已阅读5页,还剩32页未读 继续免费阅读




1、高三英语一轮复习检测手段的有效性研究各位老师,大家上午好!感谢教研室武老师给我提供了这个和大家共同交流探讨高三英语一轮复习检测这个话题。关于这个话题,我今天主要从三个方面来和大家探讨和交流。一。关于检测的频率 二。检测时如何组题?三。综合题讲评课教案设计。下面首先谈一下检测的频率。一检测的频率在高三一轮复习中我们会对所学的知识采用不同的方式进行检测,这包括对词汇掌握情况的检测,对语法知识的检测,对某些题型的限时检测和大家普遍运用的综合检测。由于检测的目的不同,检测的频率肯定也不一样。例如词汇的复习的检测,几乎每天都会进行,一般采用随堂检测的方式进行。对某些题型的限时检测可能要根据复习内容来灵活

2、安排检测的次数,例如限时阅读检测我校一般每周都会进行一次。综合检测我校一般一采用周测和月测的方式进行。(一)词汇检测词汇检测一般采用英汉互译,小段落翻译,小作文,单词拼写,单词填空等形式进行。例如复习完book1m1-2时,对于集中出现的ing, ed 形容词我们采用同类词归类检测的方式进行。interest, excite, disappoint , bore ,amaze ,surprise ,shock, astonish, frighten, encourage , embarrass, satisfy, please ,tire ,worry, puzzle ,move (1)i w

3、as _to hear that he was badly hurt in the accident.this is a really _result.(amaze)(2)she was _when they asked her age. i dont like making speeches in public , for its so _.(embarrass)(3) the _boy sat in the corner, _(disappoint, tire )(4) what she said was _and we were_at once. (encourage)(5) he wa

4、s _at the _news. (excite)(6) he was_ by the _film. (move)(7) the _look on his face suggested that he didnt win the game. (disappoint)(8) the situation was more _than ever and i was _about what to do next . (puzzle)(9) he is _ with the _ answer . ( satisfy please )(10) everyone was _at the _news. (sh

5、ock)(11)he stood there,(puzzle)_.(12) (satisfy)_with the result, he smiled.词汇我们一般不会采用孤零零的方式进行检测,要么组成小词组,要么组成小段落或小文章进行巩固检测。例如复习完book1m1时,对单词表中的单词我们采用的检测方式是词组和小段落英汉互译。module1book1词组英汉互译1.参加一个学术报告2.山东省3.对热心4.一件令人吃惊的事5.一条信息6.在网站上找信息7.阅读理解8.按照说明书9.指示某人干10.用这种方法11.对.厌倦12.他感到很尴尬13.对生活的态度14.以前的行为15.描述.16.他感

6、到很吃惊17.令人尴尬的一件事18.先进的技术19.这部电影使我印象深刻20.他说英语很流利21.产生很多误解22.他对这个令人失望的消息感到很失望23.建立一种完善的教育体制24.搬到伦敦25.一个店员26.他被这个感人的电影感动了27.这些钱不够支付这些费用28.报道这起车祸29.这就是封面是红色的那本书30.获得文凭1.attend an academic lecture2.shandong province3.be enthusiastic about4.an amazing thing5.a piece of information6.look for information on

7、the website7.reading comprehension8.follow the instructions9.instruct sb to do sth10.with this method= in this way= by this means11.be bored with.12.he felt embarrassed13.the attitude to life14.previous behaviour15.give a description of.16.he felt amazed17.an embarrassing thing18.advanced technology

8、19.the film impressed me deeply20.he speaks english fluently21.cause a lot of misunderstanding22.he was disappointed at the disappointing news.23.set up a perfect education system24.move to london25.a shop assistant26.he was moved by the moving film27.the money cant cover the expenses28.cover the ac

9、cident29.this is the book whose cover is red30.get the diploma小段落m1在某省的一所学校里,一位热心的老师正在网站上搜索一些学术信息。他对教学方法的理解很出色,而且他的指示和描述给学生留下了深刻的印象。他也纠正学生的行为,鼓励他们要互相理解,不要使别人感到尴尬和厌烦。in a school in some province, an enthusiastic teacher is searching for some academic information on the website. his comprehension of t

10、eaching method is brilliant, and his instruction and description impress his students. he also corrects the students behavior and encourages them to understand each other and not to get others embarrassed and bored. 对于每一册课本我们都会将单词串成小文章,以加强巩固和记忆。第一册m2-m6 关于单词的小段落附在后面。实践证明者对与学生克服单词记不牢,对单词反应迟钝等问题很有帮助。(

