Analysis on the Current Situation of Students’ English Learning in Rural Junior High School 农村初中学生英语学习现状分析_第1页
Analysis on the Current Situation of Students’ English Learning in Rural Junior High School 农村初中学生英语学习现状分析_第2页
Analysis on the Current Situation of Students’ English Learning in Rural Junior High School 农村初中学生英语学习现状分析_第3页
Analysis on the Current Situation of Students’ English Learning in Rural Junior High School 农村初中学生英语学习现状分析_第4页
Analysis on the Current Situation of Students’ English Learning in Rural Junior High School 农村初中学生英语学习现状分析_第5页
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1、玉林师范学院本科生毕业论文analysis on the current situation of students english learning in rural junior high school 农村初中学生英语学习现状分析院 系外国语学院专 业英语学 生 班 级 姓 名学 号指导教师单位外国语学院指导教师姓名指导教师职称 analysis on the current situation of students english learning in rural junior high schoolauthor: class: 2007- 4 englishsupervisor:

2、 abstract since the reform and opening, the foreign language education in rural areas has been expanding a lot and it has made some distinct achievements. however, because of the vast land, there exits a big difference of education between different regions. in recent years, the english education in

3、 rural area grabs more and more peoples eyeballs; so many scholars have been discussing the current situation that the english teaching in rural areas faces from different aspects and it has made some achievements. however, it is still important to constantly research the rural english education.thi

4、s paper mainly surveys students of shanwei junior high school of beiliu city and analyses, summarizes the survey result and explores some strategies for the problems it reflects. this paper mainly consists of five parts. the first part comes to the introduction, which includes researching background

5、, researching significance, researching methods and the organization of this thesis. the second part is the literature review, it shows some researches about english education in rural areas in china and researches about interest abroad. the third part analyses and summarizes the survey. the fourth

6、part explores some strategies for the problems that the survey reflects. the last part concludes the thesis and points out some limitations of this paper and the future effort.this paper aims at better understanding the current situation of students english learning in rural junior middle school and

7、 tries to make a contribution to the development of english teaching in the vast rural areas in china. key words: rural junior high school students, english learning, current situation, causes, strategies 农村初中学生英语学习现状分析 摘要改革开放以来,我国农村外语教育教学规模不断扩大,并取得了一定的成就。然而,由于我国幅员辽阔,各地区教育之间存在着较大差别。近年来,农村初中英语教学受到越来越


9、出该研究存在的不足,以及今后努力的方向。文章旨在更好的了解现农村初中学生英语学习现状,也为广大农村英语教学的提高做出一点贡献。 关键词:农村初中生, 英语学习,现状,原因,策略contents1. introduction.1 1.1 background of the study.1 1.2 aims and significance of the study.1 1.3 researching methods.2 1.4 organization of the thesis.32. literature review.3 2.1 researches in china.3 2.2 rese

10、arches abroad.5 3. a survey on rural junior high school students english learning.6 3.1 purposes of the survey.6 3.2 objects of the survey.6 3.3 design of the survey.7 3.4 analysis on the survey result.7 3.5 main findings and corresponding reasons.13 3.5.1 incompatible english teaching materials in

11、rural english teaching.133.5.2 adverse environment for english learning.143.5.3 loss of students interest in learning english.153.5.4 low quality and instable english teacher group.164. strategies for rural junior high school students english learning.17 4.1 improvement of english textbook.17 4.2 es

12、tablishment of english learning enviroment.18 4.3 improvement of english teachers quality.18 4.4 cultivation of students motivation in learning english.19 4.5 system reform.215. conclusion.22 references.23appendix.25acknowledgements.28ba thesis of yulin normal university1. introduction 1. 1 backgrou

13、nd of the study since 2003, china has launched a comprehensive new basic education curriculum reform, which emphasizes on the change of students learning methods, stresses the formation of a pro-active attitude toward learning and aims to achieve the teaching objectives and a students comprehensive

14、development from three dimensionalities: the knowledge and skills, the processes and methods, the mood attitudes and values. the new curriculum reform increased the contact between students and their social life, which made the course content more specific and full of flavor of life. the new basic e

