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1、人教版高中英语unit 4 a garden of poems说课稿integrating skills(sefc book 2a)一. 说教材:(talk about teaching materials )1. 本单元以poetry为中心话题。包括英文诗歌的种类,不同时期的英文诗人,英文诗歌的发展史以及诗歌在文学中的作用。2. 学习英文诗歌,学会赏析诗歌具有非常重要的意义,也是教学大纲和英语课程标准对中学生提出的基本要求。英语课程标准的七级目标明确要求学生,“能理解和赏析一些浅显的经典英语诗歌.”3 本单元始终围绕英文诗歌这一中心话题设计。包括八个部分:a. warming upblist

2、eningcspeakingdpre-readinge. readingfpost-readingg. language studyhintegrating skills4 说本课时在本单元的地位和作用。1) 本课时课型是综合技能课,主要包括读写活动,体现了阅读为了写作的思想。是本单元知识的小结和运用。2) 本课时对学生提出了更高的要求,要求学生从更高层次去赏析英文诗歌,把握快速阅读的基本技巧以获取欣赏诗歌的基本方法。并要求学生学会写诗评。3) 本课时具有在学习中运用,在运用中学的双重功能。因此,本课时在本单元具有非常重要的作用。二.说学生:我的教学对象是高二学生。1) 他们学了不少的中文诗歌

3、,积累了丰富的中文诗歌基础知识,对中文诗歌有一定的感悟能力。所以对诗歌有浓厚的兴趣,能够赏析中文诗歌2) 通过多年的英语学习,他们已经具备一定的英语基础知识,培养了一定的基本技能。通过前面五个课时的学习,他们对诗歌艺术有一定的背景知识和学习兴趣,为本课时的学习奠定了基础。3) 本课时涉及的是一首短诗,句子结构复杂,寓意含蓄,学生要准确挖掘雪的象征意义还有很大的困难。4) 学生有了一定的英语基础知识,但口头表达能力还不强,所以在教学中要求学生大胆说英语,要求学生背诵诗歌。三. 说教学目标,教学重点,教学难点和教学策略:教材是教学的根本,学生是学习的主体,根据教材和学生,制定了教学目标教学重难点1

4、.教学目标:1) knowledge goals (知识目标)a. learn how to appreciate poems(学会赏析诗歌)b study the poems dust of snow .(赏析诗歌dust of snow )c. language point: (语言点)be used to do something be used for doing somethingbe use to doing something / n. used to do something2) ability goals . 能力目标a. write a short poem review

5、. (学会写诗评)3) affective goals 情感目标adevelop students interest in english poems(培养学生对英语诗歌的兴趣 )b have an optimistic attitude towards life .(具有乐观向上的生活态度)c. strengthen the students confidence of overcoming difficulties.(通过学习诗歌增强学生克服困难的信心)2 . 教学重点 teaching important pointsa. how to appreciate english poems

6、. (学会欣赏析英文诗歌)b. learn to analyze the poem dust of snow .(学会分析英文诗歌)3. 教学难点 teaching difficult pointshow to write reviews. (学会写诗评)4. 实现教学目标的策略:要在有限的40分钟里,实现教学效果最优化,必须要有严密的教学组织形式和科学的教学方法和学习方法。a. 我设计的本课时教学组织形式是: 歌曲诗歌,初步感受诗歌的韵律尝试理解该诗的含义及意境然后快速阅读短文,获取诗歌鉴赏的方法。赏析诗歌dust of snow 写诗评。b. 采取多种教学方法:1) understand

7、the different meanings of the image “snow” in the daily life and in the poem .通过比较,引导学生比较理解“生活雪”和 “诗中雪” 中同一意象“雪”的不同意义,从而深化对本诗的理解。2) reciting method to analyze and appreciate the poem dust of snow.通过诵读以赏析深化理解诗歌雪尘3). cooperative method to guide students to practice writing.合作学习法引导学生写诗评。4) ask and answ

8、er activities to develop the students reading ability .(问答法培养学生的阅读理解力,实现重点突出和难点突破)5) use original knowledge to lead to new knowledge .(以旧带新法,实现新旧知识的自然过度)四. 教辅手段: teaching aidsa computer ; a tape (多媒体,录音机 )五教学程序:step1. lead-in (4分钟)设计了三个学生活动)学生活动1. (听歌曲填歌词)( 1分钟)1hear the songright here waitingand fi

9、ll in the following blanks:oceansapart, day after day , how can i sayforever?and i slowly go insane . wherever you go , whatever you doi hear your voice on the line , i will be right herewaitingfor you .but it doesntstopthe pain. whatever it takes , or how myheartbreaksif i see you next to never , i