11、二)知识点检测对于知识点我们常常采用翻译句子的方式进行检测,我们设计翻译句子的原则是作文中可能会用到的句子。例如复习bim1时,我们设计的翻译句子是:1. 老师对每个学生都很热心。(enthusiastic)2. 我发现用这种方法我可以快速提高阅读理解力。(method)3. 我以前厌倦英语阅读。(bored)4. 他的教学方法给我留下了深刻的印象。(impress)5. 老师的鼓励在我的英语学习中起着很重要的作用。(encourage)6. 现在我说英语很流利,也很擅长英语阅读,我为此深感自豪。(fluent)the teacher is enthusiastic about every s

12、tudent.i find i can improve my reading comprehension rapidly with his method.i used to be bored with reading exercises.his teaching method has left a deep impression on me .the teachers encouragement plays an important part in my english study.now i can speak english fluently ,and im good at reading

13、 comprehension ,of which i feel very proud.这些翻译句子如果串联起来就可以形成另外一种词汇检测方式,即段落翻译。常采用这种检测方式可以培养学生从复习一开始就养成将重点和高级词汇灵活运用到作文中的意识。我以前厌倦英语阅读。但新老师对每个学生都很热心。他的教学方法给我留下了深刻的印象。我发现用他的方法我可以快速提高阅读能力。而且,老师的鼓励在我的英语学习中起着很重要的作用。现在我说英语很流利,也很擅长英语阅读,我为此深感自豪。再如,复习完b1m1-2之后我们也采用了小作文的检测方式。我的化学老师是一个很热心的人, 他总是充满活力。虽然他对我们的学习要求严格

14、但总是很耐心的帮助我们纠正我们学习上的错误。开始的时候我们上课很紧张,尽管他尽力避免让我们感到很尴尬。令人吃惊的是, 随着时间的过去, 因为他的鼓励和生动的教学方法我们的紧张消失了, 甚至有些同学不得不承认很喜欢他的课。我们之间的关系也变得轻松了。高考的时候, 我们都获得了满意的分数, 很多同学被理想的大学录取。 拿到毕业证书的时候, 我们实在无法描述对老师的尊敬和感激,由衷的祝福我们的老师健康快乐。如果时间允许还可以将作文的内容扩展一下,让学生进一步体验活学活用的成功感。象刚才所提到的词汇检测可以根据教学的进度和学生的实际情况灵活安排。另外,对于其中的知识点我们也常采用单选的形式进行检测,选

15、题时一般选用历年高考题,或者对高考题进行适当地改编。走近高考book1 m1. 知识点检测1. - do you have enough to _ all your daily expenses? - oh yes, enough and to spare. (2009山东) a. cover b. spend c. fill d. offer2. there is _a cold drink to make one feel cool in summer. a. something like b. nothing like c. no like d. some like3. -may i u

16、se your computer this afternoon? - _. you can use it any time. a. never mind b. by no means c. sorry, im afraid not. d. by all means4. i told them not everybody could run as fast as you did, _? (2011重庆)a. could he b. didnt i c. didnt you d. could they5. -i would never come to this restaurant again.

17、the food is terrible! -_. a. nor am i b. neither would i c. same to me d. so do i6. - silly me! i forgot what my luggage looks like. - what do you think of _ over there? (2011重庆) a. the one b. this c. it d. that7. -he said he enjoyed the quiet life in the countryside. - _and _. a. so did he; so did

18、i b. so he did; so did i c. he did so; i did so d. did he so; so i did 8. the doctor told him to read the _ on the bottle before he took the medicine. a. instructions b. direction c. instructor s d. production9. the spring festival all the children were looking forward to _ at last. a. coming b. cam

19、e c. come d. to come10. -i know you went to the party last night._ -wonderful. everyone had a good time.a. how was it b. oh, really? c. is that right? d. cool!(三)语法检测一轮复习中语法的复习必不可少,每学完一个语法项目一般都要进行检测。最常用的检测形式就是单选,当然也可以采用填空,翻译等形式进行检测。b1m3的语法项目是done作定语,因为是高三复习我们对于作定语的动词形式也进行了归纳梳理。对于这个的语法项目,我们采用了如下两种的检测