15、ducation curriculum reform emphasizes a people-oriented concept. the core idea is for all of students and for each students development. chinas rural population accounts for about 50.32% of all. junior high school students in rural areas account for almost 2 / 3 of the total number. its obvious that

16、 the development of basic english education in rural areas in china plays a vital role in improving the overall population quality of china. because of the differences in the education development in different areas, there exists a serious imbalance between urban and rural areas and the english teac

17、hing quality of different rural regions differs. establishing a harmonious society not only requires to narrow the difference between urban and rural but also requires to gradually eliminate the imbalance in education in different areas. however, affected by social environment, teaching conditions a

18、nd many other factors, there exists a big gap of english teaching quality in rural junior high school compared with cities. the english education in rural areas gets less attention compared with cities from society and people and chinas investment in english education in rural areas is far behind ci

19、ties. as many people know, the equipment in rural areas is far behind cities, which leads into the poor teaching condition. 1.2 aims and significance of the study1) aims of this study first, it is for a better understanding of the situation of students english learning of rural junior high school. s

20、econd, it analyses the main reasons why students have a low interest in learning english and get inadequate attention on english. third, it explores some solutions to the problems that the survey reflects. the most important thing is that this research can provide english educationists and the regul

21、ation-makers some advice. 2) significance(1) theoretical significance it can provide a reference for a deep research about rural english learning. through this survey, the author obtains first-hand data and detailed information about rural english teaching and learning, which can reflect in some ext

22、ent the real problems existing in rural schools and provide a reference for further research in related fields. develop and rich the rural education theory. as the countryside building of china is going vigorously today, the theory forum has focused on the new socialist countryside issues and the ru

23、ral education. research scholars are trying to find out a rural education theory that suits the development of rural education. this article will give some help in the development and richness of rural education theory.(2) practical significance first, it can enable the vast students in rural areas

24、to face up to their existing problems and better learning methods to boot learning efficiency, and then make rural english teachers rightly eye the existing problems that students face in the process of english learning. the last but not least, it can provide references for the educationists to esta

25、blish the solution to the english teaching and it can give the author a lot of help in the coming teaching career with no doubt.1.3 researching methodsliterature method: the author looked for a lot of articles and monographs about rural education and summarized the previous research achievements and

26、 get a basic picture about it. it is also a pre-job for this paper. questionnaire: the author surveyed students english learning situation on questionnaire to have a better understanding of rural english teaching and students english learning. observation and interviews: i had my full-time teaching

27、internship at shanwei junior high school for two months. during this period, i often talked about the english teaching with english teachers and leaders there, after that, i exchanged my experience of internship with senior teaching students of guangxi normal university and guangxi university. throu

28、gh my own teaching experience and communication with them, i have a better understanding of rural english teaching, at the same time, i also get a certain amount of research material for this study. 1.4 organization of the thesisthis paper consists of five parts. to be more specific, it spreads out

29、as follows:chapter one is the introduction, mainly introduces the researching background, researching aims and significance, researching methods, and the organization of the thesis. chapter two is the literature review. these chapter overviews some main researches about the english teaching and stud

30、ents english learning in rural areas both home and abroad. chapter three is the survey. it introduces the purpose, objects, design and analysis of the survey. at last, it tells some main findings and corresponding reasons through the questionnaire. chapter four introduces some solutions to better st

31、udents english learning.chapter five summarizes this study and introduces the limitations of this study and future efforts for the study.2. literature review 2.1 researches in china confucius said that who likes is better than one knows and who enjoys is better than who likes. zhang zai, song dynast

32、y of china, thought interest is a very important psychological condition of learning. if you have a little or no interest to do something, then you will loss your mind and you will learn nothing. zhu xi also stressed the importance of interest in learning. he thought you can learn well in a conditio

33、n that you are interested in it. therefor, we are aware that china holds the tradition of working hard and the idea of learning by interest. cai yuanpei, the first president of pecking university, advocated heuristic education, which make students interested in what they are learning. he thought tha

34、t what matters more in teaching is to arouse students interest to read rather than irrigateing. zheng wen and ye zaitian (1995) and the other experts all discussed and researched the rural junior high school english teaching. the main findings can be classified into the following aspects: number one

35、 is the faculty aspect, including the inferior academic degree and little usage of classroom english and far-behind teaching concept; number two is the aspect of english learning environment, including rural social environment and family environment.liu jian (2002) thought the main factors that infl

36、uence the reform of rural junior high school english teaching are obsolete ideas, crude teaching facilities, english teachers inadequate understanding, test reforms inconformity with teaching reform, inappropriately teaching methods, etc. and he also gave some strategies. pan hong (2002) revealed th

37、e factors that make students hard to learn english in empirical method, i.e. difficult to remember english words, difficult to do oral expressions for them, poor learning environment, lack of qualified teachers. hu jiancheng (2003) analysed the difficulties that the rural english teaching is facing

38、as follows: on the aspect of teaching material, the new material is not suitable for the reality of rural areas, it is drew up basically according to the urban students learning level; on the aspect of english teacher, the number of teachers graduated from the regular english school is rather low an

39、d some english teachers teaching methods and minds are quite obsolete. wang wei (2004) discussed the difficulties that rural english teaching is facing. he considered that the english teaching in rural areas has a few deficiencies. it focuses on reading and writing exercises, it ignores listening an

40、d oral expression; it focuses on the knowledge storage, it ignores the knowledge understanding and innovation; it focuses on teaching materials and ignores useing textbooks; it focuses on the good students and ignores the “underachiever”. zhu yuanfang(2004), lu guifang(2009) concerned about the pola

41、rization phenomenon of english performance and those rural students with difficulties in learning. hou hongbin(2008), yang yuhong(2009) and other scholars discussed the formation of interest in learning english and pointed out that the learning environment and motivation play a vital role in it and

42、learning interest is the root factor affecting a student to learn english well. they had given some detailed and good advice on the cultivation of students interest in learning english. 2.2 researches abroad the ancient philosopher socrates had proposed “the socratic method”, this kind of method hel

43、ps to stimulate learners interest and it is in accordance with the teaching rule. plato proposed the teaching method: learning in the games. he also advocated that teaching through game, which respects every kids natural interest. aristotle also thought that learning interest is the most important,

44、because all the behaviour of people, happiness is mans purpose. it is obvious that ancient philosophers education idea has a great influence on the later interest study. many subsequent educators lay more brains on the interest study. the representative of naturalism education j.a.comenius and rouss

45、eau thought interest is mans natural attribute and education should lay stress on childrens interest.johann amos comenius pointed out in didactica magna newcastle that a school itself should be a delightful place, where students find happiness. education must adapt to the nature and make students be

46、 guided to study by a irresistible attraction. rousseau considered raising learning interest as a natural education target, he also advocates education to be natural. in west, interest research is an old topic. j.f.herbart is the first one to research systematically interest and pointed out in his b

47、ook general principles of the science of education that cultivate various interest is the direct education purpose. dewey also concerned interest a lot and he stressed the importance of interest in the education aim, curriculum materials and teaching methods. he advocates that education is life, gro

48、wth and transformation. education experience should meet the requirements of kids interest. william heard kilpatrick further developed and innovated deweys theory of interest. he emphasized the role of interest and emphasized that interest is good for learning, growth and the cultivation of students

49、 favorable character. therefore, the research of learning interest sparks a continuous development and deepening process. from the ancient philosophers education of greece to naturalism education and to the movement of education psychology and to the late progressivism education movement, researches

50、 of learning interest have been catching so many educationists eyeballs. in the oxford advanced learners english-chinese dictionary (6thedition), the explanation of “interest” is:the feeling that you have when you want to know or learn more about sb/ west, so many scholars study interest, so w

51、e can learn something from the west interest study and from the researches in china, we can arouse students interest to learn english. to sum up, even though, there are so many studies about english teaching in rural areas, which either focuses on english teaching problems, teaching situation, or st

52、udents english learning, only a few studies survey on students learning of rural junior high school. so, constantly analysing and studying the english teaching and students english learning in rural areas is still of great importance for the rural english teaching.3. a survey on rural junior high school students english learning 3.1 purpos


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