10、 will be right here waiting for you .学生活动2朗读歌词(1分钟)2). ask students to read the passage above . ( 1分钟)学生活动3 (谈感受)( 1分钟)3) speak out their feelings after enjoying the song.通过以上三个活动:1).唤醒学生对诗歌知识的回忆,激发学生的学习兴趣。2)学生从优美的歌曲中感悟音乐与诗歌的关系,体验诗歌的节奏和意境。3填写的歌词都是他们非常熟悉的词,可以使他们体验到成功的喜悦step2. reading comprehension (阅

11、读理解) (7分钟)songs and poems ( 教学内容)train students fast reading abilities .(目的1. 培养阅读技巧).learn the appreciation of poems.(目的2 学会如何赏析诗歌)ask and answer activity .(师生互动实现教学目的)1) teacher writes down the questions :( 教师提出问题) (3分钟)whats the text mainly about ?what kind of songs does he like ?what kind of poe

12、ms does he like ?students answer the questions above by fast reading .学生活动1 快速阅读回答问题2) teacher raises the following question .(教师提出问题)(3分钟)what techniques of reading poetry are mentioned in the text ?students answer the questions above by careful t reading学生活动2,通过细读回答问题。学生活动3,把学生分成五个小组,每个小组讨论找出问题的答案

13、。比一比,看哪个小组又快又准确。培养学生的竞争意识。give the answers on the screen . (教师通过多媒体出示答案)the techniques :1. recite them2. not to look up the meaning of the words3. read alone and aloud .4. practice more5. read different poems when having different feelings.3 ) language points :( 1分钟)be used to do something be used f

14、or doing something / n. (被用来做某事)be used to doing something / n. (习惯 于做某事)used to do something (过去常常做某事)he used to sitting under the tree , enjoying the blue sky . (改错)there used to _ an old temple on top of the mountain . (单选)a. have b. is c. be d. having他们习惯于艰苦的生活. (翻译)_step 3. poem appreciation an

15、d analysis (诗歌赏析) (11分钟)dust of snow . ( 内容)use techniques of reading poetry to enjoy songs and poems.(目的1. 运用所学的赏析诗歌的方法赏析诗歌)in order to write the poem review, understand the poem.(目的2.理解诗歌为写诗评奠定基础)学生活动1. 朗读诗歌,在押韵的词下画线(1分钟)1). read aloud the poem dust of snow by themselves and try to find out the wo

16、rds that rhyme .the way a crowshook down on methe dust of snowfrom a hemlock treehas given my hearta change of moodand saved some partof a day i had rued学生活动2,听录音。跟读诗歌,体会诗歌意境。2). read after the tape. .(1分钟)师生互动:学生在老师的指导下完成练习。3). exercises: (9分钟)学生活动3. 根据诗歌意境填空(1分钟)a. fill in the blanks according to

17、the poem:time:_ place _ person _event _b.answer the questions:(4分钟)辅助问题:when it snows , how does the crow feel ?when there is snow everywhere , is the crow hungry ? why?when there is heavy snow in the tree , can the friends of the crow fly to play with her?辅助问题的回答,为回答下面的问题奠定了基础。明确了诗歌中雪的象征意义。实现了难点的突破

18、。1. what does the snow mean ?2 how do you understand “ the crow shook down the snow on the tree”?学生活动4 c. 学生活动4 discuss (讨论) (3分钟)why did the writer say his mood has changed when seeing a crow shaking down the snow on the tree?学生活动5 d. recite the poem within two minutes . (背诵诗歌) (1分钟)step 4 writing

19、(写作) (16分钟)write a short poem review on dust of snow . (任务写诗评)learn to write a short review of a poem . (目的:学会写诗评)teacher and students activities ( 师生共同活动完成教学任务)学生活动1. 回顾影评的写作方法:(1分钟).问题1. how to write a film review ?问题2. how many parts are there in writing a film review ?告诉学生写诗评和写影评相似。学生活动2 归纳诗评的写作

20、格式(2分钟)(1) title _(2) the name of the poet _(3) describe what the poem is about . _(4) . describe your images and what feelings the poem gives you .(5) give your opinions on the poem.学生活动3. 把学生分为5个小组,每个小组完成一个写作任务。(5分钟)divide the students into three groups and get each group to write a review.group 1

21、 . (1) title _ (2) the name of the poet _ group 2. (3) describe what the poem is about . _group 3. describe your images and what feelings the poem gives yougroup4. describe your images and what feelings the poem gives you .group 5. give your opinions on the poem.学生活动4. 学生互相改错。(correct the mistakes of each other ) (2分钟)学生活动5. 每个小组抽一个同学,共同完成一篇诗评 (3分钟)(make up a poem review all together .)师生一起点评诗评,然后用多媒体出示范文,并朗读范文。(3分钟)step 5.


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