1、北京大学研究生课程开课申请表开课单位光华管理学院授课教师韩践课程编号02814810开课学期06秋 课程名称人力资源管理周学时/总学时3/51英文名称human resource management学 分3先修课程授课对象(博/硕)博士课程简介(包括开课目的、开课基础与教学要求等):the purpose of this course is to provide doctoral students an overview of the field of human resource (hr) research. through readings, discussions, research,
2、 and writing. we will explore the context for hr theory and current thinking about strategic human resource management and the major domains of hr.教材(作者、书名、出版社及出版年):参考书(作者、书名、出版社及出版年):任课教师教学科研简历(其中包括年龄、职称、主要教学科研工作成就等,可加附页)教学大纲(请另附页,应包括课程主要内容框架:各章节的主要内容、目的与要求,主要参考文献,各章节学时安排表等,并说明教学方式、考试方式等具体教学环节的安排)院
3、(系)意见:教学院长(主任)签字:(单位公章) 2006年5月10 日研究生院审批意见: 负责人签字: 2006年5月10 日说明:1. 院(系)新开研究生课程,须填写本表有关项目,经主管研究生教学院长(主任)签署意见后报研究生院培养办审批;2. 被批准开课后,教务员须将有关内容录入研究生课程库方能安排排课;3. 研究生院每学期第14周之前受理下一学期的开课申请。附件一:任课教师教学科研简历附件二:课程大纲韩践个人简历 韩践,美国康奈尔大学人力资源管理博士,目前主要研究领域涉及员工招聘,人力资源管理和组织绩效,人力资源管理者的职业素质教育背景: ph.d cornell universitym
4、.s. cornell university 美国康乃尔大学人力资源管理专业博士m.s. ithaca college 美国纽约州伊萨卡学院企业传媒与培训专业硕士b.a. 中国人民大学学士 工作经历: 2005-present assistant professor, guanghua school of management, peking university2003 visiting insturctor, organizational behavior, guanghua schoolf of management, peking university2002-2003instruct
5、or, human resource management, school of industrial and labor relations, cornell university2001 consultant of hr/staffingat rohm & hass, philadelphia, pennsylvania2000 consultant of global employee communication at novel, provo, utah1999-2004research assistant at school of industiral and labor relst
6、ions, cornell university1997-1998 marketing database software analyst, claritas, inc. arlington, virginia1996-1997 research assistant, ithaca college, new york 教授课程: 人力资源管理研讨:international ph.d国际博士班 (英文授课)人员配置与培训:本科; 硕士(人力资源方向)组织行为学: 国际工商管理硕士班 international mba (英文授课)本科 undergraduate; 普通硕士班 masters研
7、究领域: 人力资源管理和组织绩效之间的关系 (human resource management and organizational performance)员工多元化管理与企业创新(workforce diversity management and firm innovation)员工招聘 (employee recruiting-from both individual and organizational perspectives)人力资源管理和企业雇主品牌 (human resource management and employer brand)组织行为学 (organizati
8、onal behavior)多层次的分析方法 (multi-level analysis)奖励荣誉称号: academy of management best paper proceeding, finalist, best student paper in the hr division, 2002 美国管理学年会(2002)最佳论文 (前10%),人力资源分会最佳学生论文候选者。 international research grant, center for advanced human resource studies, cornell university, 2002, 2003su
9、mmer research fellowship, school of ilr, cornell university, 2001-2003 主要研究成果: 英文学术期刊论文publications inpeer-reviewedscholarlyjournals 1. han, j., chou, p., chao, m., & wright, p. m. (forthcoming). thehrcompetencies - hr effectiveness link: a study in taiwanesehightech companies.human resource managem
10、ent. 2. han, j.(2005). crossover linear modeling: combining multilevel heterogeneity in crossover relationships in organizational research.organizational research methods. 20058: 290-3163. collins, c. and han, j. (2004). exploring applicant pool quantity and quality: the effects of early recruitment
11、 practices strategies, corporate advertising and firm reputation. personnel psychology, 57 (3), 685-717. 4. han, j., and collins, c. (2002) effect of company recruitment practice on job seekers perceived employment brand equity and intention to apply. academy of management proceedings: hr division b
12、est papers, 2002, pa1, 6p; (an 7516672) finalist for best student paper award in the hr division.学术会议论文报告peer-reviewed conference proceedings and presentationszhang,y., han, j, and chen, s.(2006). capability of strategic implementation: a mediator to the relationship between high performance working
13、 system and firm performance.paper accepted for presentation in the english program of iacmr 2006 annual conference, nanjing, china企业规模对高绩效人力资源管理系统与企业绩效关系的影响:来自中国医药行业的证据(与张一驰,陈书玲)香港亚洲研究会 年会(asahk annual conference), january, 2006. invited discussant ofinternational staffing strategies and practices
14、(2005). the international division of academy of management annualconference,hawaii, 2005han, j., li, c. p. and song, z. l. (2004). the effect of traditionality as an individual trait in the workplace: some evidence from china. manuscriptpresented inthe academy of management conference, new orelean,