20、方式;a填空(1) prices of daily goods (buy) _through a computer can be lower than store prices.(2) dont use words (know)_only to people with specific knowledge(3) the disc, digitally (record)_in the studio, sounded good.(4) the olympic games (第一次举行)_in 776 b.c didnt include women players.(5) many things (

21、consider)_ impossible in the past are very common today.(6)there are a lot of (excite)_people at the concert.(7)(train)_ camels carried food and other things for people.(8)we all like the photos (take )_ by our teacher.(9)those (invite)_ to the party are all my friends.b.单选(附后)在对这些项目的检测进行讲评时,对于学生集中出

22、错的关于consist of , belong to ,date back to ,miss ,remain 作定语时的用法又进行了归类处理,效果很不错。再如,交际用语也是山东高考每年必考的项目,近两年一般都考两个与此有关的题目,学生对这个项目出错较多的原因有有两个,一个是受中国习惯的影响,一个是对这四个选项不知道是什么意思。所以在对这个语法项目进行检测之前,我们对常见的交际英语进行了总结归纳,先要求学生理解他们的含义,然后再去做题,学生在做题的过程中同时又巩固了这些短语的含义,效果很好。我们归纳的交际用语附在后面。(四)对某些题型的限时检测限时检测顾名思义限时很重要。根据高考对每个项目的时间

23、要求安排测试。下面我以完型为例谈一下我们对完型的限时检测。15分钟限时完型给出答案将正确答案填到文章中大声朗读两遍感悟失误每日积累。在感悟中学生对于自己在完型中的失分原因及应对方法都会掌握很好。我们选完型一般选择高考题,这样学生在真正面对高考题的时候会有似曾相识之感,做题时就会得心应手。这是我们对做过的限时检测的一篇完型归纳的“每日积累”:para1.1.be involved in an accident卷入2. a finger remained on the right hand 右手只剩下一个手指3. possess a brilliant mind拥有聪明的头脑4. enrich/

24、broaden our mind丰富、拓宽头脑para21.a thought came/ occurred to sb. 某人突然想到一个想法2. shut in 关在家中3. be set free 被释放para31. be concerned with 与有关2. be against prison rules 违反3. take up one-sided correspondence开始从事单方面的通信4. tax his strength to the limit体力消耗达到极限(tax-vt.使负重担)5. put his whole soul into those letter

25、s全身心投入6. be hard doing 费力做某事para4pass the letters from cell to cell cell:牢房二如何组题对于词汇,知识点,语法,及一些题目的限时训练,我们组题的原则是要精,要实用,要高效,所用的题一个是自编,另一个就是从高考材料中选择,如三维设计,21世纪报,报纸,网站等。三综合检测综合检测我校一般采用周测和月测的方式进行。周测的综合题是这样组题的,听力都用现成的材料,单选题当然是最近刚复习过的主要知识点。完型一般选自高考题,阅读和阅读表达一般都是自己选编的最新材料。作文选题的原则是每次作文只解决一个问题。(这个下面我会详细说明)。月测的


27、于这类题目老师在在做祥案时会配上相应的巩固练习,便于学生强化这类知识。对于其他题型也是如此。对于周末的周测题我们老师下个周仍会进行简单批阅,对于成绩波动大的学生会进行个别指导。下面展示的是一次周测的祥案:(具体内容附在后面 )对于月测,我们是要进行课堂讲解的。试卷讲评是高三复习极为关键的环节,通过试卷讲评,不仅要作到解决问题,弥补不足,更要达到巩固已有知识,构建知识结构,生成解题能力的目的,也就是说试卷讲评是一个夯实、整合与拓展的过程,而非简单的解答与重复。真正好的讲评课都是这样一个过程。我们的原则是第一天考的试题,第二天一定会保证讲评,因为时间久了,就失去讲解的时效性了,第一天考完后,因为我


29、他们的整体水平,分析了普遍性错误和典型性错误,整理出错误的性质、类型,并能根据出错的原因来确定讲评的顺序、重点和方法。通过细致的试卷统计与分析,从中了解和分析透学生知识和能力的缺陷以及教学中存在的问题,这样便于教师及时采取措施,有的放矢地解决这些缺陷和问题。 其次,我们在试卷讲评注重引导学生开展积极的思维活动,让学生主动释疑,以达到训练和培养学生思维和创新能力的目的。对答案式和一言堂式的教学,不但会使前面的准备工作付之流水,而且会扼杀学生的求知欲望,压抑学生的探究心理。因此讲评课的最高艺术是欲露先藏,利用启发性的语言,学生的思维不断得到激发,解题思路也逐渐形成。另外,我们试卷讲评重点讲解解题的


31、率高的试题。纠正答案:把错误率较低试题的答案直接呈现给学生,把错误率较高的答案空着,由学生讨论研究。学生分析原因:学生研究后,说明所选答案的原因。教师总结失分原因:分析学生失分的原因(知识上和做题方法上的原因)教师归纳总结:同类试题的解题方法。变式训练:小结:学生归纳总结本课重点知识内容和解题方法。下面是我们做过的一套题的讲评案。即墨一中月考英语检测讲评课导学案【教师寄语】:good performance lies in a large vocabulary and a strong ability in fast reading and flexible thinking。把平日检测当做高

32、考-认真对待把高考当做平日检测-轻松作答【learning aims】:1. to help the students grasp the language knowledge 2. to foster the students ability of dealing with problems within a given time 3. to help the students summarize the testing form of the language knowledge 4. to help the students pay attention to the usual mist

33、akes they often make【课内探究】part one 课前导学1.分析成绩,查找复习过程中出现的主要问题2.依据自己的实际情况,初步寻求改进措施。3.思考形成适合自己的解题思路与策略part two课中讲评i. listening在集中放听力的时间根据听力原文自主解决。iigrammar and vocabulary21. 请背诵下列词组:at a loss 不知所措 word came that .消息传来说。25. 请思考:下面两个句子应该用同样的时态吗?(1)-you speak english so fluently.-thank you .i _(study) eng

34、lish in the university for 4 years . and i graduated from it last year.(2)-are you a new teacher here ? -no , i (teach) _ here for 3 years .结论:一般过去时态和现在完成事态的本质区别?巩固练习(1) christine is a company manager now, but she _as a teacher in a middle school in beijing for three years.a. works b. has worked c.

35、worked d. had worked(2) youve got your flat furnished, havent you?-yes, i _some used furniture and it was a real bargain.(buy)(3) -are you a member of the club?- _. its years since i _a member of the club.a yes ; was b no ; become c yes; had been d no ; was(4)-did you go somewhere on holiday? -yes ,

36、i _ in hainan for 2weeks . (stay)26.请思考:to do doing 做结果状语时有什么不同?结论:请根据结论改正题目答案:巩固练习:(1) it rained for a week,(ruin)_ our holiday.(2) football is played in 80 countries, (make)_ it the most popular.(3)yesterday a beggar bought a lottery ticket, (make)_him a millionaire overnight.(4) he made a long sp

37、eech, (show) _his ignorance of the subject. (5)more highways have been built in china ,(make)_ it much easier for people to travel from one place to another.32. 请思考:it 在强调句结构中有什么特点?结论:巩固练习:(1)it was at 2:00 _he came back.(2)it was 2:00 _he came back.(3)it was clear _ he doesnt like the watch.(4)it w

38、as in this park _they first met _ they were killed.(5)it was _ he failed the exam _ made his mother angry. (6)-where did you find your key ? - it was in the room _ i slept last night .33. 请思考:下面题目中of的用法li bai wrote many famous poems all his life, of which farewell to a friend were reading is one exa

39、mple.巩固训练:1. charles dickens wrote many novels, _oliver twist is a typical example.2. i have many books, the best _was borrowed by mary.a. about them b. of which c. among them d. in whichiii. cloze test1fill in the blanks and read the passage loudly2.每日积累:words and expressions1) the sport setting 体育

40、环境 2) feedback 反映,反馈3) find fault with 挑剔,找毛病 4) positive reinforcement motivates 积极的动机强化5) at one time 曾经,一度 in no time 立即,立刻,马上 at no time 绝不 at a time 一次 6)outcome 结果 7) quit smoking 戒烟 quit the city 离开城市 8) attain 获得3.请思考:你主要失误源于:a.词汇量不够,固定词组或搭配掌握不好b.没有注意上下文的连贯性c.时间安排不合理失误原因明确了吗?下次要努力哦!ivreading

41、 comprehension 出错题目:56. 71 1.如何正确猜测词义?请思考: 表转折关系的词,例如though, however, but , while, instead of , rather than , unlike, yet, otherwise, on the contrary等在猜测词义时是否很关键?请先测下列词的含义:1)though toms face has been washed quite clean, his neck still remains grubby.2)john usually wastes a lot of money on such usele

42、ss things, his wife, however, is very thrifty.3)most of us agreed, however, bill dissented.she is usually prompt for all her class, but today she arrived in the middle of her first class.a on time b late c slowly d quickly 结论:请修改56.71这两个猜测词义题,并画出关键词2.长难句理解:请对照翻译检测一下自己的思维是否有问题。注:这几个长难句中都有题目涉及到。passag

43、e a1)however, you do not have to wear a seat belt if you are reversing your vehicle; or you are making a local delivery or collection using a special vehicle; or if you have a valid medical certificate which excuses you from wearing it.当然,如果有以下情况你可以不系安全带:你在倒车时,或者你用一种特殊交通工具进行当地的货物运送、收集时,或者你有合法的医学证明你不

44、能系安全带时。2)remember you may be taken to court for not doing so, and you may be fined if you cannot prove to the court that you have been excused from wearing it.注意你如果不这么做(系安全带)的话,你有可能被告上法庭,而且你有可能被处以罚款除非你能证明你有不带安全带的理由。passage cthe teacher was not wrong to draw attention to the errors, but if his priori

45、ties had centered on the childs ideas, an expression of his disappointment with the presentation would have given the pupil more motivation to seek improvement.老师注重错误没错,但是如果他更注重孩子的思想的话,他失望的表现会使孩子有提高的动力。passage dwe are, however, not the less obliged by your kind offer, though we refuse to accept it;

46、and, to show our grateful sense of it, if the gentlemen of virginia will send us a dozen of their sons, we will take care of their education, teach them in all we know , and make men of them.当然,对于你们的盛情我们没有被逼迫的感觉,尽管我们拒绝接受。而且,为了表示我们的感谢,如果维吉利亚洲的绅士们愿意派来一些他们的子弟的话,我们会尽全力教育他们,并把他们培养成为真正的男人。3. 词汇拓展:remember

47、 the words and expressions 1. be skeptical about对怀疑 2. extinct = die out灭绝3.to her horror 使她恐惧的是 4. prepare sb to do 使某人准备干 5. perform 表演, 表现, 运行 6.set apart 分开 7. on behalf of 代表 8. the region has seen two major digs since 1946. (见证) 9. push sb to the limit 使某人竭尽全力 (督促,敦促)10. for the sake of / for

48、ones sake 看在的面上,为了好 11. he believed that the superior(高等的,高层的,优质的) class should rule the inferior (低等的,低级的,下层的)class. v. 阅读表达1.阅读表达存在问题79.填空:动词形式错例展示:请先尝试做一下修改79. if you are shy , you should practice make eye contact.79. if you are shy, making eye contact通过错例展示,总结出错题原因是什么?应如何应对?填空(请特别注意所填的动词形式) 1) b

49、y 2012, england is forecast to have two million overweight children. apart from diet, the only thing that will save these children from their fatter disaster is _. but schools and the olympics dont promote a love of exercise. they develop a love of winning.(within 8 words)2)most american teenagers u

50、sed to spend their summer vacations holding multiple jobs. however, with the increase in gas prices, teenagers chose to stay at home instead of going out of the town.i wish the prices . the expense of driving to places is affecting our daily lives, said alicia still, a senior at unionville high scho

51、ol in modesto, california.v 书面表达主要问题: 缺乏高级句式 1.欣赏好句子,并画出高级词汇或词组。1)in this letter i would like to convey my appreciation to you for your help in my english learning .(王千)2)i am delighted to invite you to join us to celebrate the spring festival so that i can repay your friendship.(袁渊道)3)you can partn

52、er with me to have a try in lion dances ,which is extremely exciting. and the interesting scene will impress you. im sure you will enjoy visiting here.(华成磊)2.美文鉴赏:dear tom, i am now back china and sound. in this letter i would like to convey my appreciation to you for your kind assistance(对你的热情的陪伴表达

53、我的感激) in my english learning when i was in new york. additionally(此外), your generous help and tender care made me feel at home (让我感觉在家里一样)and transformed my first american trip into a unforgettable memory. (使我的第一次美国之行成为一个难忘的回忆) i have been missing our english professor, mr.smith whose wide and varie

54、d knowledge has a strong influence on me(他的广博的知识深深影响了我).what about him recently? i desire to contact him for some suggestions (我想联系上他寻求一些建议)on improving my listening ability. however, his email address is not available(但是他的email地址不用了).so would you mind delivering it to me via the online mailbox(通过邮箱把它发给我)?i am delighted to invite you to join us to celebrate the spring festival so that i can repay y


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