School ofChurch and State Departme nt, the characteristics of j uniorhigh schoolstude nts,and actively carry out patrioticeducatio nas the main line, in order to standardizeanddevelopeducati onstude ntsgoodbehavioras abreakthrough series of educatio nalactivities, receiv

3、esig nifica nt results.Establish a com mon goal.The goal is to guide students in the forwarddirecti on, is to motivate stude nts to upward mome ntum,but alsoadjust the words and deeds of the overallrequirements of the specification students in the old mode, people s goal is to “ further education ”

4、, soon e-sidedpursuit of enrollment quotas, bound studentscomprehe nsive developme nt un der the framework of the quality of educati on, is the all-ro und developme nt of thepeople we need to train people withthe com mongoalun doubtedlyatake good care ofitself and inthecollectiveaware ness ofcon ser

5、vati on,there wouldbepositive to its service, I letthe stude ntsin the first classmeeting to discuss, formulate thegoal of the class afterthorough discussi on,“ all for the school, for the class, butalso for my future efforts to develop struggle“goal,comb inedgoal of collective and in dividualin ter

6、ests iscon ducive to mobilize the en thusiasm of the stude nts, and enhance the con cept of collectivism, the stude nts also had con fide nee in the future, so that each stude ntcanconsciously collective services, collective really look into their own home. solidarity positive heart to a thought and

7、 effort to a make a strong class group formed in the com mon struggle to make the class work walk ing in the school in the forefron t, received year after year.Second, stre ngthe neducati on,stre ngthe nthedaily code of con duct to develop educati on training.Good thinking and behavior of stude nts

8、not happe novernight,but through everything, every activity, everyless on, Ion g-termn urturi ngto form in rece nt years tobuild a good class atmosphere, I will focus on grasp ing the day-to-day behavior norms educationof my life to theclassroomas the main body, the main line of regulartraining to s

9、tre ngthe n the educati on of stude nt classroom discipline,routine,courtesy, health and labor nine basiccode of con duct stude nts sense of respon sibilityandself-lear ning, self-care the ability of self-c on trol, classroom teachingteachersand studentsto completethe taskofteach ing harm ony and un

10、 ity.1, payattention tothe regulartrainingofstude nts, stude nts of self-c on trol.Students for each session,I first want them toconven ti onal educatio n and trai ning, strict requireme nts, a catch in the end.Itakeadva ntageofevery favorable time forstude ntsin the class actualenhan cedlear ningha

11、bits.Beginningof the semester Iclasses will, eveningcollarschool<<Students daily behaviorspecification> ;& gt; and << high school stude nts on the 1st ofAssociation>>reiterate the rules and regulationsschool discipline, so studentsshould be how to do itexplicitly in the new semes

12、ter. I pay close atte nti on to the stude nts to develop the educati on, I in sist to rely on every day in order to cultivate the students well-disciplined and study habits, classes, i n-depth classes to keep abreast of all class things, the eliminationof all undesirabletenden cies in the bud in the

13、 beg inning of the semester class work everyth ingin to the routi ne,to the sounddevelopme nt of Links to free papersDownl oadCen ter 2, establish class stude nts take tur ns value day system,the ability to develop self-sterile.Duty problems, the usual practice of the past are only a few class cadre

14、 in turn, through experimental observati on, I go on like this can only be good stude nts better, the poor still can not keep up, because it will make some students in a passive state for a long time , lost ambitionand enthusiasmto the full implementationofquality education,and to develop students a

15、bility toself-sterile andsense of competiti on, all-ro unddevelopme nt, so that each stude nt has the opport un ity toexercise physically labor aspects, I took the class practice stude nts take tur ns on duty, the stude nts showed a very positive and excited state, always look ing forward to whe n t

16、he proctor in the day whe n on duty, proctor to report on the day s learning, health, discipline, attendance, etc., so that Practice has proved that each student has the opportunityto work independentlyon duty in learn toman age and cultivate stude nts in depe ndent work and,more importa ntly, the p

17、roctorin since going to man ageothers, that first of all you have to lead by example, only convincing: in my eyes it seems very humble stude nt, not on ly in the Duty own strict discipli ne, but also dem on strateda strong ability to work and a sense ofresp on sibility on duty, so I further recog ni

18、 ze: The stude nt is a master of the class, Each stude nt has to orga nize and man age their own classes collectiveresp on sibilitiesandobligations,and also the power to participatein themanagementclasses to motivatestudentsto love theirclass groupto promote students “consciousness ” todetermine the

19、 habits of the students good behavior tokeep into play a good role.Third, to strengthenthe constructionof classcultureStrengthenthe constructionof class culture, avery important part of the class civilization. Classes civilizatio n refers to a collecti on of around class educati on, teaching activit

20、ies, set up a set of value orientation, behavior, la nguage, habits, systems, class atmosphere first class civilizati onshould be basicn ecessitiesseveralaspects of the studentsproper guidanee, establish ourclass motto is: better than lavish than ambition,thanfoun dati on tha n progress, better tha

21、n wisetha n dilige ntstude nts to establish theearn estspirit of thedow n-to-earth, hardworki ng spirit of hard work. additi on, I also educate stude nts from class civilizatio n to establish a correct outlook on life, values, worldview perspective.allow stude ntsvying forcivilizedpeople, toeducates

22、tude ntssay civilization,the n,dothe civilized1 thi ng.civilizatio neducati onstude ntsnotjust stayin theeducatio nof the in dividual,butalsoeducati onthey thepers onal fate coun tries are closely lin ked.Fourth, to create a good learning atmospherein class As a teacher, I am great resp on sibility himself, soI classes will be in the beg inning of the semester, eve collar school learning to become typical examples, to enable stude nts to un dersta nd the kno wledge to cha nge the fate of the truth, allow stude nts accord ing to their own classes the positi on to formulate a realistic shor


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