15、 2004han, j. (2003). crossover linear modeling: combining company and applicant heterogeneity in early recruitment studies. presented in the research method division, academy of management annual conference, seattle, 2003.han, j., and collins, c. (2002) effect of company recruitment practice on job
16、seekers perceived employment brand equity and intention to apply. best paper proceedings of 2002 academy of management, denver, cl. han, j., and peng, s. (2002). employer image: construct and scale development with samples from us and china. proceedings of asia academy of management. bangkok, thaila
17、nd. 2002工作论文working papers1. strength of ties, information quality, and applicant attraction to firms (with jing han)2. the relationship between ceo and cfos demographic similarity, cfos participative decision making, and firm performance (with xiao wang, jing han, chuanzhou deng) 3. capability of s
18、trategic implementation: a mediator to the relationship between high performance working system and firm performance. (with yichi zhang and shuling li) other publications其它文章王新超,王辉, 韩践(2005)2005中国女性领导力报告彭泗清, 韩践 (2006)企业组织学习的突破口:员工胜任能力开发 收入中国企业家调查系统报告(中国企业家白皮书)机械工业出版社human resource management seminar
19、 international ph.d program guanghua school of managementpeking universitycourse time:tuesday 12:30-15:30 p.m., friday 9:00-12:00 a.m. instructor:jian han, ph.d jianhanoffice: guanghua 002-1office hour: by appointmentphone: 62756275course overviewthe purpose of this course is to provide doctoral stu
20、dents an overview of the field of human resource (hr) research. through readings, discussions, research, and writing. we will explore the context for hr theory and current thinking about strategic human resource management and the major domains of hr. course activitiesstudents will be required to re
21、ad approximately three or four scholarly articles per session (occasionally, a bit more with shorter, less dense articles) from such outlets as academy of management journal, academy of management review, journal of applied psychology, journal of management, and personnel psychology. in addition, ch
22、apters from well-established scholarly books are occasionally included. you are expected to rotate your role to lead the class discussions (once it is your turn to present and lead), actively participate in a discussion of the readings and to contribute to the intellectual substance of the class ses
23、sions. second, students will prepare a written review of an assigned (empirical) article about hr in different social-cultural context. you will write it as if you were asked by the editor of a major journal to prepare your recommendation regarding “publishability” of the work. to guide your work, r
24、efer to former personnel psychology editor michael campions editorial (1993, article review checklist: a criterion checklist for reviewing research articles in applied psychology. personnel psychology 46, 705-718). of course, you are also welcome to consult with me about this project. there always r
25、emains room for constructive critique for any paper. the due date of this assignment will be announced in class. third, in additional to the assigned readings, students will be required to search for hr research relevant to the chinese management context published in both english and chinese scholar
26、ly periodicals and discuss these articles in class. students then will prepare a literature review with multiple goals in mind: ultimately to publish it in a respectable scholarly outlet, and to help the students develop research focus that may potentially become your longer-tem research topics. do
27、not select a topic that has already been explored (as evidenced by publication by others). you will need to start writing the review paper as early as youve selected the topic(s), and you will need to turn in your drafts several times throughout the semester for my feedbacks and comments. course eva
28、luationthe course grade will be based on the previously three described student inputs: class participation/presentation based on assigned readings: 40% critique of assigned articles:20% literature review:40%tentative readings for the iphd hrm seminarlecture 1course overview, communication, preparat
29、ion, and goal-settinglecture 2introduction to the course & the relationship between hr and performance ibecker, b. e. & gerhard, b. (1996). the impact of human resource management on organizational performance: progress and prospects. academy of management journal, 39, 779-801.jackson, s. e., & schu
30、ler, r. s. (1995). understanding human resource management in the context of organizations and their environments. annual review of psychology, 46, 237-64.lepak, d. p. & snell, s. a. (1999). the human resource architecture: towards a theory of human capital allocation and development. academy of man
31、agement journal, 24, 31-48.macduffie, j. p. (1995). human resource bundles and manufacturing performance: organizational logic and flexible production systems in the world auto industry. industrial and labor relations review, 48, 197-221.huselid, m. a. (1995). the impact of human resource management
32、 practices on turnover, productivity, and corporate financial performance. academy of management journal, 38, 635-672.lecture 3the relationship between hr and performance ii wright, p. m. & snell, s. a. (1998). toward a unifying framework for exploring fit and flexibility in strategic human resource
33、 management. academy of management review, 23, 756-772.delery, j.e. & doty, d. h. (1996). modes of theorizing in strategic human resource management; tests of universalistic, contingency, and configurational perspectives. academy of management journal, 39, 802-835.wright, p. m., smart, d. l., & mcma
34、han, g. c. (1995). matches between human resources and strategy among ncaa basketball teams. academy of management journal, 4, 1052-1074.wright, p.m. et al (2001). measurement error in research on human resources and firm performance: additional data and suggestions for future research. personnel ps
35、ychology, 54, 875-901.lecture 4p-o fitkristof, a. l. (1996). person-organization fit: an integrative review of its conceptualizations, measurement, and implications. personnel psychology, 49, 1-49.schneider, b., goldstein, h. w., & smith, d. b. (11995). the asa framework: an update. personnel psycho
36、logy, 48, 747-773.oreilly, c. a., chatman, j., & caldwell, d. f. (1991). people and organizational culture: a profile comparison approach to assessing person-organization fit. academy of management journal, 34, 487-516.chatman, j. (1991). matching people and organizations: selection and socializatio
37、n in public accounting firms. administrative science quarterly, 36, 459-484.lecture 5job analysis and competency modelingharvey, r. j. (1991). job analysis. in m. d. dunnette & l. hough (eds.), handbook of industrial and organizational psychology, vol. 2, pp 71-163. pulakos, e. d., arad, s., donovan
38、, m. a., & plamondon, k. e. (2000). adaptability in the workplace: development of a taxonomy of adaptive performance. journal of applied psychology, 85, 612-624.shippmann, j. s. et al. (2000). the practice of competency modeling. personnel psychology, 53, 703-740.lecture 6recruitingrynes, s. l. (199
39、1). recruitment, job choice, and post-hire consequences: a call for new research directions. in m. d. dunnette & l. hough (eds.), handbook of industrial and organizational psychology, vol. 2, pp 399-444.phillips, j. m. (1998). effects of realistic job previews on multiple organizational outcomes: a
40、meta-analysis. academy of management journal, 41, 673-690.turban, d. b. & greening, d. w. (1996). corporate social performance and organizational attractiveness to prospective employee. academy of management journal, 40, 658-672.highhouse, s., zickar, m. j., thorsteinson, t. j., stierwalt, s. l. & s
41、laughter, j. e. (1999). assessing company employment image: an example in the fast food industry. personnel psychology, 52, 159-172.lecture 7selection (reliability, validity, utility analysis)guion, r. m. (1991). personnel assessment, selection, and placement. in m. d. dunnette & l. hough (eds.), ha
42、ndbook of industrial and organizational psychology, vol. 2, pp 328-397.schmidt, f. l., ones, d. s., & hunter, j. e. (1992). personnel selection. annual review of psychology, 43, 627-670.arnold, j. d., rauschenberger, j. m., souibel, w. g., & guion, r. m. (1982). validation and utility of a strength
43、test for selecting steelworkers. journal of applied psychology, 67, 588-604.schmidt, e. l., & hunter, j. e. (1998). the validity and utility of selection methods in personnel psychology: practical and theoretical implications of 85 years of research findings. psychological bulletin, 124, 262-274.jun
44、e 3selection (instruments)arvey, r.d.& campion, j.e. (1982). the employment interview: a summary and review of recent research. personnel psychology, 35, 281-322.hough, l.m. (1984). development and evaluation of the “accomplishment record” method of selecting and promoting professionals. journal of
45、applied psychology, 69, 135-146.mount, m.k.& barrick, m.r. (1995). the big five personality dimensions: implications for research and practice in human resource management. in g.r. ferris (ed.) research in personnel and human resource management. jai press. vol. 13, pp. 153-200.barrick, m.r., patton
46、, g.k., & haugland, s.n. (2000). accuracy of interviewer judgments of job applicant personality traits. personnel psychology, 53, 925-951.lecture 8training and development 1goldstein, i.l. (1991). training in work organizations. in m. d. dunnette & l. hough (eds.), handbook of industrial and organiz
47、ational psychology, vol. 2, pp 507-620.brett, j.f. & vande walle, d. (1999). goal orientation and goal content as predictors of performance in a training program. journal of applied psychology, 84, 863-873.martocchio, j.j. (1994). effects of conceptions of ability on anxiety, self-efficacy, and lear
48、ning in training. journal of applied psychology, 79, 819-825.martocchio, j.j., & judge, t.a. (1997). relationship between conscientiousness and learning in employee training: mediating influence of self-deception and self-efficacy, journal of applied psychology, 82, 764-773.lecture 9training and dev
49、elopment 2karl, k.a., oleary-kelly, a.m., & martocchio, j.j. (1993). the impact of feedback and self-efficacy on performance in training, journal of organizational behavior, 14, 379-394.campion, m.a. & campion, j.e. (1987). evaluation of an interview skills training program in a natural field experi
50、ment. personnel psychology, 40, 675-691.chen, g., gully, s.m., whiteman, j-a, & kilcullen, r.n. (2000). examination of relationship among trait-like individual differences, state-like individual differences, and learning performance. journal of applied psychology, 85, 835-847.colquitt, j.a., lepine,
51、 j.a., & noe, r.a. (2000). toward an integrative theory of training motivation: a meta-analytic path analysis of 20 years of research. journal of applied psychology, 85, 678-707.lecture 10performance appraisal 1borman, w.c. (1991). job behavior, performance and effectiveness. in m. d. dunnette & l.
52、hough (eds.), handbook of industrial and organizational psychology, vol. 2, pp 271-326.landy, f.l. & farr, j. (1980). performance rating. psychological bulletin, 87, 72-107.mount, m.k. et al. (1998). trait, rater, and level effects in 360-degree performance ratings. personnel psychology, 51, 557-576
53、.wayne, s.j. & liden, r.c. (1995). effects of impression management on performance ratings: a longitudinal study. academy of management journal, 38, 232-260.lecture 11performance appraisal 2conway, j.m. (1999). distinguishing contextual performance from task performance in managerial jobs. journal o
54、f applied psychology, 84, 3-13.borman, w.c., white, l.a. & dorsey, d.w. (1995). effects of ratee task performance and interpersonal factors on supervisor and peer performance ratings. journal of applied psychology. 80, 168-177.denisi, a.s. & peters, l.h. (1996). organization of information in memory
55、 and the performance appraisal process: evidence from the field. journal of applied psychology, 81, 717-737.kluger, a. n. & denisi, a.s. (1996). the effects of feedback interventions on performance: a historical review, a meta-analysis, and a preliminary intervention theory. psychological bulletin, 119, 254-284.lecture 12compensationgerhart, b. & milkovich, g.t. (1992). employee compensation: researc